
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Lecture: The masonic Altar

Why Is There An Altar in the Lodge Room?

Today, the Masonic altar, within the Masonic Lodge, upon which resides the Holy Book(s), is a symbol of our place of communion with the Supreme Architect of the Universe.

However, in ancient times, they were a place of sacrifice,...atonement,...and communion with the Supreme Architect.

Today, as then, ...each of us must sacrifice ourselves up to the Great Architect, atone for our sins and only then, may we commune with Him.

Altars are usually found in sacred places such as shrines, temples and churches. All major religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, etc. have altars. Even the pagans built altars to their gods.

Historically, an altar is an elevated place, pedestal or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.

Both the Altar and its utensils were considered to be sacred, and the priests had to vest and wash their hands before touching them...even when removing the ashes from it.

The Masonic altar within the Masonic Lodge represents the sanctity of the Altar of Incense within the Holy of Holies (Sanctum Sanctorum) in King Solomon's temple.

The scriptures in the Holy books tell us that each of the men, below, erected an altar to God. God commanded that each of them build an altar unto Him and in many places in the scripture, He specified the exact material, size and even the material which the tools were made of that they should or should not use in its creation.

Their quest to commune with our Creator, even though they did not possess a Masonic altar, is the same quest which Freemasons are in search of...that of being pleasing in our Creator's eye and therefore, to receive His blessings.

While Masonic ritual is different from Church dogmas, (just as each Church/Temple's dogmas are different from one another), the desire to "reap the plenty" of God's blessings is universal.

Like each of our ancient forefathers before us, our Masonic altar is symbolic of our quest to commune with our Creator.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe