
Monday, May 15, 2017

The Golden Dawn Tradition on the Tarot the Planets and their corospondances

The Ancient Elements

  • FireIntuition; Spirit; action of the will; inspiration, creativity, energy, initiative, goal directed activity;
  • EarthSensation; materiality; strength, endurance, growth; reliability; practicality; accumulation;
  • AirThinking; thought; spoken and written communication; strife and conflict; expressions of the mind
  • WaterFeeling; the action of the emotions; love and affection, dreams, desires, fantasies; pleasure, friendship, social activity, romance, receptivity

The Seven Sacred Planets of the Ancients

  • Sun = self consciousness; the will
  • Moon = emotional self; imagination; instinct
  • Mercury = individual mind; intellect and reason
  • Venus = desire nature; love; relatedness; pleasure; material prosperity
  • Mars = vital energy; sexuality; ambition
  • Jupiter = expansive growth energy; good fortune
  • Saturn = materiality; restriction; limitation; self unknowing

The Signs of the Zodiac

  • Aries = dynamic manifestation; energetic growth; birth of new potential
  • Taurus = stability; security; self substantiation; expression; permanence
  • Gemini = mental expansion; self- development; connectivity; union; duality;
  • Cancer = internalization; emotional bonding; birth; giving form to that within;
  • Leo = outward expression of self; courage; creativity; strength; determination
  • Virgo = harvesting; integration; self realization; analysis; self improvement
  • Libra = balance; karmic law; weigh and measure; practicality
  • Scorpio = desire; passion; regeneration; renewal; decay
  • Sagittarius = expansion; transformation; spiritual awareness
  • Capricorn = materialization; order; structure; sacrifice; achievement;
  • Aquarius = higher mind; relatedness; selflessness; unity; consensus
  • Pisces = spiritual waters; the psychic realm; dreams; faith; sacrifice

Golden Dawn Astrological Correspondences in The Major Arcana


The Elements

  • Elemental Fire – Judgement
  • Elemental Earth – World
  • Elemental Air – Fool
  • Elemental Water – Hanged Man

The Planets

  • Mercury – Magician
  • Moon – High Priestess
  • Venus – Empress
  • Jupiter – Wheel of Fortune
  • Mars – Tower
  • Sun – Sun
  • Saturn – World

The Star Signs

  • Aries – Emperor
  • Taurus – Hierophant
  • Gemini – Lovers
  • Cancer – Chariot
  • Leo – Strength
  • Virgo – Hermit
  • Libra – Justice
  • Scorpio – Death
  • Sagittarius – Temperance
  • Capricorn – Devil
  • Aquarius – Star
  • Pisces – Moon

Golden Dawn Astrological Correspondences in The Minor Arcana


The Suit of Cups

  • Ace of Cups – “The Root of the Powers of Water”; Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; The Water Signs of the Zodiac
  • Two of Cups – “The Lord of Love”; Venus in Cancer
  • Three of Cups – “The Lord of Joy”; Mercury in Cancer
  • Four of Cups – “The Lord of Blended Pleasure”; Moon in Cancer
  • Five of Cups – “The Lord of Pleasure Lost”; Mars in Scorpio
  • Six of Cups – “The Lord of Friendship”; Sun in Scorpio
  • Seven of Cups – “The Lord of Illusionary Success”; Venus in Scorpio
  • Eight of Cups – “The Lord of Abandoned Success”; Saturn in Pisces
  • Nine of Cups – “The Lord of Happiness”; Jupiter in Pisces
  • Ten of Cups – “The Lord of Perfected Success”; Mars in Pisces
  • Page of Cups – “The Prince of the Waters”; Earth of Water
  • Knight of Cups – “The Prince of the Chariot of the Waves”; Air of Water
  • Queen of Cups – “The Queen of the Throne of Waters”; Water of Water
  • King of Cups – “The Lord of the Waves and Waters”; Fire of Water

The Suit of Pentacles

  • Ace of Pentacles – “The Root of the Powers of the Earth”; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Two of Pentacles – “The Lord of Balance”; Jupiter in Capricorn
  • Three of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Works”; Mars in Capricorn
  • Four of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Power”; Sun in Capricorn
  • Five of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Trouble”; Mercury in Taurus
  • Six of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Success”; Moon in Taurus
  • Seven of Pentacles – “The Lord of Unfulfilled Success”; Saturn in Taurus
  • Eight of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Prudence”; Sun in Virgo
  • Nine of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Gain”; Venus in Virgo
  • Ten of Pentacles – “The Lord of Wealth”; Mercury in Virgo
  • Page of Pentacles – “The Rose of the Palace of Earth”; Earth of Earth
  • Knight of Pentacles – “The Prince of the Chariot of Earth”; Air of Earth
  • Queen of Pentacles – “The Queen of the Throne of Earth”; Water of Earth
  • King of Pentacles – “The King of the Spirits of Earth”; Fire of Earth

The Suit of Swords

  • Ace of Swords – “The Root of the Powers of Air”; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Two of Swords – “The Lord of Inner Balance”; Moon in Libra
  • Three of Swords – “The Lord of Sorrow”; Saturn in Libra
  • Four of Swords – “The Lord of Rest”; Jupiter in Libra
  • Five of Swords – “The Lord of Defeat”; Venus in Aquarius
  • Six of Swords – “The Lord of Earned Success”; Mercury in Aquarius
  • Seven of Swords – “The Lord of Shortened Force”; Moon in Aquarius
  • Eight of Swords – “The Lord of Bondage”; Jupiter in Gemini
  • Nine of Swords – “The Lord of Despair and Cruelty”; Mars in Gemini
  • Ten of Swords – “The Lord of Ruin”; Sun in Gemini
  • Page of Swords – “The Prince of the Rushing Winds”; Earth of Air
  • Knight of Swords – “Lord of the Winds and the Breezes”; Air of Air
  • Queen of Swords – “Queen of the Thrones of Air”; Water of Air
  • King of Swords – “King of the Spirits of Air”; Fire of Air

The Suit of Wands

  • Ace of Wands – “The Root of the Powers of Fire”; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; The Fire Signs of the Zodiac
  • Two of Wands – “The Lord of Dominion”; Mars in Aries
  • Three of Wands – “The Lord of Established Strength”; Sun in Aries
  • Four of Wands – “The Lord of Abundance”; Venus in Aries
  • Five of Wands – “The Lord of Strife”; Saturn in Leo
  • Six of Wands – “The Lord of Victory”; Jupiter in Leo
  • Seven of Wands – “The Lord of Courage”; Mars in Leo
  • Eight of Wands – “The Lord of Swiftness”; Mercury in Sagittarius
  • Nine of Wands – “The Lord of Strength”; Moon in Sagittarius
  • Ten of Wands – “The Lord of Oppression”; Saturn in Sagittarius
  • Page of Wands – “The Rose of the Palace of Fire”; Earth of Fire
  • Knight of Wands – “The Prince of the Chariot of Fire”; Air of Fire
  • Queen of Wands – “The Queen of the Thrones of Flame”; Water of Fire
  • King of Wands – “King of the Spirits of Fire”; Fire of Fire

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