
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Invocation of Maat

The Egyptian goddess of truth, fairness, and justice, Ma'at is the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and consort/wife of the magical scribe god, Thoth. Legend says that when Ra created the world, he created his daughter to be the embodiment of integrity.

Ma'at is the goddess of fairness, integrity, promises, truth, and justice. Her symbol is the feather, which she uses with a scale of justice to weigh the heaviness of guilt or deceit within a newly deceased soul's heart.

She has impeccable abilities to discern true character, honesty, and motives in people. Invoke Ma'at to keep dishonest individuals and situations away from you, and for protection against dark or lower energies. If Maat deems your motives to be pure, she'll treat you with the warmest love. If not, then she may put you through trials of purification—or you can engage in rituals, lifestyle changes, affirmations, and ceremonies to avert her trials and bring you her comradeship. She doesn't judge; she's truth itself. Ma'at also oversees legal matters to ensure harmony and honesty.

Helps with:
  • Addictions and cravings, overcoming
  • Clarification in confusing situations
  • Discerning the truth, and integrity in others
  • Divine magic
  • Integrity and commitments—for oneself and others
  • Orderliness
  • Protection against deceit and manipulation
  • Purifying the body


If you're confused or undecided about a situation, ask Maat to help you clarify your true feelings and intentions. She'll give you insight into the other people involved in the situation as well. Before you call upon her, though, be absolutely certain that you're willing to face the truth and possibly receive information that you don't want to know (such as being told about someone's lack of integrity, for example).

When you're ready to work with Maat, show her respect by sitting upright. Then say:

"Beloved and Powerful Maat, please come to me now. You are the shower of truth and integrity, and I need you to Shine your light upon [describe the situation or name the person involved]. Please shine the light of truth onto my mind and heart, helping me feel and know its wisdom. Please help me release any narrow thinking that could blind me to the facts, and help me use the truth as the foundation for all actions. Thank you."

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe