
Monday, June 5, 2017

How to Tell by a Screw, Whether Your Sweetheart Loves You or Not (Spell)

From Madam Le Marchand's Fortune Teller and Dreamers' Dictionary:

Get a small screw, such as the carpenters use for hanging closet-doors, and after making a hole in a plank with a gimlet of a proper size, put the screw in, being careful to oil the end with a little sweet oil. After having done this, take a screw-driver and drive the screw home, but you must be sure and observe how many turns it takes to get the screw in so far that it will go no farther. If it requires and odd number of turns you can rest assured that your sweetheart does not love you yet, and perhaps is enamored of some other person; but if the number of turns is an even number, be happy, for your sweetheart adores you, and lives only in the sunshine of your presence.

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