
Monday, September 11, 2017

Lecture: the Arbatel of Magick part II

The second Septenary. 

Aphor. 8.

Even as the Scripture testifies, that God appointeth names to things or persons, and also with them hath distributed certain powers and offices out of his treasures: so the Characters and Names of Stars have not any power by reason of their figure or pronunciation, but by reason of the vertue or office which God hath ordained by nature either to such a Name or Character. For there is no power either in heaven or in earth, or hell, which doth not descend from God; and without his permission, they can neither give or draw forth into any action, any thing they have. 

Aphor. 9.

That is the chiefest wisdom, which is from God; and next, that which is in spiritual creatures; afterwards, in corporeal creatures; fourthly, in Nature, and natural things. The spirits that are apostate,3 and reserved to the last judgement, do follow these, after a long interval. Sixthly, the ministers of punishments in hell, and the obedient unto God. Seventhly, the Pigmies do not possess the lowest place, and they who inhabit in elements, and elementary things. It is convenient therefore to know and discern all differences of the wisdom of the Creator and the Creatures, that it may be certainly manifest unto us, what we ought to assume to our use of every thing, and that we may know in truth how and in what maner that may be done. For truely every creature is ordained for some profitable end to humane nature, and for the service thereof; as the holy Scriptures, Reason, and Experience, do testifie. 

Aphor. 10.

God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible, in the holy Scriptures proposeth himself to have an eye over us; and as a tender father which loveth his children, he teacheth us what is profitable, and what not; what we are to avoid, and what we are to embrace: then he allureth us to obedience with great promises of corporal and eternal benefits, and deterreth us (with threatning of punishments) from those things which are not profitable for us. Turn over therefore with thy hand, both night and day, those holy Writings, that thou mayest be happie in things present, and blessed in all eternity. Do this, and thou shalt live, which the holy Books have taught thee. 

Aphor. 11.

A number of Four is Pythagorical, and the first Quadrate; therefore here let us place the foundation of all wisdom, after the wisdom of God revealed in the holy Scriptures, and to the considerations proposed in Nature.

Appoint4 therefore to him who solely dependeth upon God, the wisdom of every creature to serve and obey him, nolens volens, willing or unwilling. And in this, the omnipotency of God shineth forth. It consisteth therefore in this, that we will discern the creatures which serve us, from those that are unwilling; and that we may learn how to accommodate the wisdom and offices of every creature unto our selves. This Art is not delivered, but divinely. Unto whom God will, he revealeth his secrets; but to whom he will not bestow any thing out of his treasuries, that person shall attain to nothing without the will of God.

Therefore we ought to desire from God alone, which will mercifully impart these things unto us. For he who hath given us his Son, and commanded us to pray for his holy Spirit, How much more will he subject unto us the whole creature, and things visible and invisible? Whatsoever ye ask, ye shall receive. Beware that ye do not abuse the gifts of God, and all things shall work together unto you for your salvation. And before all things, be watchful in this, That your names be written in heaven: this is more light, That the spirits be obedient unto you, as Christ admonisheth. 

Aphor. 12.

In the Acts of the Apostles, the Spirit saith unto Peter after the Vision, Go down, and doubt not but I have sent them, when he was sent for from Corneliusthe Centurion. After this maner, in vocal words, are all disciplines delivered, by the holy Angels of God, as it appeareth out of the Monuments of the Ægyptians. And these things afterwards were vitiated and corrupted with humane opinions; and by the instigation of evil spirits, who sow tares amongst the children of disobedience, as it is manifest out of St. Paul, and Hermes Trismegistus. There is no other maner of restoring these Arts. then by the doctrine of the holy Spirits of God; because true faith cometh by hearing. But because thou mayst be certain of the truth, and mayst not doubt whether the spirits that speak with thee, do declare things true or false, let it onely depend upon thy faith in God; that thou mayst say with Paul, I know on whom I trust. If no sparrow can fall to the ground without the will of the Father which is in heaven, How much more will not God suffer thee to be deceived, O thou of little faith, if thou dependest wholly upon God, and adherest onely to him? 

Aphor. 13.

The Lord liveth; and all things which live, do live in him. And he is truely,5 who hath given unto all things, that they be that which they are: and by his word alone, through his Son, hath produced all things out of nothing, which are in being. He calleth all the stars. and all the host of heaven by their names. He therefore knoweth the true strength and nature of things, the order and policie of every creature visible and invisible, to whom God hath revealed the names of his creatures. It remaineth also, that he receive power from God, to extract the vertues in nature, and hidden secrets of the creature; and to produce their power into action, out of darkness into light. Thy scope therefore ought to be, that thou have the names of the Spirits, that is, their powers and offices, and how they are subjected and appointed by God to minister unto thee; even as Raphael was sent to Tobias, that he should heal his father, and deliver his son from dangers, and bring him to a wife. So Michael, the fortitude of God governeth the people of God: Gabriel, the messenger of God, was sent to Daniel, Mary, and Zachary the father of John Baptist. And he shall be given to thee that desirest him, who will teach thee whatsoever thy soul shall desire, in the nature of things. His ministery thou shalt use with trembling and fear of thy Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, that is to say, the Father, Son, and holy Ghost: and do not thou let slip any occasion of learning and be vigilant in thy calling, and thou shalt want nothing that is necessary for thee. 

Aphor. 14.

Thy soul liveth for ever, through him that hath created thee: call therefore upon the Lord thy God, and him onely shalt thou serve. This thou shalt do, if thou wilt perform that end for which thou art ordained of God, and what thou owest to God and to thy neighbour. God requireth of thee a minde, that thou shouldest honour his Son, and keep the words of his Son in thy heart: if thou honour him, thou hast done the will of thy Father which is in heaven. To thy neighbour thou owest offices of humanity, and that thou draw all men that come to thee, to honour the Son. This is the Law and the Prophets. In temporal things, thou oughtest to call upon God as a father, that he would give unto thee all necessaries of this life: and thou oughtest to help thy neighbour with the gifts which God bestoweth upon thee, whether they be spiritual or corporal. 

Therefore thou shalt pray thus:

O Lord of heaven and earth, Creator and Maker of all things visible and invisible; I, though unworthy, by thy assistance call upon thee, through thy onely begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord, that thou wilt give unto me thy holy Spirit, to direct me in thy truth unto all good. Amen.

Because I earnestly desire perfectly to know the Arts of this life and such things as are necessary for us, which are so overwhelmed in darkness, and polluted with infinite humane opinions, that I of my own power can attain to no knowledge in them, unless thou teach it me: Grant me therefore one of thy spirits, who may teach me those things which thou wouldest have me to know and learn, to thy praise and glory, and the profit of our neighbour. Give me also an apt and teachable heart, that I may easily understand those things which thou shalt teach me, and may hide them in my understanding, that I may bring them forth as out of thy inexhaustible treasures, to all necessary uses. And give me grace, that I may use such thy gifts humbly, with fear and trembling, through our Lord Jesus Christ, with thy holy Spirit. Amen. 

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe