
Saturday, October 21, 2017



This elixir is incredibly powerful. We need to firstly recognize & appreciate the potency & power this elixir has. We all know that sperm are necessary for creating another human being, but sometimes they don’t get enough credit for their role. Half of the genetic code of a child is carried within a man’s sperm. {pause} ... WOW! It has the power to create LIFE. So when it is not being used for this purpose, what else can it have power to create?

A powerful ritual that can be done alone, or with a partner - is to collect the sperm (in a condom preferably); after ejaculation. With your full focus place your intention to use this sacred elixir for manifestation purposes.
Ask yourself ... "What is it I would like to plant the seeds for in my life? What do I want to manifest for myself & the highest good of humanity? What are the next steps to awakening to my soul path, what I came here to learn, do & create?"
Plant this seed of manifestation.... LITERALLY.

Incorporating alchemy, you can contain the semen in either an IRON or COPPER chalice or bowl. If you do not have these items, source some sort of IRON or COPPER metal or object. Place the elixir with the base metal on a sacred alter; perhaps with your intentions / manifestations written out? Sit by the alter and infuse the elixir with your answers to the manifestations questions above. Infuse all your power and energy into the liquid.

In the morning; or when you feel ready. Preferably on the New Moon. Pour the sperm infused with your seeds of manifestation into the earth. Imagine you are planting seeds of a plant. Witness it grow, each day pay respect to the site & witness & remember your original intentions; and however they may unfold.


Several Native American cultures consider women in menses to be at the height of her powers. For instance, the Lakota tribe would not permit a menstrual woman anywhere near warriors or healers. They believed that menstrual blood was so powerful that just the presence of such power would weaken the strength of warriors and interfere with a healer’s ability to heal. The menstrual blood serves to purify, to cleanse, renew, and it prepares the woman for higher spiritual accomplishments. Menstrual blood is LIFE GIVING and LIFE SUSTAINING. There are also native tribes that would return the sacred life-giving blood back to the earth. They would sit over seeds and let the sacred blood flow directly on the seeds or on newly planted seedlings, which indeed does give the seeds growing power.

The same ritual can be performed as above; similar to the semen ritual.

However instead; collect your blood in a moon cup OR simply bleeding into a cup freely. Then, placing the blood into a SILVER chalice or bowl. Or placing silver items on the alter alongside the blood in a captured vessel. To infuse the blood with the elements of the Moon, and the feminine guiding principles.

Place the intention inside the elixir of "What do I wish to let go off?" & "What can I create room for to receive & manifest & grow in all aspects of my life?"

On the FULL moon, place the blood over the garden or back into the earth. Upholding the strong intention as you perform the releasing & recall ritual.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe