
Friday, August 11, 2017

Manuscript summary of John Dee

The table below lists some of the titles, dates and the document references of the diary entries made by Dee.
Book #TitleDatesSource
ILiber Mysteriorium Primus
The First Book of Mysteries
22nd December 1581 – 15th March 1582Sloane Ms. 3188
IILiber Mysteriorium SecundusThe Second Book of Mysteries6th March – 21st March 1582Sloane Ms. 3188
IIILiber MysterioriumTertiusThe Third Book of Mysteries28th April – 4th May 1582Sloane Ms. 3188
IVQuartus Liber Mysteriorium
The Forth Book of Mysteries
15th November – 21st November  1583Sloane Ms. 3188
VLiber Mysteriorium QuintusThe Fifth Book of Mysteries23rd March – 18th April 1583Sloane Ms. 3188
V(i)Liber Mysteriorium Quintus AdnotatioNotes to the Fifth Book of Mysteriesno dates are ascribed to this workBodeleian Ms. 487
V(ii)Quinti Libri Mysteriorum AppendixAn Appendix to the Fifth Book of Mysteries29th March – 6th May 1583Sloane Ms. 3188
VILiber Mysteriorum Sextus et SanctusThe Sixth and Holy Book of Mysteries29th March – 6th May 1583Sloane Ms. 3189
‘A True and Faithful Relation…….’ Sloane Ms. 3190, Cotton Appendix XLVI, parts 1 & 2
VIILiber Mysteriorum (et Sancti) parallelus novalisque28th May – 4 July 1583Section 1 page 1
VIIILiber Peregrinationis PrimF (sexti Mystici paradromis)21st September 1583 – 13th March 1584Section 1, Page 33
IXMensis Mysticus Sabbaticus, pars prima ejusdem10th April – 30th April 1584Section 1, page 73
XLibri Mystica Apertorii Cracoviensis Sabbatici *7th May – 22nd May 1584Section 1, page 115
XILiber Septimi Apertorii Cracoviensis Mystici Sabbatici pars quarta (4th Part)23rd May – 12th July 1584Section 1, page 153
XIILiber Cracoviensis Mysticus Apertorius 12th July – 15th August 1584Section 1, page 203
XIIIMysteriorum Pragensium liber primus CFsereusque15th August – 7th October 1584Section 1, page 213 – 256 **
XIVMysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatio20th December 1584 – 20th March 1585Section 1, page 353
XVMysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatorum libe §20th March – 6th June 1585Section 1, page 387
XVIUnica Actiol; quF PacciFna vocetur . A°. 1585, Augusti 66th August – 6th September 1585Section 1, page 409
XVIILiber Resurrectionis. PragF, Aprilis 30. Pactum, seu FÉdus Sabbatismi 158630th April 1586 – 21st January 1587Section 1, page 418
XVIIIActio Tertia. TrebonF Generalis. l4th April – 23rd May 1587Section 2, page1
Additional Book AJesus, Omnipotens sempiterne et une Deus20th March – 7th September 1607Section 2, page 32
Additional Book BAppendix to ‘A True and Faithful Relation…’Section 3

  • * However the Dee Manuscript from which this was printed has the title:-
  • ‘Libri Septimi Apertorii Cracoviensi, Mystica Sabbatici, pars tertia, A°. 1584’
  • Together with a note: ‘Liber quartus decimus’ – meaning Book 14
  • ** Pages 257 – 352 are missing.
  • † In the original Ms. A marginal note reads :- ‘Sive potius, pars quinta libri 7mi etc., Cracoviensis’ which translates as ‘or rather the fifth part of book 7’
  • ‡ At the bottom of the first leaf in the Ms. is written ‘Liber 19us’ meaning Book 19 continuing.
  • § The title ‘Mysteriorum Cracoviensis Stephanicorum Initia Aprilis 12. 1585. Mysteria Stephanica’ has been added in Dee’s Ms.
  • l additionally – ‘Mysteriorum divinorum memorabilia, ab actionis (ex septem) tertiF, descriptF exordio, cui dies 4° Aprilis, A°. 1587, dicata fuit.’

Foundation of the Enochian System of  Magick
148 Claves AngelicF‘The Forty-Eight Angelic Keys’13th April – 13th July 1584Sloane Ms. 3191
2Liber ScientiF, Auxilli et VictoriF Terrestris‘The Book of Knowledge Aid and Earthly Victory’2nd May 1585Sloane Ms. 3191
3De Heptarchia Mystica

‘The Mysteries of the
 Seven-Fold Kingdom’
Commencing 16th November 1582Sloane Ms. 3191
4A Book of Supplications and InvocationsSloane Ms. 3191
5A Collection of Enochian MaterialSloane Ms. 307

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