
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Guardian Angels for those born under the Sign of Taurus

ACHAIAH - Patience

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 103:8“The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”

Latin name: Deus Longanimis
Report: "A broad-minded, tolerant and patient God"
Task: bring things to their original state
Angelic Order (Jewish): Chajoth if Qadesh (חיות ה קדש)
Archangel (Jewish): Metathron (מטטרון)
Angelic Order (Christian) Szeráf [Seraphim]
Allah Name (s): As-Saburo
Gemátria: 22
Constellation: Sun-Moon-Mars conjunction; -Szaturnusz-Uranus opposition
Star sign: Taurus
Dean: Mercury
Direction: North
Rate: 0-5
Material: 21.04.-25.04.
Emotional:, 15:01, 27.03, 09:06, 05:11 24.08.....
Intellectual: 2:00 to 02:19
This angel is invoked to have more patience. It facilitates the discovery of the secrets of nature and influences the propagation of light work.

Influence: Those born under the influence of this angel are very spiritual, but at the same time have their feet on the ground, look to the horizon and have their mind on the stars. Even without any opportunities for education, will have great influence and be very knowledgeable.

S/He is always “lurking” not to miss any opportunity and will have spiritual protection (intuition) to take dangerous risks, be dogged, tenacious and possess a huge need to know all sides of an issue. The influence of this angel also means one is unselfish, immensely patient and understanding with everything and everyone. Apply the knowledge of nature in machinery, be ultra sensitive to contact with plants, animals or even the human brain.

Professionally: You can be successful as an artist for television, film or working with producers in editing videos or movies. His work is marked by originality and use the technology in the dissemination of art. You can work in the marketing of new equipment or repairs to microcomputers, use of media systems and precision.

Contrary Angel: It is the enemy of light and dominates negligence, apathy, laziness and inconsistency in studies. A person under the influence of this angel is otherwise stopped, stagnant, does not keep promises, does not face difficulties and has not altruism or generosity.

Just be understanding when the evidence is in your hands. It may be a militant political party that exploits violence and will struggle to speak and be understood. The person will also be closed in his little world that appears attractive and does not realize its decadence.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Patience: Discovery of the role of patience in the Creation of the Universe; Exploration, helps to discover truth; Good use of waiting periods; Ease of execution of difficult work; Beneficial force in the use of computers and programming; Capacity to discern and discover that which has been occulted; Insight and discovery of hidden aspects; Propagator of Light (Knowledge); Facilitates media coverage through computers, television, radio, the press and publishing; Helps to pass examinations and solve difficult problems, gives us the patience for learning; Discovers hidden secrets, finds original solutions.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Impatience, rebellion, resignation; Laziness, negligence, heedlessness, ignorance; Has no desire to learn, does not study; Failed exams; Paralysis in the face of adversity; Excluded from positions of authority; Media manipulation, seeks personal glory; Incomprehension; Does not keep promises.

Situations and Common Problems

Editing; Impatience; Patience; Printing; Programmers; Recording; Television.

CAHETEL - Divine Blessings

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 95:6

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.”

Latin name: Deus Adorandus
Report: "The God of love"
Task: undo stress and negative energies
Angelic Order (Jewish): Chajoth if Qadesh (חיות ה קדש)
Archangel (Jewish): Metathron (מטטרון)
Angelic Order (Christian) Szeráf [Seraphim]
Allah Name (s): Al-Aziz & Al Azim
Gemátria: 425
Constellation: Sun-Moon conjunction; -Mars-Saturn-Uranus opposition
Star sign: Taurus
Dean: Mercury
Direction: North
Rate: 5-10 °
Material: 26.04.-30.04.
Emotional:, 16:01, 28.03, 10:06, 06:11 25.08.....
Intellectual: 2:20 to 2:39
This angel is invoked for protection from God to inspire man to rise to thank God for consumer goods from the land. This angel has control in agricultural production, especially those that are necessary for the survival of humans and animals.

Influence: Those born under the influence of this angel have harmony and balance between spirit and matter, have the maturity and mastery over self. They have a clear vision and understanding of the world and its laws and always keep moving forward. Due to their spiritual maturity, they often feel out of place among friends or relatives who have difficulty understanding them.

They follow their heart and have great intuition, being humble when they transmit their knowledge with wisdom and understanding. Not afraid of anything and always ready to travel with suitcases packed and discover new horizons. They may be pioneers in agricultural production, using modern methods and advanced technology.

Their land is their life and their home, knowing generously to share their prosperity with their closest friends and family. Although their success can be attributed to luck, they are always grateful to God for everything they receive.

Professionally: They can succeed in agronomy and veterinary medicine, especially in the field of animal reproduction. They can be wealthy landowners or merchants of agricultural products, like to grow herbs, flowers and fruit trees.

They can be dedicated to landscaping or become an expert in medicinal plants. They very curious about Bach Flowers and making perfumes with floral fragrances. Anyway, they can succeed with anything that has to do with land or nature, because they respect and uphold its laws.

Contrary Angel: Dominates pride, blasphemy, atheism and corruption. A person dominated by this angel can do everything that is harmful to agricultural production: produce only for their own profit and in their interest, burn everything and never share, produce noxious plants such as poppy and others which are harmful hallucinogens; sell infertile land and speculate for profit immediately.

May cause conflicting situations with family and behave as though they were above the law, especially those of nature. By acting this way, their activities have always been a mediocre result.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Divine Blessing; Gratitude; Materializes God’s Will; Conceiving, giving birth; Easy success, progress, helps to change one’s lifestyle; Great capacity for work, active life; Material wealth; Fertile lands, abundant harvests, food for the soul; In harmony with the Cosmic Laws; Patron of the four elements: fire, air, water and earth; Sets us free from evil spirits.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Self-interest, self-centered, predator; Material failure, ruin; Useless, sterile activities; Excessive willfulness, rigidity; Tyranny, bad temper, blasphemy; Wealth used solely for material purposes, pride; Torrential rains, floods, polluted waters; Catastrophic climate, fires; Confused feelings, aggression, transgression; Corruption, defies the law, crushes others.

Situations and Common Problems

Agriculture; Birth, giving birth; Blessings; Catastrophes; Floods; House/Home, Blessing of; Hurricanes; Materialization; Pollution; Pregnancy.

HAZIEL - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 25:6

“Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses; for they have been ever of old."

Latin name: Deus Misericors
Meaning: The mercyful God
Choir of angels (jewish): Auphanim
Archangel (jewish): Raziel
Choir of angels (christian): Cherubim

This angel helps you attain the grace of God. Dominates kindness and reconciliation, influences the words given to others and agreements made in earnest and facilitates easy financial gains for innocent people.

Influence: Those born under the influence of this angel have the grace and mercy of God, because they know and understand not to judge the mistakes of others. They know that experiences happen, so that each victory of the day to day is to be valued. They also have the protection of older and influential people for their brilliant performance in carrying out important work. In difficult times, they can count on divine providence.

They will be favoured on issues related to justice like switching and reduction of sentence, parole and others. They make loyal companions, good friends deep in their heart reigns nobility of character. Their spiritual growth is solid and assured. Despite the obstacles, they always get a well deserved triumph over any situation.

Always forgiving, even of the most serious offences, transmuting negative into positive karma that may have accumulated. They do not have feelings of guilt and ask forgiveness for their money or consumer goods, because everything has been achieved by virtue of their work. Money is not a problem in their life and may even waive fortunes if they give up their ideals. They enjoy the arts and beauty and they will be protectors of the world of cinema. Their spirituality is achieved through awareness.

Professionally: They can succeed as politicians, lawyers, judges or writers.

Contrary Angel: Master anger, arrogance and deception. The person who lets himself be dominated by this angel can also sell the spiritual sciences, trade protection for sexual favours and encourage through his writings, violent demonstrations in society.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Universal Love; Divine Mercy; Gift of forgiveness, reconciliation; Good faith; Trust, sincerity; Goodness that absolves all evil; Powerful energy that transforms all negativity; Support, encouragement, friendship, grace, favors from those in power; Promises, commitment; Altruism, unselfishness, impartiality; Childlike purity.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Absence of love, possessiveness, jealousy, passion, fear of loving and being loved; Hatred, war, non-reconciliation; Hypocritical, deceives others; Manipulates to obtain the favors of those in power; Resentment, malevolence, hostility.

Situations and Common Problems

Abandonment, Feeling of; Altruism; Children; Detachment; Femininity; Forgiveness; Goodness; Kindness; Malevolence; Mercy; Mother; Pardon; Possessiveness; Rancor, resentment; Reconciliation; Spitefulness.

ALADIAH - Divine Grace

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 33:22

“Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.”

Latin name: Deus Propitiabilis
Report: "The merciful God"
Task: Protection against the evil eye
Angelic Order (Jewish): Auphanim (אופנים)
Archangel (Jewish): Raziel (רזיאל)
Angelic Order (Christian): Cherub [Cherubim]
Allah Name (s): Ar-Rahim
Gemátria: 35
Constellation: Solar Saturn conjunction Uranus; -Where-Mars opposition
Star sign: Taurus
Dean: Moon
Direction: North
Rate: 15 to 20 °
Material: 06.05.-10:05.
Emotional:, 18:01, 30.03, 12:06, 13:06, 08:11 27.08......
Intellectual: 3:00 to 03:19
This angel is invoked against diseases and evil (negative energy and spirits).

Influence: Those born under this angel’s protection will have a good heart, always seeking to live with integrity, will be the best company to have around and will have a busy social life.

The person will be like an angel on earth, comprehensive, reserved and dedicated to their beloved. Endowed with great imagination, self confidence, flexibility and the ability to always choose the best path or opportunity.

People under this angel’s influence work hard and will spare no effort to create a fairer society, be a person with harmony, taking good care of the body, because their motto is “healthy mind in healthy body”. Understand nature and the cycles of life.

Professionally: They can be successful in medicine, hospitals, psychiatry, social work or nursing and developments in pharmaceutical or herbal medicine.

As a hobby, for their fertile imagination, can be an author of detective novels, writing imaginary or fictitious stories that will surprise people as to the accuracy of facts.

Contrary Angel: Dominates inhibition, infidelity, neglect in health and business, tendency towards drug abuse, alcohol and tobacco. A person under the influence of this angel will otherwise not know how to use his/her strength well inland. They can cover up crimes and receive contraband.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Divine Grace that absolves and pardons all faults; Dissolves all karma; Spiritual and material abundance; Innocence; Reinsertion into society; Great healing power; Regeneration, flourishing health; Helps the underprivileged; New beginnings, a second chance.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Dangerous spirituality, false guru; Squandering; Broken promises; Hidden crimes; Moral decadence; Negligence; Nonchalance, indifference, laxness; Poor health, difficult karma; Bulimia, sexual excess, lust; Prisoner, lawbreaker.

Situations and Common Problems

Charlatans; Forgiveness; Grace; Healing; Karma, Helps solve; Obesity; Pardon; Temptations; Wounds; Wounds, Healing of.

LAUVIAH - Victory

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 18:47

“The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.”

Latin name: Deus Exaltandus
Report: "The standout of God"
Exercise: Keep the date Purely
Angelic Order (Jewish): Auphanim (אופנים)
Archangel (Jewish): Raziel (רזיאל)
Angelic Order (Christian): Cherub [Cherubim]
Allah Name (s): Al-Aliya
Gemátria: 37
Constellation: Solar Mars conjunction Uranus; -Where-Saturn opposition
Star sign: Taurus
Dean: Saturn
Direction: North
Degree: 20-25
Material: 11.05.-15:05.
Emotional:, 19:01, 31.03, 13:06, 14:06 28.08, 09:11......
Intellectual: 03:20 to 03:39
This angel is invoked against the torments of the spirit, sadness and predisposes to sleep well. Favours the high sciences, discoveries and makes wonderful revelations in dreams.

Influence: Those born under this angel’s influence, have the ability to understand symbolic messages and revelations. The astral world is manifested through the unconscious, experiencing visions, premonitions, or even images of higher worlds. Their psychic abilities are manifested in the small details, such as music, poetry, literature and philosophy.

Their redemption on earth is very beautiful, because of their nobility of character; their spirit radiates a strong light. They know that the love in their heart can achieve anything, especially when the request is made for someone else in need. What they dream of they achieve. They can be the mainstay of their family or great support in the workplace.

Their material things will be achieved through great struggle and at times even suffering. They have a nice reaction, friendly and comforting to people nearby. They will understand the sadness, because they know the inner heart of the human being. They like the spirituality, philosophy and will be educated people. Their guardian angel makes them do a lot of reading, of all types, from newspapers to the specialized books.

Professionally: they can have success in activities related to medicine, philosophy, esotericism and media or as a manufacturer of toys, electrical appliances, paper (books) or pharmaceutical products, mainly those related to sleep.

Contrary Angel: Dominates atheism, life and the pernicious lie. A person under the influence of this angel may also be a false prophet or magician, a good “vivant”, attacking spiritual dogma, to manufacture drugs evil, books or objects that defend erroneous doctrines.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Victory; Renown, celebrity, success; Expertise; Life of devotion; Altruism, kindness; Receives the Light of God; Confidence, enthusiasm, joy; Successful initiations; Exalted love for Divine Work; Businesses that are useful and profitable for humanity; Can obtain anything from the great people of this world; Cosmic Organization.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Failure, envy, jealousy, pride, slander; Extravagance, ambition, greed for power; Refuses notoriety; Mediocre life; Wants only to enjoy physical resources; Uses trickery to succeed, perverse work; Aims too high or too low; Destruction by lightning, reprimand from Cosmic Intelligence; Excesses.

Situations and Common Problems

Accusations; Altruism; Calumny; Celebrity; Enthusiasm; Jealousy; Joy; Lightning; Optimism; Pride.

HAHAIA (HAHAIAH) - Refuge, Shelter

Bible scripture according to this name: Psalm 10:1

“Why standest thou afar off, O Lord why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble”

Latin name: Deus Refugium
Report: "The God of refuge"
Task: Unconditional Love
Angelic Order (Jewish): Auphanim (אופנים)
Archangel (Jewish): Raziel (רזיאל)
Angelic Order (Christian): Cherubim
Gemátria: 80
Constellation: Solar Mars conjunction Saturn; -Where-Uranus opposition
Star sign: Taurus
Dean: Saturn
Direction: North
Rate: 25 to 30 °
Material: 16.05.-20:05.
Emotional:, 20:01, 01:04, 15:06 29.08, 10:11.....
Intellectual: 03:40 to 03:59

This angel takes a strong stance against opponents and brings revelations, especially in dreams, reveals the hidden mysteries.

Influence: Those born under this angel’s influence have a strong personality, intelligence, spirituality and discretion. Their face is pleasant, their manner is gentle. S/he is serene, cordial and acts with moderation and balance, has great inner happiness and understands the world and people easely.

They will faithfully follow the teachings of this angel, studying all the information that is passed in stages, and are very didactic and thorough. Their mission will be to ensure that people study and achieve knowledge through books. They will have strong brotherly feelings and have a special gift for the caring of people abandoned in nursing homes and hospices. Always offering good advice they will be experts at calming people who are nervous.

They will always act according to the law and will be a living example though their deeds that always work. His/her inner voice is synchronized with the laws of the universe. They will succeed in the esoteric world, because the light is a natural thing in their life.

They have appreciation for the esoteric sciences, especially the Eastern. They will naturally see the auras of people, without knowing how it works, spontaneously and full of peace. His/her relationship with the opposite sex will be easy, due to their lush beauty and tremendous charisma.

Professionally: They can achieve success in activities related to medicine and psychology and may be the author of psychological treatises. As a hobby, something connected to manufacture cosmetics, prosthetics, or objects designed to improve the appearance of people with physical defects.

Contrary Angel: Master the indiscretion, inadequacy, delinquency and sexual availability. A person under the influence of this angel can use hallucinogens as a means to achieve spiritual ecstasy. They can abuse the trust of people, mostly women, molesting them sexually. Their refinement is lying to lure their victims.

Qualities (positive vibrations, gifts that can be received after invocation)

Refuge, meditation, interiorization; Likes solitude; Inner harmony through self-evaluation; Transforms destructive attitudes; Isolates negative tendencies in a circle of energy; Examination of one’s personal life; Dissolves aggression; Facilitates the interpretation of dreams, grants access to occult mysteries; Grants peace and protection; Increases psychic abilities; Positive attitude, discretion.

Distortions (low vibrations that came after abusing the qualities)

Isolation, alienation; Impulsiveness, aggression; Addictions; Negativity, indiscretion; Lies, betrayal, breach of trust; Hallucinations; Deceitful practice and wild imaginings of an unbalanced medium; Confusion between dreams and reality; Phobias: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, etc.

Situations and Common Problems

Agoraphobia; Anxiety, anguish; Clairvoyance; Dreams; Fear; Hallucinations; House/Home, Blessing of; Illusions; Insomnia; Phobia; Refuge, Finding; Sleep; Xenophobia.


  1. How do I invoke my guardian angel, was born on May 5th 1990

  2. How do I invoke my guardian angel,was born on May 5th 1990


The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe