“All things manifesting in the lower worlds exist first in
the intangible rings of the upper spheres,
so that creation is, in truth,
the process of making tangible the intangible
by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates.”

― Manly P. Hall

The Qabbalah, the Secret Doctrine of Israel


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Welcome Traveler to My Little Occultshop

Welcome Traveler,

It's been a whirlwind of a month, I can't say thank you enough for your support, starting next month I'll be putting out a monthly magazine about topics related to that month.

So what's new

I've added a new section that covers meals of the ancient world and a section about herbal remedies will be coming soon.

As always may your travels be light and your path be pleasant to you and your family, blessings.


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Here is what's new

Yeah I know its been 3 years since I've posted anything new. I burnt out from everything I was putting into this. and tbh what made me come back was the fact that even after 3 years this is still popular. I can't thank you enough for your continued support.

So what's new well I have a new address and with covid I've had a bit of free time. so maybe its time I got back into the captains chair and got to setting a course to places undiscovered. A part of me is happy while a part isn't because he know what's up and he doesn't like doing the hard long hours of labor.

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My latest post on my Facebook Page My Little Occult Shop

  Its been what 2 possibly 3 years since I last posted. Burn out is what happened. I got so overwhelmed with everything that it just got to ...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Furnace and the Receptacle

1. In Light of Lights, Aristotle stated,
"Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass."
2. The receptacle must be round with a very small neck.
3. This receptacle is the virile member. The semen is within our sexual organs. It is the crude matter of the Great Work.
4. The receptacle must be hermetically sealed with one cover, which means it is necessary to cover our sexual organs very well in order to avoid the spilling of the crude matter of the Great Work.
5. Our glass must be placed in another vessel, hermetically sealed like the first, in such a way that the heat acts upon the crude matter of the Great Work from above, below, and from all sides.
6. This is the formula: Introduce the virile member into the female vagina without ejaculating the semen(without reaching the orgasm).
7. Thus, the phallus, which is the receptacle that contains the crude matter of the Great Work, is surrounded by the walls of the vagina and is submitted to heat, equal on every side.
8. Our disciples will now comprehend why Aristotle states in Light of Lights that, "the Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass."
9. Nature bakes the metals in the mines with the help of fire, however it needs receptacles that are adequate for baking.
10. It is noticeable that within the mines the heat is always constant. The mountains filled with mines are completely closed in order for the heat to not escape, because without fire the metals of the Earth cannot be elaborated.
11. We must do the same with the phallus and the uterus. Man and woman must withdraw without spilling even a single drop of semen.
12. In the beginning, "Let your fire be tranquil and gentle, let it be kept as this every day, always uniform, without being weak; otherwise, it will cause great damage."
13. However, brothers and sisters, you can intensify the fire, little by little.
14. In the beginning, the practices of Sexual Magic must be short, but later you can prolong them little by little, making them more intense each time, in order to intensify the fire.
15. Knead seven times, sibling of mine.
16. There are seven serpents that you must raise upon the reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.
17. The work is analogous to the creation of the human being, because,
"Nature, contains nature: Nature overcomes nature: and Nature meeting with her nature, exceedingly rejoices, and is changed into other natures."
18. The furnace of our laboratory is the virile member and the vulva, sexually connected.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe