
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


The representation of the Tree of Life in the Outer Order temples reflects the harmony and balance of that simple and infinite diagram.

The philosophy of the Qabalah is expressed in the temple's changing patterns throughout the grade rituals and in the rhythm of activity within the rituals individually.

Regardless of nationality, religion, language, etc. of the god-forms and forces represented, they are consistently balanced and in alignment with the different levels of manifestation in the temple and on the Tree, in their attributes, functions and with the magical purpose of the ceremonies.

Systematically working through the grades can provide unexpected insights, new perspectives and a broader understanding of the synthesis of magical, religious, and scientific aspects of the Great Work as it relates to the growth and procession of the aspiring student.

The four Sephiroth of the 0=0 are the only ones shown in the Outer Order temples.

The stations and officers as appropriate, follow the Tree through the Elemental Grades from 0=0 to 4=7

Malkuth is the Sephirah of the Neophyte and Zelator grades,

Theoricus is in Yesod,
Practicus in Hod,
Philosophus in Netzach.

In a sense all Outer Order ceremonies take place in Malkuth as they never leave the world of Assiah represented macrocosmically by Malkuth.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe