
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Angels and the corresponding elements

These Angels possess certain powers over the planets they administer as a kind of governor or ruling prince.  By custom the angelic rulers of the planets are headed collectively by the angel Rahatiel (prince of the constellations).

The list of planets was connected intimately with astrology and was formulated based upon the concept of the seven planets:

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, along with the Sun and the Moon.

(Though Earth was considered a planet it is where we live. The 7 are about the influences other planets have on us.  Uranus and Neptune had not been discovered with this concept was conceived.

Sun: Michael
Moon: Gabriel
Mercury: Raphael
Venus: Ariel
Mars: Uriel
Jupiter: Zadkiel & Zachariel
Saturn: Orifiel & Zaphiel

Earth is governed by 7 angels: Arariel, Ashriel, Boel, Charoum, Derdekea, Orifiel, & Suriel

Angels of the Elements

These angels govern the four elements.

Water: Gabriel
Earth: Uriel
Air: Raphael
Fire: Michael

Angels of the 8 Directions

These angels govern the eight directions. There are other angels who serve these angels governing each directoin.

North: Gabriel
South: Uriel
East: Michael
West: Raphael
Northeast: Charoum
Northwest: Penat
Southeast: Cedar
Southwest: Naoutha

Angels of the Four Winds

These angels govern the four winds. There are other angels who serve these angels governing the four winds.

North Wind: Michael
South Wind: Raphael
East Wind: Uriel
West Wind: Gabriel

The Governing Angels of the Four Seasons


Governing Angel: Talvi

Governing Sign of the Season's Approach: Spugliguel

Serving Angels: Amatiel, Caracasa, Core, Commissoros


Governing Angel: Casamaran

Governing Sign of the Season's Approach: Tubiel

Serving Angels: Gargatel, Gaviel, & Tariel


Governing Angel: Ardarnel

Governing Sign of the Season's Approach: Torquaret

Serving Angels: Tahquamn, Guabarel


Governing Angel: Farlas

Governing Sign of the Season's Approach: Attarib

Serving Angels: Amabael, & Cetarari

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe