
Friday, November 13, 2020

So Maybe it was time this happened....

  Yes I know it's been 3 years since I last posted but to be honest the reason why I left, walked away was because I burnt out from doing everything, every post, every story, the research, all of it, youtube, twitter, tumblr, here, it got to be too much for me and I wasn't making any money from it, so I walked away. 

So now maybe it was time this happened... 2020 is nearly over and we're still in covid, so here is the good news bad news since I lost access to "mylittleoccultshop.blogspot" I started this site, I didn't backup egyptianocculthistory so that is not available nor is my little spell book so I'll take what wins I can for the moment. besides My Little Occultshop was the flagship anyway and you all still support it even to this day so thank you. I mean that thank you. The silver lining to all this is I still have control over the website so I'll continue with posting to the site or I'll move the content over to wix I'll need to see how easy that will be first. I may have a long road ahead of me just to get things working again. 

This is Magus hope you all have a blessed day and blessed be to you all.

Update: well ok I'm scratching my head here so as I stated I had lost access to my little occult shop. well this is where i'm going wait..... what? so once I made this "new" blog I have access to the My Little Occultshop again so ok I'm just going to roll with this and go forward. 

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe