
Friday, May 12, 2017

the 5 of cups through the 7 of cups and their Rulers

Five of Cups

Pluto in Scorpio, 23 October – 2 November.


 (Deus Rex Dominator – God, king and ruler). 

He corresponds to the holy name of Solu in the language of the Californians. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 23th October until the 27th October inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 1st May, 12th July, 22nd September, 3rd December and 13th February.

The invocation is done from 02:00 PM till 02:20 PM.

Veuahiah – For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance from bondage. Love glory and the military.

He serves to destroy the enemy and for deliverance from slavery.

This angel rules over peace and influences the prosperity of empires; he affirms tottering thrones and kingly power.

The person born under this influence will love the military state and glory; he will be continually engaged in those sciences which are in rapport with the angel of war; he will become famous through the means of arms, and will attract the confidence of his prince through the services we renders him.
Meditate on this Name to unleash the power of mind over matter, soul over ego, and the spiritual over the physical. Your goal is not to renounce the physical world but to eliminate its control over you and to become the true captain of your own fate. Everything can becomes possible!

The negative side of this angel puts discord between princes; he influences the destruction of empires; he supports revolutions and party spirit.

Ielahiah (or Yelahia) 

(Deus Aeternum, manens – God the eternal, lasting). 

He corresponds to the holy name of Bosa in the language of the Mexicans. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 28th October until the 2nd November inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 2nd May, 13th July, 23rd September, 4th December and 14th February.
The invocation is done from 02:20 PM – 02:40 PM.

Ielahiah – Success of a useful undertaking. Protection against magistrates. Trials. Protects against armies, gives victory. Fond of travel and learning. All his undertakings are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities and courage.

One invokes this angel to obtain success in a useful enterprise; He is good for getting the protection of magistrates and to win a lawsuit. This angel protects against arms; he gives victory.

The person born under this influence will love to travel in order to learn, and will succeed in all his undertakings; he will distinguish himself through his military talents and his bravery, and his name will be famous in the pomp of glory.

Through meditation upon this sequence and with genuine penitence in your heart, you can lessen or even revoke judgments set forth against you. Meditate to offer forbearance and compassion to others.
The negative side of this angel rules over war, and causes all the calamities which arise from it; he influences all those who violate surrenders and massacre their prisoners without pity.

Ipos is an Earl, and a Mighty Prince and he governs 36 Legions of Spirits.

He appears in the form of an angel with a lion’s head, and a goose’s foot, and hare’s tail.

He knows all things past, present, and to come. He makes men witty and bold.

Amy (or Avnas) is a Great President and he govems 36 Legions of Spirits.

He appears at first in the form of a flaming fire; but after a while he puts on the shape of a man.
His office is to make one wonderfully knowledgeable in astrology and all the liberal sciences. He gives good Familiars, and can bewray treasure that is kept by Spirits.

Six of Cups

Venus in Scorpio, 3 November – 12 November.

Sealiah (or Sehaliah)

 (Deus Motor omnium – The God who stirs all men). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Hobo in the language of the people of Quito. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 3rd November until the 7th November inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 3rd May, 14th July, 24th September, 5th December and 15th February.

The invocation is done from 02:40 PM till 03:00 PM.

Sealiah – To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt the humiliated and the fallen. Governs vegetation. Loves learning, much aptitude.

He serves to confound the evil and the haughty; he lifts up all those who are humiliated and fallen. This angel rules over vegetation; he bears life and health in all that breathe and influences the principal agents of Nature.

The person born under this influence will love to learn; he will have many resources and facilities.
By meditating on this name you will acknowledge that the Light of the Creator is the ultimate source of all prosperity and well-being. With this Name you summon the forces of prosperity and sustenance and ask for the strength to keep your ego in check when the other checks start rolling in.

The negative side of this angel rules over the atmosphere; he incites great heat or cold, great aridity or excessive humidity.


(Deus Revelator – The revealing God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Pino in the language of the people of Paraguay. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 7th November until the 12th November inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 4th May, 15th July, 25th September, 6th December and 16th February.

The invocation is done from 03:00 PM till 03:20 PM.

One invokes this angel to have revelations.

This angel discovers hidden treasures; he reveals the greatest secrets of Nature and he shows the objects of one’s desires in dreams.

The person born under this influence is blessed with a strong and subtle spirit; he will have original ideas and sublime thoughts; he will be able to resolve the most difficult problems; he will be discreet and will act with much circumspection.

By meditating on this Name you will fill your heart with certainty! certitude! conviction! sureness! And trust!

The negative side of this angel causes tribulations of spirit; he brings men to commit the greatest indiscretions and influences feeble people.

Aim is a Great Strong Duke and he governs 26 Legions of Inferior Spirits.

He appears in the form of a very handsome man in body, but with three heads; the first, like a serpent, the second like a man having two Stars on his forehead, the third like a calf. He rides on a viper, carrying a firebrand in his hand, with this he sets fire to cities, castles, and great Places. He makes one witty in all manner of ways, and gives true answers concerning private matters.

Oriax (or Orias) is a Great Marquis and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits.

He appears in the Form of a Lion, riding upon a Horse Mighty and Strong, with a Serpent’s Tail; and he holds in his Right Hand two Great Serpents hissing.

His Office is to teach the Virtues of the Stars, and to know the Mansions of the Planets, and how to understand their Virtues. He also transforms Men, and he gives Dignities, Prelacies, and Confirmation thereof; also Favor with Friends and with Foes.

Seven of Cups

Mars in Scorpio, 13 November – 21 November.


 (Deus Iustus Iudex – God the just judge). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Hana in the language of the people of Chile. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 13th November until the 17th November inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 5th May, 16th July, 26th September, 7th December and 17th February.

The invocation is done from 03:20 PM till 03:40 PM.

He serves to praise God and to rise towards Him when he sends us light.

This angel rules over justice, men of probity, and over those who raise their spirit to the contemplation of divine things.

The person born under this influence will have an agreeable character; he will be passionate to acquire secret light.

Meditate on this name will bring you to reflect upon the spiritual truth that world peace begins with peace in your own heart. With this Name, you can speed your own transformation and strengthen the forces of peace throughout the world.

The negative side of this angel rules over immoral and scandalous acts, and over all those who spread dangerous and chimerical schemes.


(Deus Pater mittens – God, father, the generous). 

He corresponds to the holy name of Zaca in the language of the Japanese. He belong to the Sixth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Powers.

He’s ruling from 17th November until the 21th November inclusively, but he rules over the five following days: 6th May, 17th July, 27th September, 8th December and 18th February.

The invocation is done from 03:40 PM till 04:00 PM.

Michael – For the preservation of peace and the union of man and wife. Protects those who address themselves to him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Governs generation of beings. Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures in general.

He serves to preserve peace and union between married couples. This angel protects those who have turn to him. They will have presentiments and secret inspiration about all that will happen to them. He rules over the generation of beings and he influences friendship and conjugal fidelity.

The person born under this influence will be passionate for love; he will love walking and all pleasure in general.

Meditation with these letters, pass the true test of spiritual character. You will be able to see all sides of the problems that come before you. You will be focus upon unity and soul as opposed to division and selfish desires.

The negative side of this angel rules over luxury, sterility and inconstancy; he creates discord between married couples and causes jealousy and inquietude.

Naberius is a most Valiant Marquis and he governs 19 Legions of Spirits.

He shows in the form of a black crane fluttering about the Circle, and when he speaks it is with a hoarse voice. He makes men cunning in all arts and sciences, but especially in the art of rhetoric. He restores lost Dignities and Honors.

Vapula (or Naphula) is another female Spirit. She is a Duke great, mighty, and strong and she governs 36 Legions of Spirits.

She appearing in the Form of a Lion with Gryphon’s Wings.

Her Office is to make men knowledgeable in all handicrafts and professions, also in philosophy, and other sciences.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe