The Angels of the Zodiac can help us to understand our astrological birth sign and how it relates to our life path and soul purpose. It tells us of our inherent traits and personality.
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Aries March 21st - 20th April
March 21 to March 25 - VEHUIAH - One of eight Seraphim invoked to fulfill prayers. He governs the first rays of the Sun.
March 21 to March 25- JELIEL - A Seraph whose name is inscribed on the Tree of Life. He is the Heavenly Prince Ruler of Turkey. He controls the destiny of kings and other high dignitaries and gives the palm of victory for those who are unjustly attacked or invaded. In addition he inspires passion between the sexes and insures marital fidelity.
March 31 to April 4 - ITAEL - A Seraph invoked to overcome adversity. He rules the nobility and is one of the 72 angels of the Zodiac; also one of the 72 angels that bear the name of God Shemhamphorae.
April 5 to April 9 - ELEMIAH - One of the 8 Seraphim of the Tree of Life in the Book of Yetsirah, and an angel (one of 72) bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. He rules over voyages and maritime expeditions. His corresponding angel is Senacher.
April 10 to April 14 - MAHASIAH - One of 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
April 15 to April 20 - LELAHEL - An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We appeal to this being of light for good luck and good fortune.
Astrological Table: Aries.
Astrological Dates (Aries): March 21st - April 19th. Astrological Symbol:See above. Element:Fire. Mode:Cardinal.
Astrological Plants/Herbs:Geranium, Gorse, Sage, Tiger Lily, Thistle and Wild Rose.
Tree:Holly and Chestnut.
Power Gems:Bloodstone or Diamond.
Gems: Ruby, Red Jasper or Garnet,
Colour: Scarlet, White or Pink.
Number: 7 and 9.
Day: Tuesday.
Season: Spring
Tarot Card: The Emperor (IV).
Animal: Ram.
Bird: Magpie, Owl and Robin.
Symbolic Creature: Ram, Owl, Bull.
Anatomy Governed: Head, Brain, Neck and Face.
Body System: Cerebral, Head.
Scents/Oils: Pine, Cowslip, Wormwood and Geranium.
Incense: Dragons Blood.
Harmonious Signs: Sagittarius and Leo.
Geomantic Number: 5.
Geomantic Ruler: Bartzabel.
Gods/Godesses: Isis, Athena, Shiva, Mars, Minerva
Age Governed:28 to 35 years of age.
Astrological Plants/Herbs:Geranium, Gorse, Sage, Tiger Lily, Thistle and Wild Rose.
Tree:Holly and Chestnut.
Power Gems:Bloodstone or Diamond.
Gems: Ruby, Red Jasper or Garnet,
Colour: Scarlet, White or Pink.
Number: 7 and 9.
Day: Tuesday.
Season: Spring
Tarot Card: The Emperor (IV).
Animal: Ram.
Bird: Magpie, Owl and Robin.
Symbolic Creature: Ram, Owl, Bull.
Anatomy Governed: Head, Brain, Neck and Face.
Body System: Cerebral, Head.
Scents/Oils: Pine, Cowslip, Wormwood and Geranium.
Incense: Dragons Blood.
Harmonious Signs: Sagittarius and Leo.
Geomantic Number: 5.
Geomantic Ruler: Bartzabel.
Gods/Godesses: Isis, Athena, Shiva, Mars, Minerva
Age Governed:28 to 35 years of age.
Also known as: Camiel, Kemuel, Camael, Camiul, Camniel, Cancel, Johoel, Kemuel, Khamael, Seraphiel, Shemuel
Ray: 3rd Ray
Colour: Pink (all shades)
Focus: Relationships
Chakra: Heart
Element: Air. Developing the higher emotions
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Flourite
Day/s: Friday, Monday, Tuesday
Planet: Venus, Mars
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Green Adventurine, Jade, Prehnite
Animals: Deer, Dove, Rabbit, Butterfly
Trees: Cherry and Apple
Essential Oil: Rose Otto and Rose
Astrology/Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Archangel Camael oversees the star sign of Aries, bringing the qualities of assertiveness and confidence.

Those born under the sign of Aries are generally outgoing, impulsive and full of ideas. They tend to be enthusiastic and often dramatic and are willing to take on challenges.
Aries has a dominant personality – but this is often to cover their feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Ariens may often present a front of bravado, but deep down inside they are very unsure of themselves, so can be very insecure.
Aries has little or no patience for details and are easily angered. Their rages are short-lived, and grudges are quickly forgotten. Aries will explode in a fit of tempter one minute, but will have no recollection of what it was about the next.
Archangel Chamuel helps with:
- easing anxiety and bringing about inner-peace
- finding lost objects and items
- strengthening relationship bonds
- feeling love for the self and others
- clearing negative emotions and blockages
- healing a broken heart
- facing and overcoming obstacles and challenges
- world peace
- realizing your life purpose and soul mission
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Taurus - 21st April - 21st May
April 21 to May 21 - ACHAIAH - He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region.
April 26 to May 21 - CAHETEL - One of 8 Seraphim; he rules over agricultural products and is one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. In the Cabala generally he is often invoked to increase or improve crops. His corresponding angel is Asicat.
May 1 to May 5 - HAZIEL - A Cherub invoked to obtain the pity of God. He is one of 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. When equated with Bernael, he is an angel of darkness. In 1st Chronicles 23:9 Haziel is mortal, an offspring of the Gershonites. The Cabalists very likely drew the name from this source.
May 6 to May 10 - ALADIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
May 11 to May 15 - LAUVIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He influences savants and great personages.
May 16 to May 20 - HAHAIAH - An angel of the order of Cherubim. He influences thoughts and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Taurus.
Astrological Dates: April 20th - May 21st.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Burdock, Colsfoot, Elder, Mallow, Vervain, Clover, Jimsonweed (Datura), Violet, Wild Roses and Coltsfoot.
Tree: Almond, Ash, Cherry and Mrytle.
Metal: Copper.
Power Gems: Sapphire and Tourquoise.
Gem: Emerald, Topaz, Jade or Opal.
Colour: Red, Orange, Brown, Indigo.
Number: 6.
Day: Friday.
Season: Spring.
Tarot Card: The Hierophant (V)
Animal: Rabbit.
Bird: Robin and Magpie.
Symbolic Creature: Ram, Owl and Bull.
Anatomy Governed: Head and Neck.
Body System: Cerebral, Sholders and Arms.
Scent/Oils: Rose, Jasmin, Carnation, Honeysuckle, Strawberry or Vervain.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified
Geomantic Number: 5.
Geomantic Ruler: Kedemel.
God/Godess: Osiris, Apis, Asar, Hera and Venus.
Age Governed: 14 to 21 years of age.
Also known as: Anael, Aniel, Anafiel, Hamiel, Hamael, Hanael, Onoel, Omoel, Daniel
Colour/s: Turquoise, deep pink, orange and white
Focus: Self-expression through higher feelings and emotions
Chakra: Thymus and 3rd Eye
Element: Earth
Planet: Moon, Saturn and Venus
Day: Friday
Month: December
Crystals: Moonstone, Angelite, Howlite, Red Jasper
Flowers: Rose (symbolizes spiritual growth, enlightenment, love and beauty)
Animal/s: Wolf
Essential Oils: Basil, marjoram, coriander, jasmine, cardamom, neroli and sandalwood
Astrology/Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Archangel Haniel rules the star sign Taurus, and invokes the qualities of reliability and practicality.
Archangel Haniel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Taurus and Friday.
Taurus is earthy, acute and appreciative of both physical and material comfort. Taureans enjoy luxury, beauty and high quality goods and thrive on anything which pleases the senses.
Taureans like to be production, and put that energy into power. They must be careful though, as that power must not become ‘control’.
Taureans are naturally attuned to nature and are very practical. Their life lesson is to learn ‘patience’.
Tarueans have a natural leaning towards stability and security, but they must be careful not to become trapped in the material world.
Archangel Haniel assists with:
- Soul expression
- Poise, balance and harmony
- Crystals and crystal and gem essence healing
- Emotions
- Dignity and integrity
- Relationships
- Health and healing
- Intuition and instincts
- Love
- Spirituality and developing spiritual gifts and abilities
- disperse and heal negative
- staying calm, poised and centered
- fulfilling our life purpose
- inner-strength, self-belief and self-confidence
- living in the present moment
April 21 to May 21 - ACHAIAH - He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region.
April 26 to May 21 - CAHETEL - One of 8 Seraphim; he rules over agricultural products and is one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. In the Cabala generally he is often invoked to increase or improve crops. His corresponding angel is Asicat.
May 1 to May 5 - HAZIEL - A Cherub invoked to obtain the pity of God. He is one of 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. When equated with Bernael, he is an angel of darkness. In 1st Chronicles 23:9 Haziel is mortal, an offspring of the Gershonites. The Cabalists very likely drew the name from this source.
May 6 to May 10 - ALADIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
May 11 to May 15 - LAUVIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He influences savants and great personages.
May 16 to May 20 - HAHAIAH - An angel of the order of Cherubim. He influences thoughts and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Taurus.
Astrological Dates: April 20th - May 21st.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Burdock, Colsfoot, Elder, Mallow, Vervain, Clover, Jimsonweed (Datura), Violet, Wild Roses and Coltsfoot.
Tree: Almond, Ash, Cherry and Mrytle.
Metal: Copper.
Power Gems: Sapphire and Tourquoise.
Gem: Emerald, Topaz, Jade or Opal.
Colour: Red, Orange, Brown, Indigo.
Number: 6.
Day: Friday.
Season: Spring.
Tarot Card: The Hierophant (V)
Animal: Rabbit.
Bird: Robin and Magpie.
Symbolic Creature: Ram, Owl and Bull.
Anatomy Governed: Head and Neck.
Body System: Cerebral, Sholders and Arms.
Scent/Oils: Rose, Jasmin, Carnation, Honeysuckle, Strawberry or Vervain.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified
Geomantic Number: 5.
Geomantic Ruler: Kedemel.
God/Godess: Osiris, Apis, Asar, Hera and Venus.
Age Governed: 14 to 21 years of age.
Also known as: Anael, Aniel, Anafiel, Hamiel, Hamael, Hanael, Onoel, Omoel, Daniel
Colour/s: Turquoise, deep pink, orange and white
Focus: Self-expression through higher feelings and emotions
Chakra: Thymus and 3rd Eye
Element: Earth
Planet: Moon, Saturn and Venus
Day: Friday
Month: December
Crystals: Moonstone, Angelite, Howlite, Red Jasper
Flowers: Rose (symbolizes spiritual growth, enlightenment, love and beauty)
Animal/s: Wolf
Essential Oils: Basil, marjoram, coriander, jasmine, cardamom, neroli and sandalwood
Astrology/Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Archangel Haniel rules the star sign Taurus, and invokes the qualities of reliability and practicality.
Archangel Haniel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Taurus and Friday.
Taurus is earthy, acute and appreciative of both physical and material comfort. Taureans enjoy luxury, beauty and high quality goods and thrive on anything which pleases the senses.
Taureans like to be production, and put that energy into power. They must be careful though, as that power must not become ‘control’.
Taureans are naturally attuned to nature and are very practical. Their life lesson is to learn ‘patience’.
Tarueans have a natural leaning towards stability and security, but they must be careful not to become trapped in the material world.
Archangel Haniel assists with:
- Soul expression
- Poise, balance and harmony
- Crystals and crystal and gem essence healing
- Emotions
- Dignity and integrity
- Relationships
- Health and healing
- Intuition and instincts
- Love
- Spirituality and developing spiritual gifts and abilities
- disperse and heal negative
- staying calm, poised and centered
- fulfilling our life purpose
- inner-strength, self-belief and self-confidence
- living in the present moment
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Gemini - 22nd May - 22nd June:
May 22 to June 22 - IEZALEL - One of the angels of the Zodiac.
May 26 to June 22- MEBAHEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
June 1 to June 5 - HARIEL - Angel with dominion over tame beasts. He is invoked against impieties. He rules science and the arts and is of the order of Cherubim.
June 6 to June 10 - HAKAMIAH - One of the Cherubim (invoked against traitors) and Guardian Angel of France. His corresponding angel is Verasua.
June 11 to June 15 - LAUVIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He influences savants and great personages.
June 16 to June 21 - CALIEL - One of the Throne angels serving in the Second Heaven, invoked to bring prompt help during adversity. He is one of 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Tersatosoa (or Tepisatosa).
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Gemini.
Astrological Dates (Gemini): May 22nd - June 20th.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Air.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Orchid, Gladioli, Parsley, Dill, Snapdragons and Iris.
Tree: Elder.
Metal: Quicksilver, Aluminum.
Power Gem: Moss Agate.
Gems: Onyx, Diamond, Jade, Topaz, Tourmaline, Aquamarine or Iceland Spar.
Colour: White, Yellow, Orange.
Number: 5.
Day: Wednesday.
Tarot Card: The Lovers( VI).
Animal: Not identified.
Bird: Finches, Parrots.
Symbolic Creature: Magpie.
Anatomy Governed: Lungs.
Body System: Arms, Pulmonary.
Scents/Oils: Jasmiine, Mastic, Orchid, Sandlewood.
Incense: Wormwood.
Harmonious Signs: Aquarius, Libra.
Geomantic Number: 7
Geomantic Ruler: Taphthartharath.
God/Godess: Bast and Sekhmet, Castor and Pollux, Frey and Freya and Janus
Age Goverened: 7 to 14 years of age.
Also known as: Labbiel, Lord Raphael
Raphael rules Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 18), Gemini (May 22-Jun 21) and Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23)
Ray: 4th
Colour: Emerald Green
Focus: Harmony and Healing
Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday, Sunday
Direction: North, East
Crystal: Emerald, Green Adventurine, Malachite, Green Fluorite,
Trees: Hazel, Myrtle, Mulberry
Animals: All birds
Signs/Symbols: White feathers, the Sun
Essential Oils: Star Anise, Lavender
Astrology/Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
The zodiac sign of Gemini is overseen by the Archangel Raphael. This gives those born under the sign of Gemini the traits of adaptability and of being very social.
Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing and has the capacity to guide all healers, both orthodox and complimentary.
Archangel Raphael rules over the planet Mercury and Wednesday, and is responsible for the East.
Gemini can sometimes be depicted as presenting as two separate people.
People under the influence of Gemini are often very clever and gifted, and their main tool is their mind. Geminis have a great need for variety and this may leave them with scattered energies, and this sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion. They often appear to have an insatiable thirst for learning and knowledge and have endlessly curious minds. They are gatherers of information, but don’t always share this with others.
Archangel Raphael helps with:
-developing Divine vision, intuition and insights
-enhancing creative visualization and manifestation techniques
-reducing and eliminating cravings and addictions
-your personal spirituality
-guidance and protection while travelling
-healing of body, mind, soul, and spirit
-inspiration for the study and practice of music, mathematics, science, and both traditional and alternative medicine
-meeting of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, tools of your trade
-repairing of rifts between nations, and relationships of all kinds
-inspiration for new cures for diseases
-finding lost pets
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Gemini.
Astrological Dates (Gemini): May 22nd - June 20th.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Air.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Orchid, Gladioli, Parsley, Dill, Snapdragons and Iris.
Tree: Elder.
Metal: Quicksilver, Aluminum.
Power Gem: Moss Agate.
Gems: Onyx, Diamond, Jade, Topaz, Tourmaline, Aquamarine or Iceland Spar.
Colour: White, Yellow, Orange.
Number: 5.
Day: Wednesday.
Tarot Card: The Lovers( VI).
Animal: Not identified.
Bird: Finches, Parrots.
Symbolic Creature: Magpie.
Anatomy Governed: Lungs.
Body System: Arms, Pulmonary.
Scents/Oils: Jasmiine, Mastic, Orchid, Sandlewood.
Incense: Wormwood.
Harmonious Signs: Aquarius, Libra.
Geomantic Number: 7
Geomantic Ruler: Taphthartharath.
God/Godess: Bast and Sekhmet, Castor and Pollux, Frey and Freya and Janus
Age Goverened: 7 to 14 years of age.
Also known as: Labbiel, Lord Raphael
Raphael rules Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 18), Gemini (May 22-Jun 21) and Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23)
Ray: 4th
Colour: Emerald Green
Focus: Harmony and Healing
Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday, Sunday
Direction: North, East
Crystal: Emerald, Green Adventurine, Malachite, Green Fluorite,
Trees: Hazel, Myrtle, Mulberry
Animals: All birds
Signs/Symbols: White feathers, the Sun
Essential Oils: Star Anise, Lavender
Astrology/Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
The zodiac sign of Gemini is overseen by the Archangel Raphael. This gives those born under the sign of Gemini the traits of adaptability and of being very social.
Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing and has the capacity to guide all healers, both orthodox and complimentary.
Archangel Raphael rules over the planet Mercury and Wednesday, and is responsible for the East.
Gemini can sometimes be depicted as presenting as two separate people.
People under the influence of Gemini are often very clever and gifted, and their main tool is their mind. Geminis have a great need for variety and this may leave them with scattered energies, and this sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion. They often appear to have an insatiable thirst for learning and knowledge and have endlessly curious minds. They are gatherers of information, but don’t always share this with others.
Archangel Raphael helps with:
-developing Divine vision, intuition and insights
-enhancing creative visualization and manifestation techniques
-reducing and eliminating cravings and addictions
-your personal spirituality
-guidance and protection while travelling
-healing of body, mind, soul, and spirit
-inspiration for the study and practice of music, mathematics, science, and both traditional and alternative medicine
-meeting of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, tools of your trade
-repairing of rifts between nations, and relationships of all kinds
-inspiration for new cures for diseases
-finding lost pets
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Cancer - 23rd June - 23rd July
June 23 to July 23 - LEUVIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
June 27 to July 1 - PAHALIAH - An angel invoked to convert non-Christians to Christianity. He rules theology and morals and is one of the angels bearing the mystical name of the God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Sothis, who is an angel of an hour.
July 2 to July 6 - NELCHAEL - An angel belonging to the order of Thrones and one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. However, he appears to be not a Holy Angel but a Fallen one who, in Hell, teaches astronomy, mathematics, and geography, to his fellow demons. His corresponding spirit is known as Sith.
July 7 to July 11 - YEIAYEL - One of the angels of the Zodiac.
July 12 to July 16 - MELAHEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
July 17 to July 22 - HAHUIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Cancer.
Astrological Dates: June 21st - July 22nd.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Water.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Balm, Comfrey ,Houseleek, Moonwort, Passionflower, Purslane, Poppy, Watercress, Yellow Flag., Water Lily, White Poppy and White Rose.
Tree: Weeping willow.
Metal: Quick Silver and Silver.
Power Gem: Moonstone.
Gem: Emerald, Turquoise, Cat's Eye, Pearl, Moonstone or Amber.
Colour: Amber.
Number: 2, 7.
Day: Monday.
Season: Summer.
Tarot Card: The Chariot (VII).
Animal: Crab.
Bird: Seagull,
Symbolic Creature: Crab, Turtle, Sphinx.
Anatomy Governed: Breast and Stomach.
Incense: Onycha.
Scents/Oils: Aloe, Lemon Balm, Sweet Flag, Lotus, Water Lilly.
Body System: Digestive.
Harmonious Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus.
Geomantic Number (Via): 4
Geomantic Ruler (Via): Chashmodai.
Geomantic Number: 8
Geomantic Ruler: Chasmodai.
Gods/Godesses: Khepera, Apollo and Mercury.
Age Governed: 7 years of age.
Also known as: Lord Gabriel
Gabriel rules Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 20), Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22) and Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 23)
Ray: 2nd Ray
Colour: Orange and White, sea Green
Focus: Creativity, vitality and originality
Chakra: Sacral Chakra
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Direction: West
Crystals: Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite,
Metal: Silver
Trees: Pear trees and Weeping Willows
Flowers: White Lilies
Animals: Wolves and Owls
Essential Oils: Jasmine and Camphor
Astrology/Zodiac: Cancer
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Cancer.
Astrological Dates: June 21st - July 22nd.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Water.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Balm, Comfrey ,Houseleek, Moonwort, Passionflower, Purslane, Poppy, Watercress, Yellow Flag., Water Lily, White Poppy and White Rose.
Tree: Weeping willow.
Metal: Quick Silver and Silver.
Power Gem: Moonstone.
Gem: Emerald, Turquoise, Cat's Eye, Pearl, Moonstone or Amber.
Colour: Amber.
Number: 2, 7.
Day: Monday.
Season: Summer.
Tarot Card: The Chariot (VII).
Animal: Crab.
Bird: Seagull,
Symbolic Creature: Crab, Turtle, Sphinx.
Anatomy Governed: Breast and Stomach.
Incense: Onycha.
Scents/Oils: Aloe, Lemon Balm, Sweet Flag, Lotus, Water Lilly.
Body System: Digestive.
Harmonious Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus.
Geomantic Number (Via): 4
Geomantic Ruler (Via): Chashmodai.
Geomantic Number: 8
Geomantic Ruler: Chasmodai.
Gods/Godesses: Khepera, Apollo and Mercury.
Age Governed: 7 years of age.
Also known as: Lord Gabriel
Gabriel rules Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 20), Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22) and Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 23)
Ray: 2nd Ray
Colour: Orange and White, sea Green
Focus: Creativity, vitality and originality
Chakra: Sacral Chakra
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Direction: West
Crystals: Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite,
Metal: Silver
Trees: Pear trees and Weeping Willows
Flowers: White Lilies
Animals: Wolves and Owls
Essential Oils: Jasmine and Camphor
Astrology/Zodiac: Cancer

Those under the sign of Cancer are overseen by Archangel Gabriel, bringing the attributes of sympathy and sensitivity.
Cancer tells of the need to balance the emotions on all levels.
Those individuals born under the sign of Cancer can be instrumental in helping others, particularly in encouraging the growth and development of their emotional potential.
Cancerians often appear to be quite passive, but are extremely active underneath the surface.
On the down-side of Cancer is the ability to let go of any person or chattel they consider to be theirs. This results in the negative tendency typical of the sign; a possessiveness and tenaciousness.
Relationships are extremely important to Cancerians, but although they long for intimacy, their vulnerability in the realm of emotion makes them mistrustful.
Archangel Gabriel helps with:
- Expressing our truths
- Honouring our individuality
- Listening to our intuition and inner-voice
- Overcoming procrastination
- Guidance in your spiritual life
- Revelation of your life plan and purpose
- Joy, happiness and fulfillment
- Dissolution of discouragement
- Easing fears and phobias
- Establishing Discipline and Order in your life
- Releasing old patterns and beliefs, negative habits, past hurts and old memories
- Relationships of all kinds
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Leo - 24th July - 23rd August
July 24 to July 27 - NITHAIAH - A poet-angel of the order of Dominations. He is invoked by pronouncing any of the divine names along with the 1st verse of Psalm 9. He is in charge of occult sciences, delivers prophecies in rhyme, and exercises influence over wise men who love peace and solitude.
July 28 to August 1 - HAAIAH - An angel of the order of Dominations. He rules over diplomacy and ambassadors, and it one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
August 2 to August 6 - YERATEL - An angel of the order of Dominations (Dominions). He "propagates light, civilization, and liberty." His corresponding angel is Hepe.
August 7 to August 12 - SEHEIAH - An angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. He also governs longevity.
August 13 to August 17 - REIIEL - An angel of the order of Dominations and is also one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
August 18 to August 22 - OMAEL - An angel who multiplies species, perpetuates races and influences Chemists. There is some question as to whether Omael is a Fallen or Upright Angel. Data available suggests he seems to operate in both domains.
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Leo.
Astrological Dates: July 23 - August 22.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Fire.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Bay, Chamomile, Calamus Root, Cowslip, Hops, Marigold, Mistletoe, Saffron, Sunflower and Cyclamen.
Tree: Willow.
Metal: Gold.
Power Gem: Amber and Golden Topaz.
Gem: Diamond, Opal, or Ruby.
Colour: Greenish Yellow.
Number: 1 and 4.
Day: Sunday.
Season: Summer.
Tarot Card: Strenght.
Animal: Lion and Wolf.
Bird: Eagle and Peacock.
Symbolic Creature: Lion and riffin.
Anatomy Governed: Heart, Spine, Arms and Wrists.
Body System: Cardiac.
Scents/Oils: Frankinscence, Red Sandlewood, Camphor, Celendine, Sunflower, Chamomile.
Incense: Olibanum.
Harmonious Signs: Sagittarius and Aries.
Geomantic Number (Fortuna Major): 5.
Geomantic Ruler (Fortuna Major) Sorath.
Geomantic Number (Fortuna Minor): 4.
Geomantic Ruler (Fortna Minor) Sorath.
God/Godesses: Horus, Selket, Demeter, Vishnu and Venus.
Age Governed: All ages of your life.
Also known as: Beshter, Mikall, Mika’il, Sabbathiel, Saint Michael, Sabbathiel Saint Michael, Lord Michael.
Michael rules Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20), Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23) and Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Ray: 5th Ray, 1st Ray
Colour/s: Sapphire Blue and Yellow, Red and Purple
Focus: Communication, Protection, Faith, Will of God, Power, Omnipotence of God, Perfection
Chakra: Throat and Solar Plexus
Element: Fire and Ether.
Planet: The Sun
Day: Sunday, Wednesday
Direction: South
Crystals: Sugalite, Sodalite, Angelite, Rainbow Hematite and all Blue crystals and gemstones
Metal: Gold
Trees: Laurel
Animals: All cats (both wild and domestic) and all black birds
Signs/Symbols: Sword and Shield
Essential Oils: Frankincense and Myrrh
Astrology/Zodiac: Leo
The Zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the Archangel Michael, who works on the Blue Ray and rules of the Sun and Sunday. Archangel Michael and the star sign Leo and is responsible for the South.
Archangel Michael aids with communication and protection and inspires one to become a seeker of higher truths and hidden knowledge.
Those under the sign of Leo are given the personality traits of generosity and ‘open-ness’.
Leos are gifted with excellent organizational skills, particularly in areas where they will earn recognition.
Leos thrive on praise and being in the limelight. They are prepared to go to great lengths to achieve credit and both public and private acclaim.
Leos are competitive and certainly like to win. Their greatest attribute lies in their capacity to be intensely individual, while at the same time loyal and generous towards those they love.
Leo’s positive qualities include warmth and sincerity, protectiveness and affection. They carry a genuine self-assurance and are generally able to tackle all that comes before them.
On the negative side, Leo’s can be vain, over-proud and extravagant. At times they have a tendency to show-off.
Archangel Michael helps with:
- Courage
- Dedication and commitment to one’s beliefs
- Standing by our truths
- Direction
- Energy and vitality
- All aspects of your life purpose
- Protection
- Motivation
- Space clearing
- Spirit releasement
- Increased self-esteem and being worthy
- Spiritual gift of freedom from doubt and fear
- Strengthening of your faith
- Inspiration for leaders
- Improvement of government
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Leo.
Astrological Dates: July 23 - August 22.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Fire.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Bay, Chamomile, Calamus Root, Cowslip, Hops, Marigold, Mistletoe, Saffron, Sunflower and Cyclamen.
Tree: Willow.
Metal: Gold.
Power Gem: Amber and Golden Topaz.
Gem: Diamond, Opal, or Ruby.
Colour: Greenish Yellow.
Number: 1 and 4.
Day: Sunday.
Season: Summer.
Tarot Card: Strenght.
Animal: Lion and Wolf.
Bird: Eagle and Peacock.
Symbolic Creature: Lion and riffin.
Anatomy Governed: Heart, Spine, Arms and Wrists.
Body System: Cardiac.
Scents/Oils: Frankinscence, Red Sandlewood, Camphor, Celendine, Sunflower, Chamomile.
Incense: Olibanum.
Harmonious Signs: Sagittarius and Aries.
Geomantic Number (Fortuna Major): 5.
Geomantic Ruler (Fortuna Major) Sorath.
Geomantic Number (Fortuna Minor): 4.
Geomantic Ruler (Fortna Minor) Sorath.
God/Godesses: Horus, Selket, Demeter, Vishnu and Venus.
Age Governed: All ages of your life.
Also known as: Beshter, Mikall, Mika’il, Sabbathiel, Saint Michael, Sabbathiel Saint Michael, Lord Michael.
Michael rules Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20), Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23) and Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Ray: 5th Ray, 1st Ray
Colour/s: Sapphire Blue and Yellow, Red and Purple
Focus: Communication, Protection, Faith, Will of God, Power, Omnipotence of God, Perfection
Chakra: Throat and Solar Plexus
Element: Fire and Ether.
Planet: The Sun
Day: Sunday, Wednesday
Direction: South
Crystals: Sugalite, Sodalite, Angelite, Rainbow Hematite and all Blue crystals and gemstones
Metal: Gold
Trees: Laurel
Animals: All cats (both wild and domestic) and all black birds
Signs/Symbols: Sword and Shield
Essential Oils: Frankincense and Myrrh
Astrology/Zodiac: Leo
The Zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the Archangel Michael, who works on the Blue Ray and rules of the Sun and Sunday. Archangel Michael and the star sign Leo and is responsible for the South.
Archangel Michael aids with communication and protection and inspires one to become a seeker of higher truths and hidden knowledge.
Those under the sign of Leo are given the personality traits of generosity and ‘open-ness’.
Leos are gifted with excellent organizational skills, particularly in areas where they will earn recognition.
Leos thrive on praise and being in the limelight. They are prepared to go to great lengths to achieve credit and both public and private acclaim.
Leos are competitive and certainly like to win. Their greatest attribute lies in their capacity to be intensely individual, while at the same time loyal and generous towards those they love.
Leo’s positive qualities include warmth and sincerity, protectiveness and affection. They carry a genuine self-assurance and are generally able to tackle all that comes before them.
On the negative side, Leo’s can be vain, over-proud and extravagant. At times they have a tendency to show-off.
Archangel Michael helps with:
- Courage
- Dedication and commitment to one’s beliefs
- Standing by our truths
- Direction
- Energy and vitality
- All aspects of your life purpose
- Protection
- Motivation
- Space clearing
- Spirit releasement
- Increased self-esteem and being worthy
- Spiritual gift of freedom from doubt and fear
- Strengthening of your faith
- Inspiration for leaders
- Improvement of government
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Virgo - 24th August - 23rd September
August 24 to August 28 - LECABEL - An angel in control of vegetation and agriculture, and one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae.
August 29 to September 2 - VASAIRIAH - In the Cabala, an angel who rules over justice, nobility, magistrates, and lawyers.
September 3 to September 7 - YEHUDIAH - In the Zohar, one of the chief angelic envoys. He descends with myriads of attending angels for the purpose of bearing aloft the souls of the persons about to die, or who have just died. He is a beneficent Angel of Death.
September 8 to September 12 - LEHAHIAH - Once of the order of Powers (Potentates), he protects crowned heads and makes subjects obedient to their superiors. He is (or was, depending on his current status as a holy or evil angel) one of the 72 heirarchs bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae.
September 13 to September 17 - CHAVAKIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
September 18 to September 23 - MENADEL - An angel of the order of Powers; also one of the 72 angels of the Zodiac. Menadel keeps exiles faithful or loyal to their native land. His corresponding angel, in the Cabala, is Aphut.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Virgo
Astrological Dates: August 23rd to September 22nd.
Astrological Symbol: See above
Element: Earth.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Cornflower, Lily, Narcissus, Rosemary, Snowdrop and Silver Root.
Tree: Elder.
Metal: Quicksilver.
Power Gem: Jade.
Gems: Cornelian, Diamond, Jasper, Aquamarine or Peridot.
Colour: Yellowish Green.
Numbers: 5, 10.
Day: Wednesday.
Tarot Card: The Hermit (IX).
Animal: Cock and Squirrel.
Bird: Magpie.
Symbolic Creature: Virgins and Hermits.
Anatomy Governed: Abdomen and Intestines.
Body System: Alimentary System and Spine.
Scents/Oils: Asters, Caraway, Corn Flower, Lavender and Snowdrops.
Incense: Narcissus.
Harmonious Signs: Capricorn, Taurus.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Taphthartharath.
God/Godesses: Heru, Isis, Ceres and Adonis.
Age Governed: 7 to 14 years of age.
Also known as: Labbiel, Lord Raphael
Ray: 4th
Colour: Emerald Green
Focus: Harmony and Healing
Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday, Sunday
Direction: North, East
Crystal: Emerald, Green Adventurine, Malachite, Green Fluorite,
Trees: Hazel, Myrtle, Mulberry
Animals: All birds
Signs/Symbols: White feathers, the Sun
Essential Oils: Star Anise, Lavender
Astrology/Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
Archangel Raphael rules over the star sign of Virgo, the planet Mercury, Wednesday and is responsible for the East.
Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing.
Archangel Raphael is the ruler of the Zodiac sign of Virgo, and brings the attributes of efficiency and an analytical mind.
Virgo’s are known to be hardworking, paying great attention to detail. They like to be able to discriminate and scrutinize every possibility before making their selection.
The positive qualities of this sign are also apparent in their helpful, unassuming, dependable natures, while their more negative qualities often appear as over-fussiness, fault-finding and indecisiveness.
Virgos are often shy and modest, unwilling to project themselves into the limelight. Virgo prefer to work away quietly behind the scenes without too much fuss or attention.
Virgo is methodical, painstaking and industrial, able to master the intricacies of any subject they choose to tackle.
Archangel Raphael helps with:
-developing Divine vision, intuition and insights
-enhancing creative visualization and manifestation techniques
-reducing and eliminating cravings and addictions
-your personal spirituality
-guidance and protection while travelling
-healing of body, mind, soul, and spirit
-inspiration for the study and practice of music, mathematics, science, and both traditional and alternative medicine
-meeting of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, tools of your trade
-repairing of rifts between nations, and relationships of all kinds
-inspiration for new cures for diseases
-finding lost pets
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Virgo
Astrological Dates: August 23rd to September 22nd.
Astrological Symbol: See above
Element: Earth.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Cornflower, Lily, Narcissus, Rosemary, Snowdrop and Silver Root.
Tree: Elder.
Metal: Quicksilver.
Power Gem: Jade.
Gems: Cornelian, Diamond, Jasper, Aquamarine or Peridot.
Colour: Yellowish Green.
Numbers: 5, 10.
Day: Wednesday.
Tarot Card: The Hermit (IX).
