

When there are no planets on the Ascendant the rising sign has considerable influence on the type of mind.

Aries rising gives an energetic, enthusiastic and ambitious type of mind, but inclined to rash and impulsive acts and a quick temper.

Taurus rising gives a stubborn, headstrong and selfish nature, envious, covetous and malicious when angered.

Gemini rising gives a quick, alert and versatile mind, easily adaptable to conditions but so fluidic that it lacks the ability absolutely essential to sustained effort and lasting success.

Cancer rising gives a negative, imaginative and receptive type of mind, sometimes of a rather morbid nature, reserved and mistrustful; but when such a person has made up his mind to do something he is usually very tenacious in his adherence to his ideas; sympathetic, hospitable and kind.

Leo rising gives a frank, open, ambitious mind; a powerful will and a proud, honorable and kind disposition but inclined to be hasty, quick- tempered, sensual and apt to go to extremes.

Virgo gives a critical, scheming and ingenious mind, able to evolve ideas galore but usually lacking the initiative to carry them out unless prodded by others. These people are very selfish, self-centered and reserved. They do not take other people into their confidence and they seldom become really familiar with anyone.

Libra rising gives an easy-going but kindly and sympathetic type of mind which is unable to grasp or cope with the exigencies of existence. Therefore these people drift along the stream of life, taking as much of the sweet as they can get and using every effort to avoid the bitter. They crave approbation and in return adore their friends and are usually bound up in them.

Scorpio rising gives a dual type of mind. This is one of the most mystical of the twelve signs. Some times it is symbolized as an eagle representing the lofty, aspiring type soaring as does the eagle into the ether. At other times it is typified as a serpent which crawls in the dust, and again as a scorpion. There is also considerable occult significance in the fact that the serpent has the sting in its head and the scorpion has it in its tail. But for the present purpose we will judge the two latter as one.

The Scorpio type of mind denoted by the eagle is thoughtful, reserved and inclined to lofty ideals' dignified in demeanor, proud and with perfect control of the temper. These people are very reserved and generally keep their own counsel.

The other type when Scorpio is represented by the serpent is entirely different; deceitful, shrewd and secretive; past finding out; sensual and unforgiving; jealous and passionate, with a very sharp tongue and fiery temper.

Sagittarius rising gives an energetic, aspiring, benevolent mind but rather lacking in ambition. These people are usually of an ardent, affectionate disposition and sometimes very demonstrative.

Capricorn rising gives a tactful, diplomatic, deep and thoughtful type of mind but selfish, envious and covetous. These people are apt to get into a rut and become very narrow, and when they are crossed they hold spite and plan revenge. They are self-reliant and persistent in whatever they undertake.

Aquarius rising gives a good intellect, a friendly, sympathetic and humane disposition, but these people are very original and independent; they will brook no interference with their vagaries and pursue their own course regardless of what others say or think, sometimes even against their own reason and just to assert their independence.

Pisces rising gives a sentimental and romantic type of mind, inclined to worry and restlessness, apt to turn to the occult, and to mystical ideas. The mind is very sensitive and often takes in the conditions of others with the effect of unsettling and troubling the person.

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe