
Thursday, June 1, 2017

An Angel intention/attraction incantation

State your intention, then say the following:

Ariel begins it. 
Baradiel guides it. 
The Chalkydri sing it. 
Devas manifest it. 
Elohim wills it. 
The Fravashi better it.
Gabriel brings it. 
The Hafaza watch it. 
The Ischim balance it. 
Jael guards it. 
Kadmiel births it. 
Lahabiel aids it. 
Michael raises it. 
Nebo ministers it. 
Ofaniel sees it. 
Patron angels devote it. 
The Queen of angels speaks it.
Raphael inspires it. 
Sandalphon prays it. 
Thrones sanctify it. 
Uriel strengthens it. 
Vrevoil reveals it. 
Watchers protect it. 
Xathanael patrons it. 
Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it. 
Zodiac angels seal it. 
And Spirit brings it through time and space. 
So mote it be!

Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe