
Lecture: The Cambion

A cambion is a mythical half-human offspring of a succubus and an incubus, using the reproductive services of a human male and female.

According to lore, demons such as the succubus and incubus are incapable of reproduction so they must mate with humans. The process of conceiving a cambion requires several steps:

  • A succubus mates with a human male and acquires a sample of his sperm.
  • The succubus passes the sperm to an incubus.
  • The incubus mates with a human female and impregnates her with the human sperm.

Cambions are born normally and appear fully human except they have no pulse or breath. They continue to appear human until about the age of seven years, after which they begin showing their demonic origins more overtly.

The typical cambion is cunning and evil, with a beautiful, alluring appearance and ability to control other people. Cambions are sometimes referred to as sexual vampires due to the way they entice their victims into sexual activity for an evil purpose.

It is worth noting that a cambion is conceived entirely from human donors (egg and sperm), which has lead to much discussion about why the child is not also fully human. The Malleus Maleficarum text goes into great detail, citing biblical and other sources, before concluding that the method outlined above is accurate.

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