
Lecture: Demon Duke VALEFOR


Sigil of Valefor
The Sixth Spirit is Valefor. He is a mighty Duke, and appeareth in the shape of a Lion with an Ass's Head, bellowing. He is a good Familiar, but tempteth them he is a familiar of to steal. He governeth 10 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which is to be worn, whether thou wilt have him for a Familiar, or not.

Source: [The Lesser Key of Solomon ]

The 6th spirit is Valefar -- he is a Mighty Duke, & appears in ye form of a Lion with a mans head Lowering, he is a good familiar, but tempts those he is familiar with to steal, he governs 10 Legions of spirits, this is his seal to worn constantly if you have his familiarity. Else not.

Source: [Ars Goetia ]

(14) Valefar, alias Malephar [Malaphar], is a strong duke, coming forth in the shape of a lion, and the head of a theefe [or "barking"], he is very familiar with them to whom he makes himself acquainted, till he hath brought them to the gallows, and rules ten legions.

Source: [Pseudomonarchia Daemonum ]

Valefor is an expert at occult medicine, and can cure any and all ills through the powers of the mind and soul. He bestows dexterity with ones hands and makes one's mind sharp.

Valefor has a large head like Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a greenish complexion with dark pronounced eyebrows. He has huge white feathery wings.

Source: [Serpentis666 ]

Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Direction: West
Metal: Copper
Color: Green
Incense: Sandalwood
Corresponding Angel: » LEHAHEL

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Aries
April 15th-19th
Tarot Card: 4 of Rods
Planet: Jupiter
Candle Color: Pink
Plant: Dandelion
Metal: Tin
Element: Fire
Valefor is a Day Demon and rules 10 legions of spirits


Get your plagues me because your hands get lost his power. [ Psalm 9:11 ]
Latin name: Deus Laudabilis  "God is worthy of praise"
Exercise: The subliminal messages of understanding
Angelic Order (Jewish): Chajoth if Qadesh (חיות ה קדש)
Archangel (Jewish): Metathron (מטטרון)
Angelic Order (Christian) Szeráf [Seraphim]
Allah Name (s): Al-Hamid
Gemátria: 65
Constellation: Sun-Moon-Saturn conjunction; -Mars-Uranus opposition
Zodiac: Aries
Dean: Venus
Direction: South
Rate: 25 to 30 °
Material: 15.04.-20:04.
Emotional:, 14:01, 26.03, 23:08 8:06, 4:11.....
Intellectual: 01:40 to 01:59

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