Animal: Cock and Squirrel.
Bird: Magpie.
Symbolic Creature: Virgins and Hermits.
Anatomy Governed: Abdomen and Intestines.
Body System: Alimentary System and Spine.
Scents/Oils: Asters, Caraway, Corn Flower, Lavender and Snowdrops.
Incense: Narcissus.
Harmonious Signs: Capricorn, Taurus.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Taphthartharath.
God/Godesses: Heru, Isis, Ceres and Adonis.
Age Governed: 7 to 14 years of age.
Also known as: Labbiel, Lord Raphael
Ray: 4th
Colour: Emerald Green
Focus: Harmony and Healing
Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday, Sunday
Direction: North, East
Crystal: Emerald, Green Adventurine, Malachite, Green Fluorite,
Trees: Hazel, Myrtle, Mulberry
Animals: All birds
Signs/Symbols: White feathers, the Sun
Essential Oils: Star Anise, Lavender
Astrology/Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
Archangel Raphael rules over the star sign of Virgo, the planet Mercury, Wednesday and is responsible for the East.

Archangel Raphael is the ruler of the Zodiac sign of Virgo, and brings the attributes of efficiency and an analytical mind.
Virgo’s are known to be hardworking, paying great attention to detail. They like to be able to discriminate and scrutinize every possibility before making their selection.
The positive qualities of this sign are also apparent in their helpful, unassuming, dependable natures, while their more negative qualities often appear as over-fussiness, fault-finding and indecisiveness.
Virgos are often shy and modest, unwilling to project themselves into the limelight. Virgo prefer to work away quietly behind the scenes without too much fuss or attention.
Virgo is methodical, painstaking and industrial, able to master the intricacies of any subject they choose to tackle.
Archangel Raphael helps with:
-developing Divine vision, intuition and insights
-enhancing creative visualization and manifestation techniques
-reducing and eliminating cravings and addictions
-your personal spirituality
-guidance and protection while travelling
-healing of body, mind, soul, and spirit
-inspiration for the study and practice of music, mathematics, science, and both traditional and alternative medicine
-meeting of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, tools of your trade
-repairing of rifts between nations, and relationships of all kinds
-inspiration for new cures for diseases
-finding lost pets
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Libra - 23th September - 23rd October
September 24 to October 23 - ANIEL - One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the West wind.
September 29 to October 3 - HAAMIAH - An angel of the order of Powers. He dominates religious cults and "protects all those who seek the truth." His corresponding angel (in the Cabala) is Serucuth.
October 4 to October 8 - REHAEL - An angel of the order of Powers. He rules over health and longevity, and inspires respect for one's parents. He is one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Ptechout.
October 9 to October 13 - IHIAZEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
October 14 to October 18 - HAHAHEL - Hahahel is also spelled Hahael and this angel in an angel of the order of Virtues. Hahael protects missionaries and all disciples. He is also one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of the God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Chantare`,who's description only states that he is the corresponding angel to Hahahel (Hahael).
October 19 to October 23 - MIKAEL - An angel who influences the decisions of monarchs, nobles, and governors; also useful in uncovering conspiracies against states. His corresponding angel is Arpien.
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Libra.
Astrological Dates: September 23rd - October 22nd.
Element: Air.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Violet, White Rose, Love in a Mist and Yarrow.
Tree: Almond, Wallnut and Plum
Metal: Copper.
Power Gem: Lapis lazuli.
Gems: Beryl, Chrysolite, Jade, Opal or Emerald.
Colour: Emerald Green, Roal Blue and Black.
Number: 6.
Day: Friday.
Tarot Card: Justice (VIII).
Animal: Hare.
Bird: Dove, Sparrow and Swan.
Symbolic Creature: Elephant and Tortoise.
Anatomy Governed: Lower Back and Kidneys.
Body System: Renal (Liver).
Scent/Oils: Aloe, Calendula, Burdock, Galbanum, Rose or Violet.
Incense: Galbanum.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Kedemel.
God/Godesses: Maat, Ma, Themis, Yama and Vulcan.
Age Governed: 14 to 21 years of age.
Also known as: Anael, Aniel, Anafiel, Hamiel, Hamael, Hanael, Onoel, Omoel, Daniel
Colour/s: Turquoise, deep pink, orange and white
Focus: Self-expression through higher feelings and emotions
Chakra: Thymus and 3rd Eye
Element: Earth
Planet: Moon, Saturn and Venus
Day: Friday
Month: December
Crystals: Moonstone, Angelite, Howlite, Red Jasper
Flowers: Rose (symbolizes spiritual growth, enlightenment, love and beauty)
Animal/s: Wolf
Essential Oils: Basil, marjoram, coriander, jasmine, cardamom, neroli and sandalwood
Astrology/Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Archangel Haniel is the ruler of the sign of Libra, and imbues those under this sign with the traits of being harmonious and diplomatic.
Archangel Haniel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Libra and Friday.
Libra seeks to weigh things up and come to an impartial judgement, not ruled by emotions and Librans seek to always balance the body and soul, mind and spirit.
Those born under the sign of Libra are known to be diplomatic, lovers of harmony needing a stable, balanced environment. Librans are known for their logic and diplomacy. Librans can see both sides of an issue, but can have difficulty making decisions. Librans like to constantly circulate and love to socialize. Their energy is one of cultivated refinement and charm.
Because Libra is an Air Sign, those born under it often displays a distinct intellectual streak and a love of knowledge. They like to use language exquisitely; and ‘communication’ is very important to them.
Archangel Haniel assists with:
- Soul expression
- Poise, balance and harmony
- Crystals and crystal and gem essence healing
- Emotions
- Dignity and integrity
- Relationships
- Health and healing
- Intuition and instincts
- Love
- Spirituality and developing spiritual gifts and abilities
- disperse and heal negative
- staying calm, poised and centered
- fulfilling our life purpose
- inner-strength, self-belief and self-confidence
- living in the present moment
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Libra.
Astrological Dates: September 23rd - October 22nd.
Element: Air.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Violet, White Rose, Love in a Mist and Yarrow.
Tree: Almond, Wallnut and Plum
Metal: Copper.
Power Gem: Lapis lazuli.
Gems: Beryl, Chrysolite, Jade, Opal or Emerald.
Colour: Emerald Green, Roal Blue and Black.
Number: 6.
Day: Friday.
Tarot Card: Justice (VIII).
Animal: Hare.
Bird: Dove, Sparrow and Swan.
Symbolic Creature: Elephant and Tortoise.
Anatomy Governed: Lower Back and Kidneys.
Body System: Renal (Liver).
Scent/Oils: Aloe, Calendula, Burdock, Galbanum, Rose or Violet.
Incense: Galbanum.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Kedemel.
God/Godesses: Maat, Ma, Themis, Yama and Vulcan.
Age Governed: 14 to 21 years of age.
Also known as: Anael, Aniel, Anafiel, Hamiel, Hamael, Hanael, Onoel, Omoel, Daniel
Colour/s: Turquoise, deep pink, orange and white
Focus: Self-expression through higher feelings and emotions
Chakra: Thymus and 3rd Eye
Element: Earth
Planet: Moon, Saturn and Venus
Day: Friday
Month: December
Crystals: Moonstone, Angelite, Howlite, Red Jasper
Flowers: Rose (symbolizes spiritual growth, enlightenment, love and beauty)
Animal/s: Wolf
Essential Oils: Basil, marjoram, coriander, jasmine, cardamom, neroli and sandalwood
Astrology/Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Archangel Haniel is the ruler of the sign of Libra, and imbues those under this sign with the traits of being harmonious and diplomatic.
Archangel Haniel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Libra and Friday.
Libra seeks to weigh things up and come to an impartial judgement, not ruled by emotions and Librans seek to always balance the body and soul, mind and spirit.
Those born under the sign of Libra are known to be diplomatic, lovers of harmony needing a stable, balanced environment. Librans are known for their logic and diplomacy. Librans can see both sides of an issue, but can have difficulty making decisions. Librans like to constantly circulate and love to socialize. Their energy is one of cultivated refinement and charm.
Because Libra is an Air Sign, those born under it often displays a distinct intellectual streak and a love of knowledge. They like to use language exquisitely; and ‘communication’ is very important to them.
Archangel Haniel assists with:
- Soul expression
- Poise, balance and harmony
- Crystals and crystal and gem essence healing
- Emotions
- Dignity and integrity
- Relationships
- Health and healing
- Intuition and instincts
- Love
- Spirituality and developing spiritual gifts and abilities
- disperse and heal negative
- staying calm, poised and centered
- fulfilling our life purpose
- inner-strength, self-belief and self-confidence
- living in the present moment
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Scorpio - 24th October - 22nd November
October 24 to October 28 - VEULIAH - An angel of the order of Principalities; also a Zodiac angel and he is also one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of the God Shemhamphorae.
October 29 to November 2 - YELAIAH - One of the angels of the Zodiac.
November 3 to November 7 - SAELIAH - In the Cabala, a Fallen angel once of the order of Virtues. He has (or had) dominion over vegetables. When invoking him, and for the best results, it is advisable to recite a verse from Psalm 93.
November 8 to November 12 - ARIEL - Ranks as one of the 7 Princes who rule the waters and is "Earth's Great Lord." In occult writings, he is the "3rd archon of the winds." He is also the angel who assists Raphael in the cure of disease. He is in charge of punishment in the Lower World, controls demons, and is ruler of winds. In practical Cabala he is regarded as originally of the order of Virtues. He is known to be a conglomerate of Anael and Uriel, a Sprite, and a Rebel Angel, according to different sources.
November 13 to Novemeber 17 - ASALIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Virtues, under the ethnarchy of Raphael. He has dominion over justice. One of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae.
November 18 to November 22 - MIHAEL - In the Cabala, an angel in control of conjugal fidelity and fertility. He belongs to the order of Virtues and is one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Scorpio
Astrological Dates: October 23rd to November 21st
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Water.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Basil, Heather, Male Fern, and Silverwood.
Tree: Holly.
Metal: Iron
Power Gem: Aquamarine.
Gems: Topaz, Ruby, Jet.
Colour: Purple.
Number: 9.
Day: Tuesday.
Season: Autumn.
Tarot Card: Death.
Animal: Wolf and Panther.
Bird: Eagle, Vulture
Symbolic Creatures: Scorpion.
Anatomy Governed: Nose, Genitals, Bladder, Uethra and Prostate
Body System: Reproductive and Haemoglobin
Scent/Oils: Chrysanthemum, Pine, Rosemary, Wormwood, Basil, Vanilla or Cypress.
Incense: Benzoin.
Marmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Bartzabel.
God/Godess: Selket, Apep, Khepera, Ares and Mars.
Age Governed: Old age.
Also known as: Azrail, Ashriel, Azriel, Azaril, Azrail, Azraille, Azra’eil, Ezra’il, Ezraeli, Izrail, Izrael, Ozryel.
Ray: 2nd Ray
Colour: Yellow, Pearl, cream
Element: Water
Day: Tuesday and Friday
Direction: Southwest
Crystals: Creamy yellow calcite
Astrology/Zodiac: Scorpio, Pisces
Also known as: Camiel, Kemuel, Camael, Camiul, Camniel, Cancel, Johoel, Kemuel, Khamael, Seraphiel, Shemuel
Ray: 3rd Ray
Colour: Pink (all shades)
Focus: Relationships
Chakra: Heart
Element: Air. Developing the higher emotions
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Flourite
Day/s: Friday, Monday, Tuesday
Planet: Venus, Mars
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Green Adventurine, Jade, Prehnite
Animals: Deer, Dove, Rabbit, Butterfly
Trees: Cherry and Apple
Essential Oil: Rose Otto and Rose
Astrology/Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Scorpio is overseen and ruled by the Archangels Azrael and Camael.
Archangel Azrael is a ‘shepherd’ angel who rules the planet Pluto and the star sign of Scorpio.
Archangel Camael rules over the planet Mars and Tuesday.
Those under the influence of the angels of the zodiac sign of Scorpio are given powerful and intense personalities.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of ‘hidden things’. Because of this, the Scorpio personality can become a little paranoid and obsessed about what is going on around them in their lives.
Scorpios are well known for their powerful emotional natures. They will hold on tenaciously to what is theirs and refuse to yield anything without a fight. But once a Scorpio looses interest in anything or anybody, the lack of feeling is suddenly and instantly apparent. The quality of ‘fixity’ is not one which changes easily, and fierce determination can thus reveal itself negatively and ruthlessness.
The more positive Scorpio qualities include tremendous loyalty and a sense of responsibility, but their negative aspects can be possessiveness and jealousy, and a tendency to be self-destructive and outwardly destructive. Scorpios can be quite relentless with those who hurt or betray them.
Archangel Azrael assists with:
• Comforting the dying and grieving
• Crossing over the newly deceased person’s soul
• Grief counselling and support for the grieving
• Transitions and life changes
• Developing mediumship and psychic abilities
• Raising our vibrational rate
Archangel Chamuel helps with:
- easing anxiety and bringing about inner-peace
- finding lost objects and items
- strengthening relationship bonds
- feeling love for the self and others
- clearing negative emotions and blockages
- healing a broken heart
- facing and overcoming obstacles and challenges
- world peace
- realizing your life purpose and soul mission
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Scorpio
Astrological Dates: October 23rd to November 21st
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Water.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Basil, Heather, Male Fern, and Silverwood.
Tree: Holly.
Metal: Iron
Power Gem: Aquamarine.
Gems: Topaz, Ruby, Jet.
Colour: Purple.
Number: 9.
Day: Tuesday.
Season: Autumn.
Tarot Card: Death.
Animal: Wolf and Panther.
Bird: Eagle, Vulture
Symbolic Creatures: Scorpion.
Anatomy Governed: Nose, Genitals, Bladder, Uethra and Prostate
Body System: Reproductive and Haemoglobin
Scent/Oils: Chrysanthemum, Pine, Rosemary, Wormwood, Basil, Vanilla or Cypress.
Incense: Benzoin.
Marmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Bartzabel.
God/Godess: Selket, Apep, Khepera, Ares and Mars.
Age Governed: Old age.
Also known as: Azrail, Ashriel, Azriel, Azaril, Azrail, Azraille, Azra’eil, Ezra’il, Ezraeli, Izrail, Izrael, Ozryel.
Ray: 2nd Ray
Colour: Yellow, Pearl, cream
Element: Water
Day: Tuesday and Friday
Direction: Southwest
Crystals: Creamy yellow calcite
Astrology/Zodiac: Scorpio, Pisces
Also known as: Camiel, Kemuel, Camael, Camiul, Camniel, Cancel, Johoel, Kemuel, Khamael, Seraphiel, Shemuel
Ray: 3rd Ray
Colour: Pink (all shades)
Focus: Relationships
Chakra: Heart
Element: Air. Developing the higher emotions
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Flourite
Day/s: Friday, Monday, Tuesday
Planet: Venus, Mars
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Green Adventurine, Jade, Prehnite
Animals: Deer, Dove, Rabbit, Butterfly
Trees: Cherry and Apple
Essential Oil: Rose Otto and Rose
Astrology/Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Scorpio is overseen and ruled by the Archangels Azrael and Camael.
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Azrael |
Archangel Camael rules over the planet Mars and Tuesday.
Those under the influence of the angels of the zodiac sign of Scorpio are given powerful and intense personalities.
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Camael |
Scorpios are well known for their powerful emotional natures. They will hold on tenaciously to what is theirs and refuse to yield anything without a fight. But once a Scorpio looses interest in anything or anybody, the lack of feeling is suddenly and instantly apparent. The quality of ‘fixity’ is not one which changes easily, and fierce determination can thus reveal itself negatively and ruthlessness.
The more positive Scorpio qualities include tremendous loyalty and a sense of responsibility, but their negative aspects can be possessiveness and jealousy, and a tendency to be self-destructive and outwardly destructive. Scorpios can be quite relentless with those who hurt or betray them.
Archangel Azrael assists with:
• Comforting the dying and grieving
• Crossing over the newly deceased person’s soul
• Grief counselling and support for the grieving
• Transitions and life changes
• Developing mediumship and psychic abilities
• Raising our vibrational rate
Archangel Chamuel helps with:
- easing anxiety and bringing about inner-peace
- finding lost objects and items
- strengthening relationship bonds
- feeling love for the self and others
- clearing negative emotions and blockages
- healing a broken heart
- facing and overcoming obstacles and challenges
- world peace
- realizing your life purpose and soul mission
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Sagittarius - 23rd November - 21st December:
November 23 to November 27 - VEHUEL - An angel of the order of Principalities; also a Zodiac angel and one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
November 28 to December 2 - DANIEL - An angel of the order of Principalities. He exercises dominion over lawyers. He is a high Holy Angel who bears the name of Shemhamphorae.
December 3 to December 7 - HAHAZIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
December 8 to December 12 - IMAMIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Principalities, or rather and ex-angel of that order, since he is fallen. In Hell he supervises and controls voyages,and destroys and humiliates enemies, when he is invoked to do so, or is so disposed. He was once one of the 72 angels that bore the name of God Shemhamphorae.
December 13 to December 16 - NANAEL - In practical Cabala, one of the Principalities; also one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. Exercises dominion over the great sciences, influences philosophers and ecclesiastics. His corresponding angel is Chomme.
December 17 to December 21 - NITHAEL - In the Cabala, an angel formerly of the order of Principalities. One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. The prevailing belief is that Nithael joined Satan during the rebellion in Heaven and that now, in Hell, he governs emperors and kings, also civil and ecclesiastical personages of the highest rank.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Sagittarius.
Astrological Dates: November 22nd - December 21st
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Fire.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Carnation, Pimpernel, Pink Clover, Rush, Sage and Wallflower.
Tree: Mulberry, Vine, Chestnut.
Metal: Tin.
Power Gem: Golden Topaz.
Gems: Sapphire, Amethyst and Diamond.
Colours: Red, Crimson.
Numbers: 3, 4.
Day: Thursday.
Season: Autumn.
Tarot Card: Temperance (XIIII).
Animal: Mare and Lion.
Bird: Eagle and Peacock.
Symbolic Creatures: Centaur, Dog and Horse.
Anatomy Governed: Hips, Thighs, Liver, Pelvis.
Body System: Hempatic.
Scent/Oils: Aster, Narsissus, Clove, Balsam, and Sage.
Incense: Cinnamon.
Marmonious Signs: Aries and Virgo.
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Not identified.
God/Godesses: Nepthys, Apollo, Artemis, Vishnu and Diana.
Age Governed: 35 to 42 years of age.
Also known as: Tzadkiel, Tzaphqiel, Tzaphquiel, Tzaphkiel, Hesediel, Jafkiel, Japhkiel, Satquiel, Satqiel, Zachiel, Zadakiel, Zadkiel, Zafkiel, Zaphiel, Zafchial, Zaphkiel, Zedekiel, Zedkiel, Zidekiel,
Ray: 7th Ray
Colour/s: Violet, Lilac, Blue/Turquoise
Focus: Self-transformation, accessing angelic guidance
Chakra: Crown Chakra, 3th Eye Chakra / Brow Chakra
Element: Cosmic energy
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday, Saturday
Crystals: Amethyst, Ametrine, Blue Chalcedony, Tanzanite, Charoite, Fluorite
Planet: Jupiter, Saturn
Trees: Oak, Ash, Cedar
Animals: Elephants, whales, swans, ducks
Essential Oil: Benzoin
Astrology/Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
The star sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the Archangel Zadkiel, who works with the Violet Ray with the focus of spiritual growth and self-transformation. Archangel Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter, the star sign Sagittarius and Thursday.
Those born under the influence of Sagittarius have the attributes of being optimistic and adventurous.
Sagittarians are by nature, intuitive and imaginative, but it often out of touch with the limits of reality. Sagittarius finds restrictions of all kinds to be extremely tiresome.
Sagittarius is full of wonderful ideas and creative visions, but putting them into practice is a chore which he prefers to leave to other people.
Sagittarians often make for wonderful philosophers and teachers, as they enjoy sharing their opinions with others. They dislike being told what to do at any time.
While the positive qualities of Sagittarius include positivity, generosity, enthusiasm, action, creativity and a fervent love of life, the negative qualities include a tendency to be dogmatic, opinionated and often tactless.
Archangel Zadkiel helps with:
- accessing angelic guidance and Divine wisdom
- developing ad strengthening intuition
- memory and recall
- remembering your Divine origin and life purpose/soul mission
- mercy and forgiveness
- overcoming obstacles
- truth seeking
- increasing your self-esteem
- bringing forth your natural talents, skills and abilities
- transforming past memories, limitations, energy blockages, negative personality traits and addictions
- developing our natural tendencies towards helping one another whilst serving our life purposes
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Sagittarius.
Astrological Dates: November 22nd - December 21st
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Fire.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Carnation, Pimpernel, Pink Clover, Rush, Sage and Wallflower.
Tree: Mulberry, Vine, Chestnut.
Metal: Tin.
Power Gem: Golden Topaz.
Gems: Sapphire, Amethyst and Diamond.
Colours: Red, Crimson.
Numbers: 3, 4.
Day: Thursday.
Season: Autumn.
Tarot Card: Temperance (XIIII).
Animal: Mare and Lion.
Bird: Eagle and Peacock.
Symbolic Creatures: Centaur, Dog and Horse.
Anatomy Governed: Hips, Thighs, Liver, Pelvis.
Body System: Hempatic.
Scent/Oils: Aster, Narsissus, Clove, Balsam, and Sage.
Incense: Cinnamon.
Marmonious Signs: Aries and Virgo.
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Not identified.
God/Godesses: Nepthys, Apollo, Artemis, Vishnu and Diana.
Age Governed: 35 to 42 years of age.
Also known as: Tzadkiel, Tzaphqiel, Tzaphquiel, Tzaphkiel, Hesediel, Jafkiel, Japhkiel, Satquiel, Satqiel, Zachiel, Zadakiel, Zadkiel, Zafkiel, Zaphiel, Zafchial, Zaphkiel, Zedekiel, Zedkiel, Zidekiel,
Ray: 7th Ray
Colour/s: Violet, Lilac, Blue/Turquoise
Focus: Self-transformation, accessing angelic guidance
Chakra: Crown Chakra, 3th Eye Chakra / Brow Chakra
Element: Cosmic energy
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday, Saturday
Crystals: Amethyst, Ametrine, Blue Chalcedony, Tanzanite, Charoite, Fluorite
Planet: Jupiter, Saturn
Trees: Oak, Ash, Cedar
Animals: Elephants, whales, swans, ducks
Essential Oil: Benzoin
Astrology/Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
The star sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the Archangel Zadkiel, who works with the Violet Ray with the focus of spiritual growth and self-transformation. Archangel Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter, the star sign Sagittarius and Thursday.
Those born under the influence of Sagittarius have the attributes of being optimistic and adventurous.
Sagittarians are by nature, intuitive and imaginative, but it often out of touch with the limits of reality. Sagittarius finds restrictions of all kinds to be extremely tiresome.
Sagittarius is full of wonderful ideas and creative visions, but putting them into practice is a chore which he prefers to leave to other people.
Sagittarians often make for wonderful philosophers and teachers, as they enjoy sharing their opinions with others. They dislike being told what to do at any time.
While the positive qualities of Sagittarius include positivity, generosity, enthusiasm, action, creativity and a fervent love of life, the negative qualities include a tendency to be dogmatic, opinionated and often tactless.
Archangel Zadkiel helps with:
- accessing angelic guidance and Divine wisdom
- developing ad strengthening intuition
- memory and recall
- remembering your Divine origin and life purpose/soul mission
- mercy and forgiveness
- overcoming obstacles
- truth seeking
- increasing your self-esteem
- bringing forth your natural talents, skills and abilities
- transforming past memories, limitations, energy blockages, negative personality traits and addictions
- developing our natural tendencies towards helping one another whilst serving our life purposes
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Capricorn - 22nd December - 20th January:
December 22 to December 26 - MEBAHIAH - An angel who exercises dominion over morality and religion. He also helps those desiring offspring.
December 27 to December 31 - POIEL - An angel of the order of Principalities. He rules over fortune and philosophy. He also is one of the 72 angels of the Zodiac.
January 1 to January 5 - NEMAMIAH - This sacred being is a guardian angel of all those who fight for just causes. He is especially protective towards people who defend the rights of those who cannot defend themselves, such as animals and children. When an injustice is done towards anyone, including ourselves, we can pray to Nemamiah to right the wrong.
January 6 to January 10 - IEILAEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
January 11 to January 15 - HARAEL - This radiant one protects libraries, archives, schools and universities. Harahel opens our minds and hearts to new ideas while inspiring humankind to use this knowledge in life-affirming ways.
January 16 to January 20 - MITZRAEL - One of the archangels in Cabalistic lore. Induces obedience on the part of inferiors toward superiors. One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Homoth.
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Capricorn.
Astrological Dates: 22nd December - January 19th.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plant/Herbs: Belladonna, Comfrey, Hellebore, Hemlock, , Onyx, Nightshade, Snowdrop, Sorrel, Thistle, Rue, Indian Hemp, Orris Root and Valerian.
Tree: Cypress, Yew, Spruce.
Metal: Lead. (caution Lead is poisonous).
Power Gem(s): Malachite 0r Black Onyx.
Gems: Black Garnet, Jet, Obsidian,Opal,Tourmaline or Turquoise.
Colour: Gray, Dark Brown, Indigo and Black.
Number: 3, 8 and 15.
Day: Saturday.
Season: Winter.
Tarot Card: The Devil (XV).
Animal: Dog and Goat.
Bird: Owl and Falcon.
Symbolic Creature: Goat, Donkey, Ass.
Anatomy Governed: Hair, Knees, Bones, Skin and Genitals.
Body System: Skeletal.
Incense: Musk.
Scents/Oils: Frankincense, Carnation, Comfrey, Thistle..
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Rules: Zazel.
God/Godesses: Set, Pan, Hermes, Vesta and Bacchus.
Age Governed: 42 to 49 years of age.
Asariel (Hebrew) "God is my aid" also the name has been interpreted as "Whom God Has Bound by oath."
Asariel - Appear in green shimmering robes, wearing a crown of seaweed. He is mature in countenance and carry's a Trident as his astrological symbol.
One of the twenty-eight angels governing the twenty-eight mansion of the moon.
Name of Planet under rulership: Neptune.
Planet Name in Hebrew: Not identified.
Hebrew Meaning: Not identified.
Teaching Angel: Asariel.
Also Know As: Zadkiel.
Correct Pronunciation: AS-ar-re-EL..
Celestial Title: Ruler of the Waves.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish Tradition.
Hebrew Name: Asariel.
Hebrew Letter: None identified.
Egyptian Name: Nun / Hapi.
Station: Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: Not Applicable.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Holy living creatures.
Greek/Roman God of Planet: Neptune.
Metal: Silver.
Day: Thursday.
Hours of Day (Thursday) Ruled All Hours.
Month Ruled: September.
Cycle of Results: Can appear unexpectedly.
Orbit: Not applicable. (165 years).
Fixed Stars (Pisces): Formalhaut, Markab and Deneb Adige.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Asariel: Not identified.
Gems: Artificial Pale Green, Emerald and Amethyst.
Ritual Candle Colour: Green or Pale Mauve.
Planetary Colour: Green.
Harran / Hermatics Colour: N/A.
Complimentary Colour: Red.
Colour of the Pentacles of Neptune: Blue-Green.
Astral Colour - Pisces: White - Green.
Symbol: Trident.
Tarot Card: Temperance.
Planetary Number: 2.
Talisman Size/Sides: 7.
Numbers of Neptune: 7.
Magical Note: F.
Direction Ruled: Not identified.
Degree: Not identified.
Angelic Thoughtform: Olives.
Fruit: Olives, Figs and Nuts.
Tree: Ash, Elm, Pine and Willow.
Flowers/Herbs: Carnation, Heliotrope, Jasmine Berries, Morning Glory, Opium Poppy and Water Lily (Blue). All Sea plants.
Insects: None identified.
Animals: Fish, Dolphin and Stag.
Anatomy Governed: Stomach, Arteries, Liver., Legs and Feet.
River Ruled: Southern River.
Letter Composition - Pisces: Purple Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Alphabet of the Magi.
Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac sign that is ruled by the Archangel Asariel. Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign Capricorn.
Those influenced by Capricorn are careful and responsible in all that they undertake.
Capricorn is a sign which desires status and a high position in the world, therefore, social acceptance is of great importance to them.
In realizing their ambition, Capricorns are not afraid of hard work and will suffer many hardships and obstacles to reach their goal.
There is a strong sense of determination and a powerful willpower which eventually carries Capricorns to their desired goals. Whether this is goal is financial, acclaim or power, Capricorns will set out with the utmost resolution to attain the goal.
Capricorn’s greatest talent lies in the field of organization and control. They are disciplines and structured, wasting no time or resource that are not absolutely necessary. They are also great upholders of family traditions, society and the correct way to behave within the context of family and society.
Capricorn is concerned with amassing wealth for the security it brings. This will generally bring them a position of authority and leadership, but they can be pessimistic and worry themselves unnecessarily.
Capricorns like to be organized and can be overly cautious.
Archangel Asariel helps with:
The Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Capricorn.
Astrological Dates: 22nd December - January 19th.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Cardinal.
Astrological Plant/Herbs: Belladonna, Comfrey, Hellebore, Hemlock, , Onyx, Nightshade, Snowdrop, Sorrel, Thistle, Rue, Indian Hemp, Orris Root and Valerian.
Tree: Cypress, Yew, Spruce.
Metal: Lead. (caution Lead is poisonous).
Power Gem(s): Malachite 0r Black Onyx.
Gems: Black Garnet, Jet, Obsidian,Opal,Tourmaline or Turquoise.
Colour: Gray, Dark Brown, Indigo and Black.
Number: 3, 8 and 15.
Day: Saturday.
Season: Winter.
Tarot Card: The Devil (XV).
Animal: Dog and Goat.
Bird: Owl and Falcon.
Symbolic Creature: Goat, Donkey, Ass.
Anatomy Governed: Hair, Knees, Bones, Skin and Genitals.
Body System: Skeletal.
Incense: Musk.
Scents/Oils: Frankincense, Carnation, Comfrey, Thistle..
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Rules: Zazel.
God/Godesses: Set, Pan, Hermes, Vesta and Bacchus.
Age Governed: 42 to 49 years of age.
Asariel (Hebrew) "God is my aid" also the name has been interpreted as "Whom God Has Bound by oath."
Asariel - Appear in green shimmering robes, wearing a crown of seaweed. He is mature in countenance and carry's a Trident as his astrological symbol.
One of the twenty-eight angels governing the twenty-eight mansion of the moon.
Name of Planet under rulership: Neptune.
Planet Name in Hebrew: Not identified.
Hebrew Meaning: Not identified.
Teaching Angel: Asariel.
Also Know As: Zadkiel.
Correct Pronunciation: AS-ar-re-EL..
Celestial Title: Ruler of the Waves.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish Tradition.
Hebrew Name: Asariel.
Hebrew Letter: None identified.
Egyptian Name: Nun / Hapi.
Station: Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: Not Applicable.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Holy living creatures.
Greek/Roman God of Planet: Neptune.
Metal: Silver.
Day: Thursday.
Hours of Day (Thursday) Ruled All Hours.
Month Ruled: September.
Cycle of Results: Can appear unexpectedly.
Orbit: Not applicable. (165 years).
Fixed Stars (Pisces): Formalhaut, Markab and Deneb Adige.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Asariel: Not identified.
Gems: Artificial Pale Green, Emerald and Amethyst.
Ritual Candle Colour: Green or Pale Mauve.
Planetary Colour: Green.
Harran / Hermatics Colour: N/A.
Complimentary Colour: Red.
Colour of the Pentacles of Neptune: Blue-Green.
Astral Colour - Pisces: White - Green.
Symbol: Trident.
Tarot Card: Temperance.
Planetary Number: 2.
Talisman Size/Sides: 7.
Numbers of Neptune: 7.
Magical Note: F.
Direction Ruled: Not identified.
Degree: Not identified.
Angelic Thoughtform: Olives.
Fruit: Olives, Figs and Nuts.
Tree: Ash, Elm, Pine and Willow.
Flowers/Herbs: Carnation, Heliotrope, Jasmine Berries, Morning Glory, Opium Poppy and Water Lily (Blue). All Sea plants.
Insects: None identified.
Animals: Fish, Dolphin and Stag.
Anatomy Governed: Stomach, Arteries, Liver., Legs and Feet.
River Ruled: Southern River.
Letter Composition - Pisces: Purple Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Alphabet of the Magi.
Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac sign that is ruled by the Archangel Asariel. Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign Capricorn.
Those influenced by Capricorn are careful and responsible in all that they undertake.
Capricorn is a sign which desires status and a high position in the world, therefore, social acceptance is of great importance to them.
In realizing their ambition, Capricorns are not afraid of hard work and will suffer many hardships and obstacles to reach their goal.
There is a strong sense of determination and a powerful willpower which eventually carries Capricorns to their desired goals. Whether this is goal is financial, acclaim or power, Capricorns will set out with the utmost resolution to attain the goal.
Capricorn’s greatest talent lies in the field of organization and control. They are disciplines and structured, wasting no time or resource that are not absolutely necessary. They are also great upholders of family traditions, society and the correct way to behave within the context of family and society.
Capricorn is concerned with amassing wealth for the security it brings. This will generally bring them a position of authority and leadership, but they can be pessimistic and worry themselves unnecessarily.
Capricorns like to be organized and can be overly cautious.
Archangel Asariel helps with:
- Comforting the dying and the grieving
- Crossing over the newly deceased person's soul
- Grief counseling
- Support for the grieving—material, spiritual, and emotional
Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Aquarius - 21st January - 19th February
January 21 to January 25 - UMABEL - In the Cabala, Umabel is said to have dominion over physics and astronomy. He is also one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Ptiau.
January 26 to January 30 - IAHHEL - This shining one inspires meditation and illumination. Iahhel watches over philosophers and those who seek a retreat from worldly pursuits. For those who have difficulty meditating, pray to Iahhel for help just before you begin your meditative practice.
January 31 to February 4 - NAUEL - An angel who protects commerce, bankers, commission brokers, etc. His corresponding angel is Aseij.
February 5 to February 9 - MEHIEL - An angel who protects university professors, orators and authors.
February 10 to February 14 - DAMABIAH - An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction.
February 15 to February 19 - MANAKEL - Angel of aquatic animals
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Aquarius.
Astrological Dates: January 20th - February 18th.
Element: Air.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Buttercup, Fennel and Wormwood.
Tree: Pine.
Metal: Aluminium, and Lead.
Power Gem: Garnet.
Gem: Amber, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli and Malachite.
Colour: Violet, Purple and Sky Blue.
Number: 2 and 3.
Day: Saturday.
Season: Winter.
Tarot Card: The Star (XVII).
Animal: Dog and Otter.
Bird: Eagle.
Symbolic Creature: Peacock and Man.
Anatomy Governed: Ankles.
Body System: Circulatory.
Scents/Oils: Buttercup, Comfrey, Daffodil, Fennel, Flax Seed, Pine, Poppy, Valerian, Wormwood.
Incense: Galbanum.
Harmonious Signs: Leo
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Zazel.
Gods/Godesses: Nuit, Athena and Juno.
Age Governed: 49 to 56 years of age.
Archangel Uriel- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Uranus.
Symbol: See above.
Teaching Angel: Uriel aka Auriel.
Correct Pronunciation: oo-RE-EL.
Celestial Name: The Magician.
Hebrew Name: None identified.
Hebrew Letter. None identified.
Egyptian Angel: None identified.
Station: Throne, Archangel and Teaching Angel.
Metal: Platinum, Alloys.
Day: Saturday.
Hours of Day (Saturday) Ruled: 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night.
Month: September.
Cycle of Days: 14 Days.
Orbit: Unexpectedly.
Fixed Stars ( Aquarius): Altair, Dolphin and Trica.
Exaltation: Aquarius.
Depression: Leo.
Fall: Leo.
Harran / hermetics Colours: N/A.
Symbol: A Triangle.
Tarot Card: The Tower Struck by Lightening.
Gems: Iris Stone.
Fruit: Mango's and Bananas.
Flowers/Herbs: Bryony and Pokeweed.
Anatomy Governed: Breast and above stomach.
Astral Colour's: Blue - Green.
River Ruled: Southern.
Letter Composition: Green Ink - White Paper.
Appropriate Magical Script: Celestial.
Planetary Numerological Numbers: 17, 12
Musical Note: C
Angelic Thought-form: Banana
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here.
Related Astrological Correspondences: Aquarius: Click here.
Related Elemental Correspondences: Air: Click here.
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here.
Related Deities: Aeon, Uranus.
Archangel Cassiel- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Saturn.
Planet Name in Hebrew: ShBThAI.
Hebrew Meaning: from ShBTh meaning sabbat day or to stop/rest/cease.
Teaching Angel: Cassiel.
Also Know as: Captiel, Kafziel (Hebrew).
Correct Pronunciation: cas-A-EL..
Celestial Title: Father of Time.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish, Kabbalistic and Christian Traditions.
Hebrew Name:
Hebrew Letter: Tau.
Egyptian Name: Nepthys and Horus.
Station: Archangel and Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: The Seventh Heaven - Araboth.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Aralim.
Greek/Roman God: Cybelle - Persephone.
Metal: Lead. (caution Lead is poisonous).
Day: Saturday.
Hours of Day (Saturday) Ruled: 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night.
Month Ruled: Not identified.
Cycle of Results: 3 Months.
Orbit: 4 years.
Fixed Stars (Capricorn): Vega and Antinous.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Cassiel: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Gems: Garnet, Jet, Lodestone, Onyx, Sapphire, Turquoise and Salt.
Ritual Candle Colours: Black, Brown or Grey.
Planetary Colours: Black, Dark Greens, Indigo or Maroon .
Harran / Hermetics Colour: Pitch Black.
Complimentary Colour: White .
Colour of Pentacles of Saturn: Black.
Astral Colour's - Capricorn: Red and Brown.
Symbol: A Straight Line.
Tarot Card: The Universe XXI (The World XXI).
Planetary Number: 8.
Talisman Size/Sides: 3.
Numbers of Saturn: 3, 7.
Magical Note: D.
Direction Ruled: North.
Degree: 1:2
Angelic Thoughtform: Bitter Orange (small sour orange).
Fruits: Dried Fruit, Plum, Pomergranate, and Tomato Fruit.
Tree: Alder, Beech, Cypress, All Evergreen (slow growers), Oak and Yew.
Flowers/Herbs: Aconite, Ash, Belladonna, Coltsfoot, Deadly Nightshade.Hellebore, Henbane, Houseleek, Ivy, Hemlock, Hemp and Wolfsbane.
Insect: Earth Worms.
Animal: Crow, Crocodile, Raven.
Anatomy Governed: Left Leg, Excretory System .
River Ruled: Northern River.
Letter Composition: Black Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Malachim.
Planetary Spirit: Agiel.
Planetary Intelligence: Agiel.
Planetary Demon: Zazel.
Olympic Spirit: Aratron (or Arathron).
Demon of the Day (Saturday): Guland alias Nabam.
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here
Related Astrological Correspondences: Capricorn: Click here
Related Elemental Correspondences: Earth: Click here
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here
Related Deities: Set, Cronos, Balder.
The sign Aquarious is ruled by the Archangels Uriel and Cassiel, bringing the energies of being idealistic and a humanitarian.
Archangel Uriel works with the Ruby Ray with a focus upon your life path and soul mission.
Archangel Uriel is responsible for the North and rules the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus.
Archangel Cassiel rules the planet Saturn, the star sign Aquarius and Saturday, and is a ‘shepherd’ angel.
Aquarians tend to be independent, progressive in outlook, and humanitarian. Aquarians love the idea of helping humanity as a whole – but they often come unstuck when faced with the messy petty problems which arise in one-to-one human relationships. The Aquarian whose high ideals inspire him to work positively for humanity, is usually extremely loathe to become embroiled in the world of personal relationships.
Positively, Aquarians may come across as cold, aloof and unsympathetic. His courageous, enthusiastic ideals can easily turn to stubborn fanaticism.
The Aquarium mind is usually highly developed, but their earnest nature often gives rise to friction.
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Cassiel seal |
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Aquarius.
Astrological Dates: January 20th - February 18th.
Element: Air.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Mode: Fixed.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Buttercup, Fennel and Wormwood.
Tree: Pine.
Metal: Aluminium, and Lead.
Power Gem: Garnet.
Gem: Amber, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli and Malachite.
Colour: Violet, Purple and Sky Blue.
Number: 2 and 3.
Day: Saturday.
Season: Winter.
Tarot Card: The Star (XVII).
Animal: Dog and Otter.
Bird: Eagle.
Symbolic Creature: Peacock and Man.
Anatomy Governed: Ankles.
Body System: Circulatory.
Scents/Oils: Buttercup, Comfrey, Daffodil, Fennel, Flax Seed, Pine, Poppy, Valerian, Wormwood.
Incense: Galbanum.
Harmonious Signs: Leo
Geomantic Number: 7.
Geomantic Ruler: Zazel.
Gods/Godesses: Nuit, Athena and Juno.
Age Governed: 49 to 56 years of age.
Archangel Uriel- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Uranus.
Symbol: See above.
Teaching Angel: Uriel aka Auriel.
Correct Pronunciation: oo-RE-EL.
Celestial Name: The Magician.
Hebrew Name: None identified.
Hebrew Letter. None identified.
Egyptian Angel: None identified.
Station: Throne, Archangel and Teaching Angel.
Metal: Platinum, Alloys.
Day: Saturday.
Hours of Day (Saturday) Ruled: 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night.
Month: September.
Cycle of Days: 14 Days.
Orbit: Unexpectedly.
Fixed Stars ( Aquarius): Altair, Dolphin and Trica.
Exaltation: Aquarius.
Depression: Leo.
Fall: Leo.
Harran / hermetics Colours: N/A.
Symbol: A Triangle.
Tarot Card: The Tower Struck by Lightening.
Gems: Iris Stone.
Fruit: Mango's and Bananas.
Flowers/Herbs: Bryony and Pokeweed.
Anatomy Governed: Breast and above stomach.
Astral Colour's: Blue - Green.
River Ruled: Southern.
Letter Composition: Green Ink - White Paper.
Appropriate Magical Script: Celestial.
Planetary Numerological Numbers: 17, 12
Musical Note: C
Angelic Thought-form: Banana
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here.
Related Astrological Correspondences: Aquarius: Click here.
Related Elemental Correspondences: Air: Click here.
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here.
Related Deities: Aeon, Uranus.
Archangel Cassiel- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Saturn.
Planet Name in Hebrew: ShBThAI.
Hebrew Meaning: from ShBTh meaning sabbat day or to stop/rest/cease.
Teaching Angel: Cassiel.
Also Know as: Captiel, Kafziel (Hebrew).
Correct Pronunciation: cas-A-EL..
Celestial Title: Father of Time.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish, Kabbalistic and Christian Traditions.
Hebrew Name:
Hebrew Letter: Tau.
Egyptian Name: Nepthys and Horus.
Station: Archangel and Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: The Seventh Heaven - Araboth.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Aralim.
Greek/Roman God: Cybelle - Persephone.
Metal: Lead. (caution Lead is poisonous).
Day: Saturday.
Hours of Day (Saturday) Ruled: 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night.
Month Ruled: Not identified.
Cycle of Results: 3 Months.
Orbit: 4 years.
Fixed Stars (Capricorn): Vega and Antinous.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Cassiel: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Gems: Garnet, Jet, Lodestone, Onyx, Sapphire, Turquoise and Salt.
Ritual Candle Colours: Black, Brown or Grey.
Planetary Colours: Black, Dark Greens, Indigo or Maroon .
Harran / Hermetics Colour: Pitch Black.
Complimentary Colour: White .
Colour of Pentacles of Saturn: Black.
Astral Colour's - Capricorn: Red and Brown.
Symbol: A Straight Line.
Tarot Card: The Universe XXI (The World XXI).
Planetary Number: 8.
Talisman Size/Sides: 3.
Numbers of Saturn: 3, 7.
Magical Note: D.
Direction Ruled: North.
Degree: 1:2
Angelic Thoughtform: Bitter Orange (small sour orange).
Fruits: Dried Fruit, Plum, Pomergranate, and Tomato Fruit.
Tree: Alder, Beech, Cypress, All Evergreen (slow growers), Oak and Yew.
Flowers/Herbs: Aconite, Ash, Belladonna, Coltsfoot, Deadly Nightshade.Hellebore, Henbane, Houseleek, Ivy, Hemlock, Hemp and Wolfsbane.
Insect: Earth Worms.
Animal: Crow, Crocodile, Raven.
Anatomy Governed: Left Leg, Excretory System .
River Ruled: Northern River.
Letter Composition: Black Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Malachim.
Planetary Spirit: Agiel.
Planetary Intelligence: Agiel.
Planetary Demon: Zazel.
Olympic Spirit: Aratron (or Arathron).
Demon of the Day (Saturday): Guland alias Nabam.
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here
Related Astrological Correspondences: Capricorn: Click here
Related Elemental Correspondences: Earth: Click here
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here
Related Deities: Set, Cronos, Balder.

Archangel Uriel works with the Ruby Ray with a focus upon your life path and soul mission.
Archangel Uriel is responsible for the North and rules the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus.
Archangel Cassiel rules the planet Saturn, the star sign Aquarius and Saturday, and is a ‘shepherd’ angel.
Aquarians tend to be independent, progressive in outlook, and humanitarian. Aquarians love the idea of helping humanity as a whole – but they often come unstuck when faced with the messy petty problems which arise in one-to-one human relationships. The Aquarian whose high ideals inspire him to work positively for humanity, is usually extremely loathe to become embroiled in the world of personal relationships.
Positively, Aquarians may come across as cold, aloof and unsympathetic. His courageous, enthusiastic ideals can easily turn to stubborn fanaticism.
The Aquarium mind is usually highly developed, but their earnest nature often gives rise to friction.
February 20 to February 24 - EIAEL - An angel with dominion over occult sciences, longevity, etc. One of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Abiou. When Eiael is conjured up, the invocant must recite the 4th verse of Psalm 36.
February 25 to February 28 - HABUIAH - An angel who exercises dominion overagriculture and fecundity. One of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
March 1 to March 5 - ROCHEL - An angel who finds lost objects.
March 6 to March 10 - GABAMIAH - In Solomonic Goetic rites, a great angel invoked by the use of incantatory power of the name of the angel Uriel.
March 11 to March 15 - HAIAIEL - One of the 72 angels of the Zodiac and one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.
March 16 to March 20 - MUMIAH - This angel presides over the sciences of medicine and physics. Mumiah is traditionally believed to grant health and longevity, as well as being able to suspend physical laws to create miracles.
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Dates: February 19th - March 20th.
Astrological Table: Pisces.
Astrological Symbol: See above
Element: Water.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Heliotrope, Carnation, Opium Poppy, Chicory, Sage..
Tree: Elm, Willow.
Metal: Tin.
Power Gems: Amethyst or Pearl
Gems: Sapphire, Emerald.
Colour: Purple, Crimson.
Number: 3 and 6.
Day: Thursday.
Season: Winter..
Tarot Card: .The Moon (XVIII).
Animal: Seal, Sheep and Ox.
Bird: Stork, Swan.
Symbolic Creatures: .Fish and Dolphin.
Anatomy Governed: Feet, Toes, Veins.
Body System: Pineal, Haemoglobin, Bodily Fluids and Lymphatic.
Scent/Oils: Bithwort, Carnation, Cloves, Dock, Lilac or lillies.
Incense: Ambergris/
Marmonious Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Virgo..
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Hismael.
God/Godesses: Anubis, Khepera, Poseidon, Vishnu and Neptune.
Age Ruled: 55 to 62 years of age.
Archangel Asariel - Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Neptune.
Planet Name in Hebrew: Not identified.
Hebrew Meaning: Not identified.
Teaching Angel: Asariel.
Also Know As: Zadkiel.
Correct Pronunciation: AS-ar-re-EL..
Celestial Title: Ruler of the Waves.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish Tradition.
Hebrew Name: Asariel.
Hebrew Letter: None identified.
Egyptian Name: Nun / Hapi.
Station: Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: Not Applicable.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Holy living creatures.
Greek/Roman God of Planet: Neptune.
Metal: Silver.
Day: Thursday.
Hours of Day (Thursday) Ruled All Hours.
Month Ruled: September.
Cycle of Results: Can appear unexpectedly.
Orbit: Not applicable. (165 years).
Fixed Stars (Pisces): Formalhaut, Markab and Deneb Adige.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Asariel: Not identified.
Gems: Artificial Pale Green, Emerald and Amethyst.
Ritual Candle Colour: Green or Pale Mauve.
Planetary Colour: Green.
Harran / Hermatics Colour: N/A.
Complimentary Colour: Red.
Colour of the Pentacles of Neptune: Blue-Green.
Astral Colour - Pisces: White - Green.
Symbol: Trident.
Tarot Card: Temperance.
Planetary Number: 2.
Talisman Size/Sides: 7.
Numbers of Neptune: 7.
Magical Note: F.
Direction Ruled: Not identified.
Degree: Not identified.
Angelic Thoughtform: Olives.
Fruit: Olives, Figs and Nuts.
Tree: Ash, Elm, Pine and Willow.
Flowers/Herbs: Carnation, Heliotrope, Jasmine Berries, Morning Glory, Opium Poppy and Water Lily (Blue). All Sea plants.
Insects: None identified.
Animals: Fish, Dolphin and Stag.
Anatomy Governed: Stomach, Arteries, Liver., Legs and Feet.
River Ruled: Southern River.
Letter Composition - Pisces: Purple Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Alphabet of the Magi.
Planetary Spirit: Not identified.
Planetary Intelligence: Not identified.
Olympic Spirit: Not identified.
Demon of the Day: Not identified.
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here
Related Astrological Correspondences: Pisces: Click here.
Related Elemental Correspondences: Water: Click here.
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here
Related Deities: Neptune, Poseidon and Niord.
The star sign of Pisces is ruled and overseen by the Archangels Asariel and Zadkiel, making those influenced by Pisces artistic and emotional.Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Dates: February 19th - March 20th.
Astrological Table: Pisces.
Astrological Symbol: See above
Element: Water.
Mode: Mutable.
Astrological Plants/Herbs: Heliotrope, Carnation, Opium Poppy, Chicory, Sage..
Tree: Elm, Willow.
Metal: Tin.
Power Gems: Amethyst or Pearl
Gems: Sapphire, Emerald.
Colour: Purple, Crimson.
Number: 3 and 6.
Day: Thursday.
Season: Winter..
Tarot Card: .The Moon (XVIII).
Animal: Seal, Sheep and Ox.
Bird: Stork, Swan.
Symbolic Creatures: .Fish and Dolphin.
Anatomy Governed: Feet, Toes, Veins.
Body System: Pineal, Haemoglobin, Bodily Fluids and Lymphatic.
Scent/Oils: Bithwort, Carnation, Cloves, Dock, Lilac or lillies.
Incense: Ambergris/
Marmonious Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Virgo..
Geomantic Number: 6.
Geomantic Ruler: Hismael.
God/Godesses: Anubis, Khepera, Poseidon, Vishnu and Neptune.
Age Ruled: 55 to 62 years of age.
Archangel Asariel - Angelic & Planetary Correspondences
Name of Planet under rulership: Neptune.
Planet Name in Hebrew: Not identified.
Hebrew Meaning: Not identified.
Teaching Angel: Asariel.
Also Know As: Zadkiel.
Correct Pronunciation: AS-ar-re-EL..
Celestial Title: Ruler of the Waves.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish Tradition.
Hebrew Name: Asariel.
Hebrew Letter: None identified.
Egyptian Name: Nun / Hapi.
Station: Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: Not Applicable.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Holy living creatures.
Greek/Roman God of Planet: Neptune.
Metal: Silver.
Day: Thursday.
Hours of Day (Thursday) Ruled All Hours.
Month Ruled: September.
Cycle of Results: Can appear unexpectedly.
Orbit: Not applicable. (165 years).
Fixed Stars (Pisces): Formalhaut, Markab and Deneb Adige.
Days to Avoid working with Archangel Asariel: Not identified.
Gems: Artificial Pale Green, Emerald and Amethyst.
Ritual Candle Colour: Green or Pale Mauve.
Planetary Colour: Green.
Harran / Hermatics Colour: N/A.
Complimentary Colour: Red.
Colour of the Pentacles of Neptune: Blue-Green.
Astral Colour - Pisces: White - Green.
Symbol: Trident.
Tarot Card: Temperance.
Planetary Number: 2.
Talisman Size/Sides: 7.
Numbers of Neptune: 7.
Magical Note: F.
Direction Ruled: Not identified.
Degree: Not identified.
Angelic Thoughtform: Olives.
Fruit: Olives, Figs and Nuts.
Tree: Ash, Elm, Pine and Willow.
Flowers/Herbs: Carnation, Heliotrope, Jasmine Berries, Morning Glory, Opium Poppy and Water Lily (Blue). All Sea plants.
Insects: None identified.
Animals: Fish, Dolphin and Stag.
Anatomy Governed: Stomach, Arteries, Liver., Legs and Feet.
River Ruled: Southern River.
Letter Composition - Pisces: Purple Ink - White Paper.
Magical Script: Alphabet of the Magi.
Planetary Spirit: Not identified.
Planetary Intelligence: Not identified.
Olympic Spirit: Not identified.
Demon of the Day: Not identified.
Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: Click here
Related Astrological Correspondences: Pisces: Click here.
Related Elemental Correspondences: Water: Click here.
Related Kabbalistic Correspondences: Click here
Related Deities: Neptune, Poseidon and Niord.
Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign of Pisces.
Archangel Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter and Thursday. Archangel Zadkiel works on the Violet Ray with the focus of self-transformation and spiritual growth.
Pisceans are by nature a ‘feeling type’ who acts and reacts according to how they feel rather than what is logical. They tend to be idealistic, romantic and sensitive, as well as self-sacrificing. They will sacrifice a great deal in the name of love. Pisceans love to be in love. They are romantic about everything, especially love affairs. Every aspect of life must contain some element of romance for them – otherwise they become bored and lose interest.
The general characteristics of Pisces are those of kindness, peace-loving and being responsive to the woes of others.
Pisceans are great champions of the ‘underdog’. They are generous, sympathetic and understanding, although their sensitive natures can make them moody and/or irritable.
Pisceans are resourceful, inspirational and imaginative.
The angels of the Zodiac rule and oversee each of the individual star signs of the Zodiac, assisting us to understand and work with our personality traits, life lessons, experiences and influences throughout our life time.
The angels and archangels of the Zodiac oversee and rule all under the influences of their particular birth sign. We are able to communicate with the angels of the Zodiac, as with all other angels and Archangels.
The Archangel Asariel Governs:
Magical Intentions: Spiritual concepts, all matters which are illusionary, unclear, imaginary or unstructured. dreams and psychic impressions.
Discerning the non-physical, dreams, visions, psychic powers.
The discovery of truths or rumors.
Contact with the dead and spiritualistic matters.
Bewitchments, casting illusions, optimism, opportunity, expansion, enlargement and works involving religion, faith and law.
PLEASE NOTE. The above dates are based on the Traditional Archangel Astrological dates, as follows:
Mars 21–Apr 20. The Angel of March — Aries the Ram — is the Angel Samael.
Apr 21–May 21. The Angel of April — Taurus the Bull — is the Angel Anael.
May 22– Jun 22. The Angel of May — Gemini the Twins — is the Archangel Raphael.
June 23–July 23.The Angel of June — Cancer the Crab — is the Archangel Gabriel.
July 24–Aug 23. The Angel of July — Leo the Lion — is the Archangel Michael.
Aug 24–Sept 23. The Angel of August — Virgo the Virgin — is the Archangel Raphael.
Sept 24–Oct 23. The Angel of September — Libra the Balance — is the Angel Anael.
Oct 24–Nov 22. The Angel of October — Scorpio the Scorpion — is the Angel Samael.
Nov 23–Dec 21. The Angel of November — Sagittarius the Archer — is the Angel Sachiel.
Dec 22–Jan 20. The Angel of December — Capricorn the Sea–Goat — is the Angel Cassiel.
Jan 21–Feb 19. The Angel of January — Aquarius the Water Carrier — is the Angel Cassiel.
Feb 20– Mars 20. The Angel of February — Pisces the Fishes — is the Angel Sachiel.
Archangel Michael - The Sun - Sunday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Gabriel - The Moon - Monday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Samael - Mars - Tuesday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Raphael - Mercury - Wednesday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Sachiel - Jupiter - Thursday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Anael - Venus - Friday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Archangel Cassiel - Saturn - Saturday - For Full Correspondences - Click here
Hello, luvit. Fascinating.
ReplyDeletethe large looking like signatures like you show for Rahael, Michael and Zadkiel etc, are they seals? do they exist for Meadel, Asaliah and Nithael? Thank you, also graphically they seem magic.
Thank you
Happy week