

Sun sextile or trine: The vital, venturesome, dignified and authoritative Sun.

Sun square or opposition
: The lazy, ambitionless, despotic and cowardly Sun.

Venus sextile or trine: The harmonious, artistic, beautiful, lovely, cheerful and suave Venus.

Venus square or opposition: The dissolute, sensual, vulgar, slothful, loud and lazy Venus.

Mercury sextile or trine: The quick-witted, versatile, eloquent, literary, adroit and dexterous Mercury.

Mercury square or opposition: The restless, shiftless, profane, gossipy, demagogic, dishonest, untruthful, forgetful, and clumsy Mercury.

Moon sextile or trine: The magnetic, imaginative, plastic and changeable Moon.

Moon square or opposition: The negative, procrastinating, dreamy, vacillating, visionary, frivolous, childish and worrisome Moon.

Saturn sextile or trine: The cautious, deliberate, methodical, persevering, tactful, thoughtful and thrifty Saturn.

Saturn square or opposition: The malicious, materialistic, melancholy, pessimistic, avaricious, obstructive, secretive and worrisome Saturn.

Jupiter sextile or trine: The law-abiding, charitable, conservative, reverent, optimistic, opulent and benevolent Jupiter.

Jupiter square or opposition: The indolent, procrastinating, bombastic, ostentatious, prodigal, dissipated and lawless Jupiter.

Mars sextile or trine: The gallant, enterprising, energetic, enthusiastic and constructive Mars.

Mars square or opposition: The coarse, combative, egotistic, discordant, destructive, passionate, audacious, impulsive and hot-tempered Mars.

Uranus sextile or trine: The advanced, romantic, original, independent, liberty-loving and inventive Uranus.

Uranus square or opposition: The licentious, unconventional, fanatical and irresponsible Uranus.

Neptune sextile or trine: The occult, prophetic, inspirational, spiritual, devotional and musical Neptune.

Neptune square or opposition: The fraudulent, vague, deceptive, dishonest and mediumistic Neptune.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe