
Friday, May 12, 2017

the 2 of swords throught the 4 of swords and their Rulers

Two of Swords 

 Mercury in Libra, 23 September – 2 October.


 (Deus Dominus Virtutum – God Lord of all virtues). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of God Abda in the language of the ancient Philosophers. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 23th September until the 27th September inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 25th April, 6th July, 16th September, 27th November and 7th February.

The invocation is done from midday (12.00 PM) till 12:20 PM.

Aniel – To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. Governs sciences and arts. Reveals the secrets of nature, inspires philosophers, sages. Distinguished savant.

He serves to give victory and to raise the siege of a town. This angel rules over the sciences and the arts; he reveals the secrets of nature and inspires wise philosophers with their meditations.

The person born under this influence will acquire celebrity through his talents and his enlightenment, and he will distinguish himself among the wise.

Meditation upon this Name raises awareness of the long term effects of your own actions. You can gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.

The negative side of this angel rules over perverse spirits; he influences charlatans and all those who excel in the art of misleading men.


 (Deus Spes omnium finium terrae – God the hope of all which ends on earth).

 He corresponds to the great name of God Agla (God Three In One – Attah Gibbor Le’olam Adonai).

He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 28th September until the 2nd October inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 26th April, 7th July, 17th September, 28th November and 8th February.

The invocation is performed from 12:21 PM to 12:40 PM.

One invokes him with the Divine Names to acquire all the treasures in heaven and earth.

The Kabbalists say that this Psalm works against thunder, arms, ferocious beasts and infernal spirits. This angel rules over all religious cults, and above all those which relate to God; it protects all those which seek truth.

Meditation on this Name helps to receive when you share and to share when you receive. You can see the opportunity that sharing gives and will make you aware that when you receive with the right consciousness, you also share. This is the circuitry of life. When you connect to it,you will move out of the black hole and into the Light.

The negative side of this angel rules over error and falsehood and influences all those who have no religious principles.

Sallos (or Saleos) is a Great and Mighty Duke and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits.
He appears in the form of a gallant soldier riding on a crocodile, with a Ducal crown on his head. He is very peaceable.

He causes the love of women to men, and of men to women.

Orobas is a Great and Mighty Prince and he governs 20 Legions of Spirits.

He appearing at first like a horse; but after the command of the Exorcist he puts on the image of a man.

His office is to discover all things past, present, and to come; also to give Dignities, and Prelacies, and the favour of friends and of foes. He gives true answers of divinity, and of the creation of the world. He is very faithful unto the Exorcist, and will not allow him to be tempted of any Spirit.

Three of Swords

 Saturn in Libra, 3 October – 13 October.


 (Deus Velox ad condonandum – The quickly forgiving God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Goot in the language of the Scottish. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

He’s ruling from 3th October until the 7th October inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 27th April, 8th July, 18th September, 29th November and 9th February.

The invocation is done from 12:40 PM till 01:00 PM.

Rehael – For the healing of the sick. Governs health and longevity. Influences paternal and filial affection.

He serves as a cure for maladies and to obtain the mercy of God.

This angel rules over health and long life; it influences paternal and filial love, and the obeisance and respect of children for their parents.

By meditating on this name You accomplish nothing less than the complete transformation of negative situations into positive opportunities and blessings. Life begins to taste like anything your soul desires or imagines.

The negative side of this angel is called Terre Morte or Terre Damnee following the expression of Eteilla, in his Philosophy of High Sciences, He is the most cruel and treacherous of all; he influences infanticides and parricides.


(Deus Vivum laetificans – The God delighting everything living thing). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Goed in the language of the Belgians. He belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Virtues.

8th October until the 13th October inclusively, but he rules over the following five days: 28th April, 9th July, 19th September, 30th November and 10th February.

The invocation is done from 01:00 PM till 01:20 PM.

Ieiazel – For the deliverance of prisoners, for consolation, for deliverance from one’s enemies. Governs printing and books. Men of letters and artists.

This psalm has marvelous properties; it serves to deliver prisoners, give consolation and to be delivered from one’s enemies.

This angel rules over printing and libraries; he influences men of letters and artists.

The person born under this influence will love speaking, design, and all sciences in general.

Meditate on this name for silence your ego. Push the mute button. call upon the Light to speak on your behalf, on all occasions, so that your every word elevates your soul and all existence.

he negative side of this angel rules over all evil qualities of the body and soul; he influences somber spirits and those who flee society.

Purson is a Great King and he governs 22 Legions of Spirits, partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of Thrones.

His appearing is comely, like a man with a lion’s face, carrying a cruel viper in his hand, and riding upon a bear. Going before him are many trumpets sounding.

He knows all things hidden, and can discover treasure, and tell all things past, present, and to come. He can take either a human or aerial body and answers truthfully all questions of an Earthly nature both secret and Divine, and of the creation of the world. He brings good Familiars.

Gremory (or Gamori) is a female Spirit and she is a Strong and Powerful Duke and she governs 26 Legions of Spirits.

She appeares in the form of a Beautiful Woman, with a Duchess’s Crown tied about her waist, and riding on a Great Camel.

Her Office is to tell of all Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old.

Four of Swords 

 Jupiter in Libra, 14 October – 22 October.


(Deus Triunus – The God of Trinity).

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Gudi in the language of the Irish. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 14th October until the 17th October inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 29th April, 10th July, 20th September, 1st December and 11th February.

One invokes this angel from 01:20 PM till 01:40 PM.

Hahahel – Against the impious, slanderers. Governs Christianity.

Greatness of soul, energy. Consecrated to the service of God.

This angel rules over Christianity; he protects missionaries and all the Disciples of Christ, who announce the words of the Scripture to nations; he influences pious souls, prelates, ecclesiastics and all those related to the priesthood.

The person born under this influence distinguishes himself by his greatness of soul and his energy; he is completely devoted to the service of God and does not fear martyrdom for Christ.

By meditating with this name you connected to the power of the ancient high priests of the temple to heal all areas of life including health problems, financial difficulties, and relationship conflicts.
The negative side of this angel rules over apostates, renegades and all those who dishonor the priesthood through their scandalous behavior.


(Deus Quis sicut ille – God Who will be the one). 

He corresponds to the holy divine names of Buib or Biud in the language of the Canadians. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 18th October until the 22th October inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 30th April, 11th July, 21st September, 2ndDecember and 12th February.

The invocation is done from 01:40 PM till 02:00 PM.

Mikael – For safety in travel. For the discovery of conspiracies. Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic.

He serves to travel in safety. This angel rules monarchs, princes and nobles; he keeps their subjects subservient, uncovers conspiracies and all those who seek to destroy their persons and governments.
The person born under this influence will become involved in political affairs; he will be curious, and will want to learn the secrets of private offices and foreign news, and he will distinguish himself in affairs of State through his knowledge of diplomacy.

By meditate on this name you will gather the ability to bring forth the powers of observation to see the truth and the courage to handle it.

The negative side of this angel rules over traitors; he influences malevolence and all those who propagate false information.

Marax (or Morax) is a Great Earl and President and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits. He appears like a great bull with a man’s face.

His office is to make the Magician very knowing in astronomy, and all other liberal sciences; also he can give good and wise Familiars, knowing the virtues of herbs and precious stones.

Ose (or Ose, or Oso, or Voso) is a Great President and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits.

He appears at first like a leopard, but after a little time he puts on the shape of a man.

His office is to make one cunning in the liberal sciences, and to give true answers of Divine and secret things; also to change a man into any shape that the Exorcist pleases, so that he that is so changed will not think any other thing than that he is in reality that creature or thing he is changed into.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe