Aadon - (AKA Aaron, Aarom) Angel of the second Lunar month. From Liber Juratus.
Aal - Angel of Mecury.
Aalbiel - Assists the Archangel Michael.
Aanfiel - Chief of the crown judgment Angels of the Merkabah.
Aariel - This Angels name is found on the amulet of Ophitic.
Aba - Assists the Angel Sarabotes the Angel of Friday.
Abaddon (AKA: Appolyon) The Angel of the Bottomless Pit. His name means "God's
Abachata - One of the Seven Angels of confusion.
Abalim - (AKA: Arelim) Angel who is a member of the Order
of Thrones.
Aban - A femal angel in Zoroastriamism.
Abariel - Governed by the Archangel Gabriel. Named is
also found inscribed on the Second Pentacle of the Moon.
Abasdarhon - The ruling Angel of the 5th hour of the night. he reveals the mysteries of the cosmos.
Abatha - One of the Angels of confusion to gether with Mehuman,
Barbonah, Bigtha, Biztha, Zethar, and Carcas.
Abathur - The Angel of the North Star.
Abay - Angel of the 11th hour of the Day.
Abdals - A group of Angels in Islamic Lore.
Abel - He judges Souls arriving in Heaven. An Angel of the fourth
Heaven ruling on the Lord's Day. His name means "Meadow".
Abelech - Protects against darkness. Listed in the Key of Solomon.
Abdia - The name of the Angel that is inscribed in the Pentagram
of Solomon.
Abrasiel - Angel of the Seventh Hour of the day who changes peoples fortunes for the better.
Abraxis - The Angel of health and healing.
Abrid - Angel of the Summer Equinox.
Abuioro - Reveals rare books if requested. The Angel of the second and third Heavens.
Abuliel - The Angel who rules the transmission of prayer
to God.
Achaiah - The Angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. Angel of the Zodiac
sign of Tarus and Seraphim.
Achides - Related to the Planet Venus. Has dominion over new friendships.
Acrabiel - The Angel who governs the signs of the Zodiac.
Adabiel - Angel associated with the planet Jupiter who can create prosperity.
Admael - The Angel of the Second Heaven. He also stand over the Earth.
Adnachiel - Holds dominion over the Sign of Sagittarius.
He hold a special relationship to all those born under this
birth sign.
Adnarel - One of the rulers over the seasons. His name means:
"My Lord is God". ( Enochian).
Adrael - An Angel who resides in the First Heaven. His name
means: "My Help is God".
Adatiel - The Angel of peace.
Adoniel - Can bless you with great wealth.
Aebel - One of the Angels God appointed to serve Adam.
Af - This Angel represents the wrath of God.
Af - Bri - Governs the control of rain.
Afriel - The protector of that what is youthful within your
psyche which is not dependent upon your actual physical age.
Afs- Khof - The Angel that governs the months of July and
Aftiel - This Angel governs the realm of twilight. That special
time at dusk and dawn.
Agiel - The Angel who rules the planet Mercury. His name
is found on First Pentacle of Mercury. Identified as an
Olympic spirit.
Aglo - Angel of the 10th Hour of the Night.
Aha - An Angel of element of fire and a member of the Order
of Dominations.
Ahadiel - Governs the enforement of Mans and Holy Law.
Ahajael - The Angel protects the magicians from evil spirits
during invocations. The Angel is from the Islamic
Akatriel - (AKA: Akatreil): Revealer of the devine mysteries
and the Angel of proclamation.Also Angel of Prayer.
Akzariel - The Angel who wards off evil spirits.
Aladiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Taurus - May 6 to 10.
Albim - the Angel who guards the gate of the North Wind.
Alheniel - Angel of 27th Mansion of the Moon.
Almiras - Teaches the secrets of invisability.
Alimon - Protects against injury from weapons. His aids are the Angels Reivtip and Tafthi.
Altarib - Angel who has dominion over Winter.
Alscini - Angel of the South of the First Heavan. From the Book of Raziel.
Alscius - Angel of First Heaven. Could be Alscini above.
Allymon - Listed in the Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses. Can reveal a clear path to the future.
Alphum - Angel of Doves.
Altel - A great Prince who has rulership over the Fourth Heaven.
Alusi - (AKA Al-Alusi) - Arabian Angel of unknown Rulership.
Alymon - Angel from the Book of Moses - Sixth Seal
of Power Angels. Also of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements
Amarlia - (AKA Amarlaii) - He is an Angel from Sodom who heals painful skin ailments and boils.
Amarzyom - One of the fifteen angels who stand in front of God's Throne.
Amaymon - Angel ruling one of the Four Corners of the Earth.
Amaliel - Angel of Weakness.
Amatiel - Governs the season of Spring. This is the
Angel of renewed hope, regeneration and re-birth within the cycle of
Amabriel - Angel of Mars, who will assist in regaining physical abilities.
Ambriel - Governs all forms of communication.
Related to the astrological sign of Gemini and the month of May.
Amitiel - One of the Angels of truth, together with the ArchAngels Michael and Gabriel.
Amnediel - Angel of 8th Mansion of the Moon. He will
help you identify the full nature of the conflict that you face.
Amnixiel - Angel of 28th Mansion of the Moon. He gives the gift of detached compassion.
Amutiel - Angel of 19th Mansion of the Moon. Bestowsthe power to alter the meaning of situations.
Anael - Has rulership over the planet Venus and therefore the day of Friday.
Anauel - The Angel that has government over those in commerce and banking.
Anachel - Angel of Grace.
Anafiel - Chief of the crown judgment Angels of the Merkabah.
Anauel - To ensure busness success.
Andas - Angel of the Air.
Anfial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the celestial halls.
Aniel - One of the Angelic guards of the gates of the West Wind and Angel of the Zodiac sign of Libra.
Animastic - The Angel who God instructed to protect Moses.
Anitor - A high holy Angel. Dominion and role to man is unsure.
Anixiel - One of the Angels governing one of the 28 mansions of the Moon.
Anthriel - The Angel to invoke to ensure that you generate balance and harmony in your life.
Antquel - Can help you to gain fame. Angel indicated in the Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses.
Anush - One of the Angels God appointed to serve Adam.
Anabel - Prince of the Third Heaven and Angel of Fourth Heaven.
Anazimur - An Angel of the Throne. He resides in the First Heaven. He executes the commands of the Potentates.
Anhael - Angel of Fifth Heaven. According to the Book of Raziel.
Anian - Angel unknown Rulership
Aniel - Angel of Fourth Heaven and a Shernhamphorash Angel. One of the Angelic guards of the gates of the West Wind.
Animon - Angel who protects
Anitor - Angel who is invoked prior to practicing magick. From The Key of Solomon.
Aniquel - One Seven Great Princes, He brings wealth and honors. He is a Teaching Angel.
Annauel - A Shembamphorash Angel.
Anoch - Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. Angel of the Fourth Seal in the Sixth Book of Moses.
Anyam - Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements.
Aquariel - Governs the psychic ability of perception and assist you to evolve spiritually.
Arnael - Angel of Third Heaven.
Arnixiel - (AKA Amixiel) l - Angel of 3rd Mansion of the Moon. He supports Salors, Hunters and Alchemists.
Arnyquel - Angel unknown Rulership.
Arael - (AKA Anpiel) - Angel who has rulership over birds.
Ardarel - The Angel of Fire.
Ardefiel - (AKA Ardesiel ) - Angel of 10th Mansion of the Moon.
Arel – An Angel of Fire. The name Arel is found inscribed on the 7th pentacle of the Sun. In M. Gaster, The Sword of Moses.
Aromicha - Angel of the Angelic Order of Dominations. Invoke when using the Second Seal from the Sixth Book of Moses.
Arragon - Angel of the Fifth Heaven, ruling Angel of Tuesday. He should be invoked from the East.
Araphiel - Angel guardian of the second hall in the 7th Heaven.
Arara - An Angel mentioned in the Testament of Solomon.
Arael - Angel of Birds.
Arariel (AKA: Asariel, Azareel or Uzziel) - One of the 7 Angels
with dominion over the Earth.
Arbatel - A "revealing" Angel. Refer to the Magical
manuscript "Arbatel of Magic" ( Angel of Magic).
Archas - One of the Angels set by God to overlook the Earth.
Archer - One of the governing spirits of the Astrological
sign of Aquarius.
Ardouisur - A female cherub. Governing fertility and childbirth.
Refered to as the "the giver of living water" .
Ardousius - Could be Ardouisur, see above.
Arel - An Angel of the element of fire. His name appears
on one of the seventh Pentacles of the Sun.
Arella - An Angelic messenger.
Arias - Governs herbs particularily those which hold attractive
Ariciah - One of the Angels of the Earth together with Azril,
Ariel, Admael, Arkiel, Harabel, Saragael, Yabbashael
Ariel - (AKA: Ariella) - Ariel means the "Lion of God:.
Rules nature, Angel of air or water.
Ariuka - Together with the Angel Pariukh are guadians of
the writings of Enoch.
Arkiel - One of the Angels of the Earth together with Azril,
Ariel, Admael, Ariciah, Harabel, Saragael, Yabbashael.
Armisael - Angel of the Womb.
Asaliah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio - November 13
to 17. Shernhamphora Angel.
Asasiel - Angel from the Heptameron aligned to Jupiter.
Ashriel - One of the seven Angels with dominion over the Earth.
Ashiel means the "Vow of God".
Assasiel (Asasiel)- Angel of Thursday and therefore the planet Jupiter.
Ashrulyai - This Angel stands guard over the palace of Wilon,
in the 1st Heaven.
Assiel - Angel of healing.Astad - The Angel of the 26th Day of the Month.
Astel - Angel related to the planet Saturn.
Asaliah - A Shernhamphorash Angel, and the Angel pf Contemplation.
Asmodel - Angel ruling Taurus. Some think he is a Fallen Angel.
Astagna - (AKA Astrqna) - Angel of Fourth or Fifth Heaven. Angelic ruler
of Tuesday. To invoke one must face West.
Ataphiel (AKA; Ataliel) - An Angel who supports heaven upon
three of his fingers.
Atel - An Angel of the Fourth Heaven. An Angel of the air
ruling Sundat and therefore has a relationship to the Sun.
Athanatos - Angel associated with the planet Mercury.
Athir - Angel of the 4th hour of the Night.
Attarib - One of the four Angels of winter.
Atuesuel - One of eight Angels of omnipotence. Govens the
detection of the evil spirits of Hell.
Ataliel - (AKA Atliel) - Angel of Fifteenth Mansion of the Moon. Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Atragon - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Auriel (Light of God) - One of 72 Angels of 72 quinaries
of degrees of the zodiac. Also associated with the Archangel
Ausiel - Angel with the dominion over the Astrological Sign
of Aquarius.
Avahel - Prince of the Third Heaven.
Awijel (AKA Awyel) - On the Fourth Table of the Spirit of Earth. In the Sixth and Sevenh Book of Moses.
Ayib - Associated with the planet Venus. His name appears on the Fourth Pentacle of Venus.
Aymelek - A Turkish Moon Angel.
Azeruel - Angel of the 16th Mansion of the Moon. Also associated with the planet Venus?
Aziabel - One of the Seven great Princes who rules treasure of water and mountains, Protects sea travellers.
Azbuga - One of the eight great Thrones Angels.
Azer - Angel of the Element Fire.
Azael - The ministering Angel in heaven, Azael means "Whom
God Strenghtens" See Aziel below.
Aziel - The Angel who govens hidden treasures. Aziel means
"He Whom God Gives Strenght".
Azrael - The Angel of Death and the planet Pluto. His name
found on the Fifth Pentacle of the Moon. Fouth Mansion of the Moon.
Azril - One of the Angels of the Earth together with Ariel,
Admael, Arkiel, Ariciah, Harabel, Saragael and Yabbashael.
Azoth - Angel of the Angelic Order of Dominations.
Baabiel - The Angel serving the First Heaven.
Babiel - Angel of the Third Heaven
Bachanoe (AKA: Bachanael) - Angel serving the First Heaven.
Has rulership over the day of Monday.
Bachiel - The Angel who serves the Fouth Heaven. An Angel of
the element of Air who is invoked from the East.
Bae - Angel mentioned in the Testement of Solomon. He protects
against evil spirits.
Bahram - (AKA: Barman and Bahman) - Angel of victory in all
matters. He therefore govens success. The Angel of
Bariel - Angel that governes the 11th hour of the day.
Baliel - Angel who is invoked fron the North.
Ballaton - Related to the Pentagram of Solomon.
Banech - (AKA: Baneh) - Listed in the Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses. Can bring you jewels of all kinds.
Baraborat - Angel ( or spirit ) of the Planet Mecury.
Barachiel - Angel of the Altitudes.
Barbonah - One of the Angels of confusion together with Mehuman,
Bigtha, Biztha, Abatha, Zethar, and Carcas.
Baradiel - One of the princes of the seven heavens. He governs
the Third Heaven.
Barakiel (AKA: Barkiel, Barbiel) - Rules the month of February.
Governs luck and good fortune.
Baraborat - Angel ( or spirit ) of the Planet Mecury.
Baradiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Barakiel - A Seraphim Angel and ruler of the month of February.
Barol - Angel of the 2nd Hour of the Night.
Barbiel - Angel who rules the Astrological Sign of Scorpio.
He is a Prince of Archangels and Prince of Virtues.
Baraqiel - One of the Seven Angels in control of the Seven
Heavens. Events on Earth that
involves the generation of lightening.
Baraqyal - An Angel, member of the Angelic Realm
of the Watchers (Grigori)
Listed as a "Fallen Angel" He teaches
Barbiel - Angel of October.
Barchiel - Rules Scorpio and Pisces.
May be petitioned to develop the trait of compassion and develop the power of healing.
Barkiel -
Reputed also to rule the month of February, (see Barakiel),
and the Angel
of Chance.
Barpharanges - Governs the spring which is reputed to be the
waters of life, therefore has a relationship to the baptismal
Baruch - The guadian Angel of the Tree of Life. is name means:
"God Blesses".
Bat Qol - (AKA: Bath Qol), An Angel whose name means"heavenly
Baciel (AKA Bacyel) - Angel of the Fourth Heaven
Bactanael - Angel of the First Heaven
Batiel - Angel of the Second Heaven
Ballyel - Angel of the First Heaven
Balyer - Angel of the Second Hevan
Barael - Throne Angel
Barbatos - Spirit of Air
Barbuel - One of the Seven great Princes. He brings treasure of the earth, arts, knowledge, secret knowledge
Barchiel - Aangel ruling Pisces
Barechel - Familiar Spirit
Bas Basia - Angel unknown Rulership
Basy - Angel of the First Heaven
Bathyme - Spirit of Air
Batriel - Angel of the Second Heaven
Baty - Angel of the Second Heaven
Bayel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven
Bazazath - Angel residing in the 2nd Heaven.
Belial - (AKA Satan) - Angel of Darkness. Also referred to as a Spirit of the Earth.
Beron - Angel of the 1st hour of the Night.
Beburoa - One of the Angels who will appear at the end of
the world.
Bethor - One of the seven Angelic beings ruling the 196 divisions
of heaven. He has
a relationship to the planet Jupiter. Bealherith yud - Familiar Spirit
Beatiel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven
Bebatos - Spirit
Bedunim - The Angel of Purification
Bellwath - Spirit of Water
Berith - Spirit of Earth
Betaabat or Betabaat - Aangel of the Second Heaven
Bethnael - Angel of twentyfirst Mansion of the Moon
Betodah - Angel ruling over planets
Betuliel - Angel ruling Virgo
Bezalel - Angel unknown Rulership
Bigtha - One of the Angels of confusion together with Mehuman,
Barbonah, Biztha, Abatha, Zethar, and Carcas.
Bimnan - Protects Travelers
Binman (AKA Bimnan) - Angel unknown Rulership.
Biztha - One of the Angels of confusion together with Mehuman,
Barbonah, Bigtha, Abatha, Zethar, and Carcas.
Blaef - Governs the day of Friday and is subject to the west
Boarniel - Angel of the First Heaven.
Boel - One of the seven Throne Angels. Resident in the First
Heaven. He rules over the planet Saturn.
Bortacz - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Botis - Spirit of Air.
Braalyel - (AKA Bralyel) - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Butator - Angel of Calculations.
Bualu - Angel invoked to compel Spirits to appear
Burcat - Angel of the Fourth Heaven
Byfron - Spirit of Fire
Bylethi - Spirit of Earth
Bymnan - Angel unknown Rulership
Cababili - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. From Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Cabriel - (AKA Cabrael) - Angel who rules the Astrological sign of Aquarius. He rules the Second Heavan.
Cael - Angel who rules the Astrological sign of Cancer.
Cacmyel - Angel of the Second Heaven. From the Book of the Angel Raziel.
Cadulech - Most holy Angels of God who is invoked when conjuring the Sword of Moses
Cahetel - A Shemthamphorash Angel. Regent of agriculture, he is often invoked to aid in crop production.
Cahor - The Angel of the 3rd Hour. The Angel of Deception.
Cahetel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Tarus - April 26 to 30.
Cajaiel - Angel who rules the 12th Degree of Pisces
Cakiel - Angel who rules the 9th Degree of Taurus.
Calcas - Angel of the East of the Fourth Heaven.
Caliel - (AKA Calliel) - Angel of the Zodiac sign of
Gemini - June 16 to 21.One of the throne Angels serving in the 2nd
Caliel - (AKA Calliel) Shemhamphorash Angel. Guardian Angel to those born under Gemini.
Caila - One of the Angels invoked during rituals to conjure the Archangel Uriel .
Calerna - Angel of the 11th hour of the Night.
Calloyel - Aangel of the Second Heaven.
Calzas - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Calloyel - Angel of the Second Heavan.
Calnamia - Angel of Wednesday, Planet Mercury.
Camael - (AKA: Kemuel, Samael) - Chief of the Orders of Powers. Has rulership over the Planet Mars.
Cambiel - Rules over the Astrological sign of Aquarius. Has
dominion over the human traits of intelligence and courage.
Cambill - Angel of the 8th hour of the night.
Camb - Angel of the Fifth Lunar Month.
Cambiel - Angel of Aquarius and of the 9th Hour.
Camiriel - Angel of the Element of Air, under the Planet Venus.
Cananyn - Angel of wednesday under the planet Mercury.
Candanagyn - Guardian Angel with rulership over Monday, and the planet of the Moon.
Caneloas - Angel to be invoked when preparing ritual items.
Cancriel - Angel ruling Cancer.
Canyel - (AKA Cannyel, Canueyl) - Angel of the day of Mars.
Capabile - One of the Sun's three messengers.
Caphriel - A Regent of Saturday . He is used for summoning the power of Saturn .
Capriel - Angel ruling Capricorn.
Capyel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Caran - (AKA Caram) - Guadian Angel for Sunday. The Sun.
Caraniel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Carbiel - (AKA Carbyel, Carbiol) - Angel who presides over Thursday. Angel of the Element of Air under Mars.
Carciel - (AKA Carcyelel, Carcoyel) - Angel of the 6th and 12th Lunar
months. Rulership over success with your business. Cardiel - Angel of
the 12th Lunar month.
Cariel - Angel with power over Fire and Flame.
Carioyel - Angel of the Second Heaven. Refered to in Safer Raziel.
Carmax - Angel of Tuesday who serves under Samax and Angel of Air.
Carmiel - Angel over the Second or Third Heavan.
Carniel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Carpaliel - Angel of the First Heaven.
Carpatiel - Aangel of the First Heaven.
Carpiel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Carroye - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Carynel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Caracasa - An Angel of Spring.
Cassillon - (AKA Casylon) - One of the Angels presiding over Saturday.
Casiel Angelic ruler of Thursday.
Cassiel - (AKA: Casziel) - Ruler of Saturday and the planet
Saturn. Cassiel is the ruling Prince of the Seventh Heaven.
Castiel –Angel from the Heptameron aligned to Jupiter.
Cathetel - The Angel of agricultural activities concerning
plants.Effectively an Angel of nature.
Cazabriel - Angel of the Element of Water. Under the influence of Mars.
Cedar - An Angel governing the South.
Celebel - (AKA Celebryll) - Angel of the Day of Mars.
Cerubiel - (AKA: Kerubiel) - A Chief Angel in the order of Cherubim.
Cerviel - Angel of courage.
Cetabiel - (AKA Cetabyel) - Angel of the 12th Lunar month.
Cenaiul - An Angel of the Venus sphere and the seventh sephira of the Tree of Life.
Chabalym - A Cherub Angel.
Chaldkydri - Archangel related to the Sun who occupy the
4th Heaven.
Chamuel - Rules human tolerance ans self-confidence.
Chasan - Angel of the Air.
Charbiel - (AKA: Charavah) - An Angel appointed to dry up
the waters of the Earth. Angel of the 11th hour of the Night.
Charms - Angel of the 9th hour of the Day.
Charoum - Rules the direction North. Safeguards the Earth plane from excessive rain,
floods and hurricanes.
Chasan - Angel of the element of air. Associated with Seventh
Pentacle of the Sun.
Chavakiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - September
13 to 17. Also a Shemhamphorash Angel.
Chaylon - (AKA Chayyiel) A Chief of the Holy Hayyoth
Cherubim. Member of the Order of Seraphim Angel, invoked for
Chaarniah - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Chabuiah - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Chahanya - Spirit of Water. The Third Table of the Spirits of the Water.
Chahuiah - Shemhamphorash Angel. To regain strenght after illness.
Chamyel - Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones.
Chaniel - Angel who guard the West Wind.
Chasen - Angel whose name is on the Seventh Pentacle of the Sun.
Charsiel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. This Angel appears in The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet.
Chasdiel - One of the names of Metatron this one is used "when Metatron does kindness to the world."
Chayo - Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones. Listed in the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Chedustaniel - Rule the day of Friday . Resides in the 3rd
Heaven and invoked from the East.
Cheriour - A dominion over the punishment of criminals.
Chermes - Angel of the 9th hour of the Night.
Chitriel - One of the Angels of punishment. Chitriel means "Rod of God".
Chosniel - Helps you to pass examinations, and with memory.
Cherub - Angel of the Element of Air. Who guarded paradice with a flaming sword.
Chesetiel - The Angel ruling Sagittarius.
Chofniel - Chief of the Order of Beni Elohim.
Chosniel - An Angel who has dominion over the mental ability of memory.
Chuscha - The Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones.
Invoked with the Third Seal. Seal of the Ministering Throne Angels.
Cnael - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Cochabiel - (AKA Coahabiath) - Angel or Spirit of the planet Mercury.
Colopatiron - Helps us to unlock or restritions and therefore help us to gain ndependence of any kind.
Colzras - Angel aligned to the planet Venus.
Coniel - Angel of the Third Heaven. One of the Angels that faces God's Throne.
Core - One of the Angels of Spring.
Corabael - A who claims ruleship over the day of Monday and
resides in the First Heaven. Traditionally invoked from the
Corat - A Friday Angel of the element of air and residing
in the third heaven. Traditinally invoked from the East.
Curaniel - Angel who rule the day of Monday. he resides in
the First Heaven and is invoked from the South.
Cupra - The personification of light.
Dagymiel - Angel ruling Pisces. Aggripa, Three Books of Occutlt Philosophy.
Dahariel - Guardian of the First Heaven.
Dara - Angel of Rain.
Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal.
Dariel - One of the Angels of Sunday.
Damabiah - An Angel of the Order of Angels who has rulership over naval construction.
Dameal - Angel who rules the day of Tuesday. Resident in the fifth heaven. He is invoked from the East.
Daniel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius - November 28 to December 2.
Darbyel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sepher Raziel.
Darquyel - Angel of the First Heaven.Sepher Raziel.
Degaliel - An Angel who's name is found on the Third Pentacle
of the Planet Venus.
Derdekea - (AKA Drop) A female Angel who descends to earth for the salvation of man.
Deliel - Angel ruling Aquarius. Governing Angel of the
Zodiac. Invoked in magickal prayer. The Almadel of Solomon.
Deramiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Dirachiel - (AKA Athanna or
Alchaya) - Angel of the Sixth Mansion of the Moon. Ruler of Gemini.
Angel: Dirachiel.
Dina - This Angel taught humans seventy different languages
and is the guadian Angel of the Law (Torah).
Diniel - An Angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet Angels.
Djibril - (AKA: Jibril and Gabriel) in the Koran he is decsribed
as a "Faithful Spirit."
Dobiel - (AKA: Dobbiel) - Angel of Persia.
Dohel - One of the Angels who hold the keys to the four corners of the Earth.
Donel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
Donahan - Angel who is summoned during magickal rites. The reason for this invocation is not known.
Dorannel - Angel of the Third Heaven. Sepher Raziel.
Drail - The Angelwho guards the palace of Maon in the Fifth Heaven.
Driffon - The Ministering Familiars or Mysteries. The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Druiel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
Ducaniel - Angel of the First Heaven.
Duma - (AKA: Dumah) - Angel of Dreams.
Duramyel - Angel of the First Heaven.
Ebuhuel - Angel to compel Leviathan. Said to be the Angel of impotence.
Echad - Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Edom - The Angel of Rome.
Egibiel - (AKA Alchas, Altob ) - Angel of Eighteenth Mansion of the Moon.
Egyn - Spirit ruling over one of four corners of the Earth.
Eheres - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of wax.
Ehym - Angelic order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Eiael - Angel who has dominion over the occult sciences and
longevity. Angel of the Zodiac sign of Pisces - February 20 to 24.
Ei El - One of the Angelic guards of the North Wind.
Eirnilus - An Angel with rulership over fruit.
Eistibus - Angel of Divination.
Ekhowahym - Orginating spirit from the Biblia arcana
Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
El Auria - Angel of Flame.
Elael - Angel of the First Heaven.
Elemiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aires - April 5 to 9.
Elemiah - One of the eight archangelic seraphim who are guardians and keepers of knowledge of the Tree of Life.
Elim - The guardian Angel of Libbeus the Apostle.
Elimiel - The Angel or spirit of the Moon.
Eloa - A female Angel reputed to have been born from a tear
that Jesus shed.
Elubatel - Angel of Omnipotence. From The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Enediel - Angel of the Second Mansion of the Moon. Helps to locate treasure.
Eremiel - The Angel that looks over the souls in the underworld.
Elohaym - Angelic Choir of Potestates. From The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Erastiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. From The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Ergediel - (AKA Achureth, Arimet, Azimeth, Athumech,
or Alcheymech), Angel of 14th Mansion of the Moon. Promotes love.
Ertosi - The Angel of Mars.
Esor - Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Eworkay - Spirit of Water. Orginating spirit from
the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella
Ezgadi - An Angel's name for the successful completion of
Fabriel - One of the Angels serving in the 4th Heaven.
Falegoi - Spirit of Water. Orginating spirit from the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Famiel (AKA Faniel) - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Fanuel (Phanuel) - On of the 4 Angels of the presence
Farris - A governing Angel of the 2nd hour of the Night.
Farbieel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Sepher Raziel.
Fatenovenia - Spirt/Angel? From the Fifth Table of Saturn - The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Fegaworos - Spirit /Angel? Orginating spirit from
the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella
Flaef - In the Cabala, an Angel who rules human sexuality.
Focalor (AKA: Forcalor or Furcalor) - A Fallen Angel who
before his fall was an Angel of the Order of Thrones.
Fohowen - Spirit /Angel? Orginating spirit from the
Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Forneus - A Fallen Angel who before his fall was an Angel
of the Order of Thrones.
Fraciel - A Tuesday Angel of the Fifth Heaven, who is invoked
from the North.
Framoch - The Angel of the 7th hour of the Night.
Friagne - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Also Angel of Tuesday (Mars).
Fremiel - The Angel of the 4th hour of the Night.
Friagne - An Angel with ruleship over Tuesday. Also serves in the 5th Heaven. He must be invoked from the East.
Fromezin - The Angel of the 2nd hour of the night.
Fromzon - The Angel of the 3rd hour of the night.
Furfurh - Spirit of Earth. Orginating spirit from
the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella
Fuleriel - the Angel of the 6th hour of the night.
Furlac - An Angel of the Earth.
Furmiel - The Angel of the 11th hour of the day, serving under Bariel.
Gaap - A Fallen Angel, before his
fall he was an Angel of the Order of Powers.
Gabamiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Pisces - March 6 to
Gabriel ("God is my strength") - Angel of the Moon
and an Angel of the First Heaven.
Gabuthelon - The Angel that will govern at the end of the
Gadiel - An Angel who is is a resident of the Fifth Heaven,
who guards of the gates of the South Wind.
Gadriel - Chief ruling Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Gael - Angel of the Fourth Heavan.
Gaghiel - An Angelic guard of the 6th Heaven.
Gagiel - Angel over Fish.
Gaha - Spirit of the Moon.
Galdel - This Angel has ruleship of Tuesday and is an Angel
resident in the 5th Heaven. He should be invoked from the
Gale Raziya - An alternative name for the Angel of Earth Metatron.
Galgaliel - Eponymous head of the order of Galgalim (chariots
of the Merkabah). A chief Angel of the wheel of the Sun.
Gallizur - (AKA: Raziel).
Galdel - Spirit of Mars.
Gamaliel - Some suggest he is an evil Angel other say he
has a relatyioship to the Archangel Gabriel.
Gambiel - Has rulership over the Astrological Sign of Aquarius.
Gambriel - One of the guadian Angels of the 5th Heaven.
Gamidoi - Agel who hold rulership over the 1st hour of the
Gamrial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the 7 celestial
Gamsiel - Angel who hold rulership over the 8th hour of the
Gamygyn - The Spirit of Fire.
Garfiel (AKA: Garfiel) - One of the guardians of the 5th Heaven.
Gargatel - Angel of Summer and Peace.
Gastrion - Has rulership over the 8th hour of the Night.
Gattiel (AKA: Gathiel) - An Angel who guards of the 5th Heaven.
Gazriel - one of 70 childbirth amulet Angels.
Gaviel - Caracasa holds dominion over the season of Summer.
Gazardiel - Angel who holds dominion over the rising Sun.
Geburatiel - Angel unknown Rulership.
Gedariah - A supervising chief angel of the Third Heaven.
Gediel - Angel ruling Capricorn.
Gefowe - Spirit?.
Geliel - One of the Angels governing one of the 28 Mansions of the
Geminiel - Angel ruling Gemini.
Geniel - Angel of the 1st Mansion of the Moon.
Geno - An Angel of the Order of Powers.
Germuthsai - Angel unknown Reulership.
Gethel (AKA: Ingethel) - An Angel set over hidden things.
Geviriyah - An alternative name of the Earth Angel Metatron.Gheoriah - An Angel of the Order of Powers.
Gexoro - Spirit of Fire.
Giatiyah - An alternative name of the Earth Angel Metatron.
Giel - The Angel with rulership over the Astrological Sign
of Gemini.
Gippuyel - An alternative name of the Earth Angel Metatron.
Glauron or Glaura - A beneficial spirit of the air, invoked from the North.
Glaras - An Angel with rulership over the 1st hour of the
Glasay - Spirit.
Glmarij - An Angel with rulership over the 3rd hour of the
Gonael - One of the numerous guards of the gates of the North Wind.
Gohaym - Spirit.
Gohazaym - Spirit.
Gohor - Spirit of Earth.
Gomholym - Spirit of Water.
Gomorhi - Spirit of Water.
Gorhon - Spirit.
Gosoym - Spirit of Air.
Gradiel (Might of God) - The angel of the planet Mars when this luminary enters the sign of Aries and Scorpio.
Graniel - An Angel with rulership over the 2nd hour of the
Granozin - An Angel with rulership over the 2nd hour of the
Graphiel - Iintelligence of Spirit of Mars.
Grasbarben - An Angel with rulership over the Astrological
Sign of Libra.
Grial (AKA: Griel) - A Guardian Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Gualbarel - Angel of Autumn , and Spirit of Saturn. From the
Sworn Book of Honorius
and Heptameron.
Guael (AKA: Guel) - An Angel of the 5th Heaven, with rulership
over Tuesday who should be invoked from the East.
Gunril- Angel who compels Spirits to appear.
Gurid - The Angel over the Summer Equinox.
Guriel - An Angel who has rulership over the Astrological
Sign of Leo.
Guth - Ariel Spirit of Jupiter. From the Heptameron.
Guthryn - Ariel Spirit of Jupiter. From the Heptameron.
Gutriz - Ariel Spirit of Jupiter. From the Heptameron.
Haael - One of the 72 Angels of the Zodiac.
Haaiah - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Haaaiah - An Angel of the order of dominations and the Angel
of the Zodiac sign of Leo July 28 to August 1.
Haiaiel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Pisces - March 11 to
Haamiah - An Angelic of the Order of Powers an dthe Angel
of the Zodiac sign of Libra - September29 to October 3.
Habbiel (AKA: Habiel) - An Angel of the First Heaven.
Habiel - (AKA Habbiel) - Angel ruling Aries, and the
First Heavan. Ministering Spirit Moon (Monday). Invoked from the West.
Habu - Angel of the Order of Dominions.
Habudiel - An Angel who resides in the Fourth Heaven. He should
be invoked from the South.
Habuiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Pisces - February 25
to 28.
Hachasiah -
Shemhamphorash Angel.
Hachashel - One of the 72 Angels of the Zodiac.
Haciel - Angel of the Fourth Heavan.
Hadakiel - Angel who hold rulership over the Astrological
Sign of Libra.
Hadlam - Angel of the Choir of Potestates.
Hael - Angel of the Choir of Potestates.
Hagiel - The Intelligence of Venus.
Hagyr - Spirit.
Hagith - Olympic Spirit of Venus.
Hahahel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Libra - October 14 to
Hahaziah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius - December
3 to 7.
Hahaiah -
Shemhamphorash Angel.
Hahael (Hahahel) - An Angel of the Order of Virtues.
Hahowel - Angel unknown Rulership.
Hakamiah - Amgel of the Zodiac sign of Gemini - June 6 to
Halon - The Angel who rules the 3rd hour of the Night.
Hahaiah - An Angel of the Order of Thrones. He influences
thoughts and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals.
Hahuiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - July 17 to
Haiaiel - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Hakamiah - One of the Cherubim.
Halacho - A genius of sympathies and a genii of he 11th hour
of the Day.
Halliel - Angel of Venus.
Halliza - The name of the Angel inscribed on the Pentagram
of Solomon.
Halpho - Spirit of Fire.
Haludiel - An Angel of the Fourth Heaven invoked on Sunday facing
South. Haludiel is also an intelligence (Spirit) of the Sun. Hamal - Angel with rulership over Water.
Hamajiel - Angel ruling over Virgo.
Hamatiel - Angel with rulership over the months of August.
Hamaya - Angel of the Order of Dominions.
Hamum - Angel of the First Heavan.
Hanael - Angel ruling Capricorn.
Hanurn - Ministering Spirit of Jupiter.
Haniel (AKA: Anael) - Chief of the Orders of Principalities
and Virtues.
Hannuel - An Angel with rulership over the Astrological sign
of Capricorn.
Hantiel - An Angel of the 3rd hour of the Day.
Hannu - Angel of the First Heavan.
Hanyel - Angel of the Fifth Heavan.
Hatabel - One of the Angels of the Earth together with Azril,
Ariel, Admael, Arkiel, Ariciah, Saragael, Yabbashael.
Harchel - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Harahel - Angel with rulership over ibraries, schools and
Harael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn - January 11
to 15.
Harbonah - Angel of Destruction.
Hariel - Angel of the Zodiac Sign of Gemini - June 1 to 5.
Angel over (Tame) animals.
Harudha - An Angel who rules the element of water.
Harviel - An Angelic guard stationed at the second heavenly
Haseha - Angel of the Order of Thrones.
Hasmed - Angel of Annihilation and one of the five Angels
of punishment that Moses encountered in Heaven.
Hauvatat - Angel of Salvation.
Haven - One of the genii who preside over the 12 hours of
the Day.
Hayel - Angel of the Fifth Heavan.
Hayozer - Angel of the Order of Dominions.
Hayuynyel - Angel of the Fourth Heavan.
Haziel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Taurus - May 1 to 5.
Heiglot - An Angel of snow storms. Ruler of the 1st Hour
of the Day.
Helemmelek - An Angel governing one of the seasons.
Helison -(AKA: Helison) - One of the five Angels of the first
altitude. The other four being Alimiel, Gabriel, Barachiel
and Lebes.
Hemadiel - Spirit of Mercury.
From The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon
Hemohon - Angel unknown Rulership.
Hiayel - Angel of the First heavan.
Hizkiel - One of the Angelic guards at the gate of the North
Hngel - Angel of the Summer Equinox.
Hodniel - An Angel reputed have rulership over the curing
stupidity in man.
Holmay - Spirit.
Holy - Angel of the Order of Potestates.
Homhozet - Spirit of Water.
Hormuz - An Angel in charge of the 1st day of the Month.
Hosael - Angel or the Fourth or Fifth Heavan.
Hoschiah - Angel ruling over the planets.
Howahym - Spirit.
Howorge - Spirit of Water.
Hu Bayel - Angel unknown Rulership.
Hubaiel - Angel of the First Heavan.
Hufabria - Angel of the Third Heavan.
Hufaltiel - Angel of the Third Heavan.
Spirit of Venus.
Humastrav - A Monday Angel who is invoked from the North.
Hunaspel - Ministering Spirit of Saturn.
Huratapel - Angel of the Lords Day - Sunday - (Sun). From the Magus.
Husael - An Angel serving in the Third Heaven.
Hyaeyel - Angel of the First Heavan.
Hyfajiel - Angel of the Third Heavan.
Hypezokos (Flower Of Fire) - An Angel in the Chaldean cosmological
Iacoajul - Angel of the 11th hour of the Night.
Iabriel - Prince of the Third Heavan.
Iadara - An Angel with rulership over the Astrological sign
of Virgo.
Iael - Angel of the Fifth Heavan.
Iahmel - An Angel with rulership over the Element of Air.
Iahyniel - Angel of the Fifth Heavan.
Ianael - Angel of the Moon.
Iaoth - An Archangel unknown Rulership.
Iariahel - Angel of the Second Heavan, ruling Wednesday. Spirit of Mercury. From the Heptameron.
Iarebel - Angel of the Moon.
Iax - An Angel, if invoked who can thwart stomach trouble
and the emotion envy.
Iaxel - Angel/Spirit? of Mars.
Iazeriel - Angel of the Thirteenth Manson of the Moon.
Ieahiah - (AKA Iechujah) - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Ieialel - (AKA Ieiazel) - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Ieli - (AKA Yeli) - Angel of the Second Heavan.
Ierathel -Shemhamphorash Angel.
Iibamiah - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Iciriel - One of the 28 Angels ruling the 28 mansions of
the Moon.
Idrael - An Angelic guard of the Fifth Heavenly Hall.
Ierathel - Angel of the Order of Dominions.
Ieilael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn - January
6 to 10.
Iezalel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Gemini - May 21 to 25.
Ihiazel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Libra - October 9 to
Ijasusael - Leader of the Angels of the seasons in the Enochian
In Hii - One of the Angels of the North Star.
Imamiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius - December
8 to 12.
Iofiel - Preceptor Angel of Shem; a Prince of the Torah and
Chief of the Order of Thrones.
Irel - An Angel resident of the 5th Heaven who has rulership
over Tuesday (Mars) and a member of the
Order of Sarim.
Irin - Twin Angels residing in the 6th Heaven. An Angelic
Irnarniah -Shemhamphorash Angel.
Isda - Angel of Nourishment.
Ishim - (AKA: Ischim) - An Angel resident of the Fifth Heaven.
Isiael - Ministering Spirit of Mars.
Ismoli - Ruler of the Angels of the Element of Air, with
rulership over Monday.
Israfel - Angel of resurrection and music.
Itael - Angel of the Zodica sign of Aries - 31 to April 4.
Itkal - As an Angel who phas rulership over cooperation and
Jabrail (AKA: Gabriel) - One of the 7
Archangels and a Planetary Angel.
Jael - One of the twin Cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the
Ark of the Covenant.
Jahhel -Shemhamphorash Angel.
Janael - Presiding Spirit of the Moon. Angel of the First Heavan. From the Heptmeron.
Janiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven who has rulership over Tuesday
(Mars) and subject to the East Wind.
Janor - Angel of the 2nd hour of the Day.
Japhkiel - Leader of the Order of Thrones.
Jarael - (AKA Jareael) - Angel of the Second Heavan.
Jariel - An Angel of Divine Presence.
Javan - Angel of Greece.
Jaxel (AKA Iaxel) - Ministering Spirit of Mars.
Jayon - Angel of the 10th Hour of the Day.
Jazar - The Angel of the 7th Hour of the day. Can create love between the sexes.
Jeduthun - (AKA: Jeduthum) - Lord of the evening Choirs in
Jehoel - (AKA: Jaoel) - One of the princes of the presence.
Jeliel - This Angels name is inscribed on the tree of life.
Jeliel inspires passion between the sexes.
Jerescue - Presiding Spirit of Mercury. Angel of the
Third Heavan. Ruling Wednesday (Mercury). Invoked from West.
Jeremiel - (AKA: Raziel) - Presides over souls awaiting the
Jhudiel - Angel who has rulership over Friday.
JIahhel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius - January 26 to 30.
Johiel - Angel of Paradise.
Jophiel - (AKA Iophiel , Iofiel , Jofiel , Yofiel ,
Youfiel , Zophiel ) - Archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment.
Joustriel - Angel of the 6th hour of the Day.
Kabshiel - An Angel who confers grace
and power.
Kadashiel - Angel of the gate of the South Wind.
Kadie - Spirit of of the Third Heavan ruling Friday (Venus). The Heptameron.
Kadi(el) - A Friday Angel invoked from the west and serving
in the 3rd Heaven.
Kakabel - Angel of the Stars.
Kame - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Karohel - Angel of the Second Seal. The Sixth and Sventh Book of Moses.
Kas Kasia - Angel who came out of the land of Sodom to heal painful boils.
Katuel - One of three Angels that will carry you.
Kawahaym - An originating Spirit.
Katzfiel - An Angelic Prince of the sword and guard of the
6th Heaven.
Kemuel - (AKA: Shemuel, Camael or Serphiel) - He stands at
the window of Heaven and is a guard of the 7th Heaven.
Kfial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the seven Celestial
Koborue - Spirit of Fire. From the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh Book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Kokosor - Spirit of Water. From the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh Book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Kokaviel - The name of the Angel found inscribed on the third
Pentacle of the planet Mercury.
Kuwori - Spirit of Earth. From the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh Book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Kyriel - One of the 28 Angels governing the Mansions of
the Moon.
Kyniel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Kyptip - Angeli of the Sixth Seal in the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses. Angel of 20th Mansion of the Moon.
Kyriel - Angel of the Twentieth Mansion of the Moon. A Lunar Angel.
Labatel – Angel inscried on a three-fold trianle of Moses.
Labezerin - He serves in the 2nd Hour of the Day.
Labusi - Angel to compel spirits to appear. One of the eight angels of omnipotence.
Lacana - Angel of the Fourth or Fifth Heaven.
Lael - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Lahehor - Angelic Order of Thrones. Used in the invocation of the Third Mystery Seal.
Laila - (AKA Laiiah) - Angel of Conception.
Lakohem - Spirit of Fire. In the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Lamach - An Angel who has rulership over the Planet Mars.
Lamhywei - Spirit of Water. In the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Lanyfiel - (AKA Lanifiel) - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Govening the 11th Hour of the Day.
Laquothor - Spirit of Water. In the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Latubusi - Angel who appears in the a pillar of fire by night. In Seventh Book of Moses.
Lauviah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Taurus - May 11 to 15.
Lebatel - Angel of Purification. One of three Angels that will carry you.
Lebes - Angel of the first altitude.
Lebusi - Angel to compel Spirits to appear. General citation of Moses on all Spirits.
Lecabel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - August 23 to
Lehahiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - September 8
to 12.
Lelahel - An Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aires - April 15 to 20.
Leliel - Angel of Night.
Lemar - Angel of the Order of Dominations
Leuuiah - Angel aligned to the energy of Jupiter.
Levanael - Angel of Moon. Protector of the Moon and of the Spirit of the Night.
Leviah - (AKA Leuviah, Leuuiah) - One of the 72 Shemhamphorash Angels.
Levviah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - June 22 to
Leykof - Angel of the Seventh Seal. Seal of the Angels of the Seven Planets and Spirits. Sixth Book of Moses.
Libriel - Angel ruling Libra.
Librabis - Angel of the 7th Hour of the day. Has dominion over hidden treasures.
Liwet - This Angel presides over ideas and inventions.
Lobquin - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Associated with Tuesday.
Loquel - Angel of the First Heaven. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Luel - An Angel invoked in connection with the use of diving
Lucifer - Angel of the dawn. Angel of Light. Incorrectly identified with Satan.
Lumiel - (AKA: Lucifer) - Angel of the Earth.
Lyenyel - Angel of the Third Heaven
Maachyn - Angel of the Second Heaven. From the Book of Raziel.
Maakyel - Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. From the Fouth Seal of Moses.
Madan - An Angel who has rulership over
the planet Mercury.
Madiel - (AKA: Mael) - A Governing Angel. Angel of the First Heavan.
Madimiel - Angel of Mars. From the Key of Solomon and Five Books of Mystery. Name upon the First Pentacle of Mars.
Mador - An Angel stationed at the 4th Heavenly Hall.
Mael - (AKA: Mael) - A ruling Archangel of the water. He is also one of
the inteligences of the planet Saturn. An Angel of Monday who must be
invoked from the North.
Maguth – One of the Ministers of Jupiter from the Heptameron.
Mahariel - An Angel of Paradise stationed at the first portal.
Mahanyel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Mahashiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aires - April 10 to
Mahzian - Angel of Eyesight.
Maion - An Angel with rulership over the planet Saturn.
Maianiel - Angel of the Third or Fifth Heaven.
Maktiel - An Angel with rulership over trees.
Malchidael - (AKA Malchidiel) - Angel ruling Aries and the Planet Mars.
Maltiel - An Angel with rulership over Friday, who should
be invoked from the West. He is also resident in the 3rd Heaven.
Manakel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius - Angel of Aquatic Animals and one of theAngels of the Zodiac.
Maniel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Marbaso - Spirit of Air. From D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Marbuel - One of the Great Princes. Hebrings treasures of earth and sea, provides secret knowledge, and honors.
Margabiel - (AKA Margiviel, Margabyel) - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Maroch - An Angel of the 5th hour of the Day.
Mas Masia - Angel use in a charm against supporation. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Maschasiel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Mastema - Angel of Adversity and Angel of Egypt.
Masniel - Angel ruling Libra.
Mathiel - (AKA Maktiel) - Angel of the the Fifth Heaven. Reputed to be the Angel of Tuesday. (not rulership of Mars?)
Mathon - Angel of the 5th hour of the Night.
Matriel - Angel of Rain.
Meachuel - Angel of the Occult. In the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Mebahiah - Shemhamphorash Angel,
Mebahel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Gemini - May 26 to 31.
Mebahiah - An Angel who exercises dominion over morality
and religion. Also Angel of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn.
Mecheiel - (AKA Mehekiel) - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Mechuel - Angel to compel Spirits to appear. Listed in the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
Mehabiah - Angel of Morals.
Melech - Angelic Choir of Potestates.
Mehiel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius - February 5
to 9.
Melahel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - July 12 to
Melkajal - Angelic ruler of March.
Memuneh - A deputy Angel who dispenses dreams.
Memeon - An Angel who is invoked in the benedition of salt.
Menadel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - September 18
to 23.Metatron - Also known as the Angel of prayer.
Menkiel - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Metatron - Intermediary between God and his emanations, representative of Moses, ruling Angelic Order of Seraphim.
Michael - Archangel of the Sun. Angel of chaos and one of
the Angels of creation, truth and snow.
Midael - A chief and Captain in the celestial army. An Angel
of the Order of Warriors.
Mihael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio - November 18
to 22.
Mihr - Angel of frienship who has rulership over the of September.
Mikael (AKA: Michael) - See Michael. Also to be the Angel
of the Zodiac sign of Libra - October 19 to 23.
Mikhail - Angel who resides in the 7th Heaven.
Mikhar - Angel with rulership over the spring of life (Water
Miniel - An Angel whose chief virtue is that he can, when
invoked, induce love in an otherwise cold and reluctant maiden.
Mitrim - One of the Three Prince of the World.
Mitzrael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn - January
16 to 20.
Mizgitari - This Angel has rulership over the 7th hour of
the Day.
Modyel - Angel of the First Heaven.
Mogolhor - (AKA Molgorho) - Spirit of Water. From the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Monadel - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Morael - An Angel who has rulership over the months of August
and September. Also the Angel of the wind.
Muacon - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Murniah - Angel of the sciences of medicine & physics ,
Mupiel - Angel of the A ngelic Choir of Potestates / Elements. invoked to obtain a good memory and an open heart.
Mumiah - This Angel presides over the sciences of medicine
and physics. Also the Angel of Longevity.
Mupiel - An Angel who has rulership over human memory.
Murdad - Angel who has rulership over the month of July,
he also rules the 7th day of the month.
Muriel - Angel with rulership over of June.
Mycaceton - Angel of the Second Heaven. From
Book of the Angel Raziel.
Nabu - The recording Angel in Heaven.
Nael - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Nadiel - Angel of Migration.
Nafriel - An Angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.
Nahaliel - Angel with rulership over rivers and streams.
Nahymel - Angel of the First Heavan. The Book of Raziel.
Naroniel - Angel off the Fourth Heaven.
Nathan - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Nayymel - Angel of the First Heaven. From the Book of the Angel Raziel.
Neciel - Angel of the Eleventh Mansion of the Moon. A Lunar Angel.
Nelchael - Angel of Learning.
Nemamiah - Often considered an Archangel. He protects those who struggle for justice.Angel of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn
Nenael - (AKA Nitel) - Angel of the Second Heaven. Rulership over family issues.
Nesanel - Angel to invoke to purge oneself of sins.
Nanael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius - December
13 to 16
Nariel - Angel who has rulership over the South Wind.
Narsinah - Angel of Heros and Heroism.
Nasnia - Angel of the 3rd hour of the Day.
Natalon - Angel of the 12th hour of the Day.
Nathaniel - Angel of Fire.
Nauel - Angel of the Zoiac sign of Aquarius - January 31 to
February 4.
Nelchael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - July 2 to
July 6.
Neriel - One of the 28 Angels who govern one of the 28 mansions
of the moon.
Neron - Angel of the 9th hour of the Day.
Netos - Angel of the 7th hour of the Night.
Nithael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius - December
17 to 21.
Nithaiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo - July 23 to 27.
Nitika - Angel who has rulership over the 6th hour of the
Noaphiel - An Angel whose name is inscribed in Hebrew characters
on the fifth Pentacle of the planet Saturn.
Nogahel - (AKA Nogael, Noghael) - Angel of Venus.
Noghowe - Spirit.. From the Book: D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Also See our work in progress listing of Angels and
Planetary Spirits which are currently being researched - Click Here
Och - Angel (Olympian Spirit) of the Sun, Angel of Alchemy
and Mineralogy.
Oertha - An Angel of the North.
Odrael - Angel of the First Heaven.
Ofel - Helps success in matters of the law. Listed in
the Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses. Spirit of Jupiter.
Ohazor - Spirit of Fire. From the
D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Omael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo - August 18 to 22.
Oohorok - Spirit of Fire. From the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Opiel - An Angel who aids individuals in obtaining the love
of a desired one.
Ophaniel - (Enochian Angel).
An angel, the ruler of the Moon and Stars.
Oriares - The Angel who has rulership over Winter.
Oriel - (AKA: Auriel) - Has rulership over the 10th hour
of the Day. Anf the Angel of Destiny.
Orifiel - Angel of the Apocalypse and one of the Angels of
creation and the Angel ofthe wilderness.
Oriens - Spirit or Demon King ruling over one of the four corners of earth.
Oromasim - Persian Angel? One of the three Princes of the World.
Orowor - Good Spirit. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Osgaebial - An Angel who has rulership over the 8th hour of
the Day.
Oseny - Angelic Order of Cherubim. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Otheos - Angel who guards hidden treasures.
Oumriel - Angel of service residing in the 4th Heaven.
Ourer - Angel of the 7th hour of the Day.
Pachriel - Angel guarding the Seven Heavens.
Pagiel - An Angel petitioned for the fulfillment of the invocant's
Pahaliah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - June 27 to
July 1.
Papliel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Parasiel - An Angelic name inscribed in Hebrew characters
on the First Pentacle of the Planet Jupiter.
Parymel - Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones.
Paschar - Throne Angel , executing the commands of Potestates. Angel of Vision.
Patecha - Angel on the Seal of Dominations. From the Sixth or Seventh Book of Moses.
Patteny - Angel of the Angelic Order of Dominations. A ministering angel summoned in cabalistic rites.
Pedael - Angel of Deliverance.
Penac - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Peneal - Angel of the Third Heaven. Angel of Friday (Venus).
Penat - (AKA: Peniel) - An Angel with the ruleship over Friday
Angel. He also residing in the 3rd Heaven.
Pendroz - An Angel of the 7th hour of the Day.
Permaz - An Angel of the 2nd hour of the Night.
Phaghywem - Spirit. From the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Phaleg - Olympic Spirit of Mars.
Phakiel - An Angel who has rulership over the Asrrological
sign of Cancer.
Phalhoh - Spirit of Water. From the D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Phaldor - A Angel of oracles.
Phanuel - (AKA: Raguel) - Archangel of penance, and prince
of the presence. He is also identified with Uriel and Ramiel.
Phatiel - Angel who has rulership over the 5th hour of the
Phuel - Lord of the Moon.
Phul - Olympic Spirit of the Moon.
Pisciel - Angel ruling Pisces. Three Books of Occult Philosophy.
Pillel - Angel unknown Rulership.
Poiel - An Angel of the Order of Principalities. Rules
over fortune and philosophy. Angel of the zodiac sign
of Capricorn.
Porna - A who has ruleship over Friday who resides in the 3rd
Heaven and must be invoked from the South.
Poteh - (AKA: Purah) - Angel of Forgetting.
Presnostix - An Angel of the 6th hour of the Night.
Pruel - An Angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.
Puchon - Good Spirit. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Purah - (AKA: Poteh) - Angel of forgetting and the of oblivion.
Qafsiel - An Angel with dominion over the moon. He is the guardian of the 7th Heavenly Hall.
Qamiel - An Angelic guard of the South Wind.
Qaniel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
Quadissu - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Quaddisin - Twin Angels who, together with the twin Irin,
constitute the supreme judgment council of the heavenly court.
Qadosch - An Angel invoked in the conjuring
of ink and colors.
Quasfoi - Familiar Spirit. From D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Quasiddu - Angel of the Third Heaven. From Sepher Raziel (Sl. 3846)
Quato – Adoni Quato - The Angel that spoke to Moses.
Quelamia - One of the throne Angels who resides in the 1st
Quelarnia - Throne Angel, executing the commands of Potestates, and residing in the 1st Heavan.
Quermillay – (AKA Germuthsai or Quernithay) - From The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Quiheth – A Good Spirit. From the 6th and 7th Book of Moses.
Quohawet– Originating Spirit from the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Quohym – Originating Spirit from the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Quothoi - Spirit of Water. From the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Quyan - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Quyel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Raamyel - Angel of the First Heaven. Governer of the 8th Lunar month.
Rabacyel - Prince of the Third Heaven.
Raehel (AKA
Roehel) - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Rael - An Angel with rulership over Wednesday, who resides
in the 3rd Heaven.
Radueriel - (AKA: Vretil) - The recording ange, the Angel
of song, leader of the celestial choirs and creator of the
Lesser Angels
Ragat – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Ragnel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. One of the six Chief Angels. From the Book of Enoch.
Raguel - (AKA Raguil , Rasuil , Rufael , Raquel , Reuel , and Akrasiel. From the Book of Enoch.
Rahab - Angel of the Sea.
Rahdar - The Angel who has rulership over the Astrological
sign of Cancer.
Rahmiel - Angel of Mercy.
Rahumiel – (AKA Rahumyel) - Angel of the Fourth or Fifth Heaven. Angel of Mercy and Love.
Rampel - Rulership over mountains, he is the Angel of inner
Rana - Angel of the 6th hour of the Night.
Raphael - The archAngel with ruleshipof the planet Mercury.
Also the Angel of Compassion. One of the Angels of creation
Ra'shiel - Angel of Whirlwinds.
Raquiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Guardian Angel at the gate of the West Wind.
Raziel – Archangel of Jewish mysticism. The "Keeper of Secrets" and the " Angel of Mysteries". Sephirah Chokhmah.
Rebquin - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. From the Sepher Raziel (Sl. 3846).
Rehael - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Libra - October 4 to
8, and the Angel of good health.
Rehal - Angel of Longevity to gether with Seheiah and Mumiah.
Rehel - An Angel who battles against the enemies of religion.
Remiel - Angel of the Souls of Men.
Reiiel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo - August 13 to 17.
Requel – Angel who rules Angelic Order of Principalities.
Requiel - Angel of the Twenty-third Mansion of the Moon.
Rhaumel - Angel with rulership over Friday, who resides in
the 5th Heaven and should be invoked from the North.
Ridya - Angel of Rain
Riehol - Angel with rulership over the Astrological sign of
Risnuch - Angel of Agriculture
Rikbie - Chief of the devine chariot; prince of the Merkabah
Riwtip - (AKA
Rirvtip) - Angel who protects.
Roah – Angel of the Angelic Order of Dominations.
Roaziel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. From the Sepher Raziel (Sl. 3846).
Rochel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Pisces - March 1 to 5.
Also the Angel of lost objects.
Rohahym - Originating Spirit from the Biblia arcana Magica of the Seventh book of Moses and Tabella Rabellina.
Roneve - (AKA Ronobe, Ronove) A Fallen Angel. One of Solomons 72 Angels.
Rorasthe - Spirit of Water. From D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Ruhiel - The Angel of the Wind together with Ben Nez, Ephamarae
and Rujiel.
Rujiel - The Angel of the Wind together with Ben Nez, Ephemerae
and Ruhiel.
Rupa - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Ruweno – Ministering Angel of the First Seal of Sixth Book of Moses.
Saball - Prince of the Sixth Heaven.
Sabathiel - Angel of Saturn. One of the Seven Princes who stand continually before God.
Sachluph - Angel of Plants.
Sacquiel - Planetary Angel associated with Venus.
Sacriel - (AKA Sacriell) - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Has rulership over Tuesday.
Sadedali - Angel of the 5th hour of the Day.
Saditel - Angel of the Third Heaven. From Three Books of Occult Philosophy.
Sadriel - Angel of Order.
Sadyel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Saeliah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio - November 3
to 7.
Saeprel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Safyn – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements. Angel of the Sixth Seal. The Sixth Book of Moses.
Sagdalon - Angel who has rulership over the Astrological sign
Sagittariel - Angel ruling Sagittarius.
Sahaqiel - Angel of the Sky.
Sahaqnab - Lord of the Night for Scorpio
Saharnatz - Angel of the second decante of Libra
Sahiah - Angel of the fourth quinance of Sagitarius
Sahiber - Angel of the third decante of Leo
Sahon - One of the angels of the Seventh Seal. From the Sixth Book of Moses.
Saitziel - Angel of Scorpio.
Sala - Angel of the 4th hour of the Day.
Salam - Angel of the 12th hour of the Night.
Salatheel – One of the Great Ministering Archangels. Ruler of the movements of the spheres.
Salilus - An Angel who has rulership over the of the 7th
hour of the Day.
Saliah - Angel of the third quinance of Pisces.
Sarash - Lord of Triplicity by day for Gemini.
Sarayel - Angel of Gemini
Satitiel - Angel of Sagittarius
Saspam - Angel of the fifth decante of Aries.
Satander - Angel of the third decante of Aries
Satheraton - Lord of Tripicity by day for Aries.
Satrip - Angel of the third decante of Pisces.
Samandiriel - This Angel has rulership over imagination and
Samax - An Angel who has rulership over Tuesday.
Samael - One of the Angels of creation .
Sameron - An Angel of the 12th hour of the Day.
Samohayl - One of the angel of the First Seal. The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Samuel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Samyel - Angel of the Third Heaven. Ariel Spirit of the Moon.
Samyfiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. From the Sepher Raziel (Sl. 3846).
Sanael - Angel of Aquarius. Angel of The Degrees Of The Zodiac from Ars Paulina - Lesser Key of Solomon.
Sandalphon - An Angelic prince reputed to be the twin brother
of Metatron.
Saoryel – (AKA Sacryel) - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Saphiel - (AKA Sapiel) - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Ruler of the Lord's Day (Sunday). Invoked from the North.
Saragael - One of the Angels of the Earth together with Azril,
Ariel, Admael, Arkiel, Ariciah, Harabel and Yabbashael.
Sarquamich - An Angel of the 3rd hour of the Night.
Sarquiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
In Kabbalistic lore, he is one of Seven Angels of the Earth.
Sartamiel - Angel of Aries. Of Occult Philosophy, Book III (part 3).
Sassur - Angel of the 9th hour of the Night.
Satarel - Angel over hidden things.
Satquel - Angel of the Third Heaven. From the
Sepher Raziel (Sl. 3846).
Sattamiel - Angel ruling Cancer.
Savuriel - An Angelic guard of the 3rd Heaven.
Sazlij – (AKA Sazly, Yazly) - Spirit of Saturn. The Fifth Seal of Saturn.
Schaltiel - An Angel who has rulership over the Astrological
sign of Virgo.
Schaddyl – Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones. From the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Schadym – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim., of the Fourth Seal. The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses
Schawayt – Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones. Angel of the Third Seal from the Six Book of Moses.
Scheol – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates.
Schimuel – Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones. Angel of the Third Seal. From the Sixth Book of Moses.
Schioel - The name of the Angel appearing on the first Pentacle
of the Moon.
Schurnnyel – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates.
Schuwniel – Angel from the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses
Scorpiel - Angel ruling the Astrological Sign of Scorpio.
Sealiah - (AKA Seehiah) - Shemhamphorash Angel. Angel of Vegetables.
Seheliel - Angel of the Seventh Masion of the Moon.
Seheiah - An Angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. Also the Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo.
Seraquiel - An Angel who has rulership over Saturday.
Setheus - Angel residing in the 6th Heaven.
Semeliel - (AKA Semishial, Semeschiah, Semishia) - One of the 7 Princes, .Angel of the Sun.
Serael - Angel of the Fourth or Fifth Heaven.
Seraphiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Prince of the Higher Orders. From the Book of Enoch.
Serapyel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. The Book of Raziel.
Seruph - (AKA Nathaniel) - Angel of Fire.
Sewachar – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. The Sixth Book of Moses.
Sezah – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements. Angel on the Sixth Seal.
Shalgiel - Angel of Snow.
Shamshiel - (AKA: Shamsiel) - Angel of daylight.
Shateiel - Angel of silence.
Shemuil - The great archon is a mediator between the prayers
of Israel and the princes of the 7th Heaven.
Shetel - God appointed Shetel to serve Adam.
Sirushi - Angel of Announcements.
Sinszuni - Angel who protects against infant mortality. Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Sitael - Shernhamphorash Angel. Angel of expansion.
Sizajasel - An Angel who has rulership over the Astrological
sign of Sagittarius.
Sizouse - Angel of Prayer.
Sopheriel Mehayye and Sopheriel Memeth:
Two of the Supreme
Angels of the Merkabah, keepers of the books of life and death.
Sofiel - Angel with rulership over all fruits and vegetables.
Soqued Hozi - Keeper of the divine balances appointed by
God to the Sword. One of the 8 supreme Angels of the Merkabah.
Solquiel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sepher Raziel
Sonitas - Angel of the Fourth or Fifth Heaven.
Soquyel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sepher Raziel
Sraosha - Angel of Obedience.
Staijel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Stywo – Angel?. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Styxze - Angel?. Spirit of Earth. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Suceratos - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. Angel of Peace.
Suncacer - Angel of the Fifth Heaven. Sepher Raxiel.
Suriel - Angel ruling Taurus. Angel of Healing.
Sulphalatus - Angel of the Dust.
Sui'el - Angel of Earthquakes.
Suriel - Benevolent Angel of death.
Susabo - Angel of Voyage.
Suth Rex - Angel from the Heptameron aligned to Jupiter.
Sydonei - Spirit of Earth. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Symnay – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements.
Sywaro – Angel of the First Seal. From the Sixth Book of Moses
Sywohay – Angel? . D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
Also See our work in progress listing of Angels and Planetary Spirits which are currently being researched - Click Here
Tablibik - Angel of Fascination.
Tabris - Angel over Free-will.
Taftyah – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements. Angel of the Sixth Seal of Moses.
Taftyarohel – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements. Angel of the Sixth Seal of Moses.
Tagas - Great leader of the singing Angels (the Sarim).
Tagriel - Angel of Twenty-sixth Mansion of the Moon.
Tahariel - Angel of Purity.
Tharsis - Angel of the Element of Water.
Taliahad - An Angel whose name is inscribed on the seventh
Pentacle of the Sun.
Tamiel - Angel of the Deep.
Tanic - Angel of the 8th hour of the Day.
Tafrac - Angel of the 8th hour of the Night.
Tariel - One of the Angels of Summer.
Taranyel - Angel of the Third Heaven. Sepher Raziel, Liber Salomonis (Sl. 3846)
Tariescorat (AKA Taryescorat) - Angel of the Third Heaven. The 6th and 7th Books of Moses
Tauriel - Angel ruling Taurus.
Tehom - Angel of the Angelic Choir of Dominations, and Choir of Thrones.
Tehor - Indicated in the Sith & Seventh Books of Moses. Restores harmony to relationships.
Teletiel - Angel ruling Aries.
Teiaiel - An Angel who is a member of the Order of Thrones
and has rulership over the Angel of the future.
