
Monday, July 10, 2017

The Pyramid Texts North Wall First Register Sarcophagus Chamber Hieroglyphs

North Wall - First Register (west to east)

Utterance 23

16: Osiris, seize every one who hates Unas,
who speaks evil against his name!
Thoth, go, seize him for Osiris!
Bring the one who speaks evil against the name of Unas, place him in your hand!
To say four times:
"Do not separate yourself from him,
take care that you are not separated from him".

Utterance 25

17: He goes who goes with his ka. Horus goes with his ka, Seth goes with his ka. Thoth goes.
To say four times: "He goes who goes with his Ka!
Horus goes with his Ka,
Seth goes with his Ka,
Thoth goes with his Ka.
The God goes with his Ka,
He-With-Two-Eyes goes with his Ka,
You yourself also go with your Ka.
O Unas, the arm of your ka is before you.
O Unas, the arm of your ka is behind you.
O Unas, the leg of your ka is before you.
O Unas, the leg of your ka is behind you.
Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus, that your face may be adorned with it, that the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas, coming
-Libation (and) two pellets of natron-
from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.
23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 34

26: smjn, smjn, open your mouth, O Unas!
Natron of the South, 5 pellets of El Kab.
You taste its taste in front of the divine chapels,
that which Horus spits out, smjn,
that which Seth spits out, smjn,
the two Harmonious Ones, smjn.
To say four times:
You purify yourself with natron, together with the Followers of Horus.

Utterance 35

27: You purify (yourself), Horus purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), Seth purifies (himself),
natron of the North, 5 pellets of Wadi Natrun
You purify (yourself), Thoth purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), the god purifies (himself),
you make yourself also pure with what is amongst them,
(so that) your mouth is (like) the mouth of a milk calf on the day of its birth

Utterance 36

28: You purify (yourself), Horus purifies (himself),
you purify (yourself), Seth purifies (himself),
You purify yourself
Natron, one pellet
Thoth purifies (himself), you purify (yourself),
The god purifies (himself)
You purify (yourself), your Ka purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), purify, you purify (yourself).
This your own self purifies you among your brothers the gods.
29: You purify your mouth, you make pure all your bones, you are adorned with what is yours.
O Osiris, I give you the Eye of Horus that you may adorn your face with it. Hold on (to it)!

Utterance 37

30: O Unas, I make firm for you your two separated jawbones.
One psS-kf bread (?)

Utterance 38

Osiris Unas, I open for you your mouth!
The divine metal from the South and North (adze).

Utterance 39

31: Unas, take the Eye of Horus to which he went! I bring it to you, put it into your mouth.
Pellets of incense of the South and Pellets of incense of the North

Utterance 40

O Unas, take the Sjk of Osiris! Sjk pellets.

Utterance 41

32: Take the tip of the bodily breast of Horus, take it into your mouth!
A jar of milk.

Utterance 42

Take the full (?) breast of your sister Isis, bring it unto your mouth!
An empty mns-jar.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas.
To make a libation of the North, round about
Coming from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.
23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 43

33: Take the two Eyes of Horus, the black and the white one, seize them for your front, that they may brighten your face!
A white jar and a black jar: to be lifted up.

Utterance 44

34: May Re in heaven be pleased with you,
may he appease for you the Two Lords,
may the night be favorable to you.
A wDA.t-cake.
May the Two Mistresses be favorable to you!
A gift which is brought to you is a gift which you see,
a gift is what you hear.
A gift is in front of you, a gift is behind you,
a gift is your due.

Utterance 45

35: Osiris Unas, take the white teeth of Horus which equip your mouth!
Five cloves of garlic.

Utterance 46

To say four times:
An offering which the king gives for the ka of Unas.
Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, your cake (which) you eat!
A cake of offering.

Utterance 47

36: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus snatched from Seth, which you shall take
-wine, one white hathes jar-
to your mouth, that you open your mouth with it!

Utterance 48

Osiris Unas, open your mouth with what took hold of you!
Wine, one black mnw-stone hathes jar.

Utterance 49

37: Osiris Unas, take the liquid which came out of you!
Beer, one black mnw-stone hnwt-bowl.

Utterance 50

O Re, you are adored in heaven, you are adored for Unas, Lord of all things. For your body are all things, for the Ka of Unas are all things, for his body are all things. Glorious altar.

Utterance 51

38: Unas, take the Eye of Horus that you may taste it!
One dp.t-loaf.

Utterance 52

Darkness clears up (?).
One ah-cake.

Utterance 53

Unas, take the Eye of Horus which you shall find!
One joint of meat.

Utterance 54

39: Unas, take the Eye of Horus which was snatched from Seth, which was rescued for you, that you may open your mouth with it!
Wine, one white mnw-stone bowl.

Utterance 55

Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the liquid which came out of Osiris!
Beer, one black mnw-stone bowl.

Utterance 56

40: Unas, take the Eye of Horus which was rescued for you, which will not separate itself from you! Beer, one iron (?) bowl.

Utterance 57

Unas, take the Eye of Horus that you may be provided with it!
Beer, one htm-bowl.

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