
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Saturn Occult Correspondences

Saturn (Saturnus) was a Roman god with a similar history to Cronus from Greek mythology. Often depicted in art wielding a scythe he was considered an agricultural god, especially associated with seed-corn. The Saturnalia festival, named after him, was one of the most important and lively events in the Roman calendar and the god also had a major temple dedicated to him in the Roman Forum of Rome.


Greek and Roman mythology are interwoven, and to many, they appear to be one and the same. While the names of the gods and goddesses may be different - Zeus morphed into Jupiter while Hades became Pluto - their diverse roles and positions in society are fairly consistent. From the time the Romans first made contact with the Greeks, their society would never be the same, becoming Hellenized, albeit reluctantly. The Romans admired all that was Greek. The wealthiest and most powerful families of Rome would even hire Greek tutors for their male children. The Republic’s (and later Roman Empire’s) literature, art, philosophy and foremost, religion would be changed forever. One of the best and earliest examples of this religious transformation would revolve around an outcast - a god driven out of Greece but finding a home on the hills of Rome. His name was Saturn.

Some authors believe Saturn existed in Roman mythology long before the “invasion” of Greek religion and associate him with the Etruscan god Satre; however, whether this is true or not is entirely speculative. As the Greek religion became more Romanized, Saturn or Saturnus, often pictured holding a scythe, became more closely associated with the Greek god Cronus, the lord of the universe and the god who devoured his own children. He was son of Uranus (sky) and Gaea (earth). After Zeus and his brothers (Poseidon and Hades) became victorious over the Titans, Saturn was expelled from the home of the Greek gods, Mt. Olympus.

Here are some common correspondences for Saturn, as recorded by Henry Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy, whose works are commonly referenced and reproduced.

Beneficial Influences: To bring forth, to make a man safe, to make a man powerful, to cause success of petitions with princes and powers. Marsilio Ficino and others also associated Saturn with intellectuals, whose minds are more lofty and divine than those of common folk. This is because Saturn is the highest planet in occult cosmology and therefore closest to God.


The name of Saturn's intelligence, responsible for the planet's beneficial influences, is Agiel. It is one of the numerous correspondences of Jupiter.


This sigil would be used to attract the beneficial influences of Saturn. According to Agrippa, this includes the ability to bring forth, to make a man safe, to make a man powerful, and to cause a success of petitions with princes and powers.

Marsilio Ficino and others also associated Saturn with intellectuals, whose minds are more lofty and divine than those of common folk. This is because Saturn is the highest planet in occult cosmology and therefore closest to God.

Baleful Influences: Hinders building and plantings i.e. growth, casts a man from honors and dignities, causes discord and quarrels, disperses armies. Saturn was traditionally held as an unfortunate planet and strongly associated with melancholy. Ficino insisted that Saturn remained hostile to non-intellectuals. (Ficino certainly included himself among the ranks of intellectuals, and also happened to be born under the influence of Saturn.)

Spirit of Saturn: Zazel

Numbers: 3, 9, 15 and 45.

Divine Names Answering to The Numbers of Saturn: Ab, Hod, Jah, Jehovah extended

Angel: Zaphkiel

Animals: Lapwing, Cuttlefish, Mole

Metal: Lead. Despite occupying the highest of the planetary spheres, Saturn, like the Moon, is considered distant from the Sun (which sits between Venus and Mars) and thus are the coldest planets in the system. As such, the lofty Saturn is associated heavy, material lead.

Stone: Onyx

The Saturnalia festival

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December.

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