
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Demonic Zodiac and its Rulers

(Path of Hé) The Fifth

Planetary ruler: Mars
Exalted planet: Sol
Angels ruling Houses: Ayel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Sharhiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Sateraton
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Sapatavi

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Zazer
Succedent: Behahemi
Cadent: Satonder 

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A tall, dark, restless man, with keen flame-coloured eyes, bearing a sword
Succedent: A green-clad woman, with one left bare from the ankle to the knee
Cadent: A restless man in scarlet robes, with golden bracelets on his hands and arms

Ascendant: Myrtle
Succedent: Stammonia
Cadent: Black Pepper

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Phenex (Child-voices phœnix)
Succedent: Halphas (Stock-dove with sore throat)
Cadent: Malphas (Crow with sore throat)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Aroueris
Succedent Decan: Anubis
Cadent Decan: Horus

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Assicean
Succedent: Lencher
Cadent: Asentacer

(Path of Vau) The Sixth

Sign of the Zodiac: Taurus
Planetary ruler: Venus
Exalted planet: Luna
Angels ruling Houses: Toel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Araziel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Rayel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Totath

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Kadamidi
Succedent: Minacharai
Cadent: Yakasaganotz

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A woman with long and beautiful hair, clad in flame-coloured robes
Succedent: A man of like figure (to the ascendant), with cloven hoofs like an ox
Cadent: A swarthy man with white lashes, his body elephantine with long legs; with him, a horse, a stag, and a calf

Ascendant: Costum
Succedent: Codamorns
Cadent: Cassia

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Gamigina (Little horse or ass)
Succedent: Marbas (Great Lion)
Cadent: Valefor (Lion with ass’s head, bellowing)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Raum (Crow)
Succedent: Focalor (Man with gryphon’s wings)
Cadent: Vepar (Mermaid)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Serapis
Succedent Decan: Helitomenos
Cadent Decan: Apophis

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Asicath
Succedent: Virvaso
Cadent: Aharph 

(Path of Zain) the Seventh

Sign of the Zodiac: Gemini
Planetary ruler: Mercury
Exalted planet: —
Angels ruling Houses: Giel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Sarayel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Sarash
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Ogameron

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Sagarash
Succedent: Shehadani
Cadent: Bethon

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A beautiful woman with her two horses
Succedent: An eagle-headed man, with a bow and arrow. Wears crowned steel helmet.
Cadent: A man in mail, armoured with bow, arrows, and quiver

Ascendant: Mastick
Succedent: Cinnamon
Cadent: Cypress

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Amon (1) Wolf with serpent’s tail. (2) Man with dog’s teeth and raven’s head.
Succedent: Barbatos (Accompanied by 4 noble kings and great troops)
Cadent: Paimon (Crowned king on dromedary, accompanied by many musicians)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Sabnock (Soldier with lion’s head rides pale horse)
Succedent: Shax (Steck-dove with sore throat)
Cadent: Vine (Lion on black horse carrying viper)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Taautus
Succedent Decan: Cyclops
Cadent Decan: Titan

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Thesogar
Succedent: Verasua
Cadent: Tepistosoa

(Path of Cheth) the Eighth 

Sign of the Zodiac: Cancer
Planetary ruler: Luna
Exalted planet: Jupiter
Angels ruling Houses: Kael
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Pakiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Raadar
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Akel

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Mathravash
Succedent: Rahadetz
Cadent: Alinkir

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man with distorted face and hards, a horse’s body, white feet, and a girdle of leaves
Succedent: A beautiful woman wreathed with myrtle. She holds a lyre and sings of love and gladness
Cadent: A swift-footed person, with a viper in his hand, leading dogs

Ascendant: Camphor
Succedent: Succum
Cadent: Anise

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Buer (Probably a centaur or archer)
Succedent: Gusion (Like a Xenopilus)
Cadent: Sitri (Leapard’s head and gryphon’s wings)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Bifrons (Monster)
Succedent: Uvall (Dromedary)
Cadent: Haagenti (Bull with gryphon’s wings)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Apoltun
Succedent Decan: Hecate
Cadent Decan: Mercophta

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Sothis
Succedent: Syth
Cadent: Thuismis

(Path of Teth) The Ninth

Sign of the Zodiac: Leo
Planetary ruler: Sol
Exalted planet: Uranus
Angels ruling Houses: Oel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Sharatiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Sanahem
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Zalberhith

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Losanahar
Succedent: Zachi
Cadent: Sahiber

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man in sordid raiment, with him a nobleman on horseback, accompanied by bears and dogs
Succedent: A man crowned with a white myrtle wreath, holding a bow
Cadent: A swarthy hairy man, with a drawn sword and shield

Ascendant: Olibanum
Succedent: Lyn Balsami
Cadent: Muces Muscator

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Beleth (Rider on pale horse, with many musicians. Flaming and poisonous breath)
Succedent: Leraikha (An archer in green)
Cadent: Eligos (A knight with a lance and banner, with a serpent)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Crocell (Angel)
Succedent: Furcas (Cruel ancient, with long white hair and beard, rides a pale horse, with sharp weapons)
Cadent: Balam (3 heads (bull, man, ram), snake’s tail, flaming eyes. Rides bear, carries goshawk)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Typhon
Succedent Decan: Perseus
Cadent Decan: Nephthe

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Aphruimis
Succedent: Sitlacer
Cadent: Phuonidie

(Path of Yod) The Tenth

Sign of the Zodiac: Virgo
Planetary ruler: Mercury
Exalted planet: Mercury
Angels ruling Houses: Veyel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Shelathiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Laslara
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Sasia

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Ananaurah
Succedent: Rayadyah
Cadent: Mishpar

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A virgin clad in linen, with an apple or pomegranate
Succedent: Tall, fair, large man, with him a woman holding a large black oil jar
Cadent: An old man leaning on a staff and wrapped in a mantle

Ascendant: Santal Flav
Succedent: Srorus
Cadent: Mastick

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Zepar (A soldier in red apparel and armour)
Succedent: Botis (Viper (or) Human, with teeth and 2 horns, and with a sword)
Cadent: Bathin (A strong man with a serpent’s tail, on a pale horse)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Alloces (Soldier with red leonine face and flaming eyes; rides great horse)
Succedent: Camio ( 1) Thrush. 2) Man with sharp sword seemeth to answer in burning ashes or coals of fire)
Cadent: Murmur (Warrior with ducal crown rides gryphon. Trumpeters.)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Isis
Succedent Decan: Pi-Osiris
Cadent Decan: Panotragus 

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Thumis
Succedent: Thoptius
Cadent: Aphut

(Path of Lamed) The Twelfth

Sign of the Zodiac: Libra
Planetary ruler: Venus
Exalted planet: Saturn
Angels ruling Houses: Yahal
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Khedeqial
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Thiregbon
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Achodraton 

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Tirseni
Succedent: Seharunatz
Cadent: Shekhidar 

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A dark man, in his right hand a spear and laurel branch and in his left a book.
Succedent: A man, dark, yet delicious of countenance.
Cadent: A man riding on an ass, preceded by a wolf. 

Ascendant: Galbanum
Succedent: Bofor[?]
Cadent: Mortum 

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Shalush (Soldier with ducal crown, riding a crocodile)
Succedent: Pureshun (Lion-faced man riding a bear, carrying a viper. Trumpeter with him.)
Cadent: Maratz (Like Agares) 

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Auraob (Horse)
Succedent: Nemur (Beautiflu woman, with a duchess crown tied to her waste, riding great camel.)
Cadent: Veshu (Leopard) 

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Zeuda
Succedent Decan: Omphta
Cadent Decan: Arepien 

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Serecuth
Succedent: Aterechinis
Cadent: Arepien 

(Path of Nun) The Fourteenth

Sign of the Zodiac: Scorpio
Planetary ruler: Mars
Exalted planet: -
Angels ruling Houses: Susul
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Sa'itzial
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Bithkun
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Sequneb 

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Kamutz
Succedent: Ninduhad
Cadent: Othrudial 

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man with a lance in his right hand, in his left a human head.
Succedent: A man riding a camel, with a scorpion in his hand.
Cadent: A horse and a wolf 

Ascendant: Opoponax
Succedent: As the asc.
Cadent: As for asc. 

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Iphush (Angel with lion's head, goose's feet, horse's tail)
Succedent: Ayim (Man with 3 heads-a serpent's, a man's(having 2 stars on his brow)and a calf's. Rides on viper and bears firebrand.)
Cadent: Neber (A black crane with a sore throat - he flutters) 

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Aun (Flaming fire)
Succedent: Urial (Lion on horse, with serpents tail, carries in right hand two hissing serpents)
Cadent: Nephul (Lion with gryphon's wings) 

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Arimanius
Succedent Decan: Merota
Cadent Decan: Panotragus 

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Sentacer
Succedent: Tepiseuth
Cadent: Senciner 

(Path of Samekh) The Fifteenth 

Sign of the Zodiac: Sagittarius
Planetary ruler: Jupiter
Exalted planet: -
Angels ruling Houses: Soi'a'asal
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Serimial
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Ahuz
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Lebarmim

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Mishrath
Succedent: Uhrin
Cadent: Abuhra

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man with three bodies - one black, one red, one white
Succedent: A man leading cows and, before him an ape and a bear
Cadent: A man leading another by the hair and slaying him

Ascendant: Lign-aloes
Succedent: Fol Lori
Cadent: Gaxisphillium

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Glaselbul (A dog with gryohon's wings)
Succedent: Bim (Dragon with three heads-a dog's, a man's and a gryphon's)
Cadent: Rinuf (A monster[probably a dolphin])

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Zann (Bull with gryphon's wings)
Succedent: Vales (Child with angel's wings rides a two-headed dragon)
Cadent: Andares (Angel with raven's head. Rides black wolf carries sharp sword)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Tolmophta
Succedent Decan: Tomras
Cadent Decan: Zeraph

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Eregbuo
Succedent: Sagen
Cadent: Chenen

(Path of Ayin) The Sixteenth

Sign of the Zodiac: Capricorn
Planetary ruler: Saturn
Exalted planet: Mars
Angels ruling Houses: Kashenyaiah
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Samqiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Sandali
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Aloyar

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Misnim
Succedent: Yasyasyah
Cadent: Yasgedibarodiel

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man holding in his right hand a javelin and in his left a lapwing
Succedent: A man with an ape running before him
Cadent: A man holding a book which he opens and shuts

Ascendant: Assafœtida
Succedent: Colophonum
Cadent: Cubel Pepper

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Berith (Gold-crowned soldier in red on a red horse. Bad breath.)
Succedent: Asteroth (Hurtful angel or infernal dragon, like Berot, with a viper [breath bad])
Cadent: Forneus (Sea monster)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Haures (Leopard)
Succedent: Andrealphas (Noisy peacock)
Cadent: Kimaris (Warrior on black horse)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Soda
Succedent Decan: Riruphta
Cadent Decan: Monuphta

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Themeso
Succedent: Epima
Cadent: Homoth

(Path of Tzaddi) The Eighteenth 

Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius
Planetary ruler: Saturn
Exalted planet: Neptune
Angels ruling Houses: Ansuel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Tzakmiqiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Athor
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Polayan

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Saspam
Succedent: Abdaron
Cadent: Gerodiel

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man with bowed head and a bag in his hand
Succedent: A man arrayed like a king, looking with pride and conceit on all around him
Cadent: A small-headed man dressed like a woman, and with him an old man

Ascendant: Euphorbium
Succedent: Stammonia
Cadent: Rhubarb

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Foras (A strong man in human shape)
Succedent: Asmoday (3 heads (bull, man, ram), snake’s tail, goose’s feet. Rides, with lance and banner, on a dragon)
Cadent: Gaap (Like a guide. To be kings.)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Amdusias (1. Unicorn 2. Dilatory bandmaster)
Succedent: Belial (Two beautiful angels sitting in chariot of fire)
Cadent: Decarabia (A star in a pentacle)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Brondeus
Succedent Decan: Vucula
Cadent Decan: Proteus

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Oroasoer
Succedent: Astiro
Cadent: Tepisatras

(Path of Qoph)  The Nineteenth

Sign of the Zodiac: Pisces
Planetary ruler: Jupiter
Exalted planet: Venus
Angels ruling Houses: Pasiel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs: Vakabiel
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day: Ramara
Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night: Nathdorinel

Angels of the Decantes:
Ascendant: Bihelami
Succedent: Avron
Cadent: Satrip

Magical Images of the Decans:
Ascendant: A man with two bodies, but joining their hand
Succedent: A grave man pointing to the sky
Cadent: A man of grave and thoughtful face, with a bird in his hand, before him a woman and an ass

Ascendant: Thyme
Succedent: Coxium
Cadent: Santal Alb

Goetic Demons of Decans by Day:
Ascendant: Furfur (1. Hart with fiery tail 2. Angel)
Succedent: Marchosias (Wolf with a gryphon’s wings and serpent’s tail. Breathes flames.)
Cadent: Stolas (Raven)

Goetic Demons of Decans by Night:
Ascendant: Seere (Beautiful man on winged horse)
Succedent: Dantalion (Man with many countenances, all men’s and women’s, carries a book in right hand)
Cadent: Andromalius (Man holding great serpent)

Egyptian Gods of the Zodiac:
Ascendant Decan: Rephan
Succedent Decan: Sourut
Cadent Decan: Phallophorus

Egyptian Names of the Decans:
Ascendant: Archatapias
Succedent: Thopibui
Cadent: Atembui

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