
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lecture on the Neophyte grade

To be studied in the Grade of Neophyte (0=0). Aspirants will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory.


The Four Elements of the Ancients are duplicated conditions of:


These twelve signs are distributed among the for Triplicities, or sets of three signs, each being attributed to one of the four Elements, and they represent the operation of the elements in the Zodiac.

The Planets

To the Ancients, six Planets were known, besides the Sun, which they classed with the planets. They also assigned certain planetary values to the North and south Nodes of the Moon that is, the points where her orbit touches that of the Ecliptic.

These they named:

The Old Planets are:

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe