
Table of TAROT Correspondences

Signific. Gematria Astrology Alchemy
0 The Fool Yellow E Aleph bull 1 Uranus Air
1 The Magician Yellow E Beth house 2 Mercury Mercury
2 The High Priestess Blue G # Gimel camel 3 Moon Silver
3 The Empress Green F # Daleth door 4 Venus Copper
4 The Emperor Red C Heh window 5 Aries Fiery
5 The Hierophant Red-Orange C # Vav hook 6 Taurus Earthy
6 The Lovers Orange D Zaïn sword 7 Gemini Airy
7 The Chariot Orange- Yellow D # Cheth fence 8 Cancer Watery
8 Strength Yellow E Teth serpent 9 Leo Fiery
9 The Hermit Yellow-Green F Yod open hand 10 Virgo Earthy
10 The Wheel of Fortune Violet A # Kaph closed hand 20 Jupiter Tin
11 Justice Green F # Lamed ox goad 30 Libra Airy
12 The Hanged Man Blue G # Mem water 40 Neptune Water
13 Death Blue-Green G Nun fish 50 Scorpio Watery
14 Temperance Blue G # Samekh prop 60 Sagittarius Fiery
15 The Devil Blue-Violet A Ayin eye 70 Capricorn Earthy
16 The Tower Red C Peh mouth 80 Mars Iron
17 The Star Violet A # Tzaddi fish-hook 90 Aquarius Airy
18 The Moon Violet-Red B Qoph back of  head 100 Pisces Watery
19 The Sun Orange D Resh head 200 Sun Gold
20 Judgement Red C Shin tooth 300 Pluto Fire
21 The World Blue-Violet A Tav mark 400 Saturn Lead

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