
Friday, May 12, 2017

the 5 of wands through the 7 of wands and their Rulers

Five of Wands

Jupiter in Leo, 23 July – 2 August.


 (Deus Largitor – The generous God). 

He corresponds to the holy names of God Orsy in the language of the Magi. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 23rd July until the 27th July inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 13th April, 24th June, 4th September, 15th November and 26th January.

The invocation is done from 8:00 AM till 8:20 AM.

Nith-Haiah – For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery of the truth of hidden mysteries. Governs occult sciences. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the day over which he presides. Influences those who practice the magic of the sages.

He serves to gain wisdom and to discover the truth of hidden secrets. This angel rules over all the occult sciences; he gives revelations in dreams and particularly to those born on the day over which he rules; he influences wise men who love peace and solitude, and upon those who seek truth and practice the magic of the sages, which is that of God.

Meditating on this name bring The need to tell the truth, this Name gives the courage to open your heart before you open your mouth. And when you need to hear the truth, it gives you the strength to open your ears and close your mouth.

The negative side of this angel rules over black magic, which is that of the evil principal, the demon; this consists of making a pact with him through which he renounces God, he brings evil to mankind, animals and to products of the earth.


(Deus Auditor in abscondito – God listening in concealment).

He corresponds to the holy divine names of Agdi and Abdi in the language of the Sarazins. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 28th July until the 2nd August inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 14th April, 25th June, 5th September, 16th November and 27th January.

The invocation is done from 8:20 AM till 8:40 AM.

Haaiah – For the winning of a law suit. Protects those who search after truth. Influences politics, diplomats, secret expeditions and agents.

He serves to win judgments and to render judges favorable. This angel protects all those who seek the truth; he brings men to the contemplation of divine things; he rules over politicians, diplomats, plenipotentiaries, ambassadors, peace treaties and dealings and all pacts in general; he influences couriers, communications, agents and secret expeditions.

Meditating on this name let you know that harmony always underlies chaos and with this Name, balance and serenity are restored in the seven days of the week. Order emerges from chaos. Not only will your toast not fall on the buttered side, it won’t fall at all!

The negative side of this angel rules over traitors, the ambitious and conspirators.

Beleth (or Bileth, or Bilet) and he is a terrible and Mighty King. He governs 85 Legions of Spirits. He is of the Order of Powers.

He rides upon a pale horse. Trumpets and other kinds of musical instruments play before him. He is very furious at his first appearance, that is, while the Exorcist lays his courage; for to do this he must hold a Hazel Wand in his hand, striking it out towards the South and East Quarters, make a Triangle, without the Circle, and then command him into it by the Bonds and Charges of Spirits. And if he does not enter into the Triangle, at your threats, rehearse the Bonds and Charms before him, and then he will yield obedience and come into it, and do what he is commanded by the Exorcist. Yet the Magician must receive him courteously because he is a Great King, and do homage unto him, as the Kings and Princes do that attend upon him. And you must have always a Silver Ring on the middle finger of your left hand held against your face as is done before Amaymon, to be protected from the flaming breath of the enraged Spirit.

This Great King Beleth causes all the love that may be, both of men and of women, until the Master Exorcist has had his desire fulfilled.

Crocell (or Crokel) is a Great and Strong Duke and he governs 48 Legions of Spirits. He was of the Order of Potentates, or Powers, before his fall, as he declared unto the King Solomon.

He appears in the form of an angel. He is speaking mystically of hidden things.

He teaches the art of geometry and the liberal sciences. He, at the command of the Exorcist, will produce great noises like the rushing of many waters, although there be none. He warms waters and discovers baths.

Six of Wands

Sun in Leo, 3 August – 12 August.

Jerathel (or Yeratel) 

(Deus Propulsator – The preventing God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine names of Teos in the language of the Copts. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 3rd August until the 7th August inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 15th April, 26th June, 6th September, 17th November and 28th January.

The invocation is performed from 08:40 AM to 09:00 AM.

Jerathel – To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance from one’s enemies. Governs propagation of light, civilization. Love peace, justice, science and arts; special affinity for literature.

He serves to confound the wicked and slanderers, and to be delivered from our enemies.
This angel protects those who provoke us and unjustly attack us. He rules over the propagation of light, civilization and liberty.

The person born under this influence loves peace, justice, sciences and the arts, and he distinguishes himself in literature.

Meditation upon this name removes the Dark Force’s presence from your earnings, and its destructive influence from your life. The Light is now your silent partner. You will be surrounded by endless blessings and protection. It’s a partnership made in heaven!

The negative side of this angel rules over ignorance, slavery and intolerance.

Seeiah (or Seheiah) 

(Deus Sublator malorum – God Who Raising Apples/Heals The Ill). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Adad in the language of the Assyrians. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 8th August until 12 August inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 16th April, 27th June, 7thSeptember, 18th November and 29th January.

The invocation is done from 9:00 AM till 9:20 AM.

Seeiah – Against infirmities and thunder, protects against fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Governs health, simplicity. Has much judgment.

He serves against infirmities and thunder. This angel protects against fires, ruined buildings, collapse, maladies, etc. He rules over health and longevity of life.

The person born under this influence will be full of good judgment; he will only act with prudence and circumspection.

Meditating on this sequence of letters bring the energy of soul mates to aroused for your being. You will attract the other half of your soul. All your existing relationships are deeply enriched, imbued with soul mate energy.

The negative side of this angel rules over catastrophes, accidents and the cause of apoplexies; he influences people who never think before acting.

Leraje (or Leraikha, or Leraie) is a Marquis great in power and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits.
He appears, when the sun is in Sagittarius, in the likeness of an archer clad in green, carrying a bow and quiver.

He causes great battles and contests; and makes wounds to putrefy that are made with arrows by archers.

Furcas is a Knight and he has under his Power 20 Legions of Spirits. He appears in the form of a cruel old man with a long beard and a hoary head, riding upon a pale-colored horse, with a sharp weapon in his hand.

His office is to teach the arts of philosophy, astrology, rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, and pyromancy, in all their parts, and perfectly.

Seven of Wands

Mars in Leo, 13 August – 22 August.

Reiiel (or Reiyel) 

(Deus Expectatio – The expected God).

 He corresponds to the holy divine name of Zimi in the language of the Peruvians. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 13th August until the 18th August inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 17th April, 28th June, 8th September, 19th November and 30th January.

The invocation is done from 9:20 AM till 9:40 AM.

Reiiel – Against the impious and enemies of religion; for deliverance from all enemies both visible and invisible. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his utmost to destroy impiety.

He serves against the impious and the enemies of religion, and to be delivered from all enemies both visible and invisible. This angel rules over all religious sentiment, divine philosophy and meditation.
The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his virtues and his zeal to propagate truth; he will make every effort to destroy impiety through his writings and by example.

Meditating on this name if you need to be painfully honest! It acknowledge every person or group of people that stir up feelings of anger, envy, malice, total disgust, or any combination thereof. With the Light of this Name, you have the power to drop the poisonous negative feelings that exist inside you!
The negative side of this angel rules over fanaticism and hypocrisy; he rules over all those who propagate irreligion through writings and dangerous maxims.

Omael (or Ornael) 

(Deus Patiens – The patient God). 

He corresponds to the holy divine name of Tura in the language of the Indians. He belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of Dominations.

He’s ruling from 19th August until the 22th August inclusively, but he rules over the following days: 18th April, 29th June, 9th September, 20th November and 31th January.

The invocation is done from 9:40 AM till 10:00 AM.

Omael – Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition of patience. Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation of beings. Chemists, doctors, surgeons. Affinity for anatomy and medicine.

He serves against chagrin, despair and to have patience. This angel rules over the animal kingdom; he watches over the generation of beings, in order to see special multiply and races perpetuated; he influences chemists, doctors and surgeons.

The person born under this influences will distinguish himself in anatomy and medicine.
Meditate on this Name extend the hand of friendship to people with whom you are in conflict even if the conflict is about money! You awaken compassion and summon the courage to pick up the phone and call the person right now. And that means right now! Accordingly, a bridge to the Upper World will be erected on your behalf.

The negative side of this angel is the enemy of propagation of beings; he influences monstrous phenomena.

Eligos is a Great Duke and he governs 60 Legions of Spirits.

He appears in the form of a handsome Knight, carrying a lance, an ensign, and a serpent. He discovers hidden things, and knows things to come; and of wars, and how the soldiers will or shall
meet. He causes the love of Lords and great persons.

Balam (or Balaam) is a terrible, Great, and Powerful King and he governs 40 Legions of Spirits.
He appears with three heads: the first is like that of a bull; the second is like that of a man; the third is like that of a ram. He has the tail of a serpent, and flaming eyes. He rides
upon a furious bear,and carries a goshawk upon his fist.

He speaks with a hoarse voice, giving true answers of things past, present, and to come. He makes men invisible, and also to be witty.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe