
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Oracles of Zoroaster.

There is also portion for the image in the place every way splendid.

Nor should you leave the dregs of matter in die precipice.

Nor should you expel the soul from the body, lest in departing it retain something.

Direct not your attention to the immense measures of the earth; for the plant of truth is not in the earth, Nor measure the dimensions of the sun, by moans of collected rules, for it revolves by the eternal will of the father, and not for your sake. Dismiss the sounding course of the moon; for it perpetually runs through the exertions of necessity. The advancing procession of the stars is not generated for your sake. The wide-spread aerial wing of birds, and the sections of victims and viscera; are never tree: but all those are mere puerile spoils, the foundations of mercantile deception. Fly from these, it you intend to open the sacred paradise of piety, where virtue, wisdom, and equity are collected together.

Explore the river of the soul, whence, or in what order, having become a servant to body, you may again rise to that order from which you flowed, uniting operation to sacredreason.

Verge not downwards, a precipice lies under the earth, which draws through a descent of seven steps, and under which lies the throne of dire necessity.

You should never change barbarous names.

In a certain respect the world possesses intellectual inflexible sustainers.

Energise about the Hecatic sphere.

If you often invoke me, ail things will appear to you to be a lion. For neither will the convex bulk of heaven then be visible; the stars will not shine; the light of the moon will be concealed; the earth will not stand firm; but all things will be seen in thunder.

On all sides, with an unfigured soul, extend the reins of fire.

O man, thou subtle production, that art of a bold nature!

In the left-hand inward parts of Hecate is the fountain of virtue, which wholly abides within, and does not emit its virginal nature.

When you behold a sacred fire without form, shining with a leaping splendour through the profundities of the whole world, hear the voice of fire.

You should not invoke the self-conspicuous image of nature.

Nature persuades us, that there are holy daemons, and that the blossoms of depraved matter are useful and good.

The soul of mortals compels, in a certain respect, divinity into itself, possessing nothing mortal, and is wholly inebriated from deity: for it glories in the harmony under which the mortal body subsists.

The immortal depth of the soul should be the leader; but vehemently extend all your eyes upwards.

You should not defile the spirit, nor give depth to a superficies.

Seek Paradise.

The wild beasts of the earth shall inhabit thy vessel.

By extending a fiery intellect to the work of piety, you will also preserve the flowing body.

From the bosom therefore of the earth terrestrial dogs leap forth, who never exhibit a true sign to mortal man.

The Father perfected all things, and delivered them to the second intellect, which the nations of men call the first.

The furies are the bonds of men.

The paternal intellect disseminated symbols in souls.

Those souls that leave the body with violence are most pure.

The soul being a splendid fire, through the power of the father remains immortal, is the mistress of life, and possesses many perfections of the bosoms of the world.

The father did not hurl forth fear, but infused persuasion.

The father has hastily withdrawn himself, but has not shut up his proper fire, in his own intellectual power.

There is a certain intelligible which it becomes you to understand with the flower of intellect.

The expelling powers of the soul which cause her to respire, are of an unrestrained nature.

It becomes you to hasten to the light and the rays of the Father, whence a soul was imparted to you, invested with an abundance of Intellect.

All things are the progeny of one fire.

That which intellect says, it undoubtedly says by intellection.

Ha! ha! the earth from beneath bellows at these as far as to their children.

You should not increase your fate.

Nothing imperfect proceeds, according to a circular energy, from a paternal principle.

But the paternal intellect will not receive the will of the soul, till she has departed from oblivion; and has spoken the word, assuming the memory of her paternal sacred impression.

When you behold the terrestrial daemon approaching, vociferate and sacrifice the stone Mnizurim.

Learn the intelligible, for it subsists beyond intellect.

The intelligible lynges possess intellection themselves from the Father, so far as they energize intellectually, being moved by ineffable councils.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe