
Monday, July 10, 2017

The Pyramid Texts North Wall Second Register Sarcophagus Chamber Hieroglyphs

North Wall - Second Register (west to east)
Utterance 72

50: Osiris Unas, I make full your Eye with ointment.
To speak four times - feast perfume

Utterance 73

Osiris Unas, take the outflow of his face (?).

Utterance 74

51: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus on account of which he fought!

Utterance 75

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus of which he took possession!

Utterance 76

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which brought the gods to him through it! Tuat-oil.

Utterance 77

52: O ointment, o ointment, arise, hurry! (You) who are on the brow of Horus, arise! First quality cedar oil. Hurry! (You who are) on Horus, you are placed on the brow of this Unas, so that he may feel sweet under you.

53: You grant him to have power over his body, you grant that his terror be in the eyes of all the spirits when they look at him, and of everyone who hears his name.

Utterance 78

54: Osiris Unas, I bring you the Eye of Horus which he takes, which is on your brow.
First quality Libyan oil.

Utterance 79

To say four times:
Osiris Unas, the sound Eye of Horus is being rubbed on your face.
Two pouches of green (eye) cosmetic.

Utterance 81

56: You awake in peace, (the Goddess) Tayt awakes in peace,
Taytyt awakes
-two rolls of line-
in peace!
The Eye of Horus in Dep is in peace,
the Eye of Horus in the Mansions of the Red Crown is in peace,
which the weavers receive, which He-of-the-sedia adorns.

57: Cause the Two Lands to bow before this Unas as they bow before Horus!
Cause the Two Lands to fear Unas as they fear Seth!
Be seated before Unas as his god,
open his way in front of the spirits,
that he may stand in front of the spirits like Anubis Khentimentiu.
Forward! Forward, before Osiris!

Utterance 25

17: He goes who goes with his Ka.
Horus goes with his Ka,
Seth goes with his Ka.
-burning incense-
Thoth goes with his Ka
the God goes with his Ka,
Osiris goes with his Ka,
He-With-Two-Eyes goes with his Ka,
you also go with your Ka.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is behind you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is behind you.
Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus,
that your face may be adorned with it.
To say four times: That the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas
Libation: Two pellets
Coming from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.

23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 82

58: It is Thoth who came with it, he has come out carrying the Eye of Horus.
One table of offerings.

Utterance 83

The Eye of Horus is given to him that he may be satisfied with it.
Come with the royal offering.

Utterance 84

59: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus after he has been satisfied with it.
Royal offering, twice.

Utterance 85

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Be satisfied with it!
Two offerings of the Broad Hall.

Utterance 86

To say the words:
You have caused it to retreat before you.
Sit down! Be silent! Royal invocation. Offering.

Utterance 87

60: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus,
join it to your mouth!
Breakfast: one loaf, one beer.

Utterance 88

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, take care lest he violate it!
One ttw-bread.

Utterance 89

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, pulled out of him!
One tareteh-bread.

Utterance 90

61: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the diminished one, of which Seth has eaten!
One mug of Dsr.t-beer.

Utterance 91

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which they (acting) against it, destroyed!
One mug of xnms-beer.

Utterance 92

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, lift it to your face!
To lift up one loaf, one beer.

Utterance 93

62: Lift up your face, Osiris, lift up your face, o Unas, he whose spirit goes. Lift up your face, Unas, honored and sharp(-witted), that you see what comes out of you! Praise and partake of it!

63: Wash yourself, Unas, open your mouth with the Eye of Horus! Call your Ka, like Osiris, that he may protect you against every kind of wrath of the dead! Unas, receive this your bread which is the Eye of Horus!

Utterance 94-95

64: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, of which you shall chew, so that you may be adorned with the liquid which goes out of you!
Four times, meal: one loaf, one jar.

Utterance 96

Osiris Unas, take the joint, the Eye of Horus!
One joint of meat.

Utterance 108

72: Osiris Unas, unite to yourself the water which is in it!
Two cups of water.

Utterance 109

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which purifies his mouth with natron.
Two cups of natron.

Utterance 110

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, unite it to your mouth!
Breakfast: one bread, one jar.

Utterance 111

73: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the trampled by Seth!
One ttw-loaf.

Utterance 112

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus pulled out of him!
One tareteh-loaf.

Utterance 113

Osiris Unas, take (it) upon you!
Two heth-loaves.

Utterance 114

74: Osiris Unas, I bring you what causes you joy.
Two neher-loaves.

Utterance 115

Osiris Unas, I place your Eye, the tasty.
Four dp.t-loaves.

Utterance 116

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from suffering because of it!
Four psn-cakes.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe