
Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Conjuration of the Kings Princes and Dukes of Hell

The Conjurations Appropriate to Each Rank 

The Conjuration of the Wandring Princes: 

"I Conjure thee O thou Mighty & Potent Prince Bydiel, who wanders here & there in the Air, with thy Dukes & other (of) thy servants Spirits, I Conjure thee Bydiel that thou forthwith appear with thy Attendance (Attendants), in this first hour of the day, here before me in this Crystal Stone [or here before this Circle] in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you..." Note this mark:  |*| in the Conjuration following & go on (from) there as it follows. [That is, in the Conjuration of the Dukes that do not Wander, below. -- Ed.]

The Conjuration of the Princes that Govern the Points of the Compass: 

"I Conjure thee O thou Mighty & Potent Prince Pamersiel, who ruleth as (a) King in the Dominion of the East under the Great Emperer Carnatiel, I Conjure thee Pamersiel that you forthwith appear with thy attendents in this first hour of the day, here before me in this Crystal Stone [or here before this circle] in a fair & comely shape to (do) my will in all things that I shall desire of you..." & observe this (mark) |*| in the Conjuration (that follows) and go on as followeth.

The Conjuration of the 4 Empires (Emperors): 

"I Conjure thee O thou great & Mighty & Potent Prince Carnatiel who is the the Emperor & Chief King Ruling in the Dominion of the East, I Conjure (thee) Carnatiel that thou forthwith appear..." & observe this mark |^| & go on (from) there in the following Conjuration.

The Conjuration To the Wandring Dukes, how to call them forth and any other Dukes that doth not Wander, only leaving out [Wandering here & there (in the Air)] and only for (the) Prince say Duke: 
"I Conjure thee O thou Mighty & Potent Duke N, who wanderest here & there with thy Prince N, & other (of) his & thy servants in the Air, I Conjure thee N that thou forthwith appear.." & note this mark |^| & go on (from) there in the following Conjuration.

The Conjuration of those Dukes that do not Wander but belong to the Princes that Govern the points of the Compass: 

"I Conjure thee O thou Mighty Duke N, Who rulest under the Prince or King N, in the Dominion of the East, I Conjure thee N, that thou appear forthwith |^| alone or with thy servants, in this first [or second] hour of the day, here before me in this Crystal Stone [or before this Circle] in a fair & comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire or request of you.  |*| I conjure & powerfully command you N by him that said the word & it was done & by all the holy & powerful names of God who is the only Creator of Heaven and Earth and Hell & what is Contained in them, Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion,

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