
Lecture: Demon Duke GUSION

 Gusion - Duke

He appeareth like a Xenopilus. He telleth all things, Past, Present and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits.

Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Direction: North
Metal: Copper
Incense: Sandalwood
Corresponding Angel: » LAUVIAH
aka: Gusoyn, Gusoin, Gusayn
Strongest: Middle of May
Demon Summoning: Daytime, yellow candles, lead (metal), aloeZodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Taurus
May 10th-14th
Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles

His Seal is this, the which wear as aforesaid.

Above all other things, the demon Gusion is a diplomat. As one of the Dukes of the demon spirit world, he is known to be a blunt, but honest speaker. He seems to take his role of intermediary between the spirit world and the living very seriously, and will answer all questions as long as they are related to his particular skills and interests.

If Gusion were a human, he would be a master of public relations. He can turn even the most hated people into the most beloved and can grant high-level honors, awards, and positions to those who are dedicated to him. He likes to be straight to the point and doesn't like to waste time talking about things that are irrelevant to his line of work. Like many demons, he has the power to see into the past and future, but once again will only bother doing so if it is relevant to the task at hand or the specific questions being asked.

Pseudomonarchia daemonum – Johann Wier (1583) (quoted)

Gusoin (Gusoyn) is a great duke, and a strong, appearing in the forme of a Xenophilus, he answereth all things, present, past, and to come, expounding all questions. He reconcileth freendship, and distributeth honours and dignities, and ruleth over fourtie [and five] legions of divels.

Goetia – S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904) (quoted)

The Eleventh Spirit in order is a great and strong Duke, called Gusion. He appeareth like a Xenopilus. He telleth all things, Past, Present, and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid.

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