
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Calendar of the Sun Rituals for Haymonath (July)

Haymonath 1: Day of the Mother of Volcanoes
Haymonath 2: Day of Bes
Haymonath 3: Solstitium III
Haymonath 4: Solstitium IV
Haymonath 5: Aphelion Day
Haymonath 6: Solstitium V
Haymonath 7: Tanabata - Lovers of the Milky Way
Haymonath 8: Justicia II: Dike's Day
Haymonath 9: Solstitium VI
Haymonath 10: Hela's Day
Haymonath 11: Solstitium VII
Haymonath 12: Solstitium VIII
Haymonath 13: Solstitium IX
Haymonath 14: Ellegua's Day
Haymonath 15: Solstitium X
Haymonath 16: Solstitium XI
Haymonath 17: Solstitium XII
Haymonath 18: Nephthys's Day
Haymonath 19: Opet - Marriage of Isis and Osiris
Haymonath 20: Feralia IX - Day of Purification
Haymonath 21: Carista IX - Day of Peace in the Family
Haymonath 22: Beginning of Leo
Haymonath 23: Neptunalia
Haymonath 24: Day of Bast
Haymonath 25: Aegir & Ran's Day
Haymonath 26: Solstitium IV
Haymonath 27: Anansi's Day
Haymonath 28: Solstitium XIII
Haymonath 29: Susanoo's Day
Haymonath 30: Tyr's Day
Haymonath 31: Oidhche Lughnasadh (Lammas Eve)

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