
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lecture: Caresiell and his 12 dukes

1.Carnesiell - ("radiant fire") is ranked as an emperor and king of the East.

He is also said in various other Christian demonologies to be one of the thirty-six Elemental World Rulers as well as one of the seventy-two Spirits of Solomon.

An Aerial Devil and demon of the east, Carnesiel commands 1,000 great dukes, 100 lesser dukes, 12 chief dukes, and 50,000,000,000,000 other demonic spirits.

When summoned, he will appear with 60,000,000,000,000 servitors of varying ranks, and when you call any of the dukes, their entourage is sometimes 10 spirits, but never exceeds 300.

Carnesial can appear day or night.

His 12 most important demonic dukes are

Myrezyn, ranked as a duke and is listed as one of the twelve named Servitors of Carnesiel.

Omich, duke and is one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel

Zabriel, duke and is one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel. 

Zabriel commands no less than ten but no more than three hundred servitors.

In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Zabriel is a duke and is one of the twelve named Duke Servitors of Carnesiel. 

Zabriel commands no less than ten but no more than three hundred servitors.


Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59.

Bucafas, an Aerial Devil, is named as one of the twelve duke Servitors of Carnesiel.


In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Benoham, an AERIAL Devil, is listed
as one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel


Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 37; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59;
Trirthemius, Steganographia, 49.


In Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton, Arifel is a duke and one of the twelve named


In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lemegeton, Cumerzel is named as one of the twelve duke Servitors of Carnesiel. 
He commands between ten and three hundred servants.


Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 37; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59.

Vadriel, one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel. 

He commands ten chiefs and one hundred servitors and is most powerful during the ninth hour of the day.

Vadriel is one of the twelve named Duke Servitors of Carnesiel. 
He commands ten chiefs and one hundred servitors and is most powerful during the ninth hour of the day.


Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 60, 84, 94, 180, 191, 303, 330; 
Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 188, 245; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59; 
Waite, The Book of Ceremonial Magic, 68.

Armany, duke and one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel.

In the Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton, Armany is listed as a duke and one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel.


Eco, Infinity of Lists, 61; 
Guiely, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 37; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 69.

Capriel, named as one of the twelve duke Servitors of Carnesiel.

In Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton, Capriel is named as one of the twelve Duke Servitors of Carnesiel.


Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 85; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59.

Bedary, one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel.

In the Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton, Bedary is one of the twelve named Duke Servitors of Carnesiel.


Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 37; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59.

Laphor, chief duke who commands between ten and three hundred servitors. 
An Aerial Devil, he is also listed as one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel.

The Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lemegeton, is ranked as a chief duke who commands between ten and three hundred servitors. 

An Aerial Devil, he is also listed as one of the twelve named duke Servitors of Carnesiel .


Eco, Infinity of Lists, 61; 
Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 37; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59.

Servitors of Carnesiel

The Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton, says there are 60,000,000,000,000 duke servitors of CARNESIEL, but it only names twelve of them: Arifiel, ARMANY, BEDARY, BenOHAM, Bucafas, Capriel, Cumerzel, Laphor,  Myrezyn, Ornich, VADRIEL, and ZABRIEL. 


Butler, Ritual Magic, 77; 
Eco, Infinity of Lists, 61; 
Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 232; 
Pane, Hierarchy of Hell, 68; 
Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 59-60, 69; 
Trirthemius, Steganographia, 1, 49; 
Waite, Manual of Cartomancy and Occult Divination, 97.

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