
Friday, May 12, 2017

the 8 of coins through the 10 of coins and their Rulers

Eight of Disks

Venus in Virgo, 23 August – 2 September.

Lecabel (or Lekabel)

(Deus Doctor – God, the teacher). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Teli in the language of the Chinese. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 23rd August until the 28th August inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 19th April, 30th June, 10th September, 21st November and 1st February.

The invocation is performed between 10:00 AM until 10:20 AM.

Lecabel – For the acquisition of knowledge. Governs vegetation and agriculture. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry.
He rules over vegetation and agriculture.

The person born under this influence will love astronomy, mathematics and geometry; he will distinguish himself through his luminous ideas, by resolving the most difficult problems and his talents will make his fortune.

Meditate on this Name endowed with the power to conclude everything, especially tasks and goals of a spiritual nature.

The negative side of this angel rules over avarice and usury; he influence those who enrich themselves by illicit means.


 (Deus Rectus – The good God/The just God).

 He corresponds to the holy divine name of Anot in the language of the Tartars. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 26th August until the 2nd September inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 20th April, 1st July, 11th September, 22nd November and 2nd February.

The auspicious time for invocation runs from 10:20 AM till 10:40 AM.

Vasariah – Against those who attack us in court. Governs justice. Good memory, articulate.
This angel rules over justice; he influences nobility, legal executives, magistrates and attorneys.
The person born under this influence will have a good memory and speak eloquently with ease, and will be amiable, spiritual and modest.

Meditate on this Name bring the power of memory arises within your consciousness. Lessons of life are deeply ingrained in your being.

The negative side of this angel rules over all the bad qualities of the body and the soul.
Zepar is a Great Duke and he governs 26 Legions of Inferior Spirits.

He appears in red apparel and armour, like a soldier.

His office is to cause women to love men, and to bring them together in love. He also makes them barren.

Alloces is a Duke, great, mighty, and strong, and he rules over 36 Legions of Spirits.

He appearing in the form of a soldier or warrior riding upon a great horse. His face is like that of a lion, very red, and having flaming eyes. His speech is hoarse and very boisterous.

His office is to teach the art of astronomy, and all the liberal sciences. He brings good Familiars.

Nine of Disks 

Saturn in Virgo, 3 September – 12 September.

Iehuiah (or Yehuiah) 

(Deus Omnium cognitor – The all knowing God/The omniscient God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Agad in the language of the Hesperides. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 3rd September until the 7th September inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 21st April, 2nd July, 12th September, 23rd November and 3rd February.

The invocation is done from 10:40 AM till 11:00 AM.

Iehuiah – For the identification of traitors.

He serves to recognize traitors, to destroy their projects and their machinations. This angel protects all Christian princes; he keeps their subjects in obeisance.

The person born under this influence will love to fulfill all the works of his estate.

Meditate on this Name make the Light shines. You will recognize the negative forces still active within you. It will reactive impulses that are no longer a mystery. With the power of this Name, they become history!

The negative side of this angel rules over insubordinate beings; he provokes the seditious to revolt.
Lehahiah (or Lahabiah) (Deus Clemens – The gentle God). He corresponds to the holy divine name of Aneb in the language of the people of the Congo. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 8th September until the 12th September inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 22nd April, 3rdJuly, 13th September, 24th November and 4th February.

The invocation is done from 11:00 AM till 11:20 AM.

Lehahiah – Against anger. Known for his talents and acts, the confidence and fervor of his prayers.
This angel rules over crowned heads, princes and nobles; he maintains harmony, understanding and peace between them; he influences the obeisance of subjects towards their princes.

The person born under this influence will become famous through his talents and his actions; he will have the confidence and favor of his prince, which he will merit because of his devotion, fidelity and the great service which he will render him.

By meditating on this name you will transcend the limits of your own being. It will cling to the Tree of Life. Happiness will finds you, now that your ego is out of the spotlight. You can get out of your own way, letting go of all stubbornness.

The negative side of this angel rules over discord; he provokes war, treason and the ruin of nations.

Botis is a Great President and an Earl, and he rules over 60 Legions of Spirits.

He appears at the first in the form of an ugly viper, then at the command of the Magician he assumes human form with great teeth, and two horns, carrying a bright and sharp sword in his hand.
He tells all things past, and to come, and reconciles friends and foes.

Camio (or Cairn) is a Great President and he was of the Order of angels, but now rules over 30 Legions of Spirits Infernal.

He appears in the form of the bird called a thrush at first, but afterwards he puts on the shape of a man carrying in his hand a sharp sword. He seems to answer in burning ashes, or in
coals of fire.

He is a good disputer. His office is to give unto men the understanding of all birds, lowing of bullocks, barking of dogs, and other creatures; and also of the voice of the waters. He gives
true answers of things to come.

Ten of Disks

Mercury in Virgo, 13 September – 22 September.

Chevakiah (or Kevakiah) 

(Deus Gaudiosus – The God of joy). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Anup. Anup might refers to Anubis the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 13th September until the 17th September inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 23rd April, 4th July, 14th September, 25th November and 5th February.

The favorable time for invocation begins from 11:20 AM till 11:40 AM.

Chevakiah – To regain the favor of those one has offended. Governs testaments, successions and all private financial agreements. Loves to live in peace with everyone. Loves rewarding the loyalty of those in his service.

This angel rules over testaments, successions and all amiable distributions; he supports peace and harmony in families.

The person born under this influence will love to live in peace with everybody, even to the cost of his interest; he will make it his duty to repay the fidelity and good offices of those in his service.

Meditation with this Name purify desires, bring you to share love and energy with partners, putting his or her needs ahead of your own. You ignite sexual energy so that your passion helps elevate all existence. You replenish the Light that was lost due to any prior selfish sexual activities.

The negative side of this angel causes discord in family arrangements; he provokes unjust and ruinous procedures.


(Deus Honorabilis – The honorable God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Alla in the language of the Moors. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 18th September until the 22th September inclusively, but he rules over the following five days: 24th April, 5th July, 15th September, 26th November and 6th February.

The auspicious time for invocation begins at 11:40 AM till 12:00 noon exactly.

Menadel – To retain one’s employment and to preserve one’s means of livelihood. Against calumny and for the deliverance of prisoners.

This angel is invoked to retain one’s employment, and to preserve the means of existence which one enjoys; He serves against calumnies and to deliver prisoners.

This angel gives light to distant people who have received no news for a long time; he brings exiles back to their native land, and uncovers mislaid or disturbed belongings.

Meditate on this Name bring courage to conquer fears rises within you. By proactively confronting your fears at the seed level, you will yank them out by the roots and remove them entirely from your being.

The negative side of this angel rules protects all those who seek to flee abroad to escape justice.

Bathin is a Mighty and Strong Duke and he rules over 30 Legions of Spirits.

He appears like a strong man with the tail of a serpent, sitting upon a pale-colored horse or ass.
He knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones and can transport men suddenly from one country to another.

Murmur (or Murmus, or Murmux) is a Great Duke and an Earl, and he was partly of the Order of Thrones and partly of that of Angels. He now rules 30 Legions of Spirits.

He appears in the form of a warrior riding upon a gryphon, with a Ducal crown upon his head. There go before him those his ministers with great trumpets sounding.

His office is to teach philosophy perfectly, and to constrain souls deceased to come before the Exorcist to answer those questions which he may wish to put to them.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe