
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The invocation of the Lord of the Air


As I am commanded, ""Speak unto the Air and I will remove all pretense of Spirit from them,"" of The Most High (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769):

I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses.
Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril.

I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril.

I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order.

I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to the Air, Spirit of Life:

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, I command you to bring forth your Essence of Motion of Light and your Essence of Motion of Darkness. Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. Air, Spirit of Life, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare not your Essence of Motion of Death upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Withhold all protection and rescue from the Fires of Hell upon the Damned! Cast your Essence of Motion upon all the world that none escape your mighty Essence of Spirit of Life.  Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, to reach out and contact all upon the Earth unto the farthest reaches of forever, that each Mind, Consciousness, Life Forces, Spirit and Soul know and obey my voice and heed my command that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, to reach the farthest limits where Spirit and Life have ventured, to cause all to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the Earth, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind be Cursed even as Canaan unto Shiloh and foreverlasting. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that wheresoever your Essence of Motion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that wheresoever your Essence of Motion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the unrighteous of the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.
Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that all the Essence of Motion you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, that none, neither man nor Nefilim, escape you, neither shall any escape the damnations I pronounce upon them: The Death of Deaths, Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High;  regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

Air, Spirit of Life, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: Air, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, Air, Spirit of Life, in all the Heavens above all the Earths and all its worlds, in all the Earths and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the Earths and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure.

As I was commanded, I have spoken to the Air, Spirit of Life and The Most High shall remove all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit from the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them.

It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH.
It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH.
It is done and shall not be undone.

I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down.

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