The Four Air Emperors:
("radiant fire") He is also said in various other Christian demonologies to be one of the thirty-six Elemental World Rulers as well as one of the seventy-two Spirits of Solomon.
The demon Carnesiell is a demon among the 31 Aerial Spirits of Solomon. Carnesiell is chief emperor of the east and commands 1,000 great dukes, 100 lesser dukes, and 50,000,000,000,000 ministering spirits.
His 12 most important demonic dukes are
Carnesiell can appear day or night. When he does so, he is attended by an entourage of his dukes numbering no fewer than 10 and no more than 300.
“We Conjure thee O thou mighty and potent Prince Carnesiell who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the East who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits……
I conjure Thee Carnesiell that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Carnesiell by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Carnesiell, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Carnesiell is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Carnesiell I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Carnesiell because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
Carnesiell can appear day or night. When he does so, he is attended by an entourage of his dukes numbering no fewer than 10 and no more than 300.
The Conjuration of Carnesiell :
“We Conjure thee O thou mighty and potent Prince Carnesiell who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the East who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits……
I conjure Thee Carnesiell that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Carnesiell by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Carnesiell, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Carnesiell is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Carnesiell I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Carnesiell because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.

King Caspiel of the South
The demon Caspiel is one of a number of demons associated with the points of the compass. His dominion is the south.
He has a vast array of demons who serve under him, including two hundred great dukes and four hundred lesser dukes and 1,000,200,000,000 ministering spirits.
The dukes who serve beneath him are described as stubborn and churlish. Caspiel has an airy nature. Consequently, if he manifests, it is often through images in a glass or in a specially prepared scrying crystal. In Dr. Rudd’s Treatise on Angel Magic, Caspiel is also identified as the chief demon ruling over the south. He also appears in the Steganographia of Johannes Trithemius.
His 12 most important dukes are :
Each of the 12 dukes is attended by 2,660 lesser dukes. All of the dukes are stubborn and churlish, but many attend Caspiel when he appears.
These 12 Dukes have 2660 under [lesser] Dukes a peece [each] to attend them, whereof some of them comes along with him when he is Invocated [invoked], but they are very Stuborne and Churlish andc.
“We Conjure thee O thou mighty and potent Prince Caspiel who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the South who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits……
I conjure Thee Caspiel that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Caspiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Caspiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Caspiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Caspiel I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Caspiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
Amenadiel is the great Emperor of the West who hath 300 great Dukes and 500 lesser Dukes besides 40,000,030,000,100,000 other ministring Spirits more inferior to Attend him, whereof we shall not make any mention but only 12 of the Chief Dukes and their seals which is sufficient for practice.
Note: Amenadiel may be called any time the day or night, but his Dukes who hath 3000 servants a piece to attend them are to be called in certain hours, as Vadras he may be called in the 2 first hours of the day, and so successively till you come to Nadroc who is to be called in the 2 last hours of the night, and then begins again (with) Vadras andc. The same rule is to be observed calling the Dukes belonging to Demoriel the Emperor of the North.
I Conjure thee O thou Mighty and Potent Prince Amenadiel who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the West who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits…
I conjure Thee Amenadiel that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Amenadiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Amenadiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Amenadiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Amenadiel I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Amenadiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
His 12 most important dukes are :
Each of the 12 dukes is attended by 2,660 lesser dukes. All of the dukes are stubborn and churlish, but many attend Caspiel when he appears.
These 12 Dukes have 2660 under [lesser] Dukes a peece [each] to attend them, whereof some of them comes along with him when he is Invocated [invoked], but they are very Stuborne and Churlish andc.
The Conjuration of Caspiel :
“We Conjure thee O thou mighty and potent Prince Caspiel who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the South who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits……
I conjure Thee Caspiel that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Caspiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Caspiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Caspiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Caspiel I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Caspiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
King Amenadiel of the West
Amenadiel is the great Emperor of the West who hath 300 great Dukes and 500 lesser Dukes besides 40,000,030,000,100,000 other ministring Spirits more inferior to Attend him, whereof we shall not make any mention but only 12 of the Chief Dukes and their seals which is sufficient for practice.
Note: Amenadiel may be called any time the day or night, but his Dukes who hath 3000 servants a piece to attend them are to be called in certain hours, as Vadras he may be called in the 2 first hours of the day, and so successively till you come to Nadroc who is to be called in the 2 last hours of the night, and then begins again (with) Vadras andc. The same rule is to be observed calling the Dukes belonging to Demoriel the Emperor of the North.
The Conjuration of Amenadiel :
I Conjure thee O thou Mighty and Potent Prince Amenadiel who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the West who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits…
I conjure Thee Amenadiel that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Amenadiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Amenadiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Amenadiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Amenadiel I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Amenadiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.

Demoriel Emperor or the North
Demoriel is served by 400 great dukes, 600 lesser dukes, and 7,000,008,000,009,000,001 ministering spirits. The demon Demoriel is one of four demons named in the Ars Theurgia in connection with the cardinal directions.
According to this text, Demoriel is the primary Emperor of the North, and he rules in this point of the compass with a retinue of four hundred great dukes and six hundred lesser dukes. Demoriel can be called any time in the day or night. Those that would conjure him are advised to retire to a private and out-of-the-way place so that their experiments with his manifestation will remain undisturbed.
He is said to possess an airy nature, and thus he is best viewed by the naked human eye through the medium of a crystal stone or scrying glass. Demoriel also appears in the Steganographia of Johannes Trithemius, a ork that likely influenced the Ars Theurgia.
There are 12 primary dukes, each of whom has 1,140 attending spirits:
The Conjuration of Demoriel :
I Conjure thee O thou Mighty and Potent Prince Demoriel who is the Emperor and chief Commander, ruling as King in the dominion of the North who bears rule by the power of the supreme God El, over all Spirits…
I conjure Thee Demoriel that thou forthwith come and appear with attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this Crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.
I conjure and powerfully command of you Demoriel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Demoriel , by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Demoriel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Demoriel I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such. Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Demoriel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
Each of these dukes has minions to 1140, the more significant task you put before the duke, the more he'll be his servants.
The Lesser Arial Spirits
The Spirits of the East to South :

Chief Pamersiel of the East
the chief of the east and serves under CARNESIEL. He has 1,000 spirits under his command, which must be called only during the daytime and with great care, for they are stubborn and arrogant.
Pamersiel’s primary dukes are
Anoyr, - no info
Madriel, - no info
Ebra, - no info
Sotheano, - no info
Abrulges - Abrulges is one of several demons named in association with Pamersiel, the first and chief spirit under Carnesiell, the infernal Emperor of the East. Abrulges holds the rank of duke, and he is reputed to possess a particularly nasty temperament.
According to the Ars Theurgia, he is both arrogant and decietful and he should never be trusted with secret matters. Despite this, howeve, his naturally aggressive nature can sometimes be turned towards good. Abrulges and all his fellow dukes can be used to drive off other spirits of darkness, especially those that haunt houses.
Ormenu - no info
Pamersiel and his dukes are evil and false, and not to be trusted. However, they can be commanded to drive away other evil spirits who haunt any place or house.
The Lemegeton, a GRIMOIRE, gives instructions for summoning Pamersiel and his dukes. The ritual must be done in the most secret room of a house, or a hidden grove, wood, or occult place. Other persons must not be able to observe the ritual. The place should be airy. The spirits can be summoned into a stone or glass and bound into the objects. A crystal stone must measure four inches in diameter and be set on a table consecrated to King Solomon. The SEAL of Pamersiel must be worn upon the breast.
Duke Abrulges - Abrulges is one of several demons named in association with Pamersiel, the first and chief spirit under Carnesiell, the infernal Emperor of the East. Abrulges holds the rank of duke, and he is reputed to possess a particularly nasty temperament.
According to the Ars Theurgia, he is both arrogant and decietful and he should never be trusted with secret matters. Despite this, howeve, his naturally aggressive nature can sometimes be turned towards good. Abrulges and all his fellow dukes can be used to drive off other spirits of darkness, especially those that haunt houses.
The Lemegeton, a Grimoire, gives instructions for summoning Pamersiel and his dukes. The ritual must be done in the most secret room of a house, or a hidden grove, wood, or occult place. Other persons must not be able to observe the ritual.
The place should be airy. The spirits can be summoned into a stone or glass and bound into the objects. A crystal stone must measure four inches in diameter and be set on a table consecrated to King Solomon.
The Seal of Pamersiel must be worn upon the breast.
To call Forth Pamersiel, or any of these his servants:
Choose the utmost private or secret and most tacit room in the house, or in some certain island wood or grove or the most occult and hidden place, removed from all comers and goers, that no one by chance, may (if possible) happen that way into your chamber or whatsoever place else, you act your concerns in. Ensure that it be very airy because these spirits that is in this part are all of the Air.
You may call these spirits into a Crystal stone or Glass Receptacle, this being an ancient and usual way of receiving and binding spirits. This crystal stone must be four Inches diameter, set on a Table of Art made as follows [figure not included] which is truly called the secret Table of Solomon, and having the seal of the spirit on your breast, and the girdle about your waist, and you cannot err- the form of the Table is thus, as this present figure does here represent and show.
When you have thus prepared what is to be prepared, rehearse the conjuration following several times that is whilst the spirit come, for without doubt he will come. Note the same method is to be used in all the following part of this Book as is used here for Pamersiel and his servants. Also the same in calling the king and his servants etc.
The Conjuration of Pamersiel :
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Pamersiel who ruleth as a chief prince or king in the dominion of the South East , I conjure thee Pamersiel that thou forthwith appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this crystal stone (or hear before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you,
I conjure and powerfully command of you Pamersiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Pamersiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Pamersiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Pamersiel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.
Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Pamersiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
King Padiel of the south
Prince of the East
the second-ranking spirit of the east and rules the south as king. He governs 10,000 spirits by day and 20,000 by night, and several thousand more in addition. The lower spirits can be trusted. According to Solomon, the only powers they have are those conferred upon them by Padiel. They can be conjured only with Padiel’s permission.
You must use the same method in calling this prince Padiel, as is shown for Pamersiel.
To call Forth Padiel, or any of these his servants:
Choose the utmost private or secret and most tacit room in the house, or in some certain island wood or grove or the most occult and hidden place, removed from all comers and goers, that no one by chance, may (if possible) happen that way into your chamber or whatsoever place else, you act your concerns in. Ensure that it be very airy because these spirits that is in this part are all of the Air.
You may call these spirits into a Crystal stone or Glass Receptacle, this being an ancient and usual way of receiving and binding spirits. This crystal stone must be four Inches diameter, set on a Table of Art made as follows [figure not included] which is truly called the secret Table of Solomon, and having the seal of the spirit on your breast, and the girdle about your waist, and you cannot err- the form of the Table is thus, as this present figure does here represent and show.
When you have thus prepared what is to be prepared, rehearse the conjuration following several times that is whilst the spirit come, for without doubt he will come. Note the same method is to be used in all the following part of this Book as is used here for Padiel and his servants. Also the same in calling the king and his servants etc.
The Conjuration of Padiel :
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Padiel who ruleth as a king in the dominion of the East and by South , I conjure thee Padiel that thou forthwith appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this crystal stone (or hear before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you,
I conjure and powerfully command of you Padiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Padiel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Padiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Padiel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.
Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Padiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.

The demon Camuel is the third Spirit placed and ranked in order under the chief mighty great and potent King of the East.
He reigns, rules and governs as King in the South East part of the world and has many and several spirits under his government and command, which we shall only make mention of 10 that appertains and belongs to the day and 10 to the night.
Each of these have 10 servants to attend on them, except Camyel, Sitgara, Asimel, Calym, Dobiel and Meras, for they have 100 a piece to attend them, but Tediel, Moriel and Tugaros have none at all. They appear all in a very beautiful form, and very courteously, and in the night as well as in the day.
10 of his Servants belong to the day and will appear in the night: Orpemiel, Omyel, Camyel, Budiel, Elcar, Citgara, Pariel, Cariel, Neriel, Daniel.
10 of his servants belonging to the Night and will appear in the day: Asimiel, Calim, Dobiel, Nodar, Phaniel, Meras, Azemo, Tediel, Moriel, Tugaros.
The Conjuration of Camuel :
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Camuel who ruleth as a chief prince or king in the dominion of the South East , I conjure thee Camuel that thou forthwith appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this crystal stone (or hear before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you,
I conjure and powerfully command of you Camuel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Camuel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Camuel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Camuel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.
Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Camuel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.

Prince of the south Aseliel
the fourth-ranking spirit under the governance of CARNESIEL in the south, and the east. He has 10 spirit attendants during the day and 20 at night, each of which has 30 servants.
Every one has 20 servants at his command, they are all very courteous and loving, and beautiful to behold.
8 of his Servants belonging to the day:
8 of his Servants belonging to the Night:
8 of his Servants belonging to the Night:
I conjure thee O thou mighty and potent prince Aseliel, who rules as a chief prince or King under Carnesiel, in the South and by East.
I conjure thee Aseliel that thou forthwith appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this crystal stone (or hear before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you,
I conjure and powerfully command of you Aseliel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Aseliel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Aseliel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Aseliel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.
Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Aseliel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
9.Barmiel - The 5th. Spirit in order is Barmiel, he is the first & chief Spirit under Caspiel, the Emperor of the South, he governs as King under Caspiel & hath 10 Dukes for the Day & 20 for the Night to attend him to do his will, the which are all very good & willing to obey the Exorcist, whereof we shall make mention but of 8 that belong to the day & as many for the night, with their seals for they are sufficient for practise.
10.Gediel - The 6th. Spirit in order, but the second under the Empire of the South is Gediel, who ruleth as King in the South & by West, who hath 20 chief Spirits to serve him in the Day & as many in the Night, & they have servants at their command whereof we shall make mention but of 8 of the chief Spirits that belong to the Day & as many that belong to the Night, who hath 20 servants apeice to attend them, when they are called forth to appearance, they are very loving and courteous, willing to do your will, you must call those in the Day that belong to the Day, & those in the Night that belong to the Night…
11.Asyriel - Asyriel serves under Caspiel as a king ruling the southwest. He commands 20 dukes under the day and 20 under the night, each of which has servants who are willing to obey the commands of those who summon them. The eight major dukes of the day under Asyriel are Astor, Carga, Buniet, Rabas, Arcisat, Aariel, Cusiel, and Maguel. The eight under the night are Amiel, Cusriet, Maroth, Omiel, Budar, Aspeil, Faseua, and Hamas.
12.Maseriel - ("deliver") Maseriel serves Caspiel and rules in the west. He has a great number of servants both day and night, each of whom has 30 servants. Maseriel’s 12 major daytime dukes are Mahue, Roriel, Earviel, Zeriel, Atniel, Vessur, Azimel, Chasor, Patiel, Assuel, Aliel, and Espoel. The 12 major nighttime dukes are Arach, Maras, Noguiel, Saemiet, Amoyr, Bachile, Baros, Ellet, Earos, Rabiel, Atriel, and Salvor.
Spirits of the West to North
13.Malgaras - Malgaras rules in the west and has dozens of dukes serving him both day and night. His servants are courteous and appear in pairs, along with their own servants. His 12 major servants of the daytime are Camiel, Meliel, Borasy, Agor, Casiet, Rabiel, Cabiel, Udiel, Opriel, Masiel, Barfas, and Arois. His 12 major dukes of the nighttime are Aros, Doiel, Cubi, Liblel, Raboc, Aspeil, Caron, Zamor, Amiel, Aspara, Deilas, and Basiel.
Conjuration of Aseliel :
I conjure thee O thou mighty and potent prince Aseliel, who rules as a chief prince or King under Carnesiel, in the South and by East.
I conjure thee Aseliel that thou forthwith appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of the day here before me in this crystal stone (or hear before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you,
I conjure and powerfully command of you Aseliel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.
The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Aseliel, by Alpha and Omega.
By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.
To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When Aseliel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :
Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,
Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit
Welcome [thou] Aseliel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)
At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.
Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.
The licence to depart
O Thou spirit Aseliel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.
Spirits of the South to West
9.Barmiel - The 5th. Spirit in order is Barmiel, he is the first & chief Spirit under Caspiel, the Emperor of the South, he governs as King under Caspiel & hath 10 Dukes for the Day & 20 for the Night to attend him to do his will, the which are all very good & willing to obey the Exorcist, whereof we shall make mention but of 8 that belong to the day & as many for the night, with their seals for they are sufficient for practise.
10.Gediel - The 6th. Spirit in order, but the second under the Empire of the South is Gediel, who ruleth as King in the South & by West, who hath 20 chief Spirits to serve him in the Day & as many in the Night, & they have servants at their command whereof we shall make mention but of 8 of the chief Spirits that belong to the Day & as many that belong to the Night, who hath 20 servants apeice to attend them, when they are called forth to appearance, they are very loving and courteous, willing to do your will, you must call those in the Day that belong to the Day, & those in the Night that belong to the Night…
11.Asyriel - Asyriel serves under Caspiel as a king ruling the southwest. He commands 20 dukes under the day and 20 under the night, each of which has servants who are willing to obey the commands of those who summon them. The eight major dukes of the day under Asyriel are Astor, Carga, Buniet, Rabas, Arcisat, Aariel, Cusiel, and Maguel. The eight under the night are Amiel, Cusriet, Maroth, Omiel, Budar, Aspeil, Faseua, and Hamas.
12.Maseriel - ("deliver") Maseriel serves Caspiel and rules in the west. He has a great number of servants both day and night, each of whom has 30 servants. Maseriel’s 12 major daytime dukes are Mahue, Roriel, Earviel, Zeriel, Atniel, Vessur, Azimel, Chasor, Patiel, Assuel, Aliel, and Espoel. The 12 major nighttime dukes are Arach, Maras, Noguiel, Saemiet, Amoyr, Bachile, Baros, Ellet, Earos, Rabiel, Atriel, and Salvor.
Spirits of the West to North
13.Malgaras - Malgaras rules in the west and has dozens of dukes serving him both day and night. His servants are courteous and appear in pairs, along with their own servants. His 12 major servants of the daytime are Camiel, Meliel, Borasy, Agor, Casiet, Rabiel, Cabiel, Udiel, Opriel, Masiel, Barfas, and Arois. His 12 major dukes of the nighttime are Aros, Doiel, Cubi, Liblel, Raboc, Aspeil, Caron, Zamor, Amiel, Aspara, Deilas, and Basiel.
14.Dorochiel - Dorochiel rules in the west and north as a prince. One of the twelve Servitors of Amenadiel, forty dukes attend him during the day and 40 more at night. In order to summon the dukes and their servants, a magician must pay attention to the planetary hours when they rule. All are good-natured and agreeable. The 12 dukes of the morning are Magael, Artino, Efiel, Maniel/ Efiel, Suriet/Maniel, Carsiel/Suriel, Casiel, Fabiel, Carba, Merach, Althor, and Omiel. The 12 dukes of the afternoon are Gudiel, Asphor, Emuel, Soriel, Cabron, Diviel, Abriel, Danael, Lomor, Casael, Buisiel, and Larfos. The 12 dukes of the early evening are Nahaiel, Ofsiel, Bulls, Momel, Darborl, Paniel, Cursas, Aliel, Aroziel, Cusyne, Vraniel, and Pelusar. The 12 dukes who govern after midnight are Pafiel, Gariel, Soriel, Maziel, Futiel, Cayros, Narsial, Moziel, Abael, Meroth, Cadriel, and Lodiel.
15.Usiel - Usiel rules as a prince in the northwest under the command or Amenadiel. He has 40 dukes in the daytime and 40 at night, plus their many servants. All are obedient. According to King Solomon, Usiel and his demons have more power to hide and discover treasure than any other spirits. His main 14 dukes of the day are Abariel, Ameta, Amen, Heme, Saefer, Potiel, Saefam, Magni, Amandiel, Barsu, Gamasu, Hissain, Fabariel, and Usiniel. His main dukes of the night are Ansoel, Godiel, Barfos, Burfa, Adan, Saddiel, Sodiel, Ossidiel, Pathier, Marae, Asuriel, Almoel, Las Pharon, and Ethiel.
16.Cabariel - Cabariel is a prince of the west and north, with 50 attending dukes during the day and 50 more at night. Each duke has 50 servants, who appear when the dukes are summoned. The daytime dukes and servants are good-natured, but the nighttime demons are deceitful, disobedient, and evil. The 10 most important dukes of the day are Satifiel, Parius, Godiel, Taros, Asoriel, Etimiel, Clyssan, Elitel, Aniel, and Cuphal. The 10 most important dukes of nighttime are Mador, Peniet, Cugiel, Thalbus, Otim, Ladiel, Morlas, Pandor, Cazul, and Dubiel.
Spirits of the North to East
Wandering Dukes:
In this place we give you the understanding of 11 mighty and potent princes with their servants which wander up and down in the Air and never stay in one place.
Note: every one of these Dukes hath 20 servants a peace to Attend them when they are called, excepting the last 4 that belong to the night, for they have none.
15.Usiel - Usiel rules as a prince in the northwest under the command or Amenadiel. He has 40 dukes in the daytime and 40 at night, plus their many servants. All are obedient. According to King Solomon, Usiel and his demons have more power to hide and discover treasure than any other spirits. His main 14 dukes of the day are Abariel, Ameta, Amen, Heme, Saefer, Potiel, Saefam, Magni, Amandiel, Barsu, Gamasu, Hissain, Fabariel, and Usiniel. His main dukes of the night are Ansoel, Godiel, Barfos, Burfa, Adan, Saddiel, Sodiel, Ossidiel, Pathier, Marae, Asuriel, Almoel, Las Pharon, and Ethiel.
16.Cabariel - Cabariel is a prince of the west and north, with 50 attending dukes during the day and 50 more at night. Each duke has 50 servants, who appear when the dukes are summoned. The daytime dukes and servants are good-natured, but the nighttime demons are deceitful, disobedient, and evil. The 10 most important dukes of the day are Satifiel, Parius, Godiel, Taros, Asoriel, Etimiel, Clyssan, Elitel, Aniel, and Cuphal. The 10 most important dukes of nighttime are Mador, Peniet, Cugiel, Thalbus, Otim, Ladiel, Morlas, Pandor, Cazul, and Dubiel.
Spirits of the North to East
Wandering Dukes:
In this place we give you the understanding of 11 mighty and potent princes with their servants which wander up and down in the Air and never stay in one place.
Note: every one of these Dukes hath 20 servants a peace to Attend them when they are called, excepting the last 4 that belong to the night, for they have none.