- Hermetic Philosophy -
"The lips of Wisdom will remain closed until they find a sympathetic ear" - The Kybalion.I. Introduction: Hermetika
"The science of light magic, the science of fire hermetika." (Eliphas Levi)
in Egypt rose to universal science of magic, which is attributed to Thoth, the god of magic. Thoth is not only magic, but also the creator of this universal dogma, and all esoteric knowledge is created. In his guardian figure of archaic initiations.
According to Egyptian mythology, the god of wisdom Thoth the "source or the desert, or locked away in front of the speaker, or open in front of the listener" - sounds like a prayer addressed to. He coined the twenty-two ancient sounds that make up speech. He scribe of the gods, who, during the otherworldly journey of the soul after megméretése record your answers. Íbiszként or íbiszfejű man, sometimes appears as an ape.
In Greek mythology Hermes, herald of the gods. In Roman mythology, it keeps track Merkúriuszként.
The European tradition defines the method hermetika name that took in Alexandria and created a solid body of tradition so that people appointed by the ancient image of Hermes Trismegistus. The hermetika very much taken over the Egyptian, Hebrew, Chaldean, Iranian and Hindu traditions. These teachings were the center of the metaphysical nature of anthropology, which ultimately forms the basis of the doctrine of universal üdvről and life. The hermetikát to be separated from the gnózistól carefully because of the tradition has been employed and self-gnosis.
The gnosis is named after gnosos's (meaningful cognition), the way of salvation because they're seeing the mental cognition as the Hindu Jnana (jnana) yoga. "The victorious Christian Hermes, founded the doctrine of salvation, as so much else, vanished. Alchemy and anthropology could not beat the new East-religious occult literature generated and flowed back to the intermediation of Islam to the West." - writes John Rushka.
The Hermetic tradition of Western Christianity under the surface like hidden deep in the earth waters, live constantly. The most hermetic works (approx arose after the II century BC and survived in Greek..): Tabula Smaragdina, Asclepius, Poimandresz, Key, son Tathoz. The title of the collection summary Corpus Hermeticum.
The " Tabula Smaragdina known as the foundational science of alchemists:
"It is no lie, certain and true.
That which is down, the same as what is there and what is there, the same as it is down there. So you know it is the only miracle.
And as all things come from the One to the one of thoughts, they accepted it was all created things.
father's Day, mother of the moon.
the wind carried the womb.
nurse on earth.
This is a source of the world's first material.
power is perfect if you turn back into the ground.
Select the land of fire the rough fine to, gentle, understanding.
fly into the sky from the earth, and then to the ground, receiving the higher and lower forces.
So you reach out to the world's greatest glory.
from then running away from you all darkness.
This is the power of high-power power . it all down more gaseous and still firmly imbued
thus created the world.
he who follows this method, the result will be amazing.
it is therefore called Hermes Trismegistus, because three of the world's knowledge rom is part of my possession.
What I said on the day of the operation, I finished. "
(Translation Hamvas Béla)
Tabula Smaragdina metaphysical transmutation of the human personality and spiritual regeneration. The remaining approx. Thirteen sentence expect the European hermetic teachings root. It feeds on astrology, alchemy, the Kabbalah and magic.
"The hermetic art is both a religion, philosophy and science. As a religion, it is the ancient magicians and every era initiate of religion as a philosophy, the foundations can be found in the Alexandria school and Pythagoras's theories as a science and methods need to learn Paracelsustól, Nicholas Flameltől and Raimundus Lullustól. science is only real for those who recognize and understand, step forward and become successful alone adept who has attained the monopoly and will thus become the world's primary captain in both philosophy and religion. " - formulates Eliphas Levi : The Science of Hermes c. his book.
Tabula Smaragdina origin of many legends report. One of them is the sign of Abraham's wife, Sarah, found in a cave in Hebron, the dead hands of Hermes, a few centuries after the flood. According to other views Nagy Sándor found in the tomb of Hermes campaigns, which he discovered. And according to another legend, the pyramid of Cheops panel found. This is the only key to deciphering all the esoteric knowledge: the knowledge triangle and reason triangle. Both the holy hexagramot, the balance, the ancient symbol of life and death life and death explore.
The Corpus Hermeticum writes the following about the meaning of human life. "The man's duty to his soul direct meaning, and hence of the divine things approach to lead him to devote too little attention mortal part, attached to in order to preserve the lower world From the end that man may be perfect in both of respect. "
Hermes, I do not know how, but revealed the whole truth.
Dr. Kássa László
The Hermetic Philosophy
In ancient Egypt, they lived in a big Experts and Masters, who could never emulate, and rarely could become an equal footing with them. For centuries, the great time of Hermes continued their work. Egypt was the gates of the Main Gate of Miracles well. They entered the door of the Temple of the new converts, who then, as Hierofantok, Experts and Masters traveled to the four corners of the earth, taking with them valuable knowledge. They were ready and eagerly waiting for it to pass on their knowledge to those who also were ready to accept them. All research occultist recognizes the obligation to belong to this ancient land venerable masters.
But among those who lived between the ancient Egyptian Masters is a great master, who was called "The Master of Masters". This man, if he was truly "man" lived in Egypt during the initial period. He was the one who is known as Hermes Trismegistus. He was the father of occult wisdom that be the founder of Astrology, the discoverer of Alchemy. Details of his life are lost due to the passage of time, however, many of the ancient state argued that thousands of years ago where this person was glorious. time temporary residence in Egypt still does not know exactly - if it was the last reincarnation on this planet - but it is certain that the ancient Egyptian dynasties inception - lived long before the time of Moses. According to the most authoritative references in the meantime he goes to a few old Abraham and the Jewish tradition to be a part of Hermes mystical teachings of Abraham mastered.
As the years passed by their (the tradition is preserved her that she lived about three thousand years ago, as the flesh), the Egyptians worshiped him and did a god, also known as Thoth. Years later, in ancient Greece, citizens also have made him one of many gods - Hermes as the god of wisdom. The Egyptians revered the memory for many centuries - yes, for thousands of years - they called him as "the Gods literate" and donated them to distinguish the "Triszmegistosz" ancient title. It does not mean anything more than "triple major"; "Very large"; "The most high" and so on. Every ancient civilization called Hermes Trismegistus was honorable, and the name meant the "source of wisdom".
Even the word "hermetic" in the sense used today to "secret"; "Something of a closed, from which nothing can escape it," and so on. This is why the fact that the followers of Hermes always observed the principle of secrecy in their teachings. They did not believe that "pearl must be sprayed before swine," but rather believed that retaining the teachings of the "infant milk, the strong man's food", both saying sound familiar to Christian scripture readers, but the Egyptians too much early in Christ saying both had been used before.
And the truth of this policy of careful dissemination has always characterized the Hermetikusokat, even today. The Hermetic Teachings in every religion and every country can be found, but could never isolate one country or religious sect either, which only spoke about it. Therefore, they warn teachers against ancient secret doctrines that have been crystallized in a religion. The wisdom of this caution is apparent to all researchers in history. India and ancient Persia Occultism skewed and largely lost, due to the fact that the teachers were mixed priest and theology to philosophy. As a result it was that basically, India and Persia Occultism lost in the mass of religious superstition, worship, faith and "the gods" in the midst. So it was in ancient Greece and Rome as well. And it happened this early Gnostic and Hermetic teachings of Christ, which lost at the time of Constantine. They paved the spirit of philosophy, theology iron hand, they were insensitive toward the Christ Church, which is very foundation and essence of these teachings. This is the reason that only groping for centuries, until you return to the ancient creed. The signs are apparent. Every caution must be to keep this Twentieth Century being is that the Church is still struggling to leave and return to the ancient mystical teachings.
But there was always a few faithful souls who cheered the flame protectively nurtured, and not left to fade out the light. And thanks to these brave and selfless hearts minds, we know the truth, and do not forget. Although it is not found in books or a size too much. It spreads between Master and Disciple; Beavatottaktól of the Hierofantokig; It spreads by word of mouth. If this has been reported at all, meaning it was hidden alchemy and astrology words. So they can only obtain the key, who know exactly what to read, understood. This was necessary to avoid persecution in the Middle Ages theologians who fought with fire, iron stake gallows and a cross against the Hermetic Doctrine. They can be found even today, but reliable books on the Hermetic philosophy - although several references to it in other books too - describe the different stages of the Occult. And yet, the Hermetic Philosophy is the only Master Key which will open all the doors of the occultist Teachings!
In the early days Hermetic collected some basic tenets of what the teachers passed on to students. This is named after that "The Kybalion". The precise meaning of the words and meaning is lost over the centuries. Many people knew this teaching, and depicted on each other by word of mouth over the centuries. As we know today, these are the rules, principles never written down or printed out. These are guidelines, rules and basic truths were, quite simply, that are incomprehensible to the outsider, but what this research topic easy to understand. The basic principles, guidelines and rules not only explain, but also support Initiates examples of the new arrivals. These teachings really are the basis of the "Art of Hermetic Alchemy," which is contrary to the general belief. They'd rather deal with the mental energy dominance as the tangible elements that are more concerned Mental vibration of a kind of metamorphosis into another, such as a metallic transformation of another. The "Philosopher's Stone" legend, according to which gold can do with a basic metal compound only allegorically refers to Hermetic philosophy, however, it is easy to understand for all the true hermetic scientist.
In this small book, which is the First Lesson, dear readers are invited to get to know us, our magyarázatainkkal the Hermetic Teachings, as it is written in the Kybalion in. We are humble teachings of this research, we still learn from the Master, at the feet of Hermes, though he bear the title of Initiates. We hereby hand over to you the wealth of basic justice and rule policy, accompanied by examples and illustrations that are found in the Kybalion. From these we hope that there can be more clearly through the teachings to modern research, the more that the original text was intentionally disguised, vague form of words.
The Kybalion original guidelines, rules and basic truths are given quotations, with their authenticity. My munkásságunkat, placed in the middle of the paper in the normal way. We hope that the many students to whom this small our work now recommend shaking will gain an advantage in studying these pages, like so many others before them. go through the same paths on which for centuries the Masters, Hermes Trismegistus - the Master of Masters, the very large - ever since. "The Kybalion" word:
"Where the Master's footsteps fell, made clear the ears wide open to listen to teachings." - The Kybalion.
"Where the disciples' ears were ready, he came to the lips to fill them with wisdom." - The Kybalion.
As the Teachings say those who study this book and prepared the instructions, they will give you a warning, to prepare themselves for the teachings. And also, when the learner is ready to receive the truth, it would come to this little book. This Act. Cause and effect of the Hermetic Principles, which is the external manifestation of the Law of Attraction, will bring together the lips and ears - both students and books. So be it!
The hermetic philosophers
One of the wise men was a writer, Artephius, whose works exceedingly famous among the Hermetic philosophers - so much so that even the great writer and still very open-minded critical reputation Olaus Borrichius also recommends that these books read everything with due care, out of this sublime philosophy knowledge you want to learn. Arthepius reportedly developed a mysterious magnet, which has the special property of being able to auras, or the mysterious human soul surreptitiously withdrawn from the flourishing ifjakból; as a collection of this salvation healthy and full of life resources and intervene strongly applied - by inhalation, through sweat or other ways - accumulated countless young reformation of its old centralized body. Young lives this suffering damage, and those who were stalked as prey, some substantially exhausted, then also passed as a result of the magic. Because he lived spell, it has taken place in addition suspicion whatsoever that young, fresh life has been extracted and used his strength dangerous, greedy organization without their knowledge. This may seem absurd now, but not so much as you think.
The sacrosanct me say this view of history. We all know the story of Dávid király, who, when he "is old and aged", in the city of a Sune called Abishag "very nice girl" take who as we know it, "asleep in his arms" that "warms him", even though the king him " I knew not. " This last phrase, which can be found in a book I wrote about the King (1.4), interprets all major critical one way, including those whose name Munster, Vossius Grotius and explanations are attached. The Muslim harem kéjvágyóbb have much meaning, as it is assumed in general. It seems the ancient unforgivably young doctors knew the importance of the company's vitality renewal terms hegyire entire story.
Elixir of life have been produced by other less fraudulent or specific ways in addition to those described above. They came from the secret nature of chemical laboratories, experts. The famous chemist Robert Boyle mentions a manufacturing method works, of which he reported in the company of a well-known doctor and another a learned man Dr. Le Fevre. The doctor's close friend - how Boyle mentions - a mere curiosity if swallow this medication wine was an old lady friend; because the drink taste was pleasant, the woman who was nearly seventy years of her saw a ten or twelve-day course of treatment, without knowing it what the doctor impregnated with it and what it may lead to this drink at all. The old woman has undergone enormous change: become much more agile demeanor brighten the look has become much more pleasant, even - decided to step into a young age - has undergone some purification pressure is so certified serious signs that a thorough look frightened: so I, the doctor was very surprised success and determined, further attempts to shut down and that no one mentions about this wonderful szíverősítőről, fearing that it would create panic among the novelty stubborn, prejudiced people.
But - as far as a hundred years old are - we can meet with a report, which mentioned that some people even eléltek for hundreds of years, occasionally wandered from country to country; When the time came to a natural age, when we should have died, but changed their name and looked up as a different person in a different place, far outliving all those who knew them, thus avoiding certainty of detection. The Rosicrucians always been the legféltékenyebben kept these secrets, they talked about them the most in cipher. Mottójukká made at the advice of one member from among the early Christian Gnostic Age group: "Learn to know everything, but stay thyself unknown." I can not even get people to the true Rosicrucians committed to involve any clear and remain in this world; certain privileges and indulgences, which fully explains their intentions; not necessarily because they were lonely people; on the contrary, they were very social animals, because freely mingled with all kinds of social layers.
The idea of landless unit, i.e. the relative landless unit was very different from that which currently prevails world. They felt that neither the ruling nor their wealth can bring not the people who consider themselves grander than anyone; therefore deliberately renounced riches. The enlightened, that enlightened brothers insisted on the purity, so - unique view Vallvé female non-creation of a real soundness - held religious, ie, unmarried status according to the Providence objective, as in all things, which may be related to the human fallible nature, it has to rekeszthetnék the curse - this unfortunate situation - the body. They trusted in nature, although not all the ingredients of because they thought the treacherous nature in a sense, and that is endowed with powers not only beneficial, as most people thought. This is not intended to discuss in more detail these very bigoted nature of the association by-passing very meticulous and obscure arguments against now.
To some extent sacrificed behavior residing; Just as long as we are free to comment; Limitations of this goal is easy to understand, however, is quite wide, although we are totally against it, to cross them all too clear explanations, or to exaggerate the Rosicrucians strange beliefs regarding.
Excellent source comes from below, on the subject odd story happened in Venice, which caused a sensation in those ancient town, and we now fully relates to the readers, such as the mysterious and enjoyable. Those who nowadays are in Venice, and even those who were previously there, but still live in their memories, are aware that freedom and peace prevail at a level among residents appealing, it is difficult at this aloof, diffident country to realize. Doubt on the respectability, until he convinced us down not Arm; This is what has become a certain stilted, sullen effect from the English, it went up from the burden of damage and perhaps access all besides occasionally. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, a summer day a stranger came to Venice, he settled down in the oldest part of the city, and who has been included due to the remarkable appearance and unique, sophisticated, cool and elegant manners of the best in companies - although nobody knew anything in life, the person of exactly. It was very proportionate figure, his face elongated, oval and pale, high forehead; intellectual abilities and proved shockingly prominent and conspicuous excellent. Long black hair fluttered in the wind, indescribably charming smile, yet melancholy; if you looked closely at the man's eyes seemed to glow a deep accused emotions and experiences of historic times. His speech - he just feels like you held that talked about at all - amazing bespoke knowledge, but as if it had always tried to stay in the background and do not talk much, although there was no striking of tight-lipped. He introduced himself as Signor Gualdi, and was considered a simple, modest, self-contained property with a separate gentleman. In short, it was an interesting character.
This gentleman was in Venice for a few months, became famous as "sober Signior" in public life, in order to regular life, the behavior of composure, simplicity and discreet outfits; He constantly wore simple, modest, black-colored clothes. It characterized by three things during your stay in Venice. First, there was a tiny, nice collection of pictures, which showed everyone happy, who wanted to see; then it was perfectly skilled in all kinds of art and disciplines, and always talked about them so meticulous with that dropped astonishing - indeed, forced to listen to - his audience, as it seemed, experienced the things referred to which, and occasionally corrected the minutest facts is a surprise . Thirdly - as noted - he never wrote or received a letter, did not ask for a loan, but always paid for everything with cash, unused bank vouchers, bills, credit letter. Nevertheless, it seemed to have enough money and that he lived honestly, though not pomp and glitter.
Signor Gualdi a day - shortly after his arrival in Venice - a coffee house in which regularly visited, he met a friendly Venetian noble man who is crazy about art's sake; After a couple of these various exchanges of views, and often they conversed with many things and activities that have proved interesting for both of them. The esteemed acquaintance mature friendship, and noble Signor Gualdit invited into the house, where - as there was a widow - Signor Gualdi first met the gentleman beautiful, highly intelligent and talented eighteen year old daughter. She had returned to her father's house at the time of a monastery, that is, a convent, where nuns were raised. Shortly after her - ever since the company's accounts and listening - Desdemona ground gradually fell in love with is the mysterious strange land; although Signor Gualdi was not brown-skinned Moorish, but merely a learned gentleman - thinking rather than acting type. Sometimes increased authority through expressions; with fabulous treatises; strange, eerie attraction just grew and grew when he appeared happier and more alive than usual. If you think about it, it seemed a mysterious figure blessed with a rare talent; But mingled with the crowd he could hardly point out; You would not see him for who does not find some relatives thought speech browser.
And now a few words on the Rosicrucians attributed peculiarities. Their existence however is denied, project activities - which are barely mentioned but see these mysterious people's history - so delightful at the same time bear witness olyfokú pimaszságról, even if you do not believe in them - that it is impossible nature is inevitable hubris - we can not get rid of without valid reasons from the belief that they are very naughty too reckless. The whole humanity has been argued as if it were beneath them in the distance; boundless pride, when viewed from the outside they are humble. Shine the landless and have to say that this status is destined to them: although boast universal riches. All kinds despise human affection, or resorting to them only escape salvation way - the only semblance of love is commitment agrees to reap kényelmeket due to integration or to reach a world, they adapted kívánalmaikhoz or industrial conditions. Very elegantly they mingle in the company of women, even though their hearts are utterly incapable of that kind of tenderness; also criticized them in thought, as if the men would be diametrically different species of womanhood. Simple and respectful appearance, and yet if their hearts turn önméltatásba dwelling in self-esteem, the sky's the limit. To some degree, they are the most honest people on earth, but also proves to be too soft rock áthatolhatatlanságukhoz. Unlike hermetika experts, poor rulers, and massive wealth is despicable. The wise side of the most educated and tökkelütöttek is just boob. Ácsingóznak not fame, they condemn and despise it. When you become famous, happens despite the intention of not seeking the honor, the honor because these people can not find satisfaction. Fervent desire to roam seamlessly take, and elszórakoztassák themselves in this world, because they live in it, and because of this they find around them. So disapproval towards mankind and the affirmative to each other: reticent, önmegvilágosodottak, you-all animals, but they are always ready to do good works whenever possible or safe.
This boundless rose séghez what units, what majesty may correspond to? Everyday units now in use are not taken. Occult philosophers of this state or the sublime peak, or the absurd. The world - as incapable of understanding - insists that declare them and to provide useless. The outcome depends on every bit, if only imaginary facts or ideas with the hermetic philosophers. the most shocking part of the investigation that these thorough authors of studies are full of treatises on the most devious and complicated topics and write a brilliant chapter to each of them - the metal nature of the medical science of the elements unknown properties, theological and ontological assumptions, the idea of subject matter and nature in general - all these served to the reader a fabulous way.
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