
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lecture on Alchemy

The Names and AIchemical Symbols of the Three Principles of Nature are.-

  • SALT  

The Metals Attributed to the Planets in Alchemy are:-

  • LEAD  
  • GOLD  
  • TIN 
  • IRON 

The following terms are used in books about Alchemy. They have the meanings given below.

Sol Philosophorum
The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Gold-the Refined. Essence of Heat and Dryness.

Luna Philosophorum 
The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Silver-the Refined Essence of Heat and Moisture.

The Green Lion 
The Stem and Root of the Radical Essence of Metals.

The Black Dragon 

The King 
Red-The Qabalistic Microprosopus.
Tiphareth-analogous to Gold and the Sun.

The Queen 
White-The Qabalistic Bride of Microprosopus.
Malkah-analogous to Silver and the Moon.

The Four Orders of the Elementals Are:
1. The Spirits of the Earth Gnomes
2. The Spirits of the Air Sylphs
3. The Spirits of the Water Undines
4. The Spirits of the Fire Salamanders

These are the Essential Spiritual Beings called upon.

The terms Raven or Crow, Lion and Eagle have various Alchemical significations. Generally
Raven-Initiation through blackness
Lion-Heat and sulphurous action
Eagle-Sublimation One great difference between Chemical and Alchemical processes is that Alchemy only employs a gradual heat continually but carefully increased, and does not commence with violent heat.

The Cucurbite is a lass boiler attached to the lower part of the Alembic. It consists of a tube, a ead, and a receiver added thereto for purposes of distillation.

The Athanor or Philosohical Furnace is to produce a raduated heat.

The Balneum Mariae is t 1 e modern water bath-a vesse of hot water in which was placed the vessel to be heated.

The Balneum Arenae or sand bath is a vessel of sand in which is placed the vessel to receive a dry heat.

The Philosophic Egg is an oval glass vessel in which is placed the water or liquid to be acted upon, and which may be hermetically sealed.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe