“All things manifesting in the lower worlds exist first in
the intangible rings of the upper spheres,
so that creation is, in truth,
the process of making tangible the intangible
by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates.”

― Manly P. Hall

The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel


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Welcome Traveler to My Little Occultshop

Welcome Traveler,

It's been a whirlwind of a month, I can't say thank you enough for your support, starting next month I'll be putting out a monthly magazine about topics related to that month.

So what's new

I've added a new section that covers meals of the ancient world and a section about herbal remedies will be coming soon.

As always may your travels be light and your path be pleasant to you and your family, blessings.


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Here is what's new

Yeah I know its been 3 years since I've posted anything new. I burnt out from everything I was putting into this. and tbh what made me come back was the fact that even after 3 years this is still popular. I can't thank you enough for your continued support.

So what's new well I have a new address and with covid I've had a bit of free time. so maybe its time I got back into the captains chair and got to setting a course to places undiscovered. A part of me is happy while a part isn't because he know what's up and he doesn't like doing the hard long hours of labor.

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My latest post on my Facebook Page My Little Occult Shop

  Its been what 2 possibly 3 years since I last posted. Burn out is what happened. I got so overwhelmed with everything that it just got to ...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Table: The 72 Angelic Name of "God's Angels"

AngelHebrew lettersLatin name of GoddegreeAngel rulingangelic Orderdominated Demon
FirstVEHUIAHוהוDeus Exaltator0-5MetatronSeraphim(Seraphim)Bael
SecondJelinek ( Yelin )יליDeus Auxiliator6-10 °MetatronseraphimAgares
ThirdSITAסיטDeus Spes11-15 °Metatronseraphimozgursah
4thELEMIAH ( AULEMIAH )עלמDeus absconditus16-20 °MetatronseraphimGamigin
5thMAHASIAHמהשDeus Salvator21-25 °MetatronseraphimMarbas
6thLEHAHELללהDeus Laudabilis26-30 °MetatronseraphimValefar
7thACHAIAHאכאDeus Longanimis31-35 °MetatronseraphimAamon
8thCAHETEL ( KAHATAEL )כהתDeus Adorandus36-40 °MetatronseraphimBarbatos
9thPolicies ( HETZIEL )הזיDeus Misericors41-45 °Good guys (Jophiel)Cherubs (Cherubim)PAIMA
10thALADIAHאלדDeus Propitiabilis46-50 °good guyscherubsBuer
11thLAUVIAHלאוDeus Exaltandus51-55 °good guyscherubsGusi
12thHAHAIAHההעDeus Refugium56-60 °good guyscherubsSitra
13thIEZALEL ( YETZELAEL )יזלDeus super omnia decantabils61-65 °good guyscherubsBeleth
14thMEHAHEL ( MEBAHEL )מבהCustos Deus et Servator66-70 °good guyscherubsdump
15thHariהריDeus Sublenator71-75 °good guyscherubsEligor
16thHAKAMIAH ( HAQOMIAH )הקמDeus Erector76-80 °good guyscherubszeparo
17thLAUVIAH ( LAVAYAH )לאוDeus Mirabils81-85 °Zafkiel (Zaphkiel)Thrones (Ophanim)Botis
18thCaliכליDeus Invocandus86-90 °ZafkielthronesBathie
19thLEUVIAHלווDeus festinus to audiendum91-95 °ZafkielthronesSaleos
20thPAHALIAHפהלDeus Redemptor96-100 °ZafkielthronesPurse
21stNELCHAEL ( NELAKAEL )נלכDeus Solus101-105 °ZafkielthronesMorax
22ndIEIAIEL ( YEYAYEL )יייDeus Dextera106-110 °ZafkielthronesIPOS
23rdMELAHELמלהDeus malum Declinans111-115 °ZafkielthronesAim
24thHANINIAH ( CHAHOAH )חהוBonus deus ex seipso116-120 °ZafkielthronesNaberus
25thNILAIHAH ( NETHAHIAH )נתהDeus Largitor121-125 °ZadkielDominions(Kyriotes)Glasya-Labolas
26thHAAIAH ( HAAYAH )האאDeus Auditor in abscondito126-130 °Zadkieldominionsbune
27thIERATHEL ( YORETHAEL )ירתDeus Propulsator131-135 °ZadkieldominionsRonova
28thSEEHIAH ( SHAAHIAH )שאהDeus Sublator malorum146-140 °ZadkieldominionsBerith
29thReii ( REYIYEL )רייDeus expectation141-145 °ZadkieldominionsAstaroth
30thOMAELאומDeus patiens146-150 °ZadkieldominionsForneus
31stLECAHEL ( LEKABAEL )לכבDeus Doctor151-155 °ZadkieldominionsForas
32ndYASARIAH ( VESHARIAH )ושרDeus Rectus156-160 °ZadkieldominionsAsmodeus
33rdIEUIAH ( YECHUYAH )יחוDeus Omnium cognitor161-165 °KamaelStrengths(Dynameis)Gaap
34thLEHAHAIAH ( LEHACHIAH)להחClemens deus166-170 °KamaelStrengthsfurfur
35thCHAVAKIAH ( KAVEQIAH )כוקDeus Gaudiosus171-175 °KamaelStrengthsMarchosias
36thMenada ( MENUDAEL )מנדDeus Honorabilis176-180 °KamaelStrengthsStolas
37thAnielaאניDominus Deus Virtutum181-185KamaelStrengthsPhenex
38thHAAMIAH ( CHAUMIAH )חעמDeus Spes Omnium finium terrae186-190 °KamaelStrengthsHalphas
39thReha ( Rehau )רהעDeus Velox gives condonandum191-195 °KamaelStrengthsMalphas
40thIEIAZEL ( YAYTZAEL )ייזDeus are fighting laetificans196-200 °KamaelStrengthsRaum
41sthahaaהההDeus Triunus201-205 °Rafael (Raphael)Powers (Potestates)Focalor
42ndMIKAELמיכDeus Quis sicut As206-210 °RafaelpowersVepar
43rdVEUALIAH ( VEVALIAH )וולDominator Deus Rex211-215 °RafaelpowersSabnock
44thIELAHIAH ( YELAHIAH )ילהDeus Aeternum, manens216-220 °RafaelpowersShaxi
45thSEALIAHסאלDeus omnium Engine221-215 °RafaelpowersVine
46thARIEL ( Aurion )עריDeus Revelator226-230 °RafaelpowersBifrons
47thASALIAH ( OSHALIAH )עשלDeus Iustus iudex231-235 °RafaelpowersVual
48thMihara ( Miya )מיהDeus Pater mittens236-240 °RafaelpowersHaagenti
49thVEHUEL ( VAHOM )והוMagnus Deus et Excelsius241-245 °HanielPrince (Face Hai)Crocell
50thDANIELדניDeus iudex misericors246-250 °Hanielprince BatteriesFurcas
51stHAHASIAH ( HAHASHIAH )החשDeus Secretus impenetrabilis251-255 °Hanielprince BatteriesBalam
52ndIMAMIAH ( AMEMIAH )עממDeus caliginosellus Tectus256-260 °Hanielprince BatteriesAllocer
53rdNana ( nuna )ננאDeus Superborum depressor261-265 °Hanielprince BatteriesCaiman
54thNILHAEL ( NUITHAEL )ניתDeus Rex coelestis266-270 °Hanielprince BatteriesMurmur
55thMEHAIAH ( MABAYAH )מבהDeus Sempiternus271-275 °Hanielprince BatteriesOrobas
56thPOIEL ( POYEL )פויDeus omnia Fulciens276-280 °Hanielprince BatteriesGremory
57thNEMAMIAH ( NEMEMIAH )נממDeus et Amabilis Speraverum281-285 °Mikael (Michael)Archangels(Archangelos)Ose
58thIEIALEL ( YEILAEL )יילDeus Auditor gemituum286-290 °MikaelArchangelsAuns
59thHara ( HERACHEL )הרחDeus Omnia penetrans291-295 °MikaelArchangelsGiant
60thMITZRAELמצרDeus Sublevans opressos296-300 °MikaelArchangelsVapula
61stUMAHEL ( VAMABEL )ומבDeus Super omne nomen301-305 °MikaelArchangelsZagan
62ndIAHHEL ( YEHAHEL )יההDeus Ens supremum206-310 °MikaelArchangelsValac
63rdAnand ( ONUEL )ענוDeus Mansuetus311-315 °MikaelArchangelsAndrew
64thMehrin ( Machin )מחיDeus Vivificans316-320 °MikaelArchangelsFlauros
65thDAMABIAHדמבDeus Fons Sapientiae321-325 °Gabriel (Gabriel)Angels (Malakhim)Andrealphus
66thManake ( MENAQAEL )מנקDeus et Omnia pascens lactens326-330 °GabrielAngelsCimeries
67thEIDEL ( EYAOEL )איעDeus Deliciae filiorum hominum331-335 °GabrielAngelsAmduscias
68thHAHNIAH ( CHEBOIAH )חבוDeus Liberalissimus Dator336-340 °GabrielAngelsBelial
69thRochel ( Reahim )ראהDeus Omnia videns341-345 °GabrielAngelsDecarabia
70thJABAMIAH ( YEBEMIAH )יבמDeus omnia Verbo producens346-350 °GabrielAngelsSeer
71stHAIAIELהייDominus Deus universorum351-355 °GabrielAngelsDantalion
72ndMUMIAH ( MOUMIAH )מומDeus Finis universorum356-360 °GabrielAngelsAndromalius

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe