
Friday, June 2, 2017

Moon Lore and Magic

The Moon has been worshiped for centuries. Its powerful pull on the world is seen as proof of its magical powers. The moon is more than light in the night sky. It affects weather,create tides and will influence earthquakes. Traditions across the world links the moon with madness. Since the human body is made up of 80% of water, then we are under her spell as well, as the earth.

Timing your spell:

Waxing Moon (from new to full) - magic involving gain, increase or bringing things to you

Waning Moon (from full to dark) - magic involving decrease or sending away

Moon Phase Correspondences for Magical Workings

New Moon Magic

The New Moon is a great time for new beginnings. The three days after the New Moon are the most powerful times to work spells for growth and beginnings which should manifest at the Full Moon. The days just before the Full Moon are the most powerful times for fruition and completion. Often spells for healing or love that involve drawing something to yourself or another person over time are begun on the New Moon and work throughout the days between it and the Full Moon. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. It is also a time for beginning magical ventures or projects and spells for self improvement or beauty.

Waxing Moon Magic

This phase occurs when the moon grows from dark to full. The Waxing Moon is a time of growth as the Moon grows larger in the night sky. This moon is for constructive magic, providing energy for Magical efforts requiring growth or enhancement such as love, wealth, success, courage and luck. It is a good time for beginnings, fresh starts, and new love. Spells for courage and motivation as well as ones for inspiration are appropriate. Healing spells can also be cast during the Waxing Moon as can spells concerning friendship and elemental magic (magic directly concerning one of the five elements). The waxing phase also provides suitable conditions for planting herbs, developing a psychic awareness and increasing physical health and well-being.

Full Moon Magic

The Full Moon is a great time of power, when the Moon appears largest in the sky. The moons energy is most intense when she reaches abundant fullness. Any positive spell performed at the Full Moon will be more powerful, but it is especially connected to psychic development. It is also a prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any spell working that needs extra power or any Magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase, and it can help in such things as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions. Right now is a very good time for all kinds of workings related to anything that corresponds to the season of summer, maturity, creation, the colors silver and white, the emotional and psychic. Also, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams. Also a good time for artistic projects, love or romance spells, fertility spells, decision making (especially when divination is a part of the process), and guidance and completion spells. Spell work involving divinations and problem-solving magic are often performed during this lunar phase.

Waning Moon Magic

The shrinkage of the moon from full to dark is called the waning phase. The waning moon is used for banishing magic, for illness or for ending relationships. It offers energy suitable for recession, peaceful separation, or elimination. The Waning Moon is used to remove undesirable things from your life and ridding oneself of addictions. This is a good time for spells such as those having to do with casting out old ways, banishing bad habits, to end undesirable eating patterns, smoking, drinking, to remove yourself from dysfunctional partnerships or stressful situations, and the removal of troubles or worries. It’s energies favour any Magical effort requiring decrease or removal.

Dark Moon Magic

The Dark Moon is when the moon is not visible in the sky at all. Some Witches use this phase as a period of rest. They find it useful for regeneration and relaxation. Others prefer to use it for meditation, psychic power enhancement, or for delving into past life memories to help them better understand current difficulties or to seek an awareness of their inner self. Dark moon energy also lends itself to divination and matters where truth is an issue. Very potent for prophecy work, The Dark moon is also for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. The Dark Moon is a time for looking inward. It is about finding what lies inside of you and realizing what you do and do not like about yourself. Use it for leaning about yourself, understanding the negative things that you may find. The Black or Dark Moon is also the most auspicious time for Binding spells, banishing and neutralizing spells. The dark moon is a time for dealing with attackers. It is also a time for bringing justice to bear and a time for healing and psychic spells.

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