
Monday, September 11, 2017

Lecture: the Arbatel of Magick part I

The first Tome of the Book of

Arbatel of Magick



In the Name of the Creator of all things both visible and invisible, who revealeth his Mysteries out of his Treasures to them that call upon him; and fatherly and mercifully bestoweth those his Secrets upon us without measure. May he grant unto us, through his onely-begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord, his ministring spirits, the revealers of his secrets, that we may write this Book of Arbatel, concerning the greatest Secrets which are lawful for man to know, and to use them without offence unto God. Amen.

The first Septenary of Aphorisms.

The first Aphorism.

Whosoever would know Secrets, let him know how to keep secret things secretly; and to reveal those things that are to be revealed, and to seal those things which are to be sealed: and not to give holy things to dogs, nor cast pearls before swine. Observe this Law, and the eyes of thy understanding shall be opened, to understand secret things; and thou shalt have whatsoever thy minde desireth to be divinely revealed unto thee. Thou shalt have also the Angels and Spirits of God prompt and ready in their nature to minister unto thee, as much as any humane minde can desire.

Aphor. 2.
In all things call upon the Name of the Lord: and without prayer unto God through his onely-begotten son, do not thou undertake to do or think any thing. And use the Spirits given and attributed unto thee, as Ministers, without rashness and presumption, as the messengers of God; having a due reverence towards the Lord of Spirits. And the remainder of thy life do thou accomplish, demeaning thy self peaceably, to the honour of God, and the profit of thy self and thy neighbour.

Aphor. 3.
Live to thy self, and the Muses: avoid the friendship of the Multitude: be thou covetous of time, beneficial to all men. Use thy Gifts, be vigilant in thy Calling; and let the Word of God never depart from thy mouth.

Aphor. 4.
Be obedient to good Admonitions: avoid all procrastination: accustom thy self to Contancie and Gravity, both in thy words and deeds. Resist temptations of the Tempter, by the Word of God. Flee from earthly things; seek after heavenly things. Put no confidence in thy own wisdom; but look unto God in all things, according to that sentence of the Scripture: When we know not what we shall do, unto thee, O God, do we lift up our eyes, and from thee we expect our help. For where all humane refuges do forsake us, there will the help of God shine forth, according to the saying of Philo.

Aphor. 5.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbour as thy self: [Luke 10.27] And the Lord will keep thee as the apple of his eye, and will deliver thee from all evil, and will replenish thee with all good; and nothing shall thy soul desire, but thou shalt be fully endued therewith, so that it be contingent to the salvation of thy soul and body.

Aphor. 6.
Whatsoever thou hast learned, frequently repeat, and fix the same in thy minde: and learn much, but not many things, because a humane understanding cannot be alike capable in all things, unless it be such a one that is divinely regenerated; unto him nothing is so difficult or manifold, which he may not be able equally to attain to.

Aphor. 7.
Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will hear thee, and thou shalt glorifie me, [Ps49.15] saith the Lord. For all Ignorance is tribulation of the minde; therefore call upon the Lord in thy ignorance, and he will hear thee. And remember that thou give honour unto God, and say with the Psalmist, Not unto us, Lord, but unto thy Name give the glory. [Ps113.9] 

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