
Monday, June 19, 2017

Calendar of the Sun Rituals for Solmonath (Feburary)

Solmonath 1: Brigid's Day - Candlemas
Solmonath 2: Oya's Day
Solmonath 3: Festival of Sulis Minerva
Solmonath 4: Amaterasu's Day
Solmonath 5: Day of the Serpent
Solmonath 6: Aphrodite Genetrix's Day
Solmonath 7: Ancestor Day I
Solmonath 8: Ganymede's Day
Solmonath 9: Day of Nerthus and Wuldorfader
Solmonath 10: Anahita's Day
Solmonath 11: Tiresias's Day
Solmonath 12: Diana's Day - Protection of Wildlife
Solmonath 13: Parentalia - Day of the Ancestors
Solmonath 14: Lupercalia - Day of the Wolves
Solmonath 15: Februata - Day of Juno Februata
Solmonath 16: Victoria - Nike's Day
Solmonath 17: Fornacalia - Day of Ovens, Fornax's Day
Solmonath 18: Ishtar's Day
Solmonath 19: Beginning of Pisces
Solmonath 20: Tacita's Day - Day of Silence
Solmonath 21: Feralia - Day of Purification
Solmonath 22: Carista - Day of Peace in the Family
Solmonath 23: Feast of Friends
Solmonath 24: Regifugium - Day of the Abdication of the Sacred King
Solmonath 25: Media Hiems I
Solmonath 26: Nuit's Day
Solmonath 27: Day of the Elders
Solmonath 28: Matronalia - Day of Juno Lucina
Solmonath 29: Leap Day - Solar Day Out of Time

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