
Thursday, May 11, 2017

the 5 of Coins through the 7 of Coins and their Rulers

Five of Disks

Moon and Venus in Taurus, 21 April – 30 April.


(Deus Longanimis – The forbearing or patient God).

His attribute is Good and Patient God. He belong to the First Order of Angels which the Christians call the Choir of the Seraphim.

He’s ruling from 21th April until the 25th April inclusively, but he also presides over the following days: 26th March, 6th June, 17th August, 28th October and 8th January.

The invocation is performed from 02:00 AM to 02:20 AM.

Achaiah – governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to accomplish the most difficult tasks.

This angel rules over patience; he reveals the secrets of nature; he influences the propagation of knowledge and industry.

The person born under this influence will love to learn about useful subjects; he will glory in executing the most difficult works, and will discover many useful practices of the arts.

Meditation on this name bring: DNA of the Soul. With this Name you will receive nothing less than the full impact of the forces of Creation. It restore meaning to your life that often feels meaningless, and purpose to a world that often appears aimless. Order returns. Structure emerges. Everything is tidied up.

The negative side of this angel is the enemy of knowledge; he rules over negligence, laziness and insouciance for study.

Cahetel (or Kahetel) 

(Deus Adorandus – The adored God).

He corresponds to the holy name Moti from the Georgian language. He belong to the First Order of Angels which the Christians call the Choir of the Seraphim.

He’s ruling from 26th April until the 30th April inclusively, but he also presides over the following days: 27th March, 7th June, 18th August, 29th October and 9th January.

The invocation is performed from 02:20 AM to 02:40 AM.

Cahetel – to obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. Governs agricultural production. Inspires man to rise towards God.

He serves to obtain God’s blessing and to chase away evil spirits. This angel rules over all agricultural production, and principally those which are necessary to the existence of men and animals. He inspires man to raise himself towards God, to thank Him for all the goods He sends to the earth. The person born under this influence will love work, agriculture, the countryside and hunting, and will be very active in business.

Meditation on this name bring: Defusing Negative Energy and Stress. Purifying Light banishes the unseen ominous forces and deactivates harmful influences that may be lurking nearby, especially those that dwell inside you. Stress dissolves. Help release Pressure. Help balance and positive energy permeate in your being and your world.

The negative side of this angel provokes all that is harmful to agriculture; he incites man to blaspheme against God.

Samigina (or Gamigin) is a Great Marquis and he rules over 30 Legions of Inferiors. He appears in the form of a little horse or ass,and then changes into human shape at the request of the Magician. He speaks with a hoarse voice. He teaches all liberal sciences, and gives account of dead souls that died in sin.

Raum is a Great Earl and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits. He was of the Order of Thrones. He appears at first in the form of a crow, but after the command of the Exorcist he puts on human shape. His office is to steal treasures out King’s houses, and to carry it where he is commanded, and to destroy cities and Dignities of men, and to tell all things, past, and what is, and what will be; and to cause love between friends and foes.

Six of Disks 

Mercury in Taurus, 1 May – 10 May.

Aziel (or Haziel) 

(Deus Misericors – The mercyful God).

He corresponds to the holy name Agzi, from the language of the Abyssinians. He belong to the Second Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of the Cherubim.

He’s ruling from 1th May until the 5th May inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 28th March, 8th June, 19th August, 30th October and 10th January.

The propitious time for invocation begins 02:40 AM till 03:00 AM.

Aziel – Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, execution of a promise made. Governs good faith and reconciliation. Sincere in promises, will easily extend pardon.

He serves to obtain God’s mercy, the friendship and favours of the great, and the execution of promises made by a person. He rules over good faith and reconciliation.

Those born under this influence will be sincere in their promises, and will easily pardon those who commit and offence against them.

Meditation on this name bring: Angelic Influences. Using this Name let you access the network of angels. You can remove negative angels and their chaotic influence in your life and ignite the support and assistance of positive angels.

The negative side of this angel dominates hate and hypocrisy; he rules those who seek to deceive by all possible means; he keeps enemies irreconcilable.


(Deus Propitiabilis – The favorable God).

He corresponds to the divine names of Sire and Eipi, in the tongue of the Persians. He belong to the Second Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of the Cherubim.

He’s ruling from 6th May until the 10th May inclusively, but he also rules the following days: 29th March, 9th June, 20th August, 31st October and 11th January.

The auspicious period for invocation begins at 03:00 AM till 03:20 AM.

Aladiah – Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. Governs rage and pestilence, cure of disease. Good health, successful in his undertakings.

This angel rules against rabies and plague, and influences recovery from illnesses. The person who is born under this influence enjoys good health, and will be happy in his enterprises, esteemed by those who know him; he will frequent the most sophisticated societies.

Meditation on this name bring: Evil eye protection. Your own potential to cast the evil eye at others is diminished. A shield of positive energy surrounds you providing protection from the negative glances, looks of envy, and meanspirited intentions of others.

The negative side of this angel influences those who neglect their health and business.

Marbas is a Great President and he governs 36 Legions of Spirits. He appears at first in the form of a great lion, but afterwards, at the request of the Master, he takes on Human Shape. He answers truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causes Diseases and cure them. Again, he gives great Wisdom and Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into other shapes.

Focalor (or Forcalor, or Furcalor) is a Mighty and Strong Duke and he governs 30 Legions of Spirits. He also has hopes to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,000 years.

He appears in the form of a man with gryphon’s wings. His office is to slay men, and to drown them in the waters, and to overthrow ships of war, for he has power over both winds and seas; but he will not hurt any man or thing if he is commanded to the contrary by the Exorcist.

Seven of Disks 

Saturn in Taurus, 11 May – 21 May.


(Deus Exaltandus – the exalted or praised God).

It corresponds to the holy name Deus from the Latin tongue. He belong to the Second Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of the Cherubim.

He’s ruling from 11th May until the 15th May inclusively, but he also rules the following days: 30th March, 10th June, 21th August, 1st November and 12th January.

The propitious time for invocation begins at 3:20 AM till 3:40 AM.

Lauviah – Against lightning and for the obtainment of victory. Governs renown. Great personage, learned, celebrated for personal talents.

He serves against lightning and to obtain victory. This angel rules renown; he influences great persons, the wise, and all those who become famous through their talents.

Meditation on this name bring: Banishing the Remnants of Evil. The Light of this Name deactivates negative energy and cleanses your environment.

The negative side of this angel rules pride, ambition, jealousy and slander.


(Deus Refugium – God the refuge).

He corresponds to the holy name Theos from the Greek tongue. He belong to the Second Order of Angels, which the Christians calls the Choir of the Cherubim.

He’s ruling from 16th May until the 21st May inclusively, but he also rules over the following days: 31st March, 11th June, 22nd August, 2nd November and 13th January.

The auspicious period for invocation begins at 3:40 AM and lasts till 4:00 AM.

Hahaiah – Against adversity. Governs dreams. Mysteries hidden from mortals. Gentle, witty, discreet manners.

He rules over depths, and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals. He influences wise, spiritual and discreet persons.

A person born under this influence has affable habits, a pleasant physiognomy and agreeable manners.

Meditation on this name bring: Unconditional love. Help you to give love to all human kind and by that bring love into your life. Create harmony between yourself and other people and between humanity and the natural world.

The negative side of this angel rules indiscretion and untruth; he rules over all those who abuse peoples’ trust.

Valefor is a mighty Duke and He governs 10 Legions of Spirits. He appears in the shape of a Lion with an Ass’s Head, bellowing.

He is a good Familiar, but tempts the Magician to steal. His Seal is to be worn, whether you will have him for a Familiar, or not.

Vepar (or Vapar, or Vephar) is one of the few known female Spirits, she is a Great and Strong Duke, and appears like a Mermaid. She governs 29 Legions of Spirits.

Her office is to govern the waters, and to guide ships laden with arms, armour, and ammunition, etc.
At the request of the Exorcist she can cause the seas to be stormy and to appear full of ships. Also she makes men to die in three days by putrefying wounds or sores causing worms to breed in them.

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