
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A Further Study into the 78 cards of the Tarot

8 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(6 of Water, 78=7+8=15=1+5=6)
Astrology: Neptune in Pisces
Time: 20 February – 28/29 February
(1st decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 6

10 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(5 of Water, 77=7+7=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Pluto in Pisces
Time: 11 March – 20 March
(3rd decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 5

9 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(4 of Waters, 76=7+6=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Moon in Pisces
Time: 1 March – 10 March
(2nd decan of Pisces)
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Numerology: 4

8 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(3 of Fire, 75=7+5=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Jupiter in Sagittarius
Time: 22 November – 1 December
(1st decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 3

9 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(2 of Fire, 74=7+4=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Mars in Sagittarius
Time: 2 December – 11 December
(2nd decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 2

10 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(1 of Fire, 73=7+3=10=1)
Astrology: Sun in Sagittarius
Time: 12 December – 21 December
(3rd decan of Sagittarius)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Numerology: 1

4 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(9 of Earth, 72=7+2=9)
Astrology: Ceres in Capricorn
Time: 12 January – 20 January
(3rd decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 12

2 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(8 of Earth, 71=7+1=8)
Astrology: Saturn in Capricorn
Time: 22 December – 1 January
(1st decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 11

3 of Disks – Active/Practical
(7 of Earth, 70=7+0=7)
Astrology: Earth in Capricorn
Time: 2 January – 11 January
(2nd decan of Capricorn)
10th House, House of Social Status (Kingdom)
Numerology: 10

6 of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(6 of Air, 69=6+9=15=1+5=6)
Astrology: Mercury in Aquarius
Time: 30 January – 8 February
(2nd decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 9

5 of Swords – Active/Mental
(5 of Air, 68=6+8=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Uranus in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 29 January
(1st decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 7

7 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(4 of Air, 67=6+7=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Venus in Aquarius
Time: 9 February – 19 February
(3rd decan of Aquarius)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Numerology: 8

6 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(3 of Water, 66=6+6=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Neptune in Scorpio
Time: 3 November – 12 November
(2nd decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 6

7 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(2 of Water, 65=6+5=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Moon in Scorpio
Time: 13 November – 21 November
(3rd decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 4

5 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(1 of Water, 64=6+4=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Pluto in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 2 November
(1st decan of Scorpio)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Numerology: 5

6 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(9 of Fire, 63=6+3=9)
Astrology: Jupiter in Leo
Time: 3 August – 12 August
(2nd decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 3

7 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(8 of Fire, 62=6+2=8)
Astrology: Mars in Leo
Time: 13 August – 22 August
(3rd decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 2

5 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(7 of Fire, 61=6+1=7)
Astrology: Sun in Leo
Time: 23 July – 2 August
(1st decan of Leo)
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Numerology: 1

8 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(6 of Earth, 60=6+0=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Virgo
Time: 23 August – 2 September
(1st decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 12

10 of Disks – Active/Practical
(5 of Earth, 59=5+9=14=1+4=5)
Astrology: Earth in Virgo
Time: 13 September – 22 September
(3rd decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 10

9 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(4 of Earth, 58=5+8=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Saturn in Virgo
Time: 3 September – 12 September
(2nd decan of Virgo)
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Numerology: 11

4 of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(3 of Air, 57=5+7=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Mercury in Libra
Time: 14 October – 22 October
(3rd decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 9

2 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(2 of Air, 56=5+6=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Venus in Libra
Time: 23 September – 2 October
(1st decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 8

3 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(1 of Air, 55=5+5=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Uranus in Libra
Time: 3 October – 13 October
(2nd decan of Libra)
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Numerology: 7

4 of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(9 of Water, 54=5+4=9)
Astrology: Neptune in Cancer
Time: 13 July – 22 July
(3rd decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 6

2 of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(8 of Water, 53=5+3=8)
Astrology: Moon in Cancer
Time: 22 June – 1 July
(1st decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 4

3 of Cups – Active/Emotional
(7 of Water, 52=5+2=7)
Astrology: Pluto in Cancer
Time: 2 July – 12 July
(2nd decan of Cancer)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Numerology: 5

4 of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(6 of Fire, 51=5+1=6)
Astrology: Jupiter in Aries
Time: 10 April – 20 April
(3rd decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 3

3 of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(5 of Fire, 50=5+0=5)
Astrology: Sun in Aries
Time: 31 March – 9 April
(2nd decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 1

2 of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(4 of Fire, 49=4+9=13=1+3=4)
Astrology: Mars in Aries
Time: 21 March – 30 March
(1st decan of Aries)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Numerology: 2

6 of Disks – Reconciling/Practical
(3 of Earth, 48=4+8=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Ceres in Taurus
Time: 1 May – 10 May
(2nd decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 12

7 of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(2 of Earth, 47=4+7=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Saturn in Taurus
Time: 11 May – 21 May
(3rd decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 11

5 of Disks – Active/Practical
(1 of Earth, 46=4+6=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Earth in Taurus
Time: 21 April – 30 April
(1st decan of Taurus)
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Numerology: 10

8 of Swords – Reconciling/Emotional
(9 of Air, 45=4+5=9)
Astrology: Mercury in Gemini
Time: 22 May – 31 May
(1st decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 9

9 of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(8 of Air, 44=4+4=8)
Astrology: Venus in Gemini
Time: 1 June – 10 June
(2nd decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 8

10 of Swords – Active/Mental
(7 of Air, 43=4+3=7)
Astrology: Uranus in Gemini
Time: 11 June – 21 June
(3rd decan of Gemini)
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Numerology: 7

Page (Princess) of Cups – Reconciling/Emotional
(Earth of Water/Mutable, 42=4+2=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Pisces
Time: 20 February – 20 March (Pisces)
Numerology: 12

Queen of Cups – Active/Emotional
(Water of Water/Fixed, 41=4+1=5)
Astrology: Pluto in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 21 November (Scorpio)
Numerology: 5

Knight (Prince) of Cups – Reactive/Emotional
(Air of Water/Cardinal, 40=4+0=4)
Astrology: Uranus in Cancer
Time: 22 June – 22 July (Cancer)
Numerology: 7

Page (Princess) of Wands – Reconciling/Intuitive
(Earth of Fire/Mutable, 39=3+9=12=1+2=3)
Astrology: Earth in Sagittarius
Time: 22 November – 21 December (Sagittarius)
Numerology: 10

Knight (Prince) of Wands – Reactive/Intuitive
(Air of Fire/Cardinal, 38=3+8=11=1+1=2)
Astrology: Uranus in Aries
Time: 21 March – 20 April (Aries)
Numerology: 7

Queen of Wands – Active/Intuitive
(Water of Fire/Fixed, 37=3+7=10=1+0=1)
Astrology: Neptune in Leo
Time: 23 July – 22 August (Leo)
Numerology: 6

Page (Princess) of Disks – Reconciling/Intuitive
(Earth of Earth/Mutable, 36=3+6=9)
Astrology: Saturn in Virgo
Time: 23 August – 22 September (Virgo)
Numerology: 11

Knight (Prince) of Disks – Reactive/Practical
(Air of Earth/Cardinal, 35=3+5=8)
Astrology: Mercury in Capricorn
Time: 22 December – 20 January (Capricorn)
Numerology: 9

Queen of Disks – Active/Practical
(Water of Earth/Fix, 34=3+4=7)
Astrology: Moon in Taurus
Time: 21 April – 21 May (Taurus)
Numerology: 4

Page (Princess) of Swords – Reconciling/Mental
(Earth of Air/Mutable, 33=3+3=6)
Astrology: Ceres in Gemini
Time: 22 May – 21 June (Gemini)
Numerology: 12

Queen of Swords – Active/Mental
(Water of Air, Fixed, 32=3+2=5)
Astronomy: Pluto in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 19 February (Aquarius)
Numerology: 5

Knight (Prince) of Swords – Reactive/Mental
(Air of Air/Cardinal, 31=3+1=4)
Astrology: Venus in Libra
Time: 23 September – 22 October (Libra)
Numerology: 8

Ace of Cups – Joy (Water)
June Solstice, Summer, South, Heart and Blood, Water/Emotions
Astrology: June Solstice
June Solstice: June 20 and June 22
Time: 22 June – 22 September (Cancer/Leo/Virgo)

Ace of Swords – Harvest (Air)
September Equinox, Autumn, East, Brain and Phlegm or Lungs and Air, Air/Thoughts
Astrology: September Equinox
September Equinox: 22, 23, or 24 September
Time: 23 September – 21 December (Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius)

King (Knight) of Cups – Fire of Water
Astrology: Sun in Scorpio
Time: 23 October – 21 November
Numerology: 1

Ace of Disks – Feast and Rest (Earth)
December Solstice, Winter, North, Spleen and Black Bile, Earth/Practical or Physical
Astrology: December Solstice
December Solstice: December 20, 21, 22 or 23.
Time: 22 December – 20 March (Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces)

Ace of Wands – Creation (Fire)
March Equinox, Spring, West, Liver and Yellow Bile, Fire/Action
Astrology: March Equinox
March Equinox: March 19, 20 or 21.
Time: 21 March – 21 June (Aries/Taurus/Gemini)

King (Knight) of Wands – Fire of Fire
Astrology: Jupiter in Leo
Time: 23 July – 22 August
Numerology: 3

King (Knight) of Swords – Fire of Air
Astrology: Sun in Aquarius
Time: 21 January – 19 February
Numerology: 1

King (Knight) of Disks – Fire of Earth
Astrology: Jupiter in Taurus
Time: 1 May – 21 May
Numerology: 3

The Devil – Reactive/Practical
Astrology: Saturn
Saturn in Aries (fall)
Time: 21 March – 20 April (Aries)
Numerology: 11

The Lovers – Reconciling/Mental
Astrology: Mercury
Mercury in Pisces (fall)
Time: 20 February – 20 March (Pisces)
Numerology: 9

Judgement (The Aeon) – Reactive/Mental
Astrology: Venus
Venus in Virgo (fall)
Time: 23 August – 22 September (Virgo)
Numerology: 8

The Star – Active/Mental
Astronomy: Uranus/Polaris (North Star) (Fixed)
Time: 21 January – 19 February (Uranus in Aquarius)
Numerology: 7

The Hanged Man – Reconciling/Emotional
Astrology: Neptune
Neptune in Gemini (fall)
Time: 22 May – 21 June (Gemini)
Numerology: 6

The Moon – Reactive/Emotional
Astrology: Moon
Moon in Sagittarius (fall)
Time: 22 November – 21 December (Sagittarius)
Numerology: 4

The Tower – Active/Emotional
Astrology: Pluto
Pluto in Capricorn (fall)
Time: 22 December – 20 January (Capricorn)
Numerology: 5

Wheel of Fortune – Reconciling/Intuitive
Astrology: Jupiter (Mutable)
(Time: 22 November – 21 December [Jupiter in Sagittarius])
Numerology: 3

The Sun – Active/Intuitive
Astrology: Sun
Sun in Libra (fall)
Time: 23 September – 22 October (Libra)
Numerology: 1

The Fool – Reactive/Intuitive
Astrology: Mars
Mars in Cancer (fall)
Time: 22 June – 22 July (Cancer)
Numerology: 2

The High Priestess – Reconciling/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Sage
6th House, House of Health (Health)
Astrology: Virgo
Ruling Planet: Ceres
Time: 23 August – 22 September
Numerology: 12

The Hierophant or The High Priest – Reactive/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Ruler
10th House, House of Social Status
Astrology: Capricorn
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Time: 22 December – 20 January
Numerology: 11

The Empress – Active/Practical
Jungian Archetype: The Creator
2nd House, House of Value (Wealth)
Astrology: Taurus
Ruling Planet: Earth
Time: 21 April – 21 May
Numerology: 10

The Magician – Reconciling/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Magician
3rd House, House of Communications (Brothers)
Astrology: Gemini
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Time: 22 May – 21 June
Numerology: 9

Temperance (Art) – Reactive/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Innocent
7th House, House of Partnerships (Spouse)
Astrology: Libra
Ruling Planet: Venus
Time: 23 September – 22 October
Numerology: 8

The World (The Universe) – Active/Mental
Jungian Archetype: The Seeker (Explorer)
11th House, House of Friendships (Friendship)
Astrology: Aquarius
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Time: 21 January – 19 February
Numerology: 7

The Hermit – Reconciling/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Caregiver
12th House, House of Self-Undoing (Prison)
Astrology: Pisces
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Time: 20 February – 20 March
Numerology: 6

(Little) Death – Active/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Destroyer (Outlaw)
8th House, House of Reincarnation (Death)
Astrology: Scorpio
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Time: 23 October – 21 November
Numerology: 5

The Chariot – Reactive/Emotional
Jungian Archetype: The Orphan (Everyman)
4th House, House of Home and Family (Parent)
Astrology: Cancer
Ruling Planet: Moon
Time: 22 June – 22 July
Numerology: 4

Justice – Reconciling/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Warrior (Hero)
9th House, House of Philosophy (Journeys)
Astrology: Sagittarius
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Time: 22 November – 21 December
Numerology: 3

The Emperor – Reactive/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Jester (Fool)
1st House, House of Self (Life)
Astrology: Aries
Ruling Planet: Mars
Time: 21 March – 20 April
Numerology: 2

Strength (Lust) – Active/Intuitive
Jungian Archetype: The Lover
5th House, House of Pleasure (Children)
Astrology: Leo
Ruling Planet: Sun
Time: 23 July – 22 August
Numerology: 1

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe