“All things manifesting in the lower worlds exist first in
the intangible rings of the upper spheres,
so that creation is, in truth,
the process of making tangible the intangible
by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates.”

― Manly P. Hall

The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel


Due to the changes and updates being done this section is going to change

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Welcome Traveler to My Little Occultshop

Welcome Traveler,

It's been a whirlwind of a month, I can't say thank you enough for your support, starting next month I'll be putting out a monthly magazine about topics related to that month.

So what's new

I've added a new section that covers meals of the ancient world and a section about herbal remedies will be coming soon.

As always may your travels be light and your path be pleasant to you and your family, blessings.


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Here is what's new

Yeah I know its been 3 years since I've posted anything new. I burnt out from everything I was putting into this. and tbh what made me come back was the fact that even after 3 years this is still popular. I can't thank you enough for your continued support.

So what's new well I have a new address and with covid I've had a bit of free time. so maybe its time I got back into the captains chair and got to setting a course to places undiscovered. A part of me is happy while a part isn't because he know what's up and he doesn't like doing the hard long hours of labor.

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My latest post on my Facebook Page My Little Occult Shop

  Its been what 2 possibly 3 years since I last posted. Burn out is what happened. I got so overwhelmed with everything that it just got to ...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A Further Study into the 78 cards of the Tarot

8 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(6 of Water, 78=7+8=15=1+5=6)
Astrology: Neptune in Pisces
Time: 20 February – 28/29 February
(1st decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 6

10 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(5 of Water, 77=7+7=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Pluto in Pisces
Time: 11 March – 20 March
(3rd decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 5

9 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(4 of Waters, 76=7+6=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Moon in Pisces
Time: 1 March – 10 March
(2nd decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 4

8 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(3 of Fire, 75=7+5=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Jupiter in Sagittarius
Time: 22 November – 1 December
(1st decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 3

9 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(2 of Fire, 74=7+4=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Mars in Sagittarius
Time: 2 December – 11 December
(2nd decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 2

10 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(1 of Fire, 73=7+3=10=1)
Astrology: Sun in Sagittarius
Time: 12 December – 21 December
(3rd decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 1

4 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(9 of Earth, 72=7+2=9)
Astrology: Ceres in Capricorn
Time: 12 January – 20 January
(3rd decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 12

2 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(8 of Earth, 71=7+1=8)
Astrology: Saturn in Capricorn
Time: 22 December – 1 January
(1st decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 11

3 of Disks – Active/Practical
(7 of Earth, 70=7+0=7)
Astrology: Earth in Capricorn
Time: 2 January – 11 January
(2nd decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 10

6 of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(6 of Air, 69=6+9=15=1+5=6)
Astrology: Mercury in Aquarius
Time: 30 January – 8 February
(2nd decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 9

5 of Swords – Active/Mental
(5 of Air, 68=6+8=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Uranus in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 29 January
(1st decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 7

7 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(4 of Air, 67=6+7=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Venus in Aquarius
Time: 9 February – 19 February
(3rd decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 8

6 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(3 of Water, 66=6+6=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Neptune in Scorpio
Time: 3 November – 12 November
(2nd decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 6

7 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(2 of Water, 65=6+5=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Moon in Scorpio
Time: 13 November – 21 November
(3rd decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 4

5 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(1 of Water, 64=6+4=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Pluto in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 2 November
(1st decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 5

6 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(9 of Fire, 63=6+3=9)
Astrology: Jupiter in Leo
Time: 3 August – 12 August
(2nd decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 3

7 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(8 of Fire, 62=6+2=8)
Astrology: Mars in Leo
Time: 13 August – 22 August
(3rd decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 2

5 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(7 of Fire, 61=6+1=7)
Astrology: Sun in Leo
Time: 23 July – 2 August
(1st decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 1

8 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(6 of Earth, 60=6+0=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Virgo
Time: 23 August – 2 September
(1st decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 12

10 of Disks – Active/Practical
(5 of Earth, 59=5+9=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Earth in Virgo
Time: 13 September – 22 September
(3rd decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 10

9 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(4 of Earth, 58=5+8=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Saturn in Virgo
Time: 3 September – 12 September
(2nd decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 11

4 of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(3 of Air, 57=5+7=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Mercury in Libra
Time: 14 October – 22 October
(3rd decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 9

2 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(2 of Air, 56=5+6=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Venus in Libra
Time: 23 September – 2 October
(1st decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 8

3 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(1 of Air, 55=5+5=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Uranus in Libra
Time: 3 October – 13 October
(2nd decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 7

4 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(9 of Water, 54=5+4=9)
Astrology: Neptune in Cancer
Time: 13 July – 22 July
(3rd decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 6

2 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(8 of Water, 53=5+3=8)
Astrology: Moon in Cancer
Time: 22 June – 1 July
(1st decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 4

3 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(7 of Water, 52=5+2=7)
Astrology: Pluto in Cancer
Time: 2 July – 12 July
(2nd decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 5

4 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(6 of Fire, 51=5+1=6)
Astrology: Jupiter in Aries
Time: 10 April – 20 April
(3rd decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 3

3 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(5 of Fire, 50=5+0=5)
Astrology: Sun in Aries
Time: 31 March – 9 April
(2nd decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 1

2 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(4 of Fire, 49=4+9=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Mars in Aries
Time: 21 March – 30 March
(1st decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 2

6 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(3 of Earth, 48=4+8=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Ceres in Taurus
Time: 1 May – 10 May
(2nd decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 12

7 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(2 of Earth, 47=4+7=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Saturn in Taurus
Time: 11 May – 21 May
(3rd decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 11

5 of Disks – Active/Practical
(1 of Earth, 46=4+6=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Earth in Taurus
Time: 21 April – 30 April
(1st decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 10

8 of Swords – Reconciling/Emotional
(9 of Air, 45=4+5=9)
Astrology: Mercury in Gemini
Time: 22 May – 31 May
(1st decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 9

9 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(8 of Air, 44=4+4=8)
Astrology: Venus in Gemini
Time: 1 June – 10 June
(2nd decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 8

10 of Swords – Active/Mental
(7 of Air, 43=4+3=7)
Astrology: Uranus in Gemini
Time: 11 June – 21 June
(3rd decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 7

Page (Princess) of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(Earth of Water/Mutable, 42=4+2=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Pisces
Time: 20 February – 20 March (Pisces)
Numerology: 12

Queen of Cups – Active/Emotional
(Water of Water/Fixed, 41=4+1=5)
Astrology: Pluto in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 21 November (Scorpio)
Numerology: 5

Knight (Prince) of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(Air of Water/Cardinal, 40=4+0=4)
Astrology: Uranus in Cancer
Time: 22 June – 22 July (Cancer)
Numerology: 7

Page (Princess) of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(Earth of Fire/Mutable, 39=3+9=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Earth in Sagittarius
Time: 22 November – 21 December (Sagittarius)
Numerology: 10

Knight (Prince) of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(Air of Fire/Cardinal, 38=3+8=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Uranus in Aries
Time: 21 March – 20 April (Aries)
Numerology: 7

Queen of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(Water of Fire/Fixed, 37=3+7=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Neptune in Leo
Time: 23 July – 22 August (Leo)
Numerology: 6

Page (Princess) of Disks – Reconciling/Intuitive
(Earth of Earth/Mutable, 36=3+6=9)
Astrology: Saturn in Virgo
Time: 23 August – 22 September (Virgo)
Numerology: 11

Knight (Prince) of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(Air of Earth/Cardinal, 35=3+5=8)
Astrology: Mercury in Capricorn
Time: 22 December – 20 January (Capricorn)
Numerology: 9

Queen of Disks – Active/Practical
(Water of Earth/Fix, 34=3+4=7)
Astrology: Moon in Taurus
Time: 21 April – 21 May (Taurus)
Numerology: 4

Page (Princess) of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(Earth of Air/Mutable, 33=3+3=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Gemini
Time: 22 May – 21 June (Gemini)
Numerology: 12

Queen of Swords – Active/Mental
(Water of Air, Fixed, 32=3+2=5)
Astronomy: Pluto in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 19 February (Aquarius)
Numerology: 5

Knight (Prince) of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(Air of Air/Cardinal, 31=3+1=4)
Astrology: Venus in Libra
Time: 23 September – 22 October (Libra)
Numerology: 8

Ace of Cups – Joy (Water)
June Solstice, Summer, South, Heart and Blood, Water/Emotions
Astrology: June Solstice
June Solstice: June 20 and June 22
Time: 22 June – 22 September (Cancer/Leo/Virgo)

Ace of Swords – Harvest (Air)
September Equinox, Autumn, East, Brain and Phlegm or Lungs and Air, Air/Thoughts
Astrology: September Equinox
September Equinox: 22, 23, or 24 September
Time: 23 September – 21 December (Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius)

King (Knight) of Cups – Fire of Water
Astrology: Sun in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 21 November
Numerology: 1

Ace of Disks – Feast and Rest (Earth)
December Solstice, Winter, North, Spleen and Black Bile, Earth/Practical or Physical
Astrology: December Solstice
December Solstice: December 20, 21, 22 or 23.
Time: 22 December – 20 March (Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces)

Ace of Wands – Creation (Fire)
March Equinox, Spring, West, Liver and Yellow Bile, Fire/Action
Astrology: March Equinox
March Equinox: March 19, 20 or 21.
Time: 21 March – 21 June (Aries/Taurus/Gemini)

King (Knight) of Wands – Fire of Fire
Astrology: Jupiter in Leo
Time: 23 July – 22 August
Numerology: 3

King (Knight) of Swords – Fire of Air
Astrology: Sun in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 19 February
Numerology: 1

King (Knight) of Disks – Fire of Earth
Astrology: Jupiter in Taurus
Time: 1 May – 21 May
Numerology: 3

The Devil – Reactive/Practical
Astrology: Saturn
Saturn in Aries (fall)
Time: 21 March – 20 April (Aries)
Numerology: 11

The Lovers – Reconciling/Mental
Astrology: Mercury
Mercury in Pisces (fall)
Time: 20 February – 20 March (Pisces)
Numerology: 9

Judgement (The Aeon) – Reactive/Mental
Astrology: Venus
Venus in Virgo (fall)
Time: 23 August – 22 September (Virgo)
Numerology: 8

The Star – Active/Mental
Astronomy: Uranus/Polaris (North Star) (Fixed)
Time: 21 January – 19 February (Uranus in Aquarius)
Numerology: 7

The Hanged Man – Reconciling/Emotional
Astrology: Neptune
Neptune in Gemini (fall)
Time: 22 May – 21 June (Gemini)
Numerology: 6

The Moon – Reactive/Emotional
Astrology: Moon
Moon in Sagittarius (fall)
Time: 22 November – 21 December (Sagittarius)
Numerology: 4

The Tower – Active/Emotional
Astrology: Pluto
Pluto in Capricorn (fall)
Time: 22 December – 20 January (Capricorn)
Numerology: 5

Wheel of Fortune – Reconciling/Intuitive
Astrology: Jupiter (Mutable)
(Time: 22 November – 21 December [Jupiter in Sagittarius])
Numerology: 3

The Sun – Active/Intuitive
Astrology: Sun
Sun in Libra (fall)
Time: 23 September – 22 October (Libra)
Numerology: 1

The Fool – Reactive/Intuitive
Astrology: Mars
Mars in Cancer (fall)
Time: 22 June – 22 July (Cancer)
Numerology: 2

The High Priestess – Reconciling/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Sage
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Astrology: Virgo
Ruling Planet: Ceres
Time: 23 August – 22 September
Numerology: 12

The Hierophant or The High Priest – Reactive/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Ruler
10th House, House of Social Status
Astrology: Capricorn
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Time: 22 December – 20 January
Numerology: 11

The Empress – Active/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Creator
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Astrology: Taurus
Ruling Planet: Earth
Time: 21 April – 21 May
Numerology: 10

The Magician – Reconciling/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Magician
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Astrology: Gemini
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Time: 22 May – 21 June
Numerology: 9

Temperance (Art) – Reactive/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Innocent
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Astrology: Libra
Ruling Planet: Venus
Time: 23 September – 22 October
Numerology: 8

The World (The Universe) – Active/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Seeker (Explorer)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Astrology: Aquarius
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Time: 21 January – 19 February
Numerology: 7

The Hermit – Reconciling/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Caregiver
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Astrology: Pisces
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Time: 20 February – 20 March
Numerology: 6

(Little) Death – Active/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Destroyer (Outlaw)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Astrology: Scorpio
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Time: 23 October – 21 November
Numerology: 5

The Chariot – Reactive/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Orphan (Everyman)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Astrology: Cancer
Ruling Planet: Moon
Time: 22 June – 22 July
Numerology: 4

Justice – Reconciling/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Warrior (Hero)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Astrology: Sagittarius
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Time: 22 November – 21 December
Numerology: 3

The Emperor – Reactive/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Jester (Fool)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Astrology: Aries
Ruling Planet: Mars
Time: 21 March – 20 April
Numerology: 2

Strength (Lust) – Active/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Lover
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Astrology: Leo
Ruling Planet: Sun
Time: 23 July – 22 August
Numerology: 1

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe