
Monday, May 8, 2017

My thoughts on the recent elections

If any of you have been following recent events then you would have heard about the elections going on around the world. U.K. Germany, France, South Korea, and not just that but also a trend that I find to be rather clownish when you have in nearly every election two parties who put side by side carry the same lines of thought; Le Pen and Trump come to mind.

So what's with this trend towards global world power were no matter where you are there are only two parties and these two parties rule the world?

Not only do I find these acts a farce but to be damaging to the natural flow of things work in the world. You can not force change to happen and expect things to 'work' out and the path I see is divide and conquer, blacks vs. them what ever them are, Dems vs. Rep. and the media wants you to buy into this after all if no one watched then why have a channel.

So what does this train of thought have to do with witchcraft and the occult. In a word Perspective, and true power to the sciences is to understand that you and only you have the power of how to think, power is not letting others bend your mind but you taking what you see and you make your own mind and you decide what is real and what isn't and the best part is You decide what is real and you make that choice and ALL power comes from within.


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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe