
Sunday, April 9, 2017

How to Make Magickal Talismans and Amulets

The words talisman and amulet are used interchangeably by many people, but the objects serve different purposes. A magickal talisman is any physical object that has been deliberately charged with energy to attract a specified condition into the life of the person who uses it (health, wealth, success or love, for example). An amulet, on the other hand, is any magickally charged physical object that serves to protect its user from harm (providing psychic protection, guarding against accidents, and so on). It could therefore be said that a talisman is a power object which attracts desired conditions, whilst an amulet is a power object that repels undesired conditions.

Talismans and amulets have been used in many different cultures for thousands of years and come in all manner of shapes, sizes and forms, but the majority are small enough to be carried or worn by an individual. In previous centuries, where belief in angels, demons and deities associated with specific conditions was much more common than it is today, talismans and amulets often featured a depiction of the entity that corresponded with the desired condition, but as the centuries passed, that trend evolved into a more symbolic depiction of the desired condition itself.

Crafting your own magickal talisman or amulet is a relatively straightforward matter, so if you have a condition that you would like to attract into your life, or something that you would like to protect yourself against, you can do so. The first step of the procedure is to define the magickal objective that you want to achieve, as follows:

Step 1 – Define the Magickal Objective

One of the most important things to do in any magickal work is to define exactly what your desired objective is, and when crafting a talisman or amulet you need to be specific about what the objective is without prescribing how that objective should be met.

When creating a talisman, try to encapsulate, in just one or two words, the desired condition that you want to attract into your life. Some examples of objectives that have traditionally been associated with the creation of magickal talismans are:

Good Luck
Career Success
Business Success

When creating an amulet, which exists to protect you from an undesired condition, you need to define, in as few words as possible, the purpose that the amulet will serve. Some examples that have traditionally been associated with the creation of magickal amulets are:

Psychic Protection
Personal Safety
Safe Travel

It is recommended that you create a talisman or amulet for your most pressing need at the time, as that will make the later energy-charging stage of the process more effective. When you have defined the magickal objective of your talisman or amulet, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2 – Choose the Form

The most common forms chosen for modern talismans and amulets are coins, pendants, rings, bracelets, key fobs, parchment cards and handkerchiefs. The form that you choose for your talisman or amulet should meet three criteria. It should:

1 – Make it practical for you to carry on your person.
2 – Correspond with the magickal objective that you defined in Step 1.
3 – Satisfying your personal aesthetic preferences.

For example, if you wanted to create a Wealth talisman, you might decide that a coin or banknote would be practical to carry on your person as well as corresponding with the objective of attracting more wealth into your life. You might then choose to use the form of a banknote rather than a coin simply because your personal preference is for a paper talisman over a metal one.

It should be noted that a neutral form with no pre-existing correspondence to your defined objective can be adopted for your talisman or amulet as long as a symbolic correspondence is added later. For example, a blank piece of parchment or a blank ‘dog tag’ disc of metal can be chosen for Wealth, Love or Success with equal suitability because a symbolic correspondence to any of those things can be inscribed in the next step of the process.

Step 3 – Design an Inscription

Whether or not your chosen form has any innate correspondence with your defined magickal objective, you should design an inscription that will make the talisman or amulet your own unique power object. The design of the inscription can be as simple or intricate as you wish, and it can comprise words (in any language), imagery, or a combination of both words and imagery. The only rule is that your inscription must represent, to you, the desired magickal objective.

For example, if you have selected a banknote as your chosen form for a Wealth talisman, your inscription could be as simple as a currency sign ($, £, €, and so on) drawn in green ink (green is traditionally associated with money and wealth, as well as abundant growth in other areas). On the other hand, you might prefer your inscription to depict a mighty oak tree, because you associate trees with wealth and abundance, and you might also prefer to depict that tree bearing currency symbols for leaves.

It is recommended that you experiment with several inscription ideas in a notebook before settling on a final design, as the act of designing one inscription can itself inspire different ones that resonate with you more deeply. Spend as long as you like on this activity so that you design an inscription that you are completely happy with, rather than rushing and regretting your haste later.

Step 4 – Inscribe the Form

The act of inscribing your chosen form with your inscription is itself a magickal act, so you should carry it out with the care and solemnity it deserves. Make sure that you will not be disturbed, arrange your environment in such a manner that befits the task at hand (dimming the lights, burning incense, and so on) and give the inscription your complete attention.

You can inscribe your chosen form in whatever manner best suits that form. Paper and card can be inscribed with any kind of waterproof ink, a metal surface can be engraved or painted with a metal-friendly substance, wood and leather can be carved into, and so on.

Take your time when inscribing your form so as to do it to the best of your ability. You do not need to produce a work or art, so do not worry about replicating your design perfectly, but do make sure that you focus your mind on the meaning of the design as you inscribe it.

Step 5 – Charge the Form

The fifth and final step to creating a magickal talisman or amulet is to charge the form with your personal spiritual energy. It is this step that transforms the object from a simple personal effect into a genuine object of magickal power, so you should once again make sure that you will not be disturbed for the duration of the charging. Also take whatever steps you deem necessary to prepare the environment for the event, such as dimming the lights and burning incense.

With the environment prepared, sit in a comfortable position and set your inscribed form before you. Close your eyes and take seven slow, deep breaths to calm and centre yourself, then use your visualization ability to imagine, as vividly as you can, living with the desired condition in your life. Be sure to invest this visualization with as much emotion as you can muster.

For example, if you are creating a talisman for Business Success you would imagine experiencing everything that such success would mean to you. You might imagine shaking hands with someone as you close a big deal, winning awards, seeing yourself on the cover of an industry magazine, opening a new international office, and so on. You would allow yourself to feel emotions of pride, success and achievement.

Allow the emotion of experiencing the magickal objective build within you, and imagine it filling you with an incredibly bright energy. See the light of the energy intensify as you continue to experience the emotions, and then, when the emotions are at their peak, open your eyes and take the inscribed form into your hands. Visualize the energy of the emotions radiating like laser beams from your eyes and into the inscribed form in your hands. Imagine the inscription glowing with the same intense light as the charging takes place.

Now close your eyes and, as before, take seven slow, deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax. Continue sitting for as long as you feel inclined to do so, then open your eyes when you are ready.

Using Your Power Object

At this stage your inscribed form is a fully-fledged power object. You should carry it on your person as you go about your daily business, and every time that you notice it you should visualize the inscription glowing as intensely as it did during charging. There is no more effort to be invested – simply remind yourself from time to time that your talisman or amulet is working around the clock on your behalf to bring more and more of the desired condition into your life, and enjoy the results.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe