
Monday, July 10, 2017

The Pyramid Texts East Wall Sarcophagus Chamber Hieroglyphs

East Wall (south to north)

Utterance 219 (continued from the South wall)

188 (cont): and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

189: In your name He-in-the-Palace-of-the Great-Oxen, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

190: In your name He-in-South-Hermopolis, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

191: In your name He-in-North-Hermopolis, may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

192: In your name He-in-the-City-of-Lakes, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

193: Your body is the body of this Unas, your flesh is the flesh of this Unas, your bones are the bones of this Unas. You go, this Unas goes. This Unas goes, you go!?

Utterance 220

194: The doors of the horizon open themselves, its bolts slide. He has come to you, Nt-(Red) Crown, he has come to you, Flame (nsr.t)-uraeus, he has come to you, Great One, he has come to you, Great of Magic, purified for you, in awe before you.

195: Be pleased with him, be pleased with his purification, be pleased with the words he says to you:
"How beautiful is your face when you are pleased, when you are new and young! A god has given you birth, the father of gods!".
He has come to you, O Great of Magic! It is Horus who fought to protect his Eye, Great of Magic.

Utterance 221

196: O nt-crown, O jnw, o Great One! O Great of Magic, O Flame-uraeus!

197: Inspire fear before Unas as fear before you, inspire dread before Unas as dread before you, ;inspire awe before Unas as awe before you, inspire love before Unas as love before you! Let him rule at the head of the living, [let him be powerful] at the head of the spirits, let his knife be firm against his enemies!

198: O jnw, [you came forth from him, he came forth from you]. the Great Ikhet [has given you birth], Ikhet-utet has adorned you, the Ikhet-utet has given birth, the Great Ikhet [has adorned you] , for you are indeed Horus who fought to protect his Eye.

Utterance 222

199: To say the words:
"Stand up upon this land [which came out of Atum, the spittle] which came out of the Becoming One! May you become over it, may you be high over it, so that your father sees you, so that [Re] sees you!

200: He [comes] to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Re, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Overthrown One, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O pndn, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Wanderer,

201: he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Great Bull, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Great Raft, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Sopdu, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Sharp-of-Teeth (Sopdu).

202: May you grant that this Unas seize the Cool Region and receive the horizon! May you grant that this Unas rule over the Nine, so that he provide the Ennead (with offerings)! May you give the herdman's staff into the hand of this Unas, so that the head of Lower and Upper Egypt be bowed.

203: He comes down (to meet) his adversary and stands up, the greatest chief in his great kingdom. Nephthys praised him after he had captured (?) his opponent.

204: You have adorned yourself as Great-of-Magic, He-in-Ombos, Lord of the South (= Seth). It will not be lost for you, it will not cease for you. Lo, you are full of glory, powerful one, more than the gods of the South, together with their spirits!

205: You who the Pregnant One ejected when you did cleave the night, adorned are you like Seth, who came out forcibly! (But) more fortunate is he whom Isis praises :

206: You have adorned yourself as Horus with the two pupils (?). It will not be lost for you, it will not cease for you. Lo, you are full of glory, powerful one, more than the gods of the North, together with their spirits!

207: You make yourself free of what should be washed away for Atum in [Heliopolis, and you go down] with him. You judge the wants in the Netherworld and stand (as king) over the places of the primeval ocean. You come into being with your father Atum, you are high with your father Atum, you rise with your father Atum. The wants (of the Netherworld) are severed from you, your head (is held) by the nurse of Heliopolis.

208: You go up and open the way through the bones of Shu (air), the embrace of your mother Nut enfolds you, you purify yourself on the horizon and leave that which should be purified from you in the Lakes of Shu.

209: You go up, you go down. You go down with Re, darkened with ndjj. You go up, you go down, you go up with Re and you rise with the Great Raft.

210: You go up, you go down, you go up with Nephtys, darkened with the Evening Barge. You go up, you go down, you go up with Isis, you rise with the Morning Barge.

211: You have power over your body, there is no one to oppose you. You are born because of Horus (in you), you are conceived because of Seth (in you). You have purified yourself in the Hawk nome (Third Nome of Lower Egypt), you have received your purification in the Uninjured-Ruler nome (Thirteenth of Lower Egypt) before your father, before Atum.

212: You have come into being, you have become high, you have become a spirit! Cool it is for you in the embrace of your father, in the embrace of Atum.

213: Atum! Elevate to you this Unas, enfold him in your embrace! This is your son of your body, eternally.

Utterance 223

214: To say the words:
"To stir up, to turn around [court ?], O! O! O Unas, stand up, sit down to the thousand of bread, to the thousand of beer! The roast of your double rib is from the slaughter house, your rth-bread from the Wide Hall [or court?].

215: As a god is supplied with the offering meal, Unas is supplied with this his bread. You have come to your soul, Osiris, who is mighty among the spirits, who is mighty in his places, who is under the protection of the Ennead in the Prince's Hall.

216: O Unas, come up to me, betake you to me, do not be far from the tomb, your protection (?)! I have given you the Eye of Horus, I have reckoned it to you, may it be pleasant for you!

217: O Unas, stand up, receive this your bread from (my) hand! O Unas, I am your helper!"

Utterance 224

218: To say the words:
"Awake, Unas! Turn around, Unas! [courtyard circular procession?] You have gone to give orders to the places of Horus, you have gone to give orders to the places of Seth, you have gone to give orders to the places of Osiris.

219: A royal offering of all your insignia,

220: in all your places! Your lotus-shaped scepter is at the head of the living, your staff is at the head of the spirits, like Anubis Khentimentiu, like Andjti at the head of the western nomes.

221: How pleasant is your condition! You become a spirit, o Unas, among your brothers the gods. How changed, how changed (is your state)! (Therefore) protect your children! Beware of your border which is on Earth! Put on your body and come towards them!
(To say) four times:

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe