
Friday, June 9, 2017

Archangel Metatron- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences

Name of Planet under rulership: Earth.
Symbol: Spiral Also see below: Metatron's Cube.
Planet Name in Hebrew: Eretz
Hebrew Meaning: Earth or Land.
Teaching Angel: Metatron.
Also Known As: Enoch, Lumiel?
Correct Pronunciation: met-ATRON
Celestial Title: Ambassador of God.
Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish and Christian Traditions.
Hebrew Name: Metatron.
Hebrew Letter: Not identified.
Egyptian Name: Thoth.
Station: Teaching Angel.
Ruler of: Not identified.
Guardian Angel of Planet: Archangel Lumiel.
Greek/Roman God of Planet: Demeter, Ceres.
Metal: Meteoritic Metal.
Day: Non identified.
Gems: Diamond, all Crystals,
Hours of Day Ruled: Between Sunset Friday and Sunrise Saturday
Month Ruled: All.
Cycle of Results: 12 Months.
Orbit: 12 Months.
Fixed Stars: Not identified.
Days to Avoid working with Angel Metatron: Not identified.
Gems: Not identified.
Ritual Candle Colour: White.
Planetary Colour: Brilliant White.
Haran / Hermetics Colour: N/A
Complimentary Colour Black.
Colour of the Pentacles of Metatron: Not identified.
Astral Colour: Not identified.
Symbol: Cord.
Tarot Card: Fool (0) and Judgment (XX).
Planetary Number: Not identified.
Talisman Sides/Size: 6.
Numbers of Earth: 0, 9, 20.
Magical Note: Not identified.
Direction Ruled: Centre.
Degree: Not identified.
Angelic Thoughtform: Not identified.
Fruit: Mistletoe
Tree: Almond.
Flower/Herbs: None identified.
Insect: Not identified.
Animals: Not identified.
Anatomy Governed: Spine, Skeletal Problems .
River Ruled: Not identified.
Letter Composition: Not identified.
Magical Script: Not identified.
Planetary Spirit: Not identified.
Planetary Intelligence: Not identified.
Olympic Spirit: Not identified.
Demon of the Day: Not identified.

Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks

General Incense:  Mastic, Frankincense, Mistletoe, Hemlock, Wolfsbane, Deadly Nightshade, Fir Tree and Coltsfoot.

Magical Oil: Grapes and Vines.

Related Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Earth.
Astrological Dates: Full Year.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Not identified.
Astrological Plant/Herbs: Not identified.
Tree: Not identified.
Metal: Iron.
Power(Gems): Diamond.
Gems: Quartz.
Colour: Brown.
Number: Not identified.
Day: Not identified.
Season: Not identified.
Tarot Card: The World (XXI).
God/Godess: Not identified.
Animal: Not identified.
Bird: Not identified
Symbolic Creature: Not identified.
Anatomy Governed: Not identified.
Body System: Not identified.
Incense: Not identified.
Scents/Oils: Not identified.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: Not identified.
Geomantic Rules: Not identified
Zodiac Sign: The Milky Way

Related Elemental Correspondences:
Earth: (See Above)

Related Kabbalistic Correspondences

Angelic Order: Chaioth ha Qadesh.
Order of Angels: Holy Living Creatures
Chief of Angels: Not identified.
Archangel: Metatron or Methattron -Angel of the Presence.
Biblical Name of God: Eheieh.
Personal Dedication: I am.
Spiritual Experience: Union with God
Sefirothic Form: Profile of an Old Man.
Sefira/Sephira: Kether.
Sephira Meaning: Crown.
Pronunciation: Keter.
Sub Creature: Not identified.
Element: Earth.
Planet: Rashith ha Gilgalim (first swirlings, the Big Bang) - Earth.
Colour: Brilliant White.
Number: 1.
Symbol: Crown.
Illusion: Attainment.
Virtue: Attainment.
Spiritual Experience: Union with God.
Tarot: The four aces.
Gem: Diamond.
Magical Weapons: Swastika, Crown and Lamp.
Perfume: Anbergris.
Plants: Almond in Flower.

Related Deities: Metatron is also sometimes equated with Lumiel, Thoth, Herme, Isis, Shekinah, Akasha, Iao, JHVH.

In Norse mythology, Metatron is aligned to Odin.

Miscellaneous Information
Metatron His names origins and meaning are still being debated, but the word looks Greek, Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix, the name may also have something to do with God's throne, or his proximity to it.

One of the Angels Of Prayer - The seven angels who convey the prayers of the saints to our creator. Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael

Metatron is the celestial high priest, Chancellor of Heaven and King of the Angels.

He was Enoch in his earthly incarnation.

It is said the Metatron has seventy names.

Metatron is considered by some to be superior to most of the Angels, including Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel.

God attached thirty-six wings to his body, and gave him three hundred and sixty-five eyes, each as bright as the sun. His body turned into celestial fire -- flesh, veins, bones, hair, all metamorphosed to glorious flame. Sparks emanated from him, and storms, whirlwind, and thunder encircled his form.

Archangel of the Cabbala at Kether or the Crown.

Metatron is sometimes taken as Male and Sandalphon Female. At other times they are called brothers.

Metatron transmits the daily orders of God to the angels Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is often identified as being the twin brother to Sandalphon, who is said to have been the prophet Elijah.

Metatron has been identified with the Prophet Enoch, as the Angel who provided humanity with the 22 Hebrew letters and the original Tarot,

Archangel Metatron Governs:

Magical Intentions
: Teach the student how to work magic and to also help you find a suitable teacher or magical group to work with. Religious In Nature, enlightenment, finding your life path, spiritual knowledge, seeing and understanding karmic paths in life.

Influences: Nerves, stress, confusion, neurosis and insomnia,

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