Tezalel - Angel of Fidelity.
The Irin - Twin Angels who, with the twin Quaddisin
who constitue the supreme judgment council of the heavenly
Thamur - Angel of the 6th hour of the Day.
Thanu - Angel of the 3rd hour of the Night.
Thegri - Angel over (Wild) Beasts.
Theliel - Angel of Love.
Theoska – A Ministering Angel. The Sixth and Sventh Book of Moses.
Tharsis - Angel of Water.
Thiel - An Angel who has ruleship over Wednesday. Also an Angel of
the 2nd and 3rd Heavens.
Thoth - An Angel of the eighth hour of the night. The Egyptian
God of writing and Magic, associated Archangel Raphael.
Tiriel - Intelligence of Mercury
Tomimiel - Angel ruling Gemini.
Torquaret - An Angel who has ruleship over the season of
Tsadkiel - Angel of Justice.
Trsiel - An Angel who has rulership over rivers.
Tsaphiel - One of the Angel governing the Moon.
Tubiel - Angel over Small Birds.
Tubatlu - Angel who compels Spirits to appear.
Tulatu - Angel to compel spirits to appear. From the Sixth and Sventh Book of Moses.
Turiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Tuwahel – A Minister Angel.
Turmiel - One of the Angelic guards at the gate of the West
Tychagara - Throne Angel, executing the commands of Potestates.
Tzadqiel - (Tsadkiel) - Angel of Chesed within the Sphere of Jupiter.
Tzaphqiel - (AKA Jafkiel , Japhkiel , Tzaphkiel , Zafkiel , Zafchial , Zaphchial , Zaphiel, Zelel ) - Angel of Binah/Saturn.
Tzadiqel - (AKA: Sachiel) - Angel of divine justice. The archangel
who rules Jupiter on Thursday
Ubaviel - An Angel with rulership over
the sign of Capricorn.
Ulachor - Spirit of Fire. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Umabel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius - January 21 to 25.
Unael - Angel of the First Heaven.
Unascayel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sepher Raziel, Liber Salomonis (Sl. 3846).
Uriel - Angel with rulership over the planet Uranus. Angel of the Abyss.
Usera - Angel of the First Heaven
Uslael - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Uvael - An Angel with rulership over Monday. He is also an Angel resident in the 1st Heaven.
Uwula – A Ministering Angel invoked during an eclipse of the Sun or Moon.
Uzziel - This Angel is both of the Order of Virtues and Cherubim.
He stands before the throne of glory.
Vaamyel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. Sepher Raziel, Liber Salomonis (Sl. 3846)
Varcan - An Angel with rulership over the Sun.
Vasariah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - August 29 to
September 2.
Vasans - Angel of the First Heaven.
Vascaniel - Angel of the Third Heaven. The 6th and 7th Books of Moses.
Vaol - This amgels name appears inscribed on the First Pentacle of the Moon.
Vastanyel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
Veal - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Veallum - Angel of the First Heaven.
Vebol - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Vefamiel - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Veguaniel - An Angel with rulership over the 3rd hour of the Day.
Vehiel - The name of the Angel indicated on the first Pentacle
of the Moon
Vehuel - Angel of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius - November 23 to 27.
Vehuiah - One of eight Seraphim. He governs the first rays of the sun. Also the Angel of the Zodiac sign of Aires.
Velael - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Venetal - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Verascyel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Vetameil - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Vel - An Angel with rulership over Wednesday should be
invoked from the South. Vel is also a resident of the Third
Verchiel - An Angel with rulership over the month of July,
and the Astrological sign of Leo.
Veuliah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio - October 24
to 28.
Vevalieh - Shemhamphorash Angel.
Vhnori - One of the governing Angels of the Astrological sign
of Sagittarius.
Vianiel - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Vionatraba - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Virginiel - Angel ruling Virgo.
Volaquiel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Voizia - An Angel with rulership over the 12th hour of the
Vralbun - Angel of the First Heaven.Vranacha - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
Vraniel - An Angel with rulership over the 10th hour of the
Wallim - An Angel residing in the 1st Heaven.
Weatta - Helps to locate lost items.
Wezynna – Angel of the Angelic Order of Dominations.
A Ministering Angel. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses .
Wijch – (AKA Wych) – Angel. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses .
Woghcroe – Spirit/Angel. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang.
No Angels identified as yet.
Yabbashael - One of the aAngels of the
Earth together with Azril, Ariel, Admael, Arkiel, Ariciah,
Harabel and Saragael.
Yaeb - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Yael - Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Yagar – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Yagelor – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. The Sixth Book of Moses
Yahel – Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones. His name is inscribed on the 4th Pentacle of the Moon
Yalyon – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim. The Sixth Book Of Moses
Yarashiel - One of the Angel who guards of the gates of the
East Wind.
Yashiel - The name of the Angel appearing on the First Pentacle
of the Moon.
Yamdus - Angel ruling over planets. The Mystery of The Seventh Seal. Sixth Book of Moses.
Yanael - Angel of the Second Heaven, and of the North. The Book of Raziel.
Yaron – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Yeehah – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates.
Yenael - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Yeschaijah - Spirit of Water.
Yeschnath - Angel ruling over planets.
Yechoel - Zodiacl Angel. Gives you the power to defeat enimies.
Yefefiah - (AKA: Dina) - Angel of the Law (Torah).
Yehudiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Virgo - September 3
to 7.
Yeiayel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Cancer - July 7 to 11.
Yekahel - An Angel whose name is inscribed on the first Pentacle
of Mercury.
Yelaiah - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio - October 29
to November 2
Yeratel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo - August 2 to 6.
Yeseraije - Angel of the Second Heaven.
Yhahel – Angel.
Yhaij – (AKA Yhay) - Spirit of the Moon.
Yhepar - Spirit of Earth.
Yloij – (AKA Yloy) - Spirit of Mercury.
Ymmat – Angel of the Angelic Order of Cherubim and Seraphim.
Ymoeloh – Angel. Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Yomelo – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates.
Yurkemi - The Angel of hail.
Yyel Angel of the Fourth Heaven.
Zaa'fiel - Angel of Showers.
Zachariel - One of the Angels of Creation .
Zachriel - Angel of Memory.
Zacharael – Angel of Surrender.
Zachiel - Prince of the Sixth Heaven.
Zadkiel - (AKA: Tzadkiel, Zidekiel or Sachiel) - The Angel
with rulership over Jupiter.
Zagzagel - The Angel of wisdom, chief guard of the 4th Heaven,
Angel of the burning bush.
Zahun - Angel of Scandal.
Zakkiel - Angel of Storm.
Zalbesael - Angel of Rain.
Zaliel - An Angel with rulership over Tuesday, who should
be invoked from the South. He is also resident in the 5th
Zamael - (AKA Samael) - Angel of sexual relationships and the Planet Mars.
Za'miel - Angel of Hurricanes.
Zarall- Angel of the Ark of the Covenant: with Jael, both
belonging to the order of Cherubim.
Zazel - Is the Spirit of Saturn.
Zaganhi - Angel/Spirit? of Fire. D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Zamael – (AKA Samael) - Planetary Angel.
Zaniel – Angel of the First Heaven. Rules Monday and the Sign of Libra.
Zaphiel - Angel of Saturn.
Zaphkiel – (AKA Zaphchiel_ Angel ruling over Saturn and the Angelic Order of Thrones.
Zarenar - Angel ruling over planets.
Zawar – Angel of the Angelic Order of Thrones.
Zebul - Prince of the Sixth Heaven.
Zedekiel - Angel of Jupiter.
Zefgon – Spirit.Zenay – Spirit.
ZeoJam – Angel of the Angelic Choir of Potestates / Elements.
Zephon - A Guardian prince of Paradise.
Zeruch - Angel of Strength.
Zethar - One of the Angels of confusion together with : Mehuman,
Barbonah, Bigtha, Biztha, Abatha, and Carcas.
Zgzagel - Angel of Wisdom.
Zianor - Gives artistic talents.
Zikiel - Angel of Comets and Meteors.
Zi'iel - Angel of Commotion.
Zowanos – Angel. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
Zuphlas - Angel of Forests.
Zuriel - Angel ruling Libra.
Zurzannor Dehaschif – Angel.
Zyboleth - Spirit of Water.
D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
Zywolech – Angel.
The 6th and 7th Books of Moses
Zyxhator – Angel/Spiri?t.
D. Faustus: Vierfacher Höllen-Zwang
This listing is by no means complete and is always being
updated as unlisted Angels are discovered. If you know of
any missing Angels please drop us an email and we will include
in the list.
the intangible rings of the upper spheres,
so that creation is, in truth,
the process of making tangible the intangible
by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates.”
― Manly P. Hall
The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel
― Manly P. Hall
The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel
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Welcome Traveler,
It's been a whirlwind of a month, I can't say thank you enough for your support, starting next month I'll be putting out a monthly magazine about topics related to that month.
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I've added a new section that covers meals of the ancient world and a section about herbal remedies will be coming soon.
As always may your travels be light and your path be pleasant to you and your family, blessings.
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Yeah I know its been 3 years since I've posted anything new. I burnt out from everything I was putting into this. and tbh what made me come back was the fact that even after 3 years this is still popular. I can't thank you enough for your continued support.
So what's new well I have a new address and with covid I've had a bit of free time. so maybe its time I got back into the captains chair and got to setting a course to places undiscovered. A part of me is happy while a part isn't because he know what's up and he doesn't like doing the hard long hours of labor.
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Its been what 2 possibly 3 years since I last posted. Burn out is what happened. I got so overwhelmed with everything that it just got to ...
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