“All things manifesting in the lower worlds exist first in
the intangible rings of the upper spheres,
so that creation is, in truth,
the process of making tangible the intangible
by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates.”

― Manly P. Hall

The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel


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Welcome Traveler to My Little Occultshop

Welcome Traveler,

It's been a whirlwind of a month, I can't say thank you enough for your support, starting next month I'll be putting out a monthly magazine about topics related to that month.

So what's new

I've added a new section that covers meals of the ancient world and a section about herbal remedies will be coming soon.

As always may your travels be light and your path be pleasant to you and your family, blessings.


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Here is what's new

Yeah I know its been 3 years since I've posted anything new. I burnt out from everything I was putting into this. and tbh what made me come back was the fact that even after 3 years this is still popular. I can't thank you enough for your continued support.

So what's new well I have a new address and with covid I've had a bit of free time. so maybe its time I got back into the captains chair and got to setting a course to places undiscovered. A part of me is happy while a part isn't because he know what's up and he doesn't like doing the hard long hours of labor.

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My latest post on my Facebook Page My Little Occult Shop

  Its been what 2 possibly 3 years since I last posted. Burn out is what happened. I got so overwhelmed with everything that it just got to ...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Leo

HAAIAH - Political Science and Ambition

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 119:145

“I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord: I will keep thy statutes.”

Across the bottom of my heart I call you, O Lord, hear! The path, which you teach, I will follow.

[ Psalm 119: 145 ]

Latin name: Deus Auditor in abscondito - God listening in concealment
Report: "The horse dies hidden things of God"
Task: To restore order in the chaos
Angelic Order (Jewish): Chasmalim (חשמאלים)
Archangel (Jewish): Zadkiel (צדקיאל)
Angelic Order (Christian) domination [Kyriotes]
Allah Name (s): Al-Mujib
Gemátria: 7
Constellation: Sun-Moon conjunction; -Uránusz opposition; -Mars Saturn-quadrant
Star sign: Leo
Dean: Saturn
Direction: South
Rate: 5-10 °
Material: 28.07.-01:08.
Emotional:, 02:02, 15:04, 12:09 29.06, 24.11.....
Intellectual: 08:20 to 08:39
Choir of angels (Jewish): Chasmalim

This angel helps you win or make the processes and judgments favourable to their cause, helps man to contemplate things and acts of God. Dominates politics, diplomats, ambassadors and influences journalists.

Influence: Those born under this angel’s influence are just, benevolent, like serious relationships, have appreciation for logical solutions and are endowed with compassion and balance. Know that earthly laws can and should be changed. Respect the laws of the universe, as these can never be violated and consider target words as a synonym for change and renewal.

S/He works tirelessly in search for knowledge, to build their ideals. S/He likes to travel and adapts easily to climate, people and language. Thanks to his/her outstanding personality and beauty of character, they have access to the highest spheres of society and government.

Messengers of peace, they will be a conscious collaborator who will be aware of divine providence, with a transcendental mission. Architect of the divine order, will be a spiritual mentor (even without being aware of it, because his/her spirit has ascended).

Professionally: They can be successful as a tour guide, pilot, politician, or working with oracles.

Contrary Angel: Masters of ambition, betrayal, conspiracy, black magic and indiscretion. A person under the influence of this angel will not know how to keep secrets, will oppose just causes, violate mail and ill-treat people who want to help.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Discretion; Sense of organization and family; Contemplation of Divine Structures; Political Science, harmonizes social life; Peaceful cohabitation, Divine Order; Ability to adapt to any situation; Scientific and political attitudes in accordance with Divine Science; Political and social leader, administrator, decision-maker, diplomat, ambassador, dispenser of justice; Allows us to know how to behave in ambiguous situations; Seeks truth through reason; Creator of positive atmosphere, the driving force behind teamwork.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Indiscretion, self-centeredness, family problems; Proud, vain, jealous, motivated by ambition and covetousness, flees one’s responsibilities, one’s life-plan; Desire for earthly power and glory, abuse of authority and power, competitive spirit, passion, abides by the law of the jungle; Anarchy, conspiracy, treachery, social disorder; Imposes one’s point of view, does not listen to others; Inferiority or superiority complex; Negative consequences from disorderly action.

Situations and Common Problems

Ambassador; Indiscretion; Links; Links, Reinforcing; Negotiating; Parents; Politics; Quarrels.

YERATEL - Propagation of Light

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 140:2
“Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;”
Latin name: Deus Propulsator
Meaning: The preventing God
Choir of angels (Jewish): Chasmalim
Archangel (Jewish): Zadkiel
Choir of angels (christian): Dominions

This angel helps confuse the conspirators, protects against people who attack us in court, and intervenes in the propagation of light and the liberation of society.

Influence: Those born under this influence of the angel, is intelligent, balanced and mature. They are able to balance their individual instincts accepting, without necessarily following the advice and demonstrations of affection from everyone.

They have strong initiative and perseverance, their life is clear and full of joy, maintaining a noble and refined appearance. They will have protection against any kind of negative force and their power of action is invincible.

They will do everything so lucid and thoughtful, so their efforts usually lead to success. They will have an enormous capacity to know the future, either through spiritual guidance, dreams, astral projections, constantly reassessing their attitudes.

They will advocate for the arts and sciences and they will mobilize large numbers of people for an ideal. They will be harmonious with a full view and understanding of the world.

Professionally: they can be successful writers, journalists, social workers or any activity related to culture and leisure.

Contrary Angel: Dominates ignorance, intolerance and violence. A person under the influence of this angel might otherwise be a proponent of authoritarian systems, supporting the exploitation of slave labor. They can practice barbarous acts and live in an inaccessible utopian world.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Confidence; Inexhaustible source of energy; Propagates the Light; Creator of positive atmosphere, optimism; Teachings through the spoken and written word; Civilizes, brings sociability; Liberates from slanderers, from evil intentions; Liberates in the case of possession; Likes justice, science, art and literature; Liberates from those who are opposed to our development; Dissipates confusion, leads to success.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Hyperactivity; Possession, slavery; Squandering; Addictions, perverted habits, fanaticism; Compulsive desire to please, provocation; Compulsive gambler; Egoism, flattery, emphasis on appearances; Law of the jungle, meanness, ignorance, intolerance, slander; Destructive science, art, literature and music.

Situations and Common Problems

Confidence; Exorcism; Feet; Freedom; Legs; Liberty; Light; Sciatica.

SEHEIAH - Longevity

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 71:12
“O God, be not far from me; O my God, make haste to help me!”
Latin name: Deus Sublator malorum
Meaning: God who takes up the evil
Choir of angels (jewish): Chasmalim
Archangel (jewish): Zadkiel
Choir of angels (christian): Dominions

This Angel is used against the paralysis and the thunder. It protects against fire, the ruins of the buildings, the falls and diseases. It has power on the health and longevity. A person born under its influence and the one that will invoke, beneficently full of its grace, will be wise and cautious and circumspect.

Contrary Angel: Rules over catastrophes, accidents and the causes of apoplexies; he influences people who never think before acting.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Foresight; Happy longevity; Protection against falls, accidents, fire, lightning and illness; Miraculous healing, rehabilitation, health; Providential protection, Celestial insurance; Grants wisdom through the examination of past experiences; Premonition, protective inspiration; Caution, ability to foresee events; Complete calm.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Lack of foresight, carelessness, deep worry; Incoherence; Falls, illness, accidents; Destruction, turmoil, turbulence; Sets off catastrophes, scatterbrained; Anxiety, fear of the future; Impetuous action, absent-mindedness; Whirling, swirling energy; Excessive willpower, angry temperament; Inner and outer paralysis.

Situations and Common Problems

Accidents; Bones; Catastrophes; Digestion; Exhaustion; Hips; Lightning; Longevity; Paralysis; Peace; Prudence; Sciatica.

OMAEL - Fertility, Multiplicity

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 71:5
“For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.”
Latin name: Deus Patiens
Meaning: The patient God
Choir of angels (jewish): Chasmalim
Archangel (jewish): Zadkiel
Choir of angels (christian): Dominions

This angel helps people who are desperate to have more patience. Dominates protection of the animal kingdom and influences the perpetuation of species’ and breeds. Influences chemists, physicians and surgeons.

Influence: Those born under this angel’s influence are extremely fair and live in harmony with the universe. Being overprotected by this angel they will have steady confidence in themselves and always will fight for great ideals. They love animals, nature and men with great sincerity.

They have general knowledge of all areas and are always reviewing the situation in search of a more objective view. Angels predict victory, success and achievement in every way, but it is up to each person to choose to walk on the lines of destiny.

Professionally: They can be successful as pediatricians, obstetricians, surgeons, or any political activity relating to childcare, chemistry and anatomy.

Contrary Angel: Dominates indifference, violence against animals, the spread of bugs and monstrous phenomena. A person under the influence of this angel may be in favor of Nazi ideas, manufacture deadly chemicals to cause destruction, be in favor of euthanasia, to deny their children and feel irresistible sexual attraction to children and adolescents.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Multiplication; Materialization, development, expansion; Production, achievement, application, planning; Patience, sense of responsibility; Re-establishes health, leads to healing, relates to the medical profession; Fertility, birth, concerns pregnant women; Fulfillment, joy, living antidepressant; Tonic, energizer; Patron of the vegetable and animal kingdoms; Favors plantation and harvest; Rediscovery of the inner child.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Sterility, lack of success, repeated failure; Corrupt materialization, lack of planning and organization, materialistic philosophy; Poverty, impatience; Vivisection (dissection on the living); Euthanasia, suicide, bearer of death; Genocide, extermination, monstrous experiments, devastating fury; Sadness, depression, despair; Bad for harvests.

Situations and Common Problems

Abundance; Acne; Agriculture; Bacteria; Birth; Birth, giving birth; Cancer; Children; Contagion; Culture; Cysts; Depression; Fertility; Gardening; Germs; Gynecology; Herpes; Materialization; Multiplication; Parasite; Plants; Pregnancy; Uterus; Womb.